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Contenu archivé le 2024-06-18


Final Report Summary - ACCEPT (Advanced CO2 cleaning as an ecological process technology)

The cleaning of pliable (textiles and leathers) and hard surfaces (medical devices, medical implants and fine metal parts) requires solvents to remove dirt and soils before the materials can be (re-)used in their final applications. These solvents can be organic solvents (halogena-ted and non-halogenated hydrocarbons) for a-polar soils or water with chemicals for polar soils. Each type of liquid has environmental and hygienic drawbacks. The cleaning and hygienic efficiency of these solvents and aqueous systems is not sufficient as small amounts of residual cleaning agents and/or soil impair the quality of the cleaned surface.

The (non) halogenated hydrocarbon and aqueous systems can be replaced by liquid or supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2), i.e. LCO2/SCCO2 as a clean, hygienic and environmentally sound solvent. LCO2/SCCO2 has shortcomings at present and needs improvement of its cleaning performance and quantification of its disinfecting / sterilisation potential. Project ACCEPT investigates the use of LCO2/SCCO2 with respect to cleaning effectiveness and antimicrobial activity on pliable and hard surfaces (textiles, leathers, medical devices, implants and fine metal parts). The research continues earlier laboratory and pilot research, but will expand this to full scale industrial sized LCO2/SCCO2 cleaning units. In order to remove surface residuals, a CO2-precision cleaning step is required for fine parts. The earlier research will be extended to other hygienically demanding materials to be cleaned. The project further improves LCO2 for cleaning and hygienic quality of these materials. This will lead to replacement of (non) halogenated hydrocarbon solvents such as hazardous perc and toxic trichloroethene. LCO2/SCCO2 is non-toxic, non-flammable, has disinfecting/sterilising properties, is produced as an off-gas in almost pure form in the oil refining and ammonia production, causes no ground-water contamination and is very sustainable and environmental friendly.

Project context and objectives:

The purpose of the project was a further improvement and promotion of a competitive, sustainable, antimicrobial, environmentally sound, safe and labour friendly CO2 based cleaning technology to replace conventional hydrocarbon and halogenated organic solvents. Project ACCEPT had three general goals that are translated into eight specific objectives, which are:

1. to improve the LCO2/SCCO2 cleaning performance till 90-110% compared to hydrocarbon and chlorinated organic solvent cleaning of textiles, leathers, medical devices, implants and fine metal parts, as part of work package one (WP1), WP2 and WP5;
2. to reduce the greying / re-deposition of removed soils suspended in the LCO2 by 30% (WP5, WP6);
3. to improve the hygienic quality (disinfection of heat sensitive implants) by 40%, the reduction of chemical residues on pliable and hard surfaces by 70% and maintenance of medical devices with oil during LCO2/SCCO2 processing (WP3, WP4);
4. to improve product coating (improved water and soil repellence coatings) and impregnation (leathers) of pliable surfaces by LCO2/SCCO2 based applications by 25% (WP7);
5. to quantify the reduced ecological impact of LCO2/SCCO2 as compared to water and hydrocarbon solvents (WP7, WP8);
6. to design an improved full-scale LCO2/SCCO2 unit and its integration in the production chain (WP9);
7. to transfer and disseminate the results of LCO2 cleaning technology to 500 small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) through website visits, i-course material, a text book and training manuals (WP10);
8. to manage the project according to state-of-the-art methodologies with no cost overruns and accomplishment of its targeted objectives (WP11).

It was the first goal of ACCEPT to achieve an improved LCO2 cleaning performance of pliable (textiles and leathers) and hard surfaces (medical devices, implants and fine metal parts) and reach a higher end-product quality, a more secure low temperature disinfection and lower economic costs, at full-scale level. The end result is expected to be better than that of the current conventional cleaning technologies.

It was the second goal of the project to plan and design the integration of the LCO2 technology into the total processing chain for future on-site implementation in the European Union (EU) cleaning sector.

It was the third goal to disseminate the research findings on an EU scale, to develop training materials suitable for the EU cleaning sectors and to assist the introduction of the LCO2 technology in actual practice. ACCEPT has 11 WPs, namely:
- baseline;
- LCO2 detergents;
- hygiene / germicides;
- hygiene / no-residuals;
- improvement of cleaning performance;
- filtration during cleaning step;
- coating and impregnation;
- spin-off applications;
- up-scaling methodologies;
- information transfer and dissemination of project finding;
- project management.

It is the ultimate goal of the project to promote and introduce a competitive, sustainable, hygienic, environmentally and labour friendly cleaning technology to replace hazardous (non) halogenated hydrocarbon solvents and use the LCO2/SCCO2 as a final cleaning step (after aqueous cleaning). The good cleaning efficiency of LCO2/SCCO2 with respect to soils and its disinfection ability makes it a highly innovative procedure that has the potential to replace many conventional cleaning processes in the near future. No other solvent has this potential.

The new cleaning equipment will provide better working conditions as solvent fumes are prevented. The LCO2/SCCO2 cleaning systems bear no risk of soil- and groundwater contamination as well as no air pollution. These new developed cleaning systems are cleaner than the current conventional cleaning systems.

The exploitation of the developed technologies is outlined in the exploitation plan. The future EU economic gains from the project ACCEPT are estimated at 12 - 21 % per year for the growth of the respective sector of cleaning companies and sustain an otherwise threatened EU cleaning sector with annual sales of EUR 21 billion. Calculations showed that LCO2/SCCO2 replacement costs are similar to organic solvent units, but will allow offering superior product quality.

The consortium of the project consists of six SME participants, two large enterprises (LE) participants and three RTD performers from eight European countries.

The Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) SME1 project ACCEPT has achieved its goals and objectives at the end of the project due to a considerable and extra effort in the second half of the project. In total 230.4 person months were spent, which is 29 % more than originally planned.

The potential impact of the project is sweeping as it could potentially replace numerous hydrocarbon and water-based cleaning systems. The LCO2/SCCO2 cleaning systems have a powerful hygienic effect as these are efficiently inactivating micro-organisms.

Project results:

Hygienic LCO2 cleaning

Cleaning of pliable (textiles and leathers) and hard surfaces (medical devices, medical implants and fine metal parts) requires solvents to remove dirt and soils before the materials can be (re-) used in their final applications. It was the purpose of the project to investigate, further improve and promote a competitive, sustainable, hygienic, environmentally and labour friendly CO2 based cleaning technology to replace conventional hydrocarbon and halogenated organic solvents. The main project findings are that the currently used (non) halogenated hydrocarbon and aqueous systems can be replaced by DPCO2 (liquid CO2 or supercritical CO2, depending on the chemical nature of the soilings) as a clean, hygienic and environmentally sound solvent. The current project has delivered improved cleaning performance for LCO2 cleaning of pliable and hard surfaces.

LCO2 cleaning performance pliable surfaces

The LCO2 cleaning performance for pliable surfaces such as textiles, leathers, suede's and furs at full-scale level has been improved in an Electrolux S35 industrial test facility (ITF) at the test plant of RTD-performer WFK. Adequate mechanical action as one of the parameters for achieving cleaning action can be verified by using rotating drum separator (RDS).

New detergents of coordinator KREUSSLER achieving a better cleaning performance were developed. The new monitor system PCMS-97PES/WO for the LCO2 textile cleaning performance was developed to receive a better and more exact determination for the removal of soilings and stains on textiles.

LCO2 cleaning performance hard surfaces

LCO2 cleaning performance fine metal parts

The project demonstrated an adequate DPCO2 cleaning performance of hard surfaces at pilot-scale level in 40 L high-pressure CO2 autoclave. A selection for cleaning with LCO2 (liquid CO2) or with SCCO2 (supercritical CO2) for fine metal parts and is possible with this equipment and depends on the chemical nature of the soilings. Adequate effects at pilot-scale level have been proven and can easily be up-scaled to full-scale industrial levels.

LCO2 cleaning performance medical devices, medical instruments and implants

The project clearly showed adequate cleaning and hygiene of medical instruments / devices and implants is possible by LCO2 cleaning. Sufficient disinfection / sterilