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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-30

Implementing Metrology in the European Research Area -Plus


The central nerve in the spine of our high-tech world is metrology, the science of measurement. Ever more precise and reliable measurements are essential in our daily lives, and to drive innovation within our knowledge based economy. What we cannot measure, we do not understand properly, and cannot control nor manufacture or process reliably. Thus advances in metrology have a profound impact on our understanding of and ability to shape the world around us. Building on the existing “iMERA” ERA-NET this action will implement the first chapter of a cohesive and strategic joint European Metrology Research Programme (the EMRP) for R&D in metrology. The programme brings together nationally funded metrology activities of the 19 participating countries, creating critical mass to enable Europe to respond to the growing demands for cutting edge metrology. Our proposal is a direct response to the “special case” for metrology identified by the EC in Annex IV of their 2007 “Cooperation” Work Programme. The action is launched by EURAMET e.V. a legal entity created for the purpose, which ensures that, in addition to the 19 participating countries, a further 11 European countries directly benefit from the activities. This action is for a single Call covering four priority topic areas from the EMRP. The Call encompasses a two-stage process. National filtering of topics ensures that only those ideas of appropriate quality and able to attract the necessary national resources are considered at the second stage, a competitive pan-European independently refereed evaluation resulting in a final list of collaborative R&D projects for at least 63 M€, with up to 33% funded by the EC and the remaining part funded by the participating national actions. The national resources to be put at the disposal of this ERA-NET Plus have already been committed, including a reserve in each country to give confidence that the selection of the best projects will not be compromised by lack of available resources.

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call


EU contribution
€ 21 000 000,00
Bundesallee 100

See on map

Activity type
Research Organisations
Administrative Contact
Andrew Henson (Mr.)
Total cost
No data