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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Multi-source Energy Storage System Integrated in Buildings

Final Report Summary - MESSIB (Multi-source energy storage system integrated in buildings)

Executive summary:

The MESSIB finally comes of age: after 4 long years of intense work, facing different kinds of adversities, this ambitious project fulfils the expectations of its consortium members, giving birth to the idea of integrating four storage technologies (2 thermal and 2 electrical) into edification.

From the initial development of multi-source energy storage system (MESS) technologies, apparently disconnected amongst them, the progresses, achieved step by step during this period, have led to the conviction to be able to achieve a more global vision, based on smart management of energy fluxes for the reduction of carbon footprint and the enhancement of energy efficiency (EE).

The efforts have not been spent in vain and the new focus became each day more realistic, failing and starting again, proposing new solutions to the technical constraints and normative barriers, changing concepts and methodology, pushing the vision over the initial targets defined at that time and achieving, even though at its germination stage, the realistic definition of the integrated concept of hybrid energy storage system for the edification, combined with multiple energy generators.

The primary concept of load shifting and matching of production with consumption have been improved with the new of renewable energy source (RES) firming and energy transformation, bringing added value to the mere single technologies developed and manufactured for the project and defined by higher performance respect to the existing market.

A change of mentality is needed for pushing the construction sector in the direction of the self-sustainability of the building, where the energy produced by RES is saved, stored and distributed according to effective necessities in real time, reducing the contribution from electric grid and from fossil fuels.

Even though this concept is currently under development in different and more complex projects, based on the concept of 'smart grid' and 'smart cities', the MESSIB brings its small contribution to the research and development (R&D) toward a more sustainable future. Obviously the results have not immediate validation in short-term market but define clearly the way to follow at medium term to have products suitable for the high level of technology required by the new stakeholders facing the energy market.

Therefore, MESSIB storage systems configure themselves like a new suitable tool for the upcoming times, based on distributed energy and hybrid thermal-electric 'on time' grid.

Project context and objectives:

Promoting EE and integration of RES in buildings in the European Union (EU) has gained prominence with the adoption of the Directive on the energy performance of buildings in 2003. This directive it is built on the policy framework that has been evolving since the early 1990s. EE and integration of RES is a priority within energy policy because of its potential contribution to meeting energy security objectives and meeting Kyoto Protocol targets. Other related Directives for RES and EE are: white paper on RES, action plan for EE in EU, Electricity Directive / RES, EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 2002/91/EC, Eco-design Directive, Cogeneration Directive, Biofuels Directive and Energy Services Directive (ESD). Many governments have committed to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere. They have decided to strengthen their national efforts to increase the deployment of energy conservation technologies and utilisation of RES. So far in most industrialised countries, RES contribute not enough to satisfy energy demand. This is due to several reasons, in particular because some new energy systems are not yet economically competitive with fossil fuels combustion and long term reliability is not proven yet, and there are still some regulatory and market barriers which have to be overcome.

This lack of competitiveness depends on RES energy production profile, which is not stable and constant; on the contrary is in function of boundary conditions of the environment, weather and climatic conditions, limiting the production factor of the technologies. The results is that most of the time the production does not match with the load in terms of power, energy and time; the consequence is the oversizing of RES technologies, to be installed in parallel with tradition power generator based on fossil fuels.

Energy storage technologies make possible saving overproduction of energy for its use when and how necessary; in this way storages contribute to the incorporation of RES in buildings. MESSIB project was thought within this scenario, planned by 22 organisations in 9 countries that are pleased to cooperate and share experiences, in order to address the development, evaluation and demonstration of a MESS, based on new materials, technologies and control systems, for significant reduction of its energy consumption and active management of the building energy demand. MESS is composed by two thermal and two electrical storage systems, integrated with the building installations and a control system to manage the building energy demand and that will smartly manage the profile of use of each storage system and their interactions.

The basic principles are based on a combination of:

- Rational use of thermal energy for primary energy savings and for increasing the building indoor comfort, developing active building components based on phase change technologies for thermal energy storage. The isothermal process improves the use of heating and cooling units by decreasing energy requirements. The adequate integration and use of RES decreases further peak loads, thereby reducing grid power needs.

