Final Activity Report Summary - EURODESY (A European research training site for the design and synthesis of novel neuroprotective and hypoglycaemic agents through a multi-disciplinary approach)
The programme provided research training to 10 Early Stage Researchers (ESR) in the design, synthesis and biological assessment of novel antioxidants, neurosteroids and cannabinoids that will be both potent and selective for the prevention and treatment of specific neurodegenerative diseases, and also glucose-thiosemicarbazones and glucopyranosylamine derivatives as potential drugs for type 2 diabetes (T2D) therapy. It was achieved by integrating multidisciplinary fields encompassing synthetic organic, organometallic, pharmaceutical chemistry, computational chemistry, X-ray crystallography, biophysics and biological assessment.
Research training involved personal supervision by the host research staff, courses and practicals, a well-structured programme of seminars, the organisation of two workshops, and presentation skills through presentation of the ESR work in local and international conferences as well as in workshops and seminars. In addition to 48 peer reviewed articles in conference proceedings, the research results were published in 29 peer reviewed articles in international journals (two of which are still under evaluation), plus 2 manuscripts in preparation, 2 peer reviewed chapters in books, 1 national patent and 5 other publications. One of the former ESR fellows obtained the PhD diploma, which was characterised as 'outstanding', a second fellow submitted the PhD Thesis awaiting defence date, and a third PhD Thesis is under preparation. In addition to the two former ESRs waiting for their PhD Theses evaluation, one of them is looking for a permanent job in her home country, two of them are currently post-doctoral fellows and five of them continue their career as PhD students in several universities / research institutes.
Detailed information for the research training activities are provided in the next sections and in the appropriate annexes indicated therein.
The programme established the basis for gaining projects within the FP7, e.g. two REGPOT projects are currently running to our institute, 2 ITN projects have been sumbitted.