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Reinforcement of sustainable aquaculture

Final Report Summary - ROSA (Reinforcement of sustainable aquaculture)

The Faculty of Agriculture (FA) at the University of Belgrade is the leading institution that ensures research and higher education in aquaculture in Serbia. The existing research team in the field of aquaculture covers main aspects of production of aquatic organisms using a multidisciplinary approach for sustainable development. The ROSA project intended to contribute to development of Serbian and Western Balkan (WB) aquaculture by reinforcing the existing expertise. The aim of the project was to increase human potential and research in order to improve production results in culture of carp. Increase in carp production is realised through better quality of added food and feeding dynamics; development and application of modern methods for carp selection and reduction of pollution of the aquatic environment. The aim was achieved at the FA with assistance of project partners HAKI (Hungary) and NOFIMA (Norway). ROSA was realised through five work packages (WPs) in the period February 2008 to January 2011.

WP1: ROSA was coordinated by Prof. Zoran Markovic and was managed by a steering committee (SC) composed of six members. The SC monitored all steps in equipment purchase, selected researchers for training and decided on topics and programmes for training and other important activities. A local coordination committee (LCC) consisted of three members who coordinated implementation of WPs by maintaining communication among team members. Jointly with the SC an international advisory board (IAB) was established.

WP2: Twelve visits of FA key personnel to partner institutions were done. During these visits researchers exchanged scientific information and discussed new methodologies and possibilities of joint research. Nine three-month trainings and two one-and-a-f month trainings were realised. Three graduates and one technical assistant were employed at FA. Eight short-term visits of NOFIMA experts and 11 short-term visits of HAKI expert to FA were completed. EU experts presented ongoing research, gave advices and participated in the introduction of modern research methods in the area of fish nutrition, selection and stress physiology.

WP3: A computer system for measuring temperature and dissolved oxygen was purchased for the laboratory for fish nutrition to achieve the hatchery a computer feeding system for carp families, water recirculation system, computer system for measuring temperature and dissolved oxygen and for the experimental fish farm a system for water aeration, computer control of oxygen content, a system for fish feeding in experimental tanks have been purchased. For measuring physiological status, spectrophotometer, ELISA kit and other small equipment and consumables were purchased. Training for use of equipment was carried out.

WP4: Ten seminar works and five graduation theses were completed and defended. Two PhD theses are finished. During the three years of project duration the research team of FA participated in 18 symposiums and conferences. During project, the team has published or presented 47 papers in international and national peer-reviewed journals and conferences proceedings and two books. Several protocols and one manual for carp producers were completed.

WP5: A webpage was established (see online) and regularly updated. Six leaflets were prepared about the ROSA project for project dissemination. Two workshop and three stakeholder meetings were organised.

Project context and objectives

The University of Belgrade is the leading institution that ensures research and higher education in aquaculture in Serbia. The existing research team in the field of aquaculture covers main aspects of production of aquatic organisms. ROSA intends to contribute to development of Serbia and WB aquaculture. The aim is to increase human potential and research in order to improve production results in culture of carp. Increase in carp production realised through better quality of added food and feeding dynamics; development and application of modern methods for breeding and reduction of pollution.

Objectives will be realised through the following.

1. Support for research towards improvement of production results in carp breeding. Increase in carp production realised by means of improvement of added food quality and feeding dynamics in correlation with water quality, development and use of modern methods of breeding and reduction of pollution.
2. Transfer of results to carp farms in Serbia, WB and EU.
3. Reinforcement and improvement of existing collaboration with EU and WB partners through existing international and national research and other projects.
4. Reinforcement of human and material capacities.
5. Increase of mobility and establishment of a network.

The project was realised at the FA of the University of Belgrade with assistance of project partners HAKI (Hungary) and NOFIMA (Norway). ROSA was carried out throughout five WP's in the period February 2008 to January 2011.

Results obtained

WP1: ROSA was coordinated by Prof. Zoran Markovic and was managed by a SC. A LCC established and consists of three members. Jointly with the SC for monitoring and help in decision-making in ROSA an IAB was established. At the beginning of the project as well as at the beginning of each trimester, detailed activity plans were prepared, including corrections of the activities performed. LCC coordinated implementation of WP's by maintaining communication. SC monitored equipment purchase, selected researchers for training, decided on topics and programme training and other important activities. Meetings of the SC were organised once a year.

WP2: Twelve visits of partner institutions were done by key staff to exchange scientific information and discuss about new methodologies and possibilities of joint research. During the project, nine three months trainings and two trainings were realised. These trainings were carried out in the fields of nutrition, genetics and selective breeding and product quality and welfare in NOFIMA. Two trainings in the field of stress physiology and genetics and selective breeding were carried out in HAKI. In 2008, two young graduates were employed at FA and one graduate and one technical assistant were hired as FA contribution to ROSA. Two senior researchers and one manager in 2008; three senior researchers in 2009; and two experts in 2010 from NOFIMA were invited to FA. Several researchers from HAKI were invited to FA.

WP3: During the first year of the project, members of the LCC have consulted network partners on purchase of equipment. Several computer systems were bought and training for use of equipment was carried out.