- Improvement of electrical energy storage, equally integrated with RES in order to shift the demand with the production and to optimise the use of low cost 'off peak' power from the grid. This will lead to a reduction of the overload time increasing the security and efficiency of the network.

More specifically, the most relevant innovative MESSIB elements are:

- new phase change materials (PCMs) for improved active components (that allow energy transportation within the building by circulating phase change slurry and water). The active components will be implemented in building envelope, indoor walls, floors and ceilings;
- advance ground storage (GS) technology combined with radiant systems and ground thermal contact improvement by the development of a conductive fluid material (CFM);
- composite materials (with nanomaterials) for flywheels (FWs) to increase the storage capacity. Adaptation of the whole system for new use in buildings;
- more durable vanadium redox flow batteries (VRB) improving vanadium stability and more compact system adapted for its use in buildings.

This new concept reduces and manages smartly the electrical energy required from the grid favouring the wider use of RES in any type of building and district level. It reduces raw material use for thermal performance and improves the indoor environment, the quality and security of energy supply at building, including cultural heritage (CH), and district level. Furthermore, a significant reduction of the energy unit cost for end users is achieved.

Project results:

The project was structured in 11 work packages (WPs), were WP0 is for management proposes, WP6 for demonstration, WP10 for exploitation and WP11 for dissemination activities. The other WPs were dealing with research and technological development (RTD) activities, in which the technologies were studied, designed, developed and manufactured.

ACCIONA, as high scale construction large enterprise, is leader of this consortium composed by research centres of renowned profile and experience, industrial companies and universities around Europe, outlining mutual relationships and daily management with European Commission (EC) and participants. During the entire project the technical leadership has been shared with all relevant actors, driving to the solutions of the obvious problems raised during this ambitious investigation project.

The work started with WP1 (RTD), which deals with meeting costumers and value chain requirements, driving forces and trends. Its main objective was to define the technical requirements for the project development for the compliance with customer and value chain.

For that purpose, buildings were classified according to their use and typology. Furthermore, relevant stakeholders across Europe are identified and a questionnaire regarding Energy Technologies and their penetration in the market is developed and sent to all relevant stakeholders. Furthermore, how national building codes take into account energy / energy storage and the Energy Performance Building Directive (EPBD) and the ESD degree of implementation in the different countries and how energy storage could contribute to their objectives regarding energy will be evaluated.

The outputs of WP1 serve as background material for the R&D targets to be achieved in the various WPs of the MESSIB and can be used as a reference and check-point towards the planned innovative technical developments.

The work of WP1 took place at the early beginning of the project, to define the starting point for other WPs, and then had another re-activation, in order to update the information and analyse requirement variation and new potential stakeholders to consider.

Its main results were to:

- identify relevant products and technologies related to energy, building use and related built environment;
- classify the buildings according to uses and typologies;
- identify relevant stakeholders of the value chain related with EE buildings by European country;
- know how national building codes take into account energy, in particular energy storage;
- know the EPBD and the ESD implementation in the different countries and how energy storage could contribute to their objectives regarding energy performance;
- identify energy storage related standards.

WP2 (RTD) main topic was the design and manufacturing of a new thermal energy storage system based on PCMs and GS.

For that purpose suitable PCMs and microencapsulations as well as fluid (slurry) containing microencapsulated PCMs were developed and incorporated into buildings envelope, floor, ceiling and wall system. In parallel an efficient thermal GS system based in new lower cost tube materials new conductive soil material with improved thermal properties. The slurries development is itself based on microencapsulated paraffin. The main development here was the development of slurry using a paraffin mixture with a melting range that fits very well to the requirement of a heat pump that can be used in reverse mode to cool a building by chilled ceilings and with a viscosity suitable for hydraulic circulation with traditional equipment and auxiliaries.

Beside PCMs and slurries, new approaches for ground heat storage have been carried on within this WP, achieving as results a new geometry ground heat exchanger (GHEX), with enhanced thermal characteristics, a CFM, injected in the soil around the drilling for the improvement of the ground conductivity and reducing soil resistance.

