Final Report Summary - CITYNETMOBIL (CITY NETwork for fair MOBILity)
Executive Summary:
The objectives of CityNetMobil were to explore and promote the potential of development in automatic vehicle technologies for future sustainable urban transportation systems, and provide advice and guidance on the options for decision makers. CityNetMobil main objective was to spread knowledge about automated transport systems, their costs and benefits, to citizens ,city
authorities, local transport planners and managers to overcome the "diffusion barrier" which hampered so far the widespread adoption of such system which proved, wherever studied or applied, to be: technically feasible, well performing as transport systems, energy efficient and environmental friendly, generally well accepted by users, financially neutral, and socio-economically viable.
Seventh in a stream of projects in the area, CityNetMobil diffused the scientific and technical results obtained by all its predecessors, took over from the City Mobil project the coordination of the "Reference Group", a group of cities interested in understanding how automated transports systems could help to solve some of their mobility problems.
CityNetMobil approach was to enlarge the "Reference Group" stimulating a continuous subscription of new members and to select 5 sites to host 5 events in the three years project time on the basis of:
the technical suitability of the site to host a significant ( in transport task terms) showcase,
the availability of the city to help in the organization of the event,
the potentiality that after the event the city might decide to go for the implementation of an automated transport system,
the size of the expected audience and its geographical coverage,
press coverage,
the concomitance with other attractive scientific or cultural events to maximise CityNetMobil event visibility
the eventual inclusion in the Niches+ list of cities,
the compliance of the proposed event timing with CityNetMobil schedule.
The whole project was therefore structured in five work packages according to the five main activities streams.
The" Reference Group" management and coordination, together with the project management constituted work package 1, mainly dedicated to the cities liaison or recruiting, aiming to reach as many cities as possible, either to include them in the "Reference Group" or just to inform them about the CityNetMobil initiatives. This work package run from the beginning to the end of the project, was in charge of links with the Commission and of drafting the periodic project reports as well as the minutes of each Reference Group meeting and of the med-term and final project reports.
Work package2 concerned the site selection for events, it should have last for the first four months, aiming at defining the methodology for site selection, collecting data from candidate sites, and performing the site selection in order that Work package 3could draft the schedule for the events and work package 5 prepare the dissemination materials The only milestone of work package 2 was the completion of the site selection procedure in four months delivering to the EC the relative report.
Work package 3 referred to the events design and planning, focussing on defining the schedule of the events including starting date, duration and detailed programs. Three were its milestones and a deliverable report to be submitted to the EC.
Work package 4 represented the main work package of the project regarding the events organization and running. It received input from WP3 and had two ways communication with WP5 which provided the dissemination material to be used in the events and received the information of the events to be up-loaded on the website. Work package 4 had one milestone and 5 deliverables, one for each of the events.
Work package5 was in charge of all the dissemination actions necessary to the success of the initiatives, preparing the communication materials for the events. Six were the tasks which coincided with six milestones and deliverables:
- Define the corporate identity by drafting Logo and templates;
- Prepare and run a common website:
- Design and print the project brochure;
- Preparing press releases, distributing them to press and to cities in and out of the "Reference Group";
- Prepare the audiovisual material and posters to be brought in the different events;
- Design and realise the gadgets for people to remember the events and the messages they gave.
At the end of the 39 months development, the project, started on September 2008, fully accomplished the objectives, tasks and planned milestones. Five showcases have been successfully organized and carried out in Clermont-Ferrand France (September 17th -18th 2009) in Formello Italy ( from February 27th to March 8th 2010) in Ixelles Belgium (from September19th-20th 2010) in Antibes-Agglo Sophia Antipolis France (on October 28th-29th 2011) and in Reggio Calabria,Italy (from November 10th to 13th 2011). More detailed description of each one of the events has been reported in the section of the Progress Report dedicated to the WP4 tasks, as well as in the Deliverables 4.1-4.2-4.3-4.4-4.5.
Project Context and Objectives:
Seventh in a stream of projects in the area, CityNetMobil diffused the scientific and technical results obtained by all its predecessors, took over from the City Mobil project the coordination of the "Reference Group" a group of cities interested in understanding how automated transport can help to solve some of their mobility problems, stimulated new subscriptions and enriched it with new memberships, coordinating at the same time several activities with CATS and NICHES + projects .
The project objectives for the reporting period of 39 months, as per Annex I of the Grant Agreement (amended) and according to each one of the five Work Packages were:
Work Package 1 - To coordinate the technical work of the Consortium (CTL)
- To coordinate economic and financial project activities (CTL)
- To manage relations with the Commission (Polis)
- To manage relations with the Reference Group and coordinate its work (CTL-POLIS).
Work Package 2 - To select among the Reference Group members 5 sites to host the events in the
three years ( CTL-INRIA-GEA).
Work Package 3 - To define the schedule of the events
To plan in details each of the events (GEA-CTL-INRIA).
Work Package 4 - To run the events (GEA-CTL-INRIA).
Work Package 5 - To prepare common dissemination material and make all those dissemination
Actions which are necessary to the success of such an initiative.
A very positive and harmonious coordination of the Consortium technical work has been achieved under CTL coordination, along all the project duration. Five partners meetings, Biarritz (France) January 23rd 2009 -Rome (Italy) August 6th 2009 -Rome (Italy) November 11th 2009- Rome (Italy) March 4th 2010- Antibes (France) October 28th 2011), in addition to a kick-off meeting ( La Rochelle, France September 17th 2008) were held , which permitted to the project partners to deeply analyse and discuss all arising problems and commonly decide how to solve them, strengthening reciprocal understanding and thrust .
