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Content archived on 2024-05-14

Interconnection of European research and university networks at 34-155 mbit/s


This project is financed by the joint research networking initiative of Esprit and the Telematics Applications Programme, and by the ACTS programme.

JAMES is a collaborative project between 18 European network operators to research the use of ATM technology for broadband networks. The project aims to develop a Europe-wide ATM-based interconnection structure together with associated experimental services to meet the requirements for implementation of a European High Speed Network for Research in response to a growing user demand for higher bandwidth services. Connectivity for experimental use between the National Research Networks and European research projects (e.g. Esprit projects, National Hosts, ACTS Projects) is provided over an ATM bearer service based on the trans-European network infrastructure established for the European ATM Pilot.

The JAMES project is to experiment, test and evaluate the provision of new ATM-based broadband services and applications throughout Europe. These experiments will use traffic originating from National Research Networks and National Hosts.

The major objectives of the JAMES project are to:

- Establish the user requirements in terms of type of service, features, quality of service metrics, time scale and support, in collaboration with the users.
- Prioritise user requirements and define a trial plan for each service required,
- Assess the market potential and projections for trans-European broadband services,
- Plan, design, build and operate the underlying infrastructure, building on the experience and capabilities of the ATM Pilot,
- Validate end-user services and prove end-to-end operability through experimental trials carrying user traffic,
- Obtain and exploit feedback from the experimental users (particularly National Research Networks and National Hosts) in order to enable each Network Operator to plan and prepare the launch of acceptable and cost-effective commercial services (Exploitation Plan).

A Users Board (UB) has been set up to manage the interface of the project with the users, and provide direct support to users for projects technical problems.

Call for proposal

Data not available


France Telecom
EU contribution
No data
Place D'alleray 6
75015 Paris

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (19)