In parallel, a Simulation software tools was developed for systems design and integration with the building; by this way it is possible to calculate with precision the efficiency, the contribution and the behaviour of storage technologies, depending on boundaries conditions and on integration with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.

During the evolution of the project, many problems have been faced and solved:

1. the impossibility to inject the CFM in all places, depending on local normative for ground drilling, which forced the identification of a new demo site from the original selected;
2. the rapid degradation of PCM slurry capsules during pumping cycles, which forced to review the composition and stability of the fluid;
3. the necessity to have a reliable software tool for PCM, which required many validation based on monitored data and a continuous feedback process.

Its main results were:

- the development of suitable energy storage materials in the form of microencapsulated and polymeric-hydrate PCMs and fluids (slurries) containing PCMs (PCS);
- integration of PCM developments in a building's envelope, floor, ceiling and walls;
- development and evaluation of new PCM activated gypsum-boards systems with slurry through-circulation to improve energy storage efficiency;
- development simulation software tools to facilitate and evaluate system design and integration at building level;
- development of advanced thermal GS system based on new concepts such as heat exchange and new materials for piping;
- development of new GHEX with higher efficiency respect to a traditional U-pipe;
- development of grouting fluid able to improve the ground conductivity and reducing soil resistivity.

WP3 (RTD) main topic was the development and test of an electrical energy storage system for buildings composed by FWs and VRBs.

The innovations brought by these technologies were:

1. a new lightweight and high strength orthotropic composite wheel for FW system in buildings with improved kinetically storage capabilities and electrical performance, with a new power electronic system and high efficiency motor / generator and a low friction motor-rotor system based on cabinet vacuum and magnetic bearings;
2. a material screening for membranes, electrodes and electrolytes used to support in the design of compact VRB in buildings for long-term electrical storage. Concerning FW activities, the focus was on overall energy storage systems: rotor, magnetic guidance, vacuum system and power electronics. All these parts have been coupled and integrated appropriately for a final prototype of 100 kW and 2.5 MJ, tested at full speed (50 000 rpm) at TEKNIKER crash test lab for mechanical resistance and coupled with electric load for energetic behaviour assessment.

For the design of a system by a single cell, different points like flow rate, system configuration, layout, energy density of the electrolyte, power electronic parts, safety issues and housing have been identified, achieving stack with a power ratio of 1.4 kW and 6 kWh of capacity. Design of the stack and system was done with accurate simulation models based on MODELICA software. A power electronics converter suitable for MESSIB redox flow battery has been designed and assembled.

During the development of the project, the FW has been resized (designed and manufactured) two times changing the specifications in terms of power and capacity, for technical problems of the complex axis-rotor, for the energetic requirement of the demo of installation and for safety problems depending of rotor risk of explosion during mechanical stress tests for stability and integrity. Such kind of test require a specific lab, able to resist the high speed impact assuring the safety of the working personnel; for this the maximum energy of the FW at its collapse must not overcome the energy absorbed by the lab, which is a 'bunker' of fact.

At the same time the VRB stack showed, in the operation phase, leakages which cannot be repaired. As consequence a new stack, with boosted power (2.3 kW) is under new design and manufacturing, with self-founding, according to the experience from previous prototype.

The WP main results were:

- designing, development and manufacturing of entire FW system;
- designing of manufacturing process on nano-composite wheel;
- designing and test the electronic part of the FW;
- test of the FW at full speed for mechanical stress;
- the section of materials (membranes, electrodes and flow fields) for VRB cell components;
- designing and manufacturing of single cell vanadium redox-flow system to demonstrate its functionality;
- development of simulation model for the prototyping of FW and VRB, and storage technology integration in the building.

WP4 (RTD) deals with the integration of the developed technologies into real installation world in such a way that allows getting the maximum performance of the conventional installations together with the developed systems.

A complete TRNSYS based simulation of the German demo building, integrating the technologies developed within WP2 and WP3, has been done, achieving important relationships between the size of storage systems and of renewable energy system. The results obtained have been used as reference for the development of different task within the same WP, defining a methodology in the integration process.