Jointly advocacy activities have been planned and carried out, a continuous consultation and information flow among partners has been realised, a solid collaboration on technical issues as well as in project management, including financial aspects, has been consolidated.
Significant results of this positive collaboration is the increased number of cities that joined the Reference Group. Prominent action of recruitment was developed by POLIS,
through its own dissemination channels and network, as electronic newsletter, website, annual Conference, by participating or organizing specialized workshop or working groups, by establishing contacts with European Universities, enterprises and NGOs, involved and interested in sustainable mobility.
More than 500 copies of CityNetMobil brochure, both in English and French were diffused by Polis, in collaboration with CTL, while participating at different social and technical events in Brussels or other European cities. However the role of liaison with civil society and with the cities, originally assigned to Polis, was also extended to the other partners, when assuming the decision to leave open the site selection process at the Kick-off meeting. CTL, GEA and INRIA therefore, activated in advocating for the project. Personal direct meetings with the municipalities were privileged to promote CityNetMobil technical contents, contacting and stimulating Swiss, French, Italian, Belgian and other European cities to join the Reference Group and to share its activities. Deliverable 2.1 on "Site selection report", as well as the vary reports on the sites visits, bear witness of this untiring advocacy process.
A positive assessment can also be expressed concerning the liaison and relationships with the Commission, both CTL and Polis, in charge of the task, managed to consult, inform by assiduous contacts, meetings , correspondence etc.
Two Contract Agreement amendments were submitted to the European Commission in the course of the project development: the first on October 2009 and the second on February 2011.Both amendments were approved by the European Commission without causing negative impact on the project structure and on its successful development.
In order to realize the sites selection an extensive discussion was developed among the partners at the kick-off meeting ( La Rochelle - September 17th 2008 ) analyzing whether to prefer cities where the event would have the maximum possible media resonance, or cities whit the best possibilities for a real implementation of the new transport systems or cities members of the Reference Group, already contacted .On the basis that the most important criterion to follow for site selection was the support of local authorities and transport planners, the final decision, unanimously taken was that the site selection process should not be concluded at the fourth project month, but should be protracted for giving the opportunity to more European cities to join the "Reference Group" and compete for requesting to host a showcase. Such a decision represents a slight modification from the Contract agreement, with no detriment for the project structure or development and it reflects in the budget shares, where accounting records point out less expenses by Polis versus increased expenses by other partners.
The first showcase took place at Clermont-Ferrand (France) from 17th to 19th September 2009.An International Conference on "New mobility systems " and a Conference on CityNetMobil project open to the general public, were included in the program's event. The high quality of the speeches, especially from the representatives of the cities were a strong asset for the showcase. The Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand was convinced to join the CityNetMobil network as well as to share the experience and the results of the first showcase organization with other cities of the Reference Group. Another big impact was the simultaneous presence of three systems VIPA, Vu-Log and Cristal showing their performance and progresses for the first time, during the demonstrations. Locally, this event gave the opportunity to the city to enhance the town quality image and provide a new impulse to a project of an eco-district at "Tremonteix" with the launch of a specific working group devoted to a VIP experimentation. The city benefited from the wide media coverage done by the Radio Suisse Romande and the local media.
Regarding the logistic, the overall organization of the showcase was well handled by the city and it was highly appreciated.
On the basis of the First event organization/ evaluation, the planning of the other four showcases was accurately redesigned and arranged by GEA, collecting the feed-back and the support of the partners. (Partners meeting Rome August 6th 2010).
The second showcase was held in Formello, suburb of Rome (Italy) from February 27th to March 7th 2010, opened by a press Conference with local authorities, the Regional television attended and forecasted the event, as well as some interviews with Transport planners and Formello's Mayor.
An international Conference for the Reference Group members cities and a public Conference for the citizens were organised ,which provided highly qualified information on advanced transport
systems in Europe and worldwide for the technicians, while presented to Formello's citizens a thorough overview on the mobility situation /problems at local level, proposing at the same time possible alternative solutions, for enhancing and innovating the current transport system.
For the exhibition, the settlement of a tent in the central public park provided a good logistic choice, benefiting from a public affluence every day. The location was very suitable
for the exhibitions as well as for the vehicles demonstration. A partnership with the headmasters was efficiently realised and a large attendance of schools came to visit the exhibition and tested the cybercars. The setting up of the "city of future" inside the tent was successful: the messages it was supposed to carry were easily understood through the settlement of the urban scenery, the posters, the video or the film.
The third showcase was organised in Ixelles, municipality of Brussels (Belgium) from 19th to 22nd of September 2010 as a part of the European Mobility week 2010, initiative promoted and organized by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and titled "Move it".
The goal of "Move it" event, was " to involve us all in looking at mobility: present and future", stimulating the visitors to try forms of urban mobility different from the private car.
Jointly with the CitynetMobil showcase, the initiative hosted vary activities, conferences and exhibitions.
Furthermore, organising a CityNetMobil showcase in Ixelles, gave to the Reference Group the unique opportunity for visiting the Rivium Transport System, to date the only working transport system, featuring automated road vehicles.
Overall showcase was a positive and successful event. Particular interest and attraction were noticed during the visit to Rivium and the Cybercars demonstrations carried out.
The reference Group met with a great commitment, widely debating and proposing new common projects and experiences.
Public attendance was highly satisfactory, massive school's children participation was promoted, organised and the schools responded with enthusiasm and interest.
