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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Widening IST Networking Development Support - Caribe

Project description

International cooperation

The WINDS-Caribe project aims at contributing to the building a cohesive Information Society in the Caribbean region by deepening strategic cooperation between Europe and the Caribbean in ICT RandD issued; it will help to involve Caribbean actors in a multinational community that will involve all the relevant stakeholders (researchers, policy makers, users) that deal with ICT and that will define the key issues on which cooperation should focus through an open consultation process.

The project will:
1.\tBuild the observation and analysis capacity required to identify issues of common benefit on which EU-Caribe collaboration should focus and excellence actors from the Caribbean region be involved in EU-funded research;
2.\tGuarantee that information on and results of European IST research are shared, disseminated, adapted and transferred to a number of research, policy and practice actors dealing with technology applications in the Caribbean;
3.\tBuild a web-based collaborative exchange, learning and working environment for high-level research, industry and government administrators, civil society, the research community at EU and Caribe);
4.\tRaise awareness of policy makers in the EU and in the Caribbean about ICT cooperation and results and facilitate dialogue among policy makers, companies, civil society and the research community;
5.\tEstablish, through an open consultation mechanism, a roadmap for future technology research in a EU-Caribe long-term collaboration perspective.
The project will complement an ongoing project named WINDS Latin America, that runs the same activities focusing on the Latin-American region, and will extend to the Caribbean region the impact of WINDS-LA, by adapting all the existing services (culturally, linguistically and technologically) to the Caribbean needs and state of the art. The fact that the two projects share the coordinators and one EU partner will ensure synergies both in terms of costs and of policy relevance.

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call


EU contribution
€ 158 993,00
Total cost
No data

Participants (9)