Specific Objectives
Specific Objectives in 2002:
- implement new statistical parameters in the ENSEMBLE system to produce ensemble dispersion forecast;
- perform of 3 to 5 model-training exercises using the ENSEMBLE system including the participation to the next INEX exercise;
- complete the ESCOMPTE_INT-2000 mesoscale model evaluation study on atmospheric transport and dispersion, with a final report and opening of the web site to the public for direct access to model results;
- start the ESCOMPTE-2000 part II mesoscale model evaluation study including the use of air quality data;
- radioactive effluent discharges database (in liaison with IAEA and OSPAR);
- further improve the EURDEP Web-site with the visualisation of the daily
(routine) and two-hourly (emergency) radioactivity data as provided by the European national monitoring networks;
- improvement of the data-exchange concept for EURDEP and its subsequent implementation;
- rewrite the EURDEP Aggregation software in order to make it compatible with the new EURDEP format and new data-exchange concept and to upload the data in the EURDEP database;
- interface of the output produced by RTMOD/Envelope to the EURDEP database;
- improvements of the ECURIE software (CoDecS): increased security, permanent Internet connection. Further testing and debugging;
- distribute of the CoDecS to the EU Candidate States. Organize training sessions for the users. Creation of DVD with interactive training for the CoDecS software;
- achieve a common EC / IAEA requirement for new ECURIE software that can be used by the EU member states to report nuclear accidents to both the EC and the IAEA;
- tune the current REM database structure and improve the data upload software in view of facilitating the data transfer from the EU Member States;
- Expand the procedures and tools for data transfer to the Candidate States: this is to be done under the REM PECO project;
- migrate the annual reports on environmental radioactivity to electronic publishing (CD, Web-site);
- Changes in the scientific content and the scientific programme for the coming years;
- support for developing a new database (ESOREX) on doses for all professionally exposed workers;
- additional support for mapping (cross-correlation of contamination data and land-cover data, for example with a view to highlighting and quantifying areas with risk of higher contamination of foodstuffs (e.g. mushrooms) is to be envisaged.
Planned Deliverables
Deliverables 2002:
Specific deliverables to DGs:
- DG-RES deliverables foreseen by ENSEMBLE SCA for the second year;
- ESCOMPTE-2000 part I final report;
- Improved REM database structure and related data management routines;
- Preliminary results of ESCOMPTE_INT-2000 part II;
- Improved ENSEMBLE web site;
- Annual reports on environmental radioactivity in the EC;
- Distribution of CoDecS to the EU Candidate States. Organization of training sessions for the users. Creation of DVD with interactive training for the CoDecS software;
- Improved CoDecS software and organisation of training courses;
- improvement of the EURDEP system: this comprises the following main deliverables:
- new version of the Web-site with the visualisation of the daily (routine) and two-hourly (emergency) radioactivity data as provided by the European national monitoring networks;
- new version of the EURDEP Aggregation software in order to make it compatible with the new EURDEP format and new data-exchange concept and to upload the data in the EURDEP database.
As a result of the research:
- Further analysis of the MESOCOM data;
- High resolution simulation of atmospheric dispersion in the short range;
- Analysis of four-dimensional parameters for mesoscale model evaluation.