Wide mass-media coverage was provided to the initiative.
The fourth showcase was hosted by Antibes and Agglo Sophie-Antipolis (France) on October 28th and 29th 2011. The local authorities were deeply committed and proactive in advertising the event, as well as in proposing stimulating activities for supporting the initiative.
The CityNetMobil Reference Group members were welcomed by Mr Adriano Alessandrini, CTL responsible for CityNetMobil project and Mr, Christian Berkesse, Vice President in charge of transport and mobility of CASA. After an opening cocktail-lunch, the Minister of European Affairs-President of the urban community of Sophia-Antipolis and Antibes's Mayor, Mr,Jean Leonetti officially opened the showcase and tested the cybercars along with Mr.Eric Ponthieu, Head of Unit
at the European Economic and Social Committee, Mr. Fawzi Nashashibi, Inria team leader and Mr Adriano Alessandrini . After the VIP opening, a Press Conference inaugurated the showcase, which was then accessible to the large public.
Three presentations were held during the event, the first, presented by Thierry Chanard of GEA on "The street of the future: how we will move tomorrow?", the second exposed by Mr Eduardo Camacho-Huebner from Transitec on " Sophia 2030: from the BRT to an innovative transport system". This presentation illustrated the results of the city study carried out by GEA and Transitec on the Sophia-Antipolis technological cluster in the framework of CityNetMobil project. Third presentation, by Prof. Claude Laurgeau, former director of the Mines-ParisTech Robotics Mayor, Demetrio Arena and by prof. Francesco Filippi, CTL Director and CityNetMobil Coordinator.
The Mayor stated that the Municipality is seriously committed to realise an Urban Mobility Plan, focussed on strengthening social and urban cohesion, by reducing traffic congestion, by boosting public transport systems and infrastructure efficiency ( roads and parking networks),
Feasibility studies have been already carried out in relation to different office districts in the city territory and the City's Administrators are favourable to adopt alternative advanced transport systems, like PRT ( Personal Rapid Transit) ABRT ( Advanced Bus Rapid Transit),
CTS ( Cybernetic Transport Systems). Reggio Calabria, in fact as one of the partners of CityMobil 2, European Project submitted to the European Commission, is available to experience in real terms for eight months automated vehicles.
The showcase was a very successful event for the great commitment of the local authorities and the suitable localization chosen. The local media paid a remarkable attention to the initiative, along all its development from 10th to 13th of November 20011, with several interviews to the city authorities and mobility responsible.
Attendance as well as interest by local public were also significant and satisfactory. During the second and third day of the cybercars demonstration, school children attended with their teachers, according to a planned schedule. University students also attended in mass and requested printed material and supplementary information, which was provided by the showcase hostess. T-shirts as Project's gadget were distributed among visitors.
Project Results:
As already mentioned in the summary description of the project context , all the main objectives and impacts expected were achieved. In terms of S&T results, an increased acceptance and take up of new urban transport solutions and technologies has been registered among the Reference Group members, cities administrators, local mobility planners, who concretely adhered to the idea that is important to develop a more efficient, effective and inclusive urban transport system, bringing together all elements of a clean, energy-efficient, safe and intelligent transport, benefitting of the" next generation and automated vehicles " already available in the market. All the five cities which hosted a CityNetMobil showcase are compromised in CTS or PRT applications and integration in the public transport system, they are active partners of the new European Project CityMobil 2 , so that they will experiment to integrate automated transport systems in wider city space re-arrangement. Reggio Calabria city for exemple, is progressing in the infrastructure construction for CTS to be experimentally adopted in the close future and a bidding process has been open at the scope. Similarly, Antibes authorities have decided and planned for the harbor zone.
In terms of innovative mobility systems, in the first CityNetMobil showcase, held in Clermont- Ferrand (Fr) multiple technologies were presented and illustrated to the Reference Group members :
VIPA, un automated vehicle, created in Clermont-Ferrand for moving up to 4 people in a pedestrian environment (airport, public park, big firms infrastructures, etc ). Equipped with cameras, the vehicle, produced by Ligier automobiles, is able to identify the environment and the obstacles without a specific guidance infrastructure. It can run on its own or in convoy. The VIPA consortium which brings together business, Universities, high schools and research laboratories, benefits from the " plateforme Pavin", a circuit on a campus dedicated to the testing of the cybercars.
Vu-log, a spin-off from INRIA, is developing a system of car-sharing with electrics cars. Already in function in Antibes, this system provides 11 vehicles in free access to clients possessing an annual subscription.
This system is working without stations. Vu-log provides the operation of the service by using GPS data. The vehicle consists of a small car with 2 seats and a trunk, it is accessible without a driving's license at the minimum age of 16.
The CRISTAL system is characteristic for its complementarity with public transport, which it can help to optimize. Cristal meets mobility needs spread over time and space. It can be used as an individual vehicle with the driver but also as an automated mode in convoy with platooning technology. The dimensioning of the Cristal system works on a "top-down" model based on the analysis of needs and the establishment of multimodal travel model. The vehicle is suitable for up to 6 people and it can also accommodate people with reduced mobility.
In addition CASA ( Communauté d'Agglomération de Sophia Antipolis) presented its project for implementing an innovative transport service for the Sophia Antipolis cluster. To offer a viable alternative to the cars use, the train service will be enhanced and a "high level bus service" BHNS from the Antibes rail station to the cluster will be created.
Similarly, the City of Strasburg , exposed the CUS experimentation: test o f a rental service of electrical bikes and hybrids Toyota plus the implementation of the Cristal system in the city.
