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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-06-18

Advanced and New Simulation Methods in Vehicle Vibro-acoustics - Scientific Analysis, Experimental Verification and Development of Methodologies for the Industrial Application.

Final Activity Report Summary - SIM-VIA 2 (Advanced and new simulation methods in vehicle vibro-acoustics - (...) methodologies for the industrial application)

The EST project SIM-VIA provided training facilities and scientific supervision for young researches in the field of vibro-acoustics for vehicles. Vibro-acoustics of vehicles comprises the development work required for new silent and green products for future mobility in vehicles, on roads, on rails and in airplanes.

The focus of SIM-VIA 2 was to motivate and encourage early stage researchers for scientific work in this interdisciplinary field. The training facilities included latest facilities for computation and experimental testing. Specific workshops, courses and educational programmes were combined within this training centre.

As a main result of SIMVIA2 , the seven consortium partners hosted 28 fellow researchers and trained them during almost 450 man-months in the interdisciplinary field of vibro-acoustics. In different training levels, the fellows were monitored and enabled to enhance simulation models and techniques for high quality prediction of vibro-acoustics in the early development of products. The focus was on different existing simulation techniques, such as the finite element method (FEM), statistical energy method (SEA), boundary element method (BEM), AAC etc., on new and complementary techniques , such as the Wave Based Technique (WBT), as well as on simulation modelling for new technologies.

An outstanding result was the enhancement of WBT formerly developed for interior noise simulation in vehicles for exterior noise radiation applications. Emphasis was placed upon the verification of the improved simulation models and enhanced techniques by advanced experimental methods. Specific tests were developed to validate the perforated parts in mufflers of exhaust systems. Hybrid and integral techniques were developed to enhance the predictive potential for industrial applications. In this sense, semi-analytic models as well as energy flow based methods and sub-structuring techniques were investigated. The extension of SEA for analysing mid-frequency problems and investigating possibilities of coupling SEA with FEM or WBT was another very interesting and prosperous result, partly forming an informative foundation for further development work.

In general, all innovative vibro-acoustic subjects could be addressed in the SIM VIA 2 training network as planned by the consortium, according to Annex I, Part B of the contract. This was proved by comparing the relevant list of keywords in the Final Activity Report and the titles of the publications as listed in enclosure. In addition to the original plan to work on vehicles and parts of vehicles only, models for seated vehicle occupants with muscle models were investigated under dynamic conditions. Because of the specific type of SIM-VIA 2 consortium combining high education and research institutions as well as industrial enterprises, the fellows could benefit from the advantage of working on application oriented problems in a scientific environment. The planed impact on institutes of former new member states could be observed on the high percentage of fellows from eastern European countries.