Summary of 2001 Deliverables: 31/12/2001
The main deliverables on which can be reported are:
- the CoDecS version of March 2001 is now installed at 19 Organizations in 15 countries and was successfully used for the first time during the INEX-2000 exercise of 22 May 2001;
- a training course for CoDecS was given on the 20th of March 2001 to the Duty-officers of DG ENV C4 in Luxembourg;
- the second version of the EURDEP Web-site was completed;
- the second EURDEP data-exchange format was drafted; it is planned to be finalised during the EURDEP working group meeting (24 October 2001) and made official by the end of the year;
- a new data-exchange concept for EURDEP was tested with some organizations in the week from 11-15 June 2001;
- the Easy-Proteo software was further improved. The final release of Easy-Proteo software has been made available to all MSs (via the REM web-site). The EasyProteo manual was also updated and will be published lately;
- Environmental radioactivity data were continued to be received from the EU Member States and were uploaded in the REM data base;
- On special request by DG RTD J4, a CD ROM version of the "Atlas on caesium deposition after the Chernobyl accident" was prepared and published in April 2001;
- The ENSEMBLE web site (http://ensemble.ei.jrc.it) for long range dispersion model forecasts evaluation and distribution of ensemble forecast for support to decision making has been developed and implemented. Three modeller-training exercises (February, May, September 2001) were performed, and a steering committee meeting was held in Ispra in January 2001;
- Preliminary analysis of a connection between the ENSEMBLE web site and the EURDEP system for mutual exchange of information;
- On request of the EUROTRACII/SATURN management (March 2001), REM organised an international mesoscale model evaluation study based on the ESCOMPTE database collected by French organisations during the 2000 campaign. REM was contacted on the basis of the work performed in the past in model evaluation (ATMES, ETEX, RTMOD, MESOCOM). Established network of participants (10);
- Set up of the case and exercise ESCOMPTE_Int2000 part I, opening on July 2001 (http://rtmod.ei.jrc.it/escompte_int). Workshop in Toulouse October 2001. Closing in Spring 2002;
- Organisation of the 7th International Conference on Harmonization within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Belgirate (I), 28-31 May 2001, with 150 participants world wide;
- Development and implementation of the DAM system (Datasets for Atmospheric Modelling, http://rtmod.ei.jrc.it/dam). A web based databank of WWW links to existing sites providing experimental data for model evaluation.
Output Indicators and Impact
- Contribution to the Commission's guidelines to verify the respect of the Basic Safety Standards related to exposures from environmental radioactivity;
- Formulation and implementation of directives related to environmental radioactivity (e.g. new recommendations to art. 36 of the Euratom Treaty:
2000/473/Euratom of 8 June 2000);
- Central role on the standardisation of formats for the exchange of information in case of nuclear emergency. Development of tools for the EU Member States to participate to these systems as well as the organisation of training courses for these tools.
Summary of the project
The Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring (REM) project supports the European Commission (EC) in its responsibilities to provide qualified information to the European Parliament and the Member States (MSs) on the levels of radioactive contamination of the various compartments of the environment (air, water, soil). The Joint Research Centre (JRC) will continue to collect, assemble, analyse and provide this information both for normal and emergency situations. It will ensure the availability of tools for the inter-communication and access of users from MSs and other European countries to this information. In addition, JRC will maintain databases on radioactive doses received by groups of exposed workers. Underpinning research will consist on the development and inter-comparison of real-time atmospheric dispersion models, development and implementation of advanced statistical tools and the development of decision support systems.
As a result a consistent operational support system for exchanging radioactivity information (data and model results) in normal and in emergency conditions will be established. In this context, tools (e.g. environmental pressure indicators) will be developed for analysing the significance of this information, in order to assist the EC in defining the nature of information needed to meet its requirements. See also the related EU enlargement process pre-accession (pa) project.
The role of the EC to provide this information is laid down in the EC legislation (e.g. Euratom Treaty; Council decision 87/600 on the Community arrangements for the early exchange of information in the event of a radiological emergency; OSPAR and HELCOM conventions on the Protection of the Marine Environment; Drinking Water directive; Council regulation No 3954/87 regarding the maximum permitted levels of radioactive contamination of foodstuffs).
In addition there is a growing concern with the general public about the radioactivity levels in the terrestrial and marine environment, as well about the potential risk of future nuclear accidents, in particular in Eastern Europe. To this context the definition of environmental radioactivity pressure indicators becomes a priority aim to inform policy makers. To provide this information in an efficient, transparent and objective way, an automatic information system for collecting and evaluating radioactivity levels in normal and in emergency conditions, with access rights to a wide readership and managed by a neutral international organisation, evidently forces itself.
Fields of science
CORDIS classifies projects with EuroSciVoc, a multilingual taxonomy of fields of science, through a semi-automatic process based on NLP techniques.
CORDIS classifies projects with EuroSciVoc, a multilingual taxonomy of fields of science, through a semi-automatic process based on NLP techniques.
- engineering and technologyother engineering and technologiesfood technology
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencessoftware
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringwater treatment processesdrinking water treatment processes
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencesinternet
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencesdatabases
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
JRC - Joint Research Centre researchCoordinator