WP4: Ten seminar works and five graduation theses were completed. Two PhD theses are finished, and will be defended in 2011. During the project duration, the research team of FA participated in several workshops, symposiums, meetings and conferences. During three years, the research team has published or presented 47 papers in international and national peer-reviewed journals and conferences proceedings and one book.

Several protocols were completed: Crossing programmes and selection of carp, Protocol for cultured carp reproduction, protocols for running feeding experiments in the laboratory and experimental fish farm for fish nutrition, protocols for monitoring abiotic and biotic environmental conditions as origin of stress in fish, and protocols for studying stress in fish, Manual for carp rearing with improved technology for carp producers. A series of lectures / knowledge transfer for employees were performed.

WP5: A webpage was established (see online) and regularly updated. Leaflets in English and Serbian were prepared for project dissemination. Two workshop and three stakeholder meetings were organised at FA.

In several daily newspapers, weekly journals, and in the book 'Agricultural calendar' texts about ROSA activities were published. The ROSA project's achievements were presented to journalists and a Fourth International Conference and Technical and Technological Exhibition 'Fishery' was announced. The book 'Fishery in Serbia', third edition was published. A centre is located at the FA experimental school estate Radmilovac where a fish farm and a hatchery are established.

Project results

ROSA was realised at the FA of the University of Belgrade (Serbia) with assistance of project partners HAKI and NOFIMA. The project was carried out through five WPs in the period February 2008 to January 2011.

WP1 Project management

Tasks 1.1. Management project activities

WP1: ROSA was coordinated by Prof. Zoran Markovic and was managed by a SC. A LCC established and consists of three members. Jointly with the SC for monitoring and help in decision-making in ROSA an IAB was established.

Task 1.2 Coordination project activities

At the beginning of the project as well as at the beginning of each trimester, detailed activity plans were prepared, including corrections of the activities performed. LCC coordinated implementation of WP's by maintaining communication. SC monitored equipment purchase, selected researchers for training, decided on topics and programme training and other important activities. Meetings of the SC were organised once a year.

During the project there was constant communication. Members of the team held short meetings at least once a month and made decisions on current activities:

- topics for researchers' training were selected according to the needs of the FA and of courses availability;
- selection of trainees is mainly the result of SC and LCC communication with younger staff, and dependant of their achievements;
- in meetings, topics were chosen, keynote speakers defined. LCC took care about all scientific aspects for meeting preparation, the protocol was created, keynote speakers defined, and the activity plan of the conference and exhibition was made;
- other activities such establishment of WB and EU network, contact with faculties from Serbia and the region and fish farmers, authorities, and wider public, as well as selection of future project to be prepared;
- integrated projects results and making them available to stakeholders.

Task 1.3 Reporting to EU

Three reports were submitted to the EC Scientific Officer during the first year about project start, purchased equipment and project realisation. During the second year of the project, a report on different activities for the first project year was submitted to the EC and during the third year a report on different activities for the second project year. After project completion, a report on different activities for the third project year was submitted.

WP 2 - Human resources reinforcement

Task 2.1 Human resources reinforcement by training of young researchers

During the project several trainings of PhD students and young researchers were carried out.

Task 2.2 Increasing expertise by exchange visits

Task 2.2.1 Hosting EU experts

Several researchers from NOFIMA and HAKI were invited to FA to present or help with research.

Task 2.2.2 Visiting FA teaching / research fellows

Twelve visits of FA experts were performed to partner institutions. During meetings with students from FA that continued Master and PhD studies in Norway the FA senior staff got acquainted with their research programmes. Possibilities of joint research in future were considered. Visiting fish farms for salmon culture and a fish farm for halibut culture contributed to enlargement of FA senior staff knowledge on rearing technologies and establishment of contact with producers of the mentioned fish species. In discussions with researchers from the HAKI institute attention was paid to carp selective breeding. Researchers from FA and the HAKI exchanged information about research methodology in studying stress in fish. There, a number of contacts with aquaculture producers and equipment for aquaculture producers contributed to ROSA personnel upgrading concerning new technologies and modern science application in aquaculture. During the project, a large amount of meetings and visits was held.

Task 2.3 Increasing human resources by employing and training graduates

Two young graduates were trained for work in selective breeding and in fish nutrition including new methods. These graduates were trained for work in selective breeding and in fish nutrition methods. A PhD student a technical assistant trained to work in FA laboratories to use new methods in different research projects. This is FA's contribution to ROSA.

WP 3 - Reinforcement of material resources

Task 3.1 Equipment purchase

Consultations about equipment with network partners were held. After receiving the offers, they were analysed and ranked. The best were chosen and purchased. For fish nutrition laboratory, a computer system for measuring temperature and dissolved oxygen was bought, as well as belt feeders for controlled fish feeding in feeding experiments. For the hatchery, a computer feeding robot system for carp families was bought, as well as water recirculation system, computer system for measuring temperature and dissolved oxygen. Segments of water circulation systems (Turbodex, Nexus, pumps, heaters, vents, tubes, etc.) were purchased from numerous companies. The greatest amount of equipment was purchased from GM Water company specialised for this type of business. For the experimental fish farm, a computer system for controlling water oxygenation was bought and also a system for controlled fish feeding in experimental ponds was purchased. For measuring physiological status, ELISA kits for fish blood plasma analysis was bought. Training for purchased and installed equipment was carried out, led by experts specialised in equipment usage.

