Final Report Summary - QUANTDISPOSITION (Philosophy of quantum mechanics and the metaphysics of dispositional properties)
The notion of quantum dispositions has been further clarified. Generally, two types of quantum dispositions should be distinguished: value dispositions (deterministic and probabilistic dispositions to reveal particular values upon measurements) and dynamic dispositions (dispositions to evolve into certain future states as a result of interactions with the environment). The project was focused primarily on the value dispositions and on one particular conceptual problem which they give rise to. An argument has been presented to the effect that the characterisation of value dispositions leads to circularity when coupled with the standard quantum-mechanical characteristic of measurements. It has been showed that the circularity problem can be avoided in the case of probabilistic dispositions thanks to the theorem proved by P. Mittelstaedt which establishes that the postulate called “the probability reproducibility condition” can be derived from the probability-free “calibration” postulate. However, the problem remains for deterministic dispositions, i.e. dispositions associated with eigenstates. Several suggestions of how to avoid the problem have been proposed, but they require further investigations into the role the notion of measurement plays in quantum mechanics.