In the second CNM showcase in Formello-Rome (Italy) the Reference Group member could appreciate the experience of Masdar City, Abu Dabi presented by Robert Lohman and Luca Guala.
Masdar City will have a built surface of 280ha, it will host 50.000 resident and 40.000 commuter workers, it will produce all its energy from renewable sources by processing its waste, it will be CO2 neutral and "technically" generate ZERO WASTE. The transportation system must provide mobility without emissions, but also a superior level of service, in order to replace private cars. Public transport alone was not considered adequate, so the City has been designed from its very inception to accommodate PRT " automated taxi" transportation: a densely built area with hidden streets exclusively for the PRT, pedestrian and soft means of transport will travel at the upper level.
PTR was a winner choice because require less space for travel and parking, running infrastructures are light, unobtrusive, offer "car-like" comfort and privacy, providing Rail-level safety, electric traction, low energy use. In short, PTR can offer individual vehicles, exclusive lanes, no intermediate stops, no transfer, short wait time, no congestion, a thick network rather than corridors.
The exposition was enriched by showing numerous interesting pictures of the different technical systems adopted.
A following workshop on relevant knowledge and technologies permitted to Reference Group member to be acquainted and analyze different examples:
CityCab-prototype vehicle, ERA- prototype vehicle, Sensor technologies & near field communications, Robosoft CTS application, SwapMate-Novel energy storage and handling solution, Lithium-ion energy storage factory in Finland, Industrial autonomous vehicles, Intelligent mobile-machines-GIM research.
As first activity of the third CNM showcase in Ixelles- Brussels ( Belgium) the Reference Group members visited Rivium Park shuttle system and personally experienced its functioning, leaded by Robert Lohman and Adriano Alessandrini . The visit aroused great enthusiasm and increased the motivation and the confidence of all the visitors in the innovative automated transport systems.
In Antibes, where the fourth CNM showcase was held, the Reference Group meeting set the basis for new compromises , massively participating at the preparation of CityMobil 2 project proposal and getting ready to experiment CTS systems in their cities.
Naturally a big part of the showcase program was dedicated to deeply analyze the experience of CASA and the technical solutions, ad hoc studied for the cluster .
In the last CNM showcase in Reggio Calabria the main attention focused on the local transport system problems and possible solutions, including CTS adoption and integration in the public transport systems.
However great interest and appreciation was obtained by the presentation of IMARA technologies, provided by Fawzi Nashabishi of INRIA.
In conclusion, CitynetMobil project can be considered very successful in terms of scientific and technological results, as the Reference Group members, the real stakeholders of the innovative mobility matters were accurately informed and deeply involved on a wide spectrum of innovative mobility solutions and decided to experiment their integration in the urban public transport systems.
In addition to the Reference Group, the scientific and technical information was also widely diffused among local transport planners, University professors and researchers, business operators ,mass-media professionals, associations, students and general public, through conferences, debates, brochures, posters, videos, gadgets and above all through practical demonstrations, carried out by INRIA.
Potential Impact:
The main measurable impact the project aimed to reach, was the increased knowledge in the general public on automated transport system and the increased confidence in them, as solutions to urban mobility problems. CityNetMobil focus and approach was to organise dissemination actions
to raise awareness and acceptance among politicians, local mobility planners and general public on automated transport systems as an urban transport solution more inclusive and providing better access to all, environmental friendly, capable of reducing urban transport share of energy consumption and CO2 emission, and safer than conventional transport modes.
Seventh in a stream of projects in the area, CityNetMobil in fact widely diffused the scientific and technical results obtained by all its predecessors, coordinated the activities of a group of cities interested in these kind of system and willing to host events to make people acquainted with CTS innovative technology .Taking over from CityMobil project the "Reference Group", a network of cities interested in promoting and introducing automated transport system, CityNetMobil revived and expanded it, promoting and realising five showcases (automated vehicles exhibition of small scale, short distance and short duration), high quality research cases and city studies.
In terms of audience and geographical coverage, the showcases achieved a great impact and
have been largely satisfactory, as the general public attendance in each one of the hosting sites, was relevant, alike in the automated cars demonstrations, which registered every time a considerable afflux of people. Schools participation was systematically promoted, organized and guided, providing specific technical information to the teachers as well as to the students, considering young people more keen to innovation, more sensible to environmental issues, therefore more open and perceptive to automated transport systems.
CityNetMobil's brochure was printed in 3,000 copies, in three European languages, English, French and Italian and widely diffused beyond the limits of the showcases, in many other similar events or manifestations, attended by the CNM partners in European countries.
Project's interactive web site, audiovisuals, posters and gadgets concurred to widely diffuse the logo and the project's goals, providing at the same time, technical basic knowledge on CTS to the general public.
Particular efforts and care were paid to mobilise the press and media, to disseminate press releases, articles, interviews, both on news papers, magazines and television, before, during and after the showcases realization, in order to constantly attract and keep up the public attention on the subject.
For transport experts and cities administrators, the Reference Group meetings, constituted a valuable occasion for comparing ideas, interchanging information and a source for high level technical up to date.
The main impact of the project is however the fact that Reggio Calabria city is progressing in the infrastructure construction for CTS to be experimentally adopted in the close future and a bidding process has been open at the scope. Similarly, Antibes authorities have decided and planned a CTS intervention in the harbour zone.
List of Websites:
The project website address :
Reference group members cities is attached with evidence of the new recruited cities during the project development.