WP4 - Reinforcement of knowledge

Task 4.1 Transfer knowledge in research methodology and establish protocols

Knowledge transfer in nutrition research methodology was realised through the exchange of experience and knowledge between FA senior staff and researchers from NOFIMA. In the Laboratory for Fish Nutrition, NOFIMA experts have monitored the nutritional experiments carried out in tanks. They gave suggestions concerning methodology used in experiments, and suggested improvement of the existing protocols for experiment realisation. Several seminars where held by staff and researchers.

Task 4.2 Transfer knowledge in genetic analysis based on protocols and develop these protocols

Knowledge transfer in genetic analysis was realised through experience and knowledge exchange between FA senior staff and researchers from NOFIMA and HAKI. Apart from the seminars, the knowledge transfer in the field of genetics has occurred through the realisation of carp selection programme. This knowledge transfer was carried out in the FA Centre for Fishery and Applied Hydrobiology. Using its own experience gained in selective breeding and know-how transferred from NOFIMA and HAKI researchers the FA research team for aquaculture has managed to create The Main Breeding programme in aquaculture for Serbia. The ministry in charge for aquaculture (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management) has adopted this programme as a guideline for fish breeding and selection in Serbia.

Task 4.3 Transfer knowledge in research stress physiology in fish

Knowledge transfer in fish stress physiology research was realised through experience and knowledge exchange between FA senior staff and researchers from HAKI. Knowledge transfer in fish stress physiology research was realised through experience and knowledge exchange between FA senior staff and experts in fish stress physiology and with researchers from the HAKI. Knowledge transfer in fish stress physiology research was realised through experience and knowledge exchange between FA senior staff and experts in fish stress physiology.

Task 4.4 Transfer knowledge in product quality and welfare

Knowledge transfer in product quality and welfare was realised through knowledge and experience exchange between FA senior staff and researchers from NOFIMA. Several seminars were organised to transfer knowledge. Knowledge transfer in product quality and welfare was realised through experience and knowledge exchange between FA senior staff and experts in fish stress physiology.

Task 4.5 Preparation of improved protocols for experiments

During project's third year, a manual in Serbian was prepared for reproduction and selective breeding of carp with the use of advanced technology. The manual will be useful to carp producers to modernise carp production in Serbia. The existing protocols were improved by addition of new research methods.

Protocols and manuals

- A protocol for feeding experiments in tanks in the laboratory for fish nutrition.
- A protocol for experiments in carp nutrition in the fishponds of the FA experimental estate and for feeding experiments in tanks in the laboratory for fish nutrition.
- A protocol of the programme for carp crossbreeding and selection within breeding programme.
- A protocol for monitoring production results of carp specimens, candidates for brood stock for the F2 generation in second year.
- A Protocol for trout selective breeding and this programme has started as a pilot (experimental one) at the FA Centre from October 2010.
- A protocol for the research of abiotic and biotic environmental factors as potential fish stress inducers.
- A protocol for the research of abiotic and biotic environmental factors as potential fish stress inducers. The existing protocol was enhanced by integrating study of the bottom fauna in the protocol for monitoring stress inducers of the cultured fish in ponds.
- A protocol for experiment realisation in the field of fish stress physiology.
- A protocol for monitoring presence of unwanted substances in the water of the fish ponds, such as mass development of algae, which could have negative effects on product quality.
- A component related to fish welfare was integrated in the existing protocols for fish nutrition. As a result product quality will be markedly improved.
- Manuals for reproduction, selective breeding and culture of carp using advanced technology where created. These will be useful to carp producers in the process of production modernisation and improvement in aquaculture / carp production in Serbia.

A total of 10 students completed several seminar works reports during the project ROSA and a number of graduation projects was completed. Next to that, two PhD theses were completed.

Task 4.6 Support staff and student participation in international and national scientific meetings, congresses and publishing papers

During the project duration, the research team of FA participated in 18 symposiums and conferences. The research team has published or presented 47 papers in international and national peer-reviewed journals and conferences proceedings and 2 books.

WP 5 - Promotion and dissemination

- The project website was launched in March 2008 and regularly updated during the project.
- NOFIMA Marin has made a link to the projects homepage at their webpage (see online).
- ROSA project is shown on HAKI's website (see online).

Task 5.1 Promotion

5.1.1. Preparation of leaflets / handout
Three leaflets were made: one in English and two in Serbian. The leaflet content informed the public about project activities. Towards the end of project realisation one leaflet in Serbian and one in English were printed with all the main results of the project.