It has been stressed how the influence of the climatic conditions and of the insulation of the building can affect the efficiency of the storage systems and the initial design of the entire concept and that the methodology, even if similar every time, must be tailored on each specific case, pointing out the real contribution of the storages. Consequently an analysis of the architectural and constructive interaction of the developed storage systems with the building have been carried out, considering connection test, boundary conditions and HVAC modification in different conditions of use to use the MESSIB technologies, testing and selecting the best alternatives for connecting storage technologies to the existing installations and electric power grid.

Further simulations, based on the methodology previously defined, allowed to understand how the storage system can affect the energetic balance of a building, improving the efficiency of existing heat generation technology and reducing the contribution from fossil fuels.

An integration hand book, comprehensive of lay-outs and explanation about different installation strategies, was realised taking into account different level for the implementation of the MESS concept: architectural, electromechanical, control, maintenance and normative. For this work an extended simulation of the electrical storage system has been performed in order to highlight the possible use of FW and VRB as uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for feeding the critical loads of the house, identifying period of the year and time of autonomy in case of black out.

A lifecycle cost analysis of the MESSIB technologies establishing the least lifecycle cost (LLCC) point was performed, taking into account the pure technology and its implementation into different configurations. A comprehensive scientific investigation, incl. literature research on lifecycle costing, has been conducted. Different methods of static and dynamic cost analysis have been investigated as well as their respective application. Setup of a generic model (Excel based) to test calculations, on the basis of this model numerous combinations and alternatives as well as cost-variations has been settled in order to identify the LLCCs and therefore the most economical solution.

WP main results were:

- simulation of a complete building with the results of WP2 and WP3 considering the new storage capacity;
- analysis of the interaction between developed storage systems and buildings main characteristics;
- development of connections and installation procedures;
- integration of storage technologies with different equipment and systems;
- architectural integration of storage system in the building;
- test and select the best alternatives for connecting storage technologies to the existing installations and electric power grid;
- definition of design guide for multiple stakeholders;
- lifecycle cost analysis of the storage technologies integrated in the buildings.

In WP5 (RTD) integrated smart energy management system for the multisource system was developed for achieving a multilevel automation and communication architecture for monitoring a MESS.

A central process unit was developed for managing monitoring, database and control of the building, managing energy control strategy algorithms and data registered by the monitoring system, including user interface able to manage communications between the monitoring system and the actuation system.

The central unit processes, analyses and reports of data and information on operation of equipment. The integrated active control system allows the smart management of the energy demand in the building by an actuation system. Various sensor types are integrated in the standardised way. Sensors need to be intelligent (microprocessor must be incorporated). Basic filtering, linearisation are done directly at the sensor level. Sensors and actuators can be combined in one device.

Controllers execute the programme. Basic control algorithms are executed at the controller level. Programs are executed in real time. Units are freely programmable and programs are transferred to controllers via communication. Controllers are programmable according to EN-61131-2 standard. Basic data manipulation is also done at this level. Data is temporally stored in controllers, while higher amount of data have to be transferred to higher levels, where it can be stored and analysed.

Efforts were focused in adapting the existing hardware technology in office buildings, residential buildings, houses, CH buildings and other uses. The smart energy management system, with its advanced strategy will be demonstrated, monitored and evaluated in WP6, according to the indication of the energy management activities. Smart control strategy, based on EE principles, was defined taking into account the maximum performance of HVAC maintaining minimum requirements of comfort inside the building.

WP main results were:

- the definition of the monitoring system;
- the design of control and actuation strategies;
- the development of new central control unit;
- the implementation of the central process unit in the building environment;
- the development of a friendly graphic user interface;
- the development of whole smart energy management system.

WP6 (DEMO) is dedicated to demonstration activities, whose overall objective of is to test, verify, validate, quantify and assess the energy improvements achieved with the installation of the MESSIB technologies in demonstration sites with different characteristics.

The WP started with design and installation requirements in the two originally selected demonstration sites, establishing the monitoring strategy, the pre MESSIB-technology installation state of fact; the buildings software simulation, the configuration and layout of the heating / cooling systems production, provision and installation of available heat storage and high thermal conductivity materials on sites, definition of electric lay-out and functional piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID).

