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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Intelligent distribution of demanding services and applications to mobile thin client devices

Project description

The Network of the Future

Thin client solutions (i.e. processing delegated primarily to a remote server) have been extremely successful in wired LAN settings, because of cost reductions, inherent data security and privacy, more efficient use of resources, and ubiquitous data and service access.
Despite the successes in the wired scenario, solutions able to also perform well in a wireless wide area network, still do not exist because of the differences of characteristics in the network and devices. The ambition of MobiThin STREP project is to focus on extending existing wired thin client solutions to wireless mobile devices.
Intelligent distribution of demanding services and all existing legacy applications to mobile devices over state-of-the-art telecommunications network, is a important rationale behind several research initiatives. Major blockers for this efficient high quality service delivery are concerned with the inherent characteristics of the wireless medium, as well with the resource constraints typical for wireless terminals (energy consumption and input-output mechanisms). MobiThin takes this challenge, pursuing thin client based solutions, optimized for wireless wide area networks.
MobiThin – driven by a strong consortium focused on thin client computing - will develop an end-to-end solution, and address all important blockers for the wide adoption of wireless thin client computing paradigm. These include architecture and technology issues (wireless medium optimization, dedicated video codec and user pattern research, software/middleware, performance and energy saving oriented solutions), as well as economic ones (business roles and models). In addition to making scientific and technological progress, the project will demonstrate an integrated prototype for the wireless thin client.
Combined with the existing wired technologies the MobiThin impact is to:o run your applications EVERYWHEREo CONNECT mobile and wireless workerso use every DEVICE on every network

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call


EU contribution
€ 711 820,00
9050 GENT

See on map

Activity type
Research Organisations
Administrative Contact
Dominique Moens (Ms.)
Total cost
No data

Participants (8)