CIVITAS POINTER is the Support Action to support cities and the EC with the monitoring (1) evaluation (2) of the whole CIVITAS Plus action. Objectives of CIVITAS POINTER are: 1. Independent formal monitoring of the project deliverables and reports from the demonstration projects and provision of specialist and independent advice to the European Commission; 2. Independent overall cross-site evaluation of the measures taken by the CIVITAS Plus cities on different levels; this consists of 1) an impact evaluation, assessing achieved results in relation to the objectives and the base case (no measures) of CIVITAS Plus projects, and 2) a process evaluation, assessing achieved results and implementation processes of the CIVITAS Plus project measures in relation to the planned measures and implementation processes. 3. Development of clear European-level policy recommendations on the basis of validated city results; 4. Dissemination of best practices on monitoring and evaluation based upon the experiences gained in CIVITAS POINTER The Workplan consists of 5 workpackages: WP1. Monitoring, WP2. Evaluation, WP3 Policy recommendations, WP 4 Dissemination and WP0 project management. The monitoring and evaluation activities are strictly separated. The Consortium is built on the expertise and experience of the respective partners (7 from 6 different Member States including one from Eastern Europe) on evaluating and / or monitoring of complex, international projects that are related to clean urban transport.
Call for proposal
See other projects for this call
Funding Scheme
CSA-SA - Support actionsCoordinator
2595 DA Den Haag