5.1.2. Sending the information to media
- Text about the ROSA project published in the Fishery magazine ('Ribolovacki magazine') in August 2008.
- Text about the ROSA project published in the newspaper 'Glas javnosti' in July 2008.
- Text about ROSA project in Agricultural calendar, published in 2008.
- Project coordinator Prof. Dr Zoran Markovic gave an interview about ROSA project in the radio show 'My farm'.
- Project coordinator Prof. Dr Zoran Markovic was a guest on Enter TV, in the show for agricultural producers in December 2008. There, he presented ROSA project.
- Prof. Dr Zoran Markovic gave an interview for local television network about ROSA project, in January 2009.
- A text about the ROSA project published in 'Agricultural paper' ('Poljoprivredni list'), number 73, 2009, and in the Journal of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce - 'Step' ('Korak'), No. 55, 2009.
- A press conference was held in May 2009, during the 76th International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad. The press conference announced and promoted the Fourth International Conference and Technical and Technological exhibition 'Fishery'.
- The announcement of the Fourth International Conference and Technical and Technological exhibition 'Fishery' was broadcasted on several radio stations, and published through posters placed in Institutions related to the fishery sector, as well as in journals 'Agricultural paper' ('Poljoprivredni list') No. 73, 2009; 'Fly fishing'('Musicar') No. 7 and 8, 'Fisherman review' ('Ribolovacki magazin') No. 91, 92, 93, 94, and 95 from 2009.
- Texts about the conference Fourth International Conference and Technical and Technological exhibition 'Fishery' was published in the 'Fisherman Review' ('Ribolovacki magazin') No. 96 from July 2009; in the weekly 'Agriculturist' ('Poljoprivrednik') No. 2407 from June 2009, and 'Fly fishing' ('Musicar') No. 9 from 2009.
- In April and May 2009, project coordinator Prof. Dr Zoran Markovic gave interviews about ROSA project and Fourth International Conference and Technical and Technological exhibition 'Fishery' in several radio shows:
- Project coordinator Zoran Markovic gave an interview about ROSA project in the TV show 'House holder' ('Domacin') on Fox TV in June 2009. He also gave an interview for the show 'Agricultural world' ('Svet poljoprivrede') on Enter TV in May 2009. This show was widely broadcasted through the local TV stations network.
- Prof. Dr Zoran Markovic gave an interview about ROSA project on the TV show 'Knowledge as a present - Znanje na poklon' on TV station B92, where the majority of equipment purchased through the ROSA project. The show was broadcasted in November 2010.
- Several times during the third project year TV shows on the ROSA project were broadcasted within the network of local (40 in total) Serbian TV stations in emissions 'World of agriculture' ('Svet Poljoprivrede') created and distributed by the Agency 'Agromedia'.

Task 5.2 Scientific dissemination

5.2.1. Informing Serbian and European scientific community about achievements

- Serbian and European scientific community were acquainted with ROSA's achievements through spoken media, leaflets and the webpage
- Due to the domain change the web address changed to on 27 March 2008.

The scientific public was informed about the project through scientific and professional meetings and events.
- XXXII Annual Meeting on Fisheries in May 2008 held at Szarvas, Hungary.
- Day of Serbian science organised by EU office of University of Newcastle and the consulting office for international projects of Serbian Ministry of Science, held at University of Newcastle in July 2008 (see online).
- First International Workshop Aquatic Toxicology and Biomonitoring held in Vodnany, Czech Republic, August 2008.
- 18th Symposium on Innovation in Animal Science and Production, held in Belgrade at FA November 2008.
- Scientific Fair held in Belgrade, December 2008.
- IV International Conference 'Fishery', May 2009, FA, University of Belgrade.
- Aquaculture Europe '09, August, 2009, Trondheim, Norway.
- Third International Meeting on freshwater fish aquaculture and fishery - 'Present state and perspectives' - held April 2009 in Vukovar, Croatia.
- Fifth International Conference on Aquaculture and Water Ecosystems, October 2009. Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
- Annual Main Meeting of the Society of Experimental Biology, held June - July in Glasgow, United Kingdom.
- Conference Week of Innovative Regions (WIRE 2010) held in Granada, Spain in March, 2010.
- IV International Scientific Conference on Fisheries held in Vukovar, Croatia, April 2010.
- I International Symposium of Fisheries and Fishing Tourism 'BH-FISH 2010' held in Konjic, Boracko Lake, Bosnia and Herzegovina, June 2010.
- Second NACEE Conference of Young Researchers, held in Szarvas, Hungary, August 2010.
- Global Conference 'Farming the waters for people and food', held in Phuket, Thailand, September 2010.
- XIX Innovations in Livestock, symposium with international participation, held in Belgrade, Serbia, November 2010.

5.2.2. Organising conference

In May 2009, a conference was organised by the FA of the University of Belgrade, Department of Animal Sciences and the two Institutes NOFIMA and HAKI. All papers presented were published in the conference proceedings. On the occasion of the conference a Centre for Fishery and Applied Hydrobiology was officially opened

Task 5.3 Community dissemination

5.3.1. Stakeholder meetings

The first stakeholders' meeting was organised at FA, in 2008. Topics discussed were: information on ROSA project realisation, current problems in fishery, law regulations in the field of fishery, and other regulations related to EU Association Agreement in the field of fishery. The second stakeholders' meeting was organised at fish farm Ecka, in 2010. Topics discussed on the meeting were: information on ROSA project realisation, information on the development of fishery sector during last year in Serbia, problems in aquaculture.

The third stakeholders' meeting was organised in Serbian Chamber of Commerce in Belgrade, in 2010. Topics discussed on the meeting were: information on ROSA project realisation, the development of fishery sector during last year in Serbia, actual questions concerning introduction of the selective breeding programme through measures for carrying out a breeding program.

