DESARTE is concerned with the practices of 'aesthetic production' and their technical support. Its overall rationale is to create a new kind of work environment for architects and landscape architects. The aim is to build a flexible computational infrastructure which supports the complexity and openness of designers' work and its collaborative nature.
Part of the DESARTE results are on the future developments of anchor-based hyperlinkage, which, in contrast to the current WWW hyperlinkage structure, allows for linking in and out of documents which you are not allowed to modify. This will be in the form of a modern version of the existing HyperWise system, supplied by Mjølner Informatics. Furthermore, the underlying storage mechanism in the form of a persistent storage for BETA objects will be greatly improved, giving a far more efficient storage layer. This improvement will not only benefit the HyperWise product, but also many other products in the Mjølner System.
The current status is that no applications have been build within DESARTE. The future Wünderkammer and Manufacture prototypes are expected to help users in the following ways: Wünderkammer is a vision of an environment supporting inspirational insights and initial design visions to be used by designers of new artefacts (most notably architects and land-architects). Manufacture is a vision of an environment supporting the many diverse tasks performed during the fulfilment of an artefact's production (such as the construction of a building, or the organisation of a landscape).
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