The original idea was to install, operate, monitor and assess the energy regulating components developed in the project (FW, BH, PCM, VRB, and control system) in two different demo sites:

- An existing office building in Germany (central European climate), at the Fraunhofer ISE installations, in the Solar House in Freiburg, formerly equipped with PV plus heat pump plus air handling unit. BH + VRB + slurry + control system must be installed here.
- A new residential in Greece (Mediterranean climatic conditions), at the KnaufABEE installations, in the I-SSB house in Amphilochia, which is built with steel frame and dry walls, formerly equipped with radiant surfaces plus heat pump plus solar thermal. Passive PCM (embedded in constructive elements) plus FW must be installed here.

During the execution of the works in Greece, it was required to prove the safety of the FW, furthermore actual Greek electric regulation is not clear for grid feed-in connections, by which it was necessary to create a new demo at TEKNIKER (Spain) settings for stress tests and electricity feed-in tests. The FW was tested with and without electric loads, according to different working profiles.

Similarly, during the execution of works in Germany, for local normative, it was impossible to install the BH with CFM injected in the soil (forbidden). The same limitation was present in Greece for seismic risk. The solution was the detection of the new demo in Paterna (Spain) where different BHs were installed with different modalities and technologies.

Currently all technologies were installed, run and monitored, generating many fluxes of data for the assessment of the efficiency / effectiveness of each technology connected with a load. The impossibility of having all storages as originally planned lead to the decision of making a virtual implementation of all technologies in 2 different concepts:

- Active - BH in Paterna + solar souse and control system in Germany plus VRB plus FW in Tekniker.
- Passive - PCM and house in Greece.
Results from the passive concepts are validated by constant monitoring of building behaviour, while results from active concept come from a virtual software model, where all components (end the whole model) were validated individually by the monitoring during operations.

WP main results were:

- performance assessment of the two building without energy storage;
- manufacture and test the energy storage systems for each demonstrator;
- install the multi-source energy storage system in the buildings and other demos;
- performance assessment of each technology during operation;
- install the smart energy management system in the buildings;
- performance assessment of the buildings with the new energy storage capacity and management system;
- validation of results via software simulation.

The main objective of WP7 (RTD) is the technical and economic feasibility study for the applicability of the MESSIB technologies and management systems at large scale level. A real district serves as the base for the assessment of the impacts of the potential implementation of MESSIB in districts in regarding the definition of different trade models for the exchange of economic value (among the end user, generation systems, central storage systems and the utility) and efficiency of the whole system in terms of energy and economy.

Although the real district selected to carry out the work, at the time of proposal writing, was located in the north area of Madrid, this new district has not been erected and, because of that, a new district located in Vitoria, the capital of the Basque Country, in the north of Spain is serving as real target scenario for WP7 development. The name of this district is SALBURUA, one of the communities involved in PIME'S CONCERTO project.

Work realised permitted to evaluate the energy requirements of the district and its profiles of use. Also energy generation and storage systems available and production profiles have been gathered. Development of potential solutions to implement the technologies in the district (MESS in different sizes, locations and combinations) and the simulation of the effects in the district of storage systems have been performed.

The analysis has taken into account not only the technical considerations but also the economic features of these solutions (investment costs, efficiency, maintenance costs). These issues have been integrated in order to select the potential viable solutions to implement in the district.

The WP main results were:

- development of potential solutions to implement the technologies in the district (MESS in different sizes, locations and combinations);
- simulation of the effects in the district of storage systems;
- evaluation of the energy requirements of the district and its profile of use;
- evaluation of modification of the building smart management system developed to larger scale;
- virtual integration/implementation of storage technologies into Salburua district;
- study of demand-side management (DSM) financial value of the different implementation and use variations of MESS.

Objective of WP8 (RTD) is the adaptation of the developed MESSIB technologies and control systems to CH application. The study included experimental tests in laboratory and on the field aimed at evaluating the new technologies.

The starting point of the activity was the selection of the types of historical buildings to be studied: museums, historical buildings for private and public use, churches. Then, the analysis of the energy behaviour of the selected buildings was carried out by using numerical analysis tools aimed at identifying which technology could be applied and estimating the results in terms of energy savings.