Logo,posters,brochure, photos, video and other communication materials are also attached.
The objectives of CityNetMobil were to explore and promote the potential of development in automatic vehicle technologies for future sustainable urban transportation systems, and provide advice and guidance on the options for decision makers. CityNetMobil main objective was to spread knowledge about automated transport systems, their costs and benefits, to citizens ,city
authorities, local transport planners and managers to overcome the "diffusion barrier" which hampered so far the widespread adoption of such system which proved, wherever studied or applied, to be: technically feasible, well performing as transport systems, energy efficient and environmental friendly, generally well accepted by users, financially neutral, and socio-economically viable.
Seventh in a stream of projects in the area, CityNetMobil diffused the scientific and technical results obtained by all its predecessors, took over from the City Mobil project the coordination of the "Reference Group", a group of cities interested in understanding how automated transports systems could help to solve some of their mobility problems.
CityNetMobil approach was to enlarge the "Reference Group" stimulating a continuous subscription of new members and to select 5 sites to host 5 events in the three years project time on the basis of:
the technical suitability of the site to host a significant ( in transport task terms) showcase,
the availability of the city to help in the organization of the event,
the potentiality that after the event the city might decide to go for the implementation of an automated transport system,
the size of the expected audience and its geographical coverage,
press coverage,
the concomitance with other attractive scientific or cultural events to maximise CityNetMobil event visibility
the eventual inclusion in the Niches+ list of cities,
the compliance of the proposed event timing with CityNetMobil schedule.
The whole project was therefore structured in five work packages according to the five main activities streams.
The" Reference Group" management and coordination, together with the project management constituted work package 1, mainly dedicated to the cities liaison or recruiting, aiming to reach as many cities as possible, either to include them in the "Reference Group" or just to inform them about the CityNetMobil initiatives. This work package run from the beginning to the end of the project, was in charge of links with the Commission and of drafting the periodic project reports as well as the minutes of each Reference Group meeting and of the med-term and final project reports.
Work package2 concerned the site selection for events, it should have last for the first four months, aiming at defining the methodology for site selection, collecting data from candidate sites, and performing the site selection in order that Work package 3could draft the schedule for the events and work package 5 prepare the dissemination materials The only milestone of work package 2 was the completion of the site selection procedure in four months delivering to the EC the relative report.
Work package 3 referred to the events design and planning, focussing on defining the schedule of the events including starting date, duration and detailed programs. Three were its milestones and a deliverable report to be submitted to the EC.
Work package 4 represented the main work package of the project regarding the events organization and running. It received input from WP3 and had two ways communication with WP5 which provided the dissemination material to be used in the events and received the information of the events to be up-loaded on the website. Work package 4 had one milestone and 5 deliverables, one for each of the events.
Work package5 was in charge of all the dissemination actions necessary to the success of the initiatives, preparing the communication materials for the events. Six were the tasks which coincided with six milestones and deliverables:
- Define the corporate identity by drafting Logo and templates;
- Prepare and run a common website:
- Design and print the project brochure;
- Preparing press releases, distributing them to press and to cities in and out of the "Reference Group";
- Prepare the audiovisual material and posters to be brought in the different events;
- Design and realise the gadgets for people to remember the events and the messages they gave.
At the end of the 39 months development, the project, started on September 2008, fully accomplished the objectives, tasks and planned milestones. Five showcases have been successfully organized and carried out in Clermont-Ferrand France (September 17th -18th 2009) in Formello Italy ( from February 27th to March 8th 2010) in Ixelles Belgium (from September19th-20th 2010) in Antibes-Agglo Sophia Antipolis France (on October 28th-29th 2011) and in Reggio Calabria,Italy (from November 10th to 13th 2011). More detailed description of each one of the events has been reported in the section of the Progress Report dedicated to the WP4 tasks, as well as in the Deliverables 4.1-4.2-4.3-4.4-4.5.
Project Context and Objectives:
Seventh in a stream of projects in the area, CityNetMobil diffused the scientific and technical results obtained by all its predecessors, took over from the City Mobil project the coordination of the "Reference Group" a group of cities interested in understanding how automated transport can help to solve some of their mobility problems, stimulated new subscriptions and enriched it with new memberships, coordinating at the same time several activities with CATS and NICHES + projects .
The project objectives for the reporting period of 39 months, as per Annex I of the Grant Agreement (amended) and according to each one of the five Work Packages were:
Work Package 1 - To coordinate the technical work of the Consortium (CTL)
- To coordinate economic and financial project activities (CTL)
- To manage relations with the Commission (Polis)
- To manage relations with the Reference Group and coordinate its work (CTL-POLIS).
Work Package 2 - To select among the Reference Group members 5 sites to host the events in the
three years ( CTL-INRIA-GEA).
Work Package 3 - To define the schedule of the events
To plan in details each of the events (GEA-CTL-INRIA).
Work Package 4 - To run the events (GEA-CTL-INRIA).
Work Package 5 - To prepare common dissemination material and make all those dissemination
Actions which are necessary to the success of such an initiative.
A very positive and harmonious coordination of the Consortium technical work has been achieved under CTL coordination, along all the project duration. Five partners meetings, Biarritz (France) January 23rd 2009 -Rome (Italy) August 6th 2009 -Rome (Italy) November 11th 2009- Rome (Italy) March 4th 2010- Antibes (France) October 28th 2011), in addition to a kick-off meeting ( La Rochelle, France September 17th 2008) were held , which permitted to the project partners to deeply analyse and discuss all arising problems and commonly decide how to solve them, strengthening reciprocal understanding and thrust .