5.3.2. Workshops

In July, a workshop was organised for fish producers. The programme of the workshop 'Carp Fishery in Serbia' consisted of nine lectures given by nine lecturers. In addition nine lecturers held nine lectures on trout fishery in Serbia. Workshop realisation was accomplished in collaboration with the European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR) and project 'Support for Aquaculture sector in Serbia and Montenegro'. Better quality was reached through mutual collaboration, as well as greater number of lecturers and participants.

A second workshop for carp producers was held in May 2010 at the Radmilovac FA school estate and in the Centre for Fishery and Applied Hydrobiology (CEFAH). The title of the workshop was 'Nutrition and selective breeding for profitable carp production'. The workshop was organised in the frame of ROSA. It was led by researchers and professors from Serbia, Hungary and Norway, partners in the ROSA project.

5.3.3. Exhibition organisation

Technical and technological Exhibition 'Fishery' was held in Belgrade at the FA in May 2009. The exhibition part of the Fourth International Conference and Exhibition was located in the CEFAH. On this occasion, a third edition of the book 'Fishery in Serbia' was prepared and published. This book, besides general information about the fishery sector in Serbia, includes data on over 500 companies active within the aquaculture sector in Serbia.

Potential impact

ROSA has made an impact concerning improvement of capacities at FA, and the socioeconomic impact at the level of Serbia, at the level of Western Balkan and the level of EU.

Impact of ROSA project on FA during the project

During project realization, impact on reinforcement of capacities in FA was fulfilled through reinforcement of human resources, reinforcement of material resources, and reinforcement of knowledge in aquaculture. Reinforcement of human resources was accomplished through young researchers' trainings, increasing expertise by exchange visits and increasing human resources by employment of new staff.

In the project, several trainings were carried out in the fields of fish nutrition, genetics and selective breeding, product quality and welfare, and stress physiology. During the trainings, young researchers mastered new methods and were trained to work on the equipment that was purchased from this project. Particular contribution to the training was learning about the operating mode in partner institutions, adoption of the working methodology, and its transfer from partner institution to the FA research team. In addition, the impact was not only at the level of the aquaculture research team but also through cooperation with other research teams in FA.

Increasing expertise by exchange visits was realised through hosting EU experts to FA, and visits of FA teaching / research fellows. During these visits, researchers were exchanging scientific information and discussed about new methodologies and possibilities of joint research. Visits of EU experts to FA contributed to improvement of existing research methods. EU experts analysed working processes in planning, preparation and realisation of experiments and they gave valuable suggestions that contributed to quality experiments realisation. Corrections in planning, preparation and experiments realisation were integrated in protocols, thus enabling sustainability of improved research. While EU experts were revisiting Serbia in the second and third project year, they were able to observe effects of implementation of new methods and improvement of the existing ones. By increasing quality of experiments, research results were better and it resulted in an increased number of published and papers presented on scientific meetings.

Twelve visits of FA key personnel were performed to partner institutions. During these visits of FA researchers to partner institutions, trainings of young researchers were planned and their effects analysed equipment to be purchased for FA was chosen, and new methodology was acquired to be used in FA. The research process at FA has been improved. In addition, visits of FA personnel to partner institutions were used to get acquainted with the work of experimental producers, such as ForTek, and fish farms, completing that way the knowledge of FA experts. This is particularly important for knowledge transfer and integration of new knowledge in the production processes on Serbian and WB fish farms and production. Specific significance of the visits and contribution to FA reinforcement is the fact that FA was invited by consortia and, together with other institutions applied for three FP7 projects (two REGPOT and one research). Applying for projects by collaborating with partner institutions, additionally reinforced the relations with partners, and had positive effect on FA position and the fact that EU research institutions have a potential partner for research in Serbia.

Reinforcement of human resources was realised by employing two graduates, one young researcher and one technician as a contribution of FA to the ROSA project. By employing young graduates in the FA aquaculture research team, the team was reinforced and sustainability of the team was reached.

Reinforcement of material resources included the following: equipment for the hatchery, equipment for the experimental fish farm, equipment for the Laboratory for Nutrition and equipment for the Laboratory for Monitoring Fish Stress Physiology.

Equipment for the hatchery enabled significantly better feeding for carp fry by the use of the computer feeding system for carp families, and consequently improved selective breeding programme at FA. In addition, 8 small RASs were installed for individual tanks of 1000 L. This made possible a series of experiments in these systems with the goal to use obtained results and experience and transfer them to larger RAS for culture of other fish species. Establishment of the computer system for permanent monitoring of dissolved oxygen concentration and water temperature allow stability and sustainability of the selective breeding programme and feeding programme in the hatchery. Stability of these programmes is made possible through monitoring of the mentioned parameters and appropriate reactions (water heating / cooling and/or addition of oxygen) to deviations of these parameters from optimal values for carp.

