Current state of the art in scientific epistemology is governed by the modern doctrine of empiricism which meets problems in explaining cases of scientific knowledge achieved with no apparent use of experience. In his academic part the ERASP project addresses two major problems. The first problem is a scientific one: what is the epistemic engine behind the way science forms and evolves and is contemporary empiricism fully capable of serving this purpose? The second problem is a philosophical one: what is the nature of the a priori notion and how does it depend on the notion of epistemic revisability? Reformulating recent work in scientific epistemology by Michael Friedman (2000) the project would define and critically assess a radically new approach that treats the dynamics of science, the “a priori revisability” approach. It would counterbalance the traditional scientific doctrine of empirical observation and it would address those scientific problems that are either in principle unsolvable or too difficult to resolve by standard epistemology. ERASP addresses the first problem by providing a model that complements current empiricism with epistemology to explain the dynamical change of scientific hypotheses and theories for cases where empiricism fails. With respect to the second problem the project would develop a proposal that attempts to settle the question in a way that aims to receive confirmation both purely philosophically and scientifically. In its training part ERASP has the following objectives that aim to contribute to the development of the independent career of the fellow: Research type objectives - to improve the researcher’s abilities to collect, systematize and analyze relevant data in the state of the art field. Work development objectives – to enhance the researcher’s abilities to critically analyze data and to examine its formal and contextual properties. Presentation objectives –to improve the researcher’s presentation abilities.
Fields of science
CORDIS classifies projects with EuroSciVoc, a multilingual taxonomy of fields of science, through a semi-automatic process based on NLP techniques.
CORDIS classifies projects with EuroSciVoc, a multilingual taxonomy of fields of science, through a semi-automatic process based on NLP techniques.
Call for proposal
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Funding Scheme
MC-IEF - Intra-European Fellowships (IEF)Coordinator
OX1 2JD Oxford
United Kingdom