Jointly advocacy activities have been planned and carried out, a continuous consultation and information flow among partners has been realised, a solid collaboration on technical issues as well as in project management, including financial aspects, has been consolidated.
Significant results of this positive collaboration is the increased number of cities that joined the Reference Group. Prominent action of recruitment was developed by POLIS,
through its own dissemination channels and network, as electronic newsletter, website, annual Conference, by participating or organizing specialized workshop or working groups, by establishing contacts with European Universities, enterprises and NGOs, involved and interested in sustainable mobility.
More than 500 copies of CityNetMobil brochure, both in English and French were diffused by Polis, in collaboration with CTL, while participating at different social and technical events in Brussels or other European cities. However the role of liaison with civil society and with the cities, originally assigned to Polis, was also extended to the other partners, when assuming the decision to leave open the site selection process at the Kick-off meeting. CTL, GEA and INRIA therefore, activated in advocating for the project. Personal direct meetings with the municipalities were privileged to promote CityNetMobil technical contents, contacting and stimulating Swiss, French, Italian, Belgian and other European cities to join the Reference Group and to share its activities. Deliverable 2.1 on "Site selection report", as well as the vary reports on the sites visits, bear witness of this untiring advocacy process.
A positive assessment can also be expressed concerning the liaison and relationships with the Commission, both CTL and Polis, in charge of the task, managed to consult, inform by assiduous contacts, meetings , correspondence etc.
Two Contract Agreement amendments were submitted to the European Commission in the course of the project development: the first on October 2009 and the second on February 2011.Both amendments were approved by the European Commission without causing negative impact on the project structure and on its successful development.
In order to realize the sites selection an extensive discussion was developed among the partners at the kick-off meeting ( La Rochelle - September 17th 2008 ) analyzing whether to prefer cities where the event would have the maximum possible media resonance, or cities whit the best possibilities for a real implementation of the new transport systems or cities members of the Reference Group, already contacted .On the basis that the most important criterion to follow for site selection was the support of local authorities and transport planners, the final decision, unanimously taken was that the site selection process should not be concluded at the fourth project month, but should be protracted for giving the opportunity to more European cities to join the "Reference Group" and compete for requesting to host a showcase. Such a decision represents a slight modification from the Contract agreement, with no detriment for the project structure or development and it reflects in the budget shares, where accounting records point out less expenses by Polis versus increased expenses by other partners.
The first showcase took place at Clermont-Ferrand (France) from 17th to 19th September 2009.An International Conference on "New mobility systems " and a Conference on CityNetMobil project open to the general public, were included in the program's event. The high quality of the speeches, especially from the representatives of the cities were a strong asset for the showcase. The Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand was convinced to join the CityNetMobil network as well as to share the experience and the results of the first showcase organization with other cities of the Reference Group. Another big impact was the simultaneous presence of three systems VIPA, Vu-Log and Cristal showing their performance and progresses for the first time, during the demonstrations. Locally, this event gave the opportunity to the city to enhance the town quality image and provide a new impulse to a project of an eco-district at "Tremonteix" with the launch of a specific working group devoted to a VIP experimentation. The city benefited from the wide media coverage done by the Radio Suisse Romande and the local media.
Regarding the logistic, the overall organization of the showcase was well handled by the city and it was highly appreciated.
On the basis of the First event organization/ evaluation, the planning of the other four showcases was accurately redesigned and arranged by GEA, collecting the feed-back and the support of the partners. (Partners meeting Rome August 6th 2010).
The second showcase was held in Formello, suburb of Rome (Italy) from February 27th to March 7th 2010, opened by a press Conference with local authorities, the Regional television attended and forecasted the event, as well as some interviews with Transport planners and Formello's Mayor.
An international Conference for the Reference Group members cities and a public Conference for the citizens were organised ,which provided highly qualified information on advanced transport
systems in Europe and worldwide for the technicians, while presented to Formello's citizens a thorough overview on the mobility situation /problems at local level, proposing at the same time possible alternative solutions, for enhancing and innovating the current transport system.
For the exhibition, the settlement of a tent in the central public park provided a good logistic choice, benefiting from a public affluence every day. The location was very suitable
for the exhibitions as well as for the vehicles demonstration. A partnership with the headmasters was efficiently realised and a large attendance of schools came to visit the exhibition and tested the cybercars. The setting up of the "city of future" inside the tent was successful: the messages it was supposed to carry were easily understood through the settlement of the urban scenery, the posters, the video or the film.
The third showcase was organised in Ixelles, municipality of Brussels (Belgium) from 19th to 22nd of September 2010 as a part of the European Mobility week 2010, initiative promoted and organized by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and titled "Move it".
The goal of "Move it" event, was " to involve us all in looking at mobility: present and future", stimulating the visitors to try forms of urban mobility different from the private car.
Jointly with the CitynetMobil showcase, the initiative hosted vary activities, conferences and exhibitions.
Furthermore, organising a CityNetMobil showcase in Ixelles, gave to the Reference Group the unique opportunity for visiting the Rivium Transport System, to date the only working transport system, featuring automated road vehicles.
Overall showcase was a positive and successful event. Particular interest and attraction were noticed during the visit to Rivium and the Cybercars demonstrations carried out.
The reference Group met with a great commitment, widely debating and proposing new common projects and experiences.
Public attendance was highly satisfactory, massive school's children participation was promoted, organised and the schools responded with enthusiasm and interest.
Wide mass-media coverage was provided to the initiative.