The built in equipment for the experimental fish farm made preconditions for more effective experiment realisation in experimental ponds. Monitoring of water temperature and dissolved oxygen in the ponds prevented any possibility of experiment stop caused by oxygen deficit. Better interpretation of the results obtained from experiments, since temperature and oxygen concentration are principal parameters affecting fish metabolism. Aerators that use oxygen from the air, as well as oxygenator for water aeration with pure oxygen, enable maintenance of dissolved oxygen concentration at the desired level. An automatic feeder with the system for controlled frequency and quantity of feed enables fry feeding in the experiments, much more precision in frequency and quantity of feed distributed, and thus creation of optimal feed for different rearing periods during carp production, and different age groups of cultured fish.

Equipment installed in the Laboratory for Nutrition enables parameter monitoring and appropriate reaction: temperature or dissolved oxygen concentration correction. Possibility of the parameters variation is important for feeding experiments carried out in different temperature or oxygen concentration conditions. Creation of fish feeds adapted to different temperature and oxygen levels depending of the season and/or other pond's conditions is the final goal of experiments carried out in the fish nutrition lab. Belt feeders for this lab make possible controlled fish feeding dynamics, and contribute to obtaining valuable information for production conditions. By installing the mentioned equipment experiment realisation has been significantly improved compared to the period before the ROSA project. Since FA has a close cooperation with fish feed producers, results from the experiments will be directly used in producing quality feed for carp that will be commercially available.

For measuring negative effects of stresses on the growth and meat quality in fish, the purchase of equipment for measuring physiological status, was of crucial importance. Since stress effects on fish are almost neglected in Serbia and other WB countries, the establishment of the programme of the study of stress was important. A possibility for FA researchers to carry out this type of investigation is contributing to reinforcement of sustainable aquaculture in Serbia and WB countries.

Reinforcement of knowledge

Expenditures for feed in aquaculture make 40 to 50 % of the total production costs. New knowledge in the field of fish nutrition is extremely important. Reinforcing human and material resources at FA has created a basis for improved quality and increased number of experiments and thus better results in fish feeding. Having in mind the fact that carp is primarily produced using a semi-intensive production system (97-98 % of carp produced that way), in which carp feeding is based on combining natural and added feed, as well as the fact that carp is reared in the pond ecosystem with a great diversity of ecological conditions - creation of good quality feed demands multidisciplinary approach, i.e. knowledge of the following processes: of digestion physiology, of aquatic ecology, of feed processing, of feed components needed for feed preparation, etc. FA is dealing with different aspects of carp culture that are connected with fish feeding, additionally improved knowledge through trainings, knowledge exchange between FA and EU experts have made a great potential for permanent improvement of the feeding technology. Reinforced knowledge is transferred to production conditions and are built in feed formulations and feed production processes in the fish feeding industry.

Besides feeding, an important segment of fish production is the quality of carp fry used for stocking ponds on fish farms. Quality fry is obtained using selective breeding programs. By ROSA project realisation prerequisites are created for further improvement of the selective breeding programme that is performed in the experimental hatchery of the FA. New knowledge acquired through experience and knowledge exchange, trainings, and improved protocols for the selective breeding programmes is directly built in selective breeding programmes in FA, and resulted in obtaining the second generation of future brood stock in our experimental hatchery. Brood stock chosen from the FA selection programme will be used during 2011 for controlled spawning on fish farms in production conditions in hatcheries in Serbia.

Impact of the ROSA project on FA in the future period

Impact of the ROSA project on FA in the future period can be observed through material and human reinforcement of the FA team for aquaculture.

This team will enable:

- realisation of considerably higher number of experiments in the area of feeding, selective breeding and stress in fish;
- improved quality of experiments in the field of aquaculture;
- increased competences for increased number of publications in scientific journals with more important impact factors;
- the use of the acquired experience in project realisation for preparing new project proposals and hopefully new project realisation;
- transfer of the experience in production processes - in fish feeding industry, and fish farms;
- common experiments and further knowledge exchange with project partners;
- further strengthening of cooperation with research institutions and companies in the field of aquaculture in Serbia and WB, and EU countries.

ROSA's impact can be seen through transfer of 'positive energy' from the FA team for aquaculture to other research groups in FA. Perceiving effects of ROSA's realisation it is realistic to expect in the future and increased number of applications for research project in FA, and possibly preconditions for reinforcement of human and material resources on the whole faculty. Using improved research protocols in aquaculture could be a prerequisite for improvement of research protocols in other fields at FA.

Improving capacities and socioeconomic impact

Effects of ROSA on improvement of capacities and socioeconomic impact was realised through following project activities:

- organising stakeholders meetings;
- organising workshops;
- organising conference;
- organising exhibitions;
- establishing a data base for the reference book preparation and book 'Fishery in Serbia' publishing;
- preparation of manuals, brochures and leaflets;
- informing of the scientific and professional community, and Serbian population about the project using public media.

In addition, an important impact of the project is transfer of new knowledge and its direct integration in production of both fish feed and on fish farms. This resulted in two years with the highest ever increase of carp production in Serbia.

During project realization, the FA team was in constant cooperation with the stakeholders. Three stakeholders meetings were organised where FA team members transferred to stakeholders' new knowledge in the field of aquaculture. These meetings' participants were representatives of the ministry of agriculture. Through these meetings contacts between ministry representatives and producers were established and a much better cooperation was achieved.