The identification of the technical and non-technical barriers and possible solutions to the application of MESSIB technologies and systems to historical buildings was carried out. In particular, the barriers related to the use of the 2 thermal short term storage technologies developed within the project have been analysed from the technical (thermal, chemical and physical) and economic points of view.

The main typologies of barriers making difficult the integration of storages in CH buildings have been identified and several possibilities for overcoming the situation were singled out according to 6 different parameters: architectural integration, system constraints, safety of the installations, operation and maintenance of the systems, lack of standards, codes and certifications for the regulation of the systems, economic and financial issues.

An inventory of norms, standards and guidelines on international and national level regarding CH buildings, which can have an influence on MESSIB technologies applications, has been performed and will continue through the whole project duration to accomplish the largest knowledge of the actual legislative state of art.

The WP main results were:

- evaluation of technical and non-technical barriers for possible solutions to apply MESSIB technologies in CH buildings;
- analysis of 3 different CH buildings;
- selection of suitable sensor and measurement instruments for the correct monitoring of the energetic variables without intrusion or damage of works of art;
- analysis of the specific codes for CH buildings;
- adaptation of the technologies to CH;
- incorporate of PCMs on CH buildings. Evaluate the effects on thermal storage and durability;
- economic analysis of MESS technologies into CH buildings.

In WP9 (RTD) a pre normative research was carried out, analysing and mapping, through existing texts, norms and standards that pertain to the technologies used in the MESSIB concept, identifying blank spots and possible barrier, proposing for testing and certification procedures For those technologies not yet covered by existing standards or regulations. The relevant actors and institutes were supplied with information on the activities in the project, in cooperation with these actors toward proposals for the implementation of new / modified rules and regulations setting up.

The map, made of regulations and standards on international and national level, was made of existing tests, norms and standards that include HVAC installations and components, thermal and electrical storage technologies, building integration aspects and health and safety aspects. The overview was completed with remarks on topics or aspects of the norms, standards or regulations that could pose problems in the development or implementation of MESSIB technologies, achieving a systematic inventory of barriers and opportunities.

For those technologies not covered by existing standards or regulations proposals were made for testing and certification procedures., including performance modelling and testing of heat storage and electricity storage technologies, of control and optimisation of energy storage components and systems and of building integration aspects, amongst others. The activities were developed within national and international standardisation and certification bodies, in international collaboration projects (in EU and in IEA framework), in international industry and professional federations and in working groups of European technology platforms.

WP main results were:

- identification of existing standards;
- analysis of existing standards and barriers for MESS technologies;
- development of new standards, suited for new technologies;
- preparations for the introduction of these new standards;
- transmission of results to platforms and standardisation groups.

In WP 10 (OTH), an exploitation plan was elaborated showing the project results and routes for exploitation as well as targeted partners and economic impact for the consortium, for Europe and for the world. IPR issues will be taken into account and business models were formulated for exploiting technologies services at building and district level.

Business models, based on reference scenario used in the implementation of BUSSMOD (business models for distributed energy resources in a liberalised market environment) methodology for business models, were developed to achieve the lowest costs of manufacturing, maintenance and operation all over the lifetime of the different energy storage technologies. For this, current existing models will be analysed and a general methodology for assessing business models for energy storage services will be created. The critical success factor for this work is linked to the appraisal of the future technology / service end users. Because of this issue, a strong link with results from WP11 has been established by which critical players were contacted in relation of each project result identified when analysing the value brought by their innovative results.

WP main results were:

- to develop a methodology to extract the necessary information from all the partners regarding their interest and participation in the different activities of the project;
- to identify the main products and define their exploitation characteristics;
- the exploitation of strategic results from project development;
- the implementation of BUSMOD methodology, developed during first period of the project, into Salburua scenario;
- the BUSMOD methodology based on integration of different MESS technologies with existing HVAC systems of the Salburua scenario.