The fourth showcase was hosted by Antibes and Agglo Sophie-Antipolis (France) on October 28th and 29th 2011. The local authorities were deeply committed and proactive in advertising the event, as well as in proposing stimulating activities for supporting the initiative.
The CityNetMobil Reference Group members were welcomed by Mr Adriano Alessandrini, CTL responsible for CityNetMobil project and Mr, Christian Berkesse, Vice President in charge of transport and mobility of CASA. After an opening cocktail-lunch, the Minister of European Affairs-President of the urban community of Sophia-Antipolis and Antibes's Mayor, Mr,Jean Leonetti officially opened the showcase and tested the cybercars along with Mr.Eric Ponthieu, Head of Unit
at the European Economic and Social Committee, Mr. Fawzi Nashashibi, Inria team leader and Mr Adriano Alessandrini . After the VIP opening, a Press Conference inaugurated the showcase, which was then accessible to the large public.
Three presentations were held during the event, the first, presented by Thierry Chanard of GEA on "The street of the future: how we will move tomorrow?", the second exposed by Mr Eduardo Camacho-Huebner from Transitec on " Sophia 2030: from the BRT to an innovative transport system". This presentation illustrated the results of the city study carried out by GEA and Transitec on the Sophia-Antipolis technological cluster in the framework of CityNetMobil project. Third presentation, by Prof. Claude Laurgeau, former director of the Mines-ParisTech Robotics Mayor, Demetrio Arena and by prof. Francesco Filippi, CTL Director and CityNetMobil Coordinator.
The Mayor stated that the Municipality is seriously committed to realise an Urban Mobility Plan, focussed on strengthening social and urban cohesion, by reducing traffic congestion, by boosting public transport systems and infrastructure efficiency ( roads and parking networks),
Feasibility studies have been already carried out in relation to different office districts in the city territory and the City's Administrators are favourable to adopt alternative advanced transport systems, like PRT ( Personal Rapid Transit) ABRT ( Advanced Bus Rapid Transit),
CTS ( Cybernetic Transport Systems). Reggio Calabria, in fact as one of the partners of CityMobil 2, European Project submitted to the European Commission, is available to experience in real terms for eight months automated vehicles.
The showcase was a very successful event for the great commitment of the local authorities and the suitable localization chosen. The local media paid a remarkable attention to the initiative, along all its development from 10th to 13th of November 20011, with several interviews to the city authorities and mobility responsible.
Attendance as well as interest by local public were also significant and satisfactory. During the second and third day of the cybercars demonstration, school children attended with their teachers, according to a planned schedule. University students also attended in mass and requested printed material and supplementary information, which was provided by the showcase hostess. T-shirts as Project's gadget were distributed among visitors.
Project Results:
As already mentioned in the summary description of the project context , all the main objectives and impacts expected were achieved. In terms of S&T results, an increased acceptance and take up of new urban transport solutions and technologies has been registered among the Reference Group members, cities administrators, local mobility planners, who concretely adhered to the idea that is important to develop a more efficient, effective and inclusive urban transport system, bringing together all elements of a clean, energy-efficient, safe and intelligent transport, benefitting of the" next generation and automated vehicles " already available in the market. All the five cities which hosted a CityNetMobil showcase are compromised in CTS or PRT applications and integration in the public transport system, they are active partners of the new European Project CityMobil 2 , so that they will experiment to integrate automated transport systems in wider city space re-arrangement. Reggio Calabria city for exemple, is progressing in the infrastructure construction for CTS to be experimentally adopted in the close future and a bidding process has been open at the scope. Similarly, Antibes authorities have decided and planned for the harbor zone.
In terms of innovative mobility systems, in the first CityNetMobil showcase, held in Clermont- Ferrand (Fr) multiple technologies were presented and illustrated to the Reference Group members :
VIPA, un automated vehicle, created in Clermont-Ferrand for moving up to 4 people in a pedestrian environment (airport, public park, big firms infrastructures, etc ). Equipped with cameras, the vehicle, produced by Ligier automobiles, is able to identify the environment and the obstacles without a specific guidance infrastructure. It can run on its own or in convoy. The VIPA consortium which brings together business, Universities, high schools and research laboratories, benefits from the " plateforme Pavin", a circuit on a campus dedicated to the testing of the cybercars.
Vu-log, a spin-off from INRIA, is developing a system of car-sharing with electrics cars. Already in function in Antibes, this system provides 11 vehicles in free access to clients possessing an annual subscription.
This system is working without stations. Vu-log provides the operation of the service by using GPS data. The vehicle consists of a small car with 2 seats and a trunk, it is accessible without a driving's license at the minimum age of 16.
The CRISTAL system is characteristic for its complementarity with public transport, which it can help to optimize. Cristal meets mobility needs spread over time and space. It can be used as an individual vehicle with the driver but also as an automated mode in convoy with platooning technology. The dimensioning of the Cristal system works on a "top-down" model based on the analysis of needs and the establishment of multimodal travel model. The vehicle is suitable for up to 6 people and it can also accommodate people with reduced mobility.
In addition CASA ( Communauté d'Agglomération de Sophia Antipolis) presented its project for implementing an innovative transport service for the Sophia Antipolis cluster. To offer a viable alternative to the cars use, the train service will be enhanced and a "high level bus service" BHNS from the Antibes rail station to the cluster will be created.
Similarly, the City of Strasburg , exposed the CUS experimentation: test o f a rental service of electrical bikes and hybrids Toyota plus the implementation of the Cristal system in the city.
