The consortium participants have developed tools for analysing the different dimensions of sustainability in a FP6 project DECOIN (Development and Comparison of Sustainability Indicators). The objective of the proposed SMILE project is to apply and further develop these tools to analyse the trade-offs and synergies between different aspects of sustainable development. A number of case studies will be carried out to assess the use of the toolkit in different socio-economic, environmental and cultural contexts and at different levels. The project analyses the trade-offs and synergies that exist between the different objectives related to sustainable development by utilising the different indicators developed within the European Sustainable Development Indicator (SDI) Working Group as well as new types of indicators provided by the tools developed by the consortium partners in previous projects. The assessment takes place (i) between economic and environmental aspects, (ii) between economic and social aspect, (iii) between social and environmental aspects and (iv) between all the three objectives. In addition, interfacing the scientific results with societal/policy processes (stakeholder participation, sustainable consumption and production patterns) will be assessed and policy recommendations will be formulated. The assessment of the interlinkages of the different dimensions will form the basis for policy recommendations on improvement of sustainability conditions at various geographical scales. The futures oriented approach of the project, including construction of different scenarios of future development paths relating to the synergies and trade-offs, will provide knowledge that will be relevant for economic, social and environmental policies and their combination in the longer term.
Call for proposal
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Funding Scheme
CP-FP - Small or medium-scale focused research projectCoordinator
20014 Turku