Transfer of theoretical and practical experiences to producers was done by organising two workshops. Lecturers on the workshops: experts from different segments of aquaculture transferred to carp producers a series of new knowledge in aquaculture, but also on EU funds for aquaculture development, HACCP procedures on carp farms, comparison of aquaculture possibilities before and after joining the EU, and aquaculture policies and legislation. For the second workshop producers had the possibility to acquire not only theoretical knowledge but also practical since they had the opportunity to learn more in detail and in practice about particular phases of the selective breeding and nutrition. They gained practical knowledge on tagging and feeing processes and methodology.

Organising a conference at FA and presentation of research results of scientists from 16 countries has contributed to knowledge and experience exchange between researchers, professionals, and businessmen. The papers presented have covered majority of important aspects of aquaculture and fishery. All papers were published in conference proceedings and distributed to participants, and additionally on the project website (see online). Parallel to the conference, a technical and technological exhibition was organised. This event has made available new technologies and technical support equipment for fish farms.

In order to improve communication between all relevant institutions dealing with aquaculture and fishery, a data base was prepared and printed in the book 'Fishery in Serbia'. The book comprises all relevant information on fishery in Serbia, the state of the art of aquaculture production, potential for fish production in Serbia, as well as data on over 500 companies and institutions in Serbia working in the area of aquaculture and fishery.

To inform professionals, researchers and the public, leaflets and brochures in Serbian and English were prepared. A manual for carp breeding, printed and distributed to producers will contribute to improvement of the production process on fish farms. By using the brochures as instructions for carp feeding technology, a rationale additional feeding with decrease of water pollution and diminishing production costs was achieved. Informing the research and professional community was performed by distributing written material, posters and presentations about ROSA on the occasion of several scientific meetings in Serbia and other countries. Informing the wider public in Serbia about different project activities and results was done through newspapers, journals, agricultural calendar, and radio and TV. A ROSA website was established at the project start and regularly maintained during project lifetime.

An important segment of ROSA's impact is the fact that due to improved capacities for experiments realisation, a number of experiments in the area of fish nutrition were carried out. The results of these experiments were directly integrated in the process of carp feed production in the company 'Veterinarski zavod Subotica'. Several new feed formulations were prepared, and correction of the existing ones was done. The improved feed had a direct result: the highest increase of production and trade of fish feed in the last three years in for industry partner 'Veterinarski zavod Subotica'. The demand for extruded fish feed in the beginning of 2010 increased resulting in the start of production of fish feed by 'DTD Ribarstvo' from Backi Jarak. In addition, job opportunities for part of the local population were attained, demonstrating a socioeconomic impact.

Improved extruded fish feed quality and enlargement of fish feed product range allowed a production of 9 - 10 000 tons in 2009 and 2010, the highest ever carp production since the beginning of carp culture in Serbia.

Reinforced human and material resources of the FA aquaculture team, transfer of results achieved to aquaculture producers in Serbia, improved contacts between stakeholders, and better communication and knowledge exchange via conferences, workshops, stakeholders' meetings, paved the road and created additional flywheel for aquaculture development in Serbia where achieved with the project.

Potential for aquaculture development in Serbia is primarily linked to carp aquaculture.

There are several segments of this potential for development:

- increase of area under carp farms;
- availability of raw material for fish feed production;
- potential for extruded fish feed production;
- potential for improved quality of fry for stocking;
- potential for permanent improvement of production technology;
- potential for domestic consumption;
- potential for export.

Over the last two years, approximately 11 500 ha under fish farms produced 13 000 tons of warmwater fish species in Serbia, of that quantity 10 000 tons was carp. This area could sustain increased production for 50 % by applying new technologies of added feed based on combining natural food in the pond and the extruded feed. The actual surface of the farms could be increased several folds. For example: in Banat - part of the Serbian North province, there are over 100 000 ha of low fertility, located near the rivers and canals. This could be used for building carp farms. In addition this acreage is located in rural areas, building fish farms could have positive effects and keep the population in the area by offering new job opportunities.

The fact that the Vojvodina province is the Serbia's most important cereal crops producing region, producing surplus quantities that are exported, is pointing out possibilities for fish feed production. The actual potential of the existing three producers (Veterinarski zavod - Subotica, DTD Ribarstvo - Backi Jarak, and Komponenta - Cuprija) is two to three times higher than the actual needs are. This is a chance for the increase of extruded feed production in the future. It is important to emphasise that part of the produced extruded feed is already exported to Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia since in these countries a feeding technology based on combination of natural food and added feed is progressively more present.

Establishment of the selective breeding programme of FA will in the future years significantly increase carp fry growing potential, together with increased resistance to diseases. This will have a beneficial effect by decreasing input prices, a price of production, and lastly a price of the final product.

Improved human and material potential of FA will have in the future a realistic possibility to improve production technology, primarily feeding, selective breeding and aquatic environment protection from pollution. Primarily as a result of the FA aquaculture team work, about 60 % of the farms in Serbia already adopted the new carp production technology based on combining natural food and added extruded feed, it is realistic to expect that by further expansion of this technology a quantity of fish produced will increase. Serbia without Kosovo has a population of 7 500 000. The average fish consumption in Serbia is about 7 kg per capita per year, of that quantity 1.1 to 1.2 kg is carp. From this amount only one third is coming from domestic farms, rivers and lakes, while 2/3 is imported. Since Serbia's fish consumption is among the smallest in Europe, consumption being three times smaller compared to EU average, an increase of fish consumption is probable with the increase of living standard.

