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Content archived on 2024-05-14

Competence building and higher awareness about networking and collaboration for Europe


Inter-organisational technology collaboration in its different forms (company networks, alliances, European R&D cooperation, ...) is becoming a vital aspect of modern economy. There is in particular a well identified requirement from the business world on best business practice exchange on partnership issues (in the EBPN study performed by EFMD on behalf of the TBP programme, information exchange on strategic alliances was one of the key subjects identified by respondents to the EBPN questionnaire).

Requirements from specific key target groups Many organisations, e.g. SMEs, local authorities and user organisations are insufficiently prepared to collaborate effectively - collaboration strategies are not built into strategic thinking, people are often not qualified to work effectively in a collaborative context, and organisational structures are a source of significant strain in partnership situations. They are however under increasing pressure to get involved in such collaborative structures and are more and more needed for the success of such collaboration projects.

CHANCE will reply to these needs by stimulating and organising best practice exchange on inter-organisational collaboration. Specific services will include :
- to organise a large range of awareness, training and workshop events to disseminate best practice and to stimulate best business practice exchange;
- to support specific organisations with collaboration audits and consultancy on collaboration strategies;
- to sell Methods Handbooks (in paper and electronic form) adapted to the needs of specific organisations and forms of collaboration.

Different forms of partnerships related to technologies will be covered such as : strategic alliances; sales & marketing partnerships; collaboration in logistics & manufacturing; R&D partnerships; technology licensing; joint ventures; virtual enterprises; SME networks; industry - academia collaboration.

To achieve this goal, CHANCE will collect and evaluate existing best business practice based training and documentary material, establish a large knowledge base with new best business practice material through a case study network; develop a Training Kit and a Methods Handbook based on best business practice material, reusing where appropriate existing training and documentary material; adapt it to specific target populations, e.g. national language, specific needs of small companies, legal issues etc; organise a large range of awareness, training and workshop events to disseminate best practice and to stimulate best business practice exchange; support specific organisations with audits and consultancy on collaboration strategies and implementation.
%l Duration
The CHANCE project will last two years after which CHANCE will continue as a self-sustained service network. Competence nodes and relays CHANCE will be organised as network of 'competence' and 'relay' nodes. Each node of the network will provide a specific expertise and provide access to a specific target group.

Three types of partners will participate: consultancy companies, business schools and academic institutions and external relays (not contractors).

Call for proposal

Data not available


Arttic International
EU contribution
No data
Avenue De Beaulieu (A6, Bte 19) 25
B-1160 Bruxelles

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (4)