Final Report Summary - PROTEIN PREDICTION (Application of reduced space modeling and sparse experimental restraints to structure determination of proteins and protein assemblies)
Summary of the project objectives:
The main objectives for this stage of the project were to:
• learn the research methodology as practiced by the outgoing laboratory, in particular the Rosetta modeling approach
• bridge Rosetta package with BioShell, a modeling suite that had been developed by the fellow
• develop a novel protein structure modeling protocol, based on a combination of Rosetta with other, coarse-grained methods, that would be able to utilize a very wide range of sparse and inaccurate experimental data
The main objectives for this stage of the project were to:
• learn the research methodology as practiced by the outgoing laboratory, in particular the Rosetta modeling approach
• bridge Rosetta package with BioShell, a modeling suite that had been developed by the fellow
• develop a novel protein structure modeling protocol, based on a combination of Rosetta with other, coarse-grained methods, that would be able to utilize a very wide range of sparse and inaccurate experimental data