The increase of fish consumption in Serbia will have a positive effect on the health of the population. Serbia holds a third place in the world according to the number of persons that died from cardiovascular diseases. Bad eating habits result in the fact that 57 % of deaths are from cardiovascular diseases (Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, see for details).

Actual export of fish is symbolic. By producing greater quantity than the domestic needs are, a basis for export appears. This is a chance for aquaculture to contribute to decrease a negative balance of trade in Serbia. Since fish trade in Serbia is primarily trade of live fish, which is more and more opposite to modern trends, building and start of production in 2010 of the first fish processing plant in Serbia, by the company DTD Ribarstvo, will have a positive effect and increase and make more attractive fish products for foreign markets.

Taking advantage of the mentioned potentials and using the flywheel established during ROSA will have a positive outcome on:

- increased employability in rural areas in the sector of fish production and processing;
- increase of production of fish and fish feed;
- increased cost-effectiveness of production;
- increase of fish consumption on the domestic market;
- increase of fish export;
- decrease of export deficit in fish trade;
- improvement of quality of life and population health by increasing fish consumption.

Rosa's impact at the level of Western Balkan

ROSA's impact at the level of Western Balkan countries was present during project realisation and it is realistic to assume this influence will persist after the project lifetime.

During ROSA's realisation its impact on WB countries, primarily Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Montenegro, and FYROM was apparent through:

- participation of researchers, professionals, and producers on the Conference and fair organised in May 2009 at FA;
- establishing better contacts between professionals, researchers and producers in the companies working in the aquaculture sector owing the information from the reference book Fishery in Serbia;
- transfer of carp production technology based on natural food and added extruded feed in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Bulgaria, and Romania;
- export of extruded feed for fish from 'Veterinarski zavod Subotica' (a company that is the industrial partner of FA for the programme of fish feed) to farms in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Montenegro, and FYROM, with the instruction for use of this feed made by FA aquaculture team;
- lectures of the FA team during organised workshops and presentations of feed and its use in Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM, and Bulgaria;
- participation of team members on scientific and professional meetings in Bulgaria, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina where the research and professional community of these and other countries got to know the ROSA project and its achievements.

As the main result of the project, it should be emphasised that a significant expansion of carp culture based on combination of natural and added extruded feed, established by the FA aquaculture team, has occurred in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Romania. It is important to stress the increased use of extruded feed for carp (formulations created by FA experts) in FYROM, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Besides the mentioned influences in the future it can be expected that transfer of selected fry obtained from the families selective programme of FA supported primarily by the ROSA project to the farms in WB countries, will additionally improve carp production.

Close links created between partners and with research institutions from the region are an important project result. In that context, it is worthwhile to mention the application prepared by NOFIMA, FA, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, Belgrade and the Faculty of Agriculture from Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina for the call of the Norwegian Research Council, in April 2010. The project proposal got the score 6, which is excellent, but was not funded. Expected impact in the future is seen in the education of professionals from Western Balkan countries, primarily Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM, and Croatia at FA which is substantially reinforced by ROSA.

Good quality carp as a result of improved carp culture technology based on combination of natural and added feed has better possibilities of placement on the domestic market and for export compared with the traditional carp culture based on the use of cereals as added feed. Since some WB countries (Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Romania) also have important potential for carp production increase, in these countries as well carp production development will have a positive effect on employability and those countries' economies.

ROSA impact st the level of EU

Carp production in EU countries in the period 2001 - 2008 has decreased from approximately 80 000 to 60 000 tons. The biggest carp producers in the EU (Poland, Check Republic, and Hungary) have a decrease of carp production from year to year. One of the reasons is most probably the fact that in these countries production is still primarily based on cereals as added feed.

Transfer of new production technology based on combination of natural food and added extruded feed will contribute to improved carp quality in EU countries, carp will become a more competitive product, its demand will increase, and thus should the production. In Romania and Bulgaria as EU countries, on few farms the feeding technology with extruded feed was applied resulting in increase of production per unit area.

Improved human and material resources on FA will enable further improvement of the feeding technology in semi-intensive and intensive production systems, and thus improved carp meat quality. This is important even for EU countries since in traditionally carp breeding countries a negative trend in production is obvious. Through ROSA project realisation, EU and other European countries, due to reinforcement of the research capacities, got a relevant partner for cooperation. The project contributed to better integration of Serbia in the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) networks and research and technological development (RTD) projects through increased mobility, transfer of scientific information and achievements, transfer of know-how, transfer of technical advances.

In conclusion, ROSA contributed to reinforcement of human resources and science and technology (S&T) capacities, networking with institutions in Western Balkan and EU, increased job opportunities and prevention of brain drain, and better links with economic and social environment. Therefore, it contributed to the overall strengthening of the ERA.

Project website:

Project coordinator:
Professor Zoran Markovic
University of Belgrade FA
Department of Animal Sciences
Tel: +38-111-3168499
Fax: +38-111-3168499