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Content archived on 2024-05-14

ECSI awareness reflection network for electronic system design standards


- Collection of the material to be disseminated in paper and electronic form from ECSI Industrial Members, from other Dissemination Actions, standardisation organisations, user groups and other relevant sources.

- Classification of the information to match the target audience needs.

- Dissemination of the material to the targeted audience in a packaged and directed form.

- Preparation of workshops for European Best Practice projects participants.

- Preparation of Executive Digests of the material.

- Provision of a coordinated mechanism to access the documentation.

- Support of other EC projects, including Application Experiments, Demonstration Projects and other projects supported under the Framework IV Programme, through dissemination activities and consultancy.

The awareness of existing Best Practice and modern design and development methods is crucial for European industry products competitiveness in terms of time-to-market, quality and reliability. EARNEST is a European-wide dissemination activity aimed at the promotion of awareness of existing Best Practice, tools, methods and standards in the domain of electronic system design (ESD). It will provide information, advice and promotion of the collected and processed material in order to ensure that European companies, varying from large multi-nationals to SMEs, have appropriate access to Best Practice experience and standards related information.

Call for proposal

Data not available


European Cad Standardization Initiative
EU contribution
No data
Parc Equation, Avenue De Vignate 2
38610 Gieres

See on map

Total cost
No data