In the second CNM showcase in Formello-Rome (Italy) the Reference Group member could appreciate the experience of Masdar City, Abu Dabi presented by Robert Lohman and Luca Guala.
Masdar City will have a built surface of 280ha, it will host 50.000 resident and 40.000 commuter workers, it will produce all its energy from renewable sources by processing its waste, it will be CO2 neutral and "technically" generate ZERO WASTE. The transportation system must provide mobility without emissions, but also a superior level of service, in order to replace private cars. Public transport alone was not considered adequate, so the City has been designed from its very inception to accommodate PRT " automated taxi" transportation: a densely built area with hidden streets exclusively for the PRT, pedestrian and soft means of transport will travel at the upper level.
PTR was a winner choice because require less space for travel and parking, running infrastructures are light, unobtrusive, offer "car-like" comfort and privacy, providing Rail-level safety, electric traction, low energy use. In short, PTR can offer individual vehicles, exclusive lanes, no intermediate stops, no transfer, short wait time, no congestion, a thick network rather than corridors.
The exposition was enriched by showing numerous interesting pictures of the different technical systems adopted.
A following workshop on relevant knowledge and technologies permitted to Reference Group member to be acquainted and analyze different examples:
CityCab-prototype vehicle, ERA- prototype vehicle, Sensor technologies & near field communications, Robosoft CTS application, SwapMate-Novel energy storage and handling solution, Lithium-ion energy storage factory in Finland, Industrial autonomous vehicles, Intelligent mobile-machines-GIM research.
As first activity of the third CNM showcase in Ixelles- Brussels ( Belgium) the Reference Group members visited Rivium Park shuttle system and personally experienced its functioning, leaded by Robert Lohman and Adriano Alessandrini . The visit aroused great enthusiasm and increased the motivation and the confidence of all the visitors in the innovative automated transport systems.
In Antibes, where the fourth CNM showcase was held, the Reference Group meeting set the basis for new compromises , massively participating at the preparation of CityMobil 2 project proposal and getting ready to experiment CTS systems in their cities.
Naturally a big part of the showcase program was dedicated to deeply analyze the experience of CASA and the technical solutions, ad hoc studied for the cluster .
In the last CNM showcase in Reggio Calabria the main attention focused on the local transport system problems and possible solutions, including CTS adoption and integration in the public transport systems.
However great interest and appreciation was obtained by the presentation of IMARA technologies, provided by Fawzi Nashabishi of INRIA.
In conclusion, CitynetMobil project can be considered very successful in terms of scientific and technological results, as the Reference Group members, the real stakeholders of the innovative mobility matters were accurately informed and deeply involved on a wide spectrum of innovative mobility solutions and decided to experiment their integration in the urban public transport systems.
In addition to the Reference Group, the scientific and technical information was also widely diffused among local transport planners, University professors and researchers, business operators ,mass-media professionals, associations, students and general public, through conferences, debates, brochures, posters, videos, gadgets and above all through practical demonstrations, carried out by INRIA.
Potential Impact:
The main measurable impact the project aimed to reach, was the increased knowledge in the general public on automated transport system and the increased confidence in them, as solutions to urban mobility problems. CityNetMobil focus and approach was to organise dissemination actions
to raise awareness and acceptance among politicians, local mobility planners and general public on automated transport systems as an urban transport solution more inclusive and providing better access to all, environmental friendly, capable of reducing urban transport share of energy consumption and CO2 emission, and safer than conventional transport modes.
Seventh in a stream of projects in the area, CityNetMobil in fact widely diffused the scientific and technical results obtained by all its predecessors, coordinated the activities of a group of cities interested in these kind of system and willing to host events to make people acquainted with CTS innovative technology .Taking over from CityMobil project the "Reference Group", a network of cities interested in promoting and introducing automated transport system, CityNetMobil revived and expanded it, promoting and realising five showcases (automated vehicles exhibition of small scale, short distance and short duration), high quality research cases and city studies.
In terms of audience and geographical coverage, the showcases achieved a great impact and
have been largely satisfactory, as the general public attendance in each one of the hosting sites, was relevant, alike in the automated cars demonstrations, which registered every time a considerable afflux of people. Schools participation was systematically promoted, organized and guided, providing specific technical information to the teachers as well as to the students, considering young people more keen to innovation, more sensible to environmental issues, therefore more open and perceptive to automated transport systems.
CityNetMobil's brochure was printed in 3,000 copies, in three European languages, English, French and Italian and widely diffused beyond the limits of the showcases, in many other similar events or manifestations, attended by the CNM partners in European countries.
Project's interactive web site, audiovisuals, posters and gadgets concurred to widely diffuse the logo and the project's goals, providing at the same time, technical basic knowledge on CTS to the general public.
Particular efforts and care were paid to mobilise the press and media, to disseminate press releases, articles, interviews, both on news papers, magazines and television, before, during and after the showcases realization, in order to constantly attract and keep up the public attention on the subject.
For transport experts and cities administrators, the Reference Group meetings, constituted a valuable occasion for comparing ideas, interchanging information and a source for high level technical up to date.
The main impact of the project is however the fact that Reggio Calabria city is progressing in the infrastructure construction for CTS to be experimentally adopted in the close future and a bidding process has been open at the scope. Similarly, Antibes authorities have decided and planned a CTS intervention in the harbour zone.
List of Websites:
The project website address :
Reference group members cities is attached with evidence of the new recruited cities during the project development.
Logo,posters,brochure, photos, video and other communication materials are also attached.