Activity of WP11 (OTH) was focused in making stakeholders aware of the project. The objectives are to ensure effective branding of MESSIB and disseminate key results targeting EU policy makers, authorities, researchers, decision makers through publications, national and international events, public relations and to establish grounds for effective training and learning for engineers, architects, developers and building owners and take-up of MESSIB results.

This WP includes also training as the most effective mean to disseminate concrete results to any kind of practitioner. Therefore, new training methods addressing the increasing needs for competencies, transfer of new knowledge, and lifelong learning systems were developed for researchers and key staff, including research managers and industrial executives (in particular for SMEs) and any potential users of the knowledge generated by the project. Main disseminations means will be by the website, specific publications, educational materials for students and training to professionals, conferences and seminars, networking and technology transfer activities.

WP main results were:

- the identification and classification of target stakeholders to be addressed;
- the dissemination methods and their specific associated activities;
- the conditions to ensure proper dissemination of the generated knowledge, related to confidentiality, publication and use of the knowledge;
- the development of the training plan and programme as the most effective mean to disseminate concrete results to any kind of practitioner;
- the generation of public installers guide.

Potential impact:

In general, the integration of energy storage systems in buildings directly contributes to increase the EE of buildings, reducing their energy consumption and the environmental impact through:

1. The widespread adoption of RES which is mainly constrained by the variable and intermittent nature of their output. Their appropriate integration with MESS allows greater market penetration, with associated primary energy and greenhouse gasses (GHG) emissions reductions.
2. The operation of older and less efficient generation plants, particularly for peak lopping purposes. The appropriate integration of MESSIB with electricity network will reduce the need for such plants, with corresponding primary energy and GHG emissions reduction. The MESS in buildings is able to reduce 25 % of its current energy consumption providing economic benefits, reduction of raw materials, CO2 and other GHG emissions associated with the energy consumption in buildings.

The smart management concept of MESSIB can create intelligent buildings with operation adjustments for different profiles of use and achieving:

1. a more comfortable indoor environment;
2. an improvement of the quality and security of energy supplied and the efficiency of the local grid.

In terms of efficiency, MESSIB provides end-users with a customised and adaptable solution to reach relevant energy savings and to reduce and optimise energy consumption. Adding new storage capacity, the building will need less energy to achieve optimal levels of indoor performance.

In terms of peak reductions, MESSIB offers utilities and costumers the way to manage peak demand. MESSIB will provide a quick, cost-effective alternative to traditional infrastructure investments and will reduce the need for central generation capacity, by storing thermal and electrical energy and managing smartly the electrical use.

In terms of reliability MESSIB enables the end user to participate in the capacity market and modify the way the electricity is consumed from the grid, helping to safeguard the grid by providing additional capacity quicker and more cost effective than new supply infrastructure.

In terms of price, MESSIB allows putting in to practice cost-effective real-time pricing to manage the consumed energy and take advantage of a new framework in which energy price was adapted to energy demands. With the thermal energy storage MESSIB principle, less electricity, gas and fuels will be needed to cover the requirements of the building.

The capability of the energy utility sector will increase and the European energy dependency from external countries will be reduced as well as their indebtedness.

In terms of socio-economic impact:

- MESSIB will contribute to enhance the competitiveness of European industry, particularly SMEs of different sectors such as construction, RES providers, materials, components and system suppliers, technology providers, utilities, etc.
- It will contribute to strengthen the competitiveness of both, the European Building and Energy sectors in key energy efficient technologies.
- It will favour the creation of micro-grids at district level and also the increase of cost effective RES in buildings and will contribute to move the actual supply response scenario to the demand response mechanism with a modular system of storage adaptable to most of the demand profiles of the buildings in Europe.

MESSIB is a key element in achieving the EU policy goals for sustainability such meeting the Kyoto obligations. The 43 % of the energy consumption in building is used for heating and cooling. Furthermore, it is the responsible of the highest amount of GHG emissions, (about 30 %) sent to the atmosphere after transport sector.

The lower energy consumption to be achieved in a building through lower thermal and electrical energy requirements will have an additional direct environmental impact. The indirect environmental impact of MESSIB will be seen in the reduction of CO2 releases in the atmosphere via the reduction of the total energy consumption in buildings.

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