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Content archived on 2024-05-29

Modelling and characterisation of IC components for complicated system-on-a-chip applications including RF and analog functions

Final Activity Report Summary - MOICCO (Modelling and characterisation of IC components for complicated system-on-a-chip applications including RF and analog functions)

The MOICCO project deviated from the original plan due to the fact that of the four full time positions only two have been filled and one of them left before the end of the contract. Therefore, the topics treated during their research reduced to two: Matching of components and new generation MOSFET modelling.

Andricciola Pietro, the fellow working on Matching components, has been coached on the use and development of statistical device simulations as well as high precision measurements and statistical robust data analysis. His daily supervisor is Dr Hans Tuinhout and his promoter is Prof. Jurriaan Schmitz from Twente University. The work done by the fellow has been recognised as valuable scientific production through the peer-reviewed publication of high-impact journal and conference. The mismatch between supposedly equal MOSFET transistors in modern technology has been extensively studied through high precision measurements and statistical device simulations. In this framework, a better understanding of mismatches causes studying the impact of interface states on transistor matching performance and the influence of temperature on mismatch has been achieved during the project. With some other results expected to be published in the near future, Mr Andricciola built a strong scientific base on which he will defend his PhD thesis in the course of the year 2011.

Mr Serra worked on FinFET physics and modelling under guidance of Dr Dick Klaassen and his supervisor Prof. Luca Selmi at Udine university. Serra started out working on compact modeling of FinFET devices (successor of bulk-CMOS) and later focused on the fundamental physical aspects in FinFETs as they turned out to be significant. That part of the work brought Serra back to Udine University, and he continued outside the context of MC. However, the collaboration with NXP (both NL and Belgium) remained and led to a recent success where Serra applied the simulation techniques of Udine with the technology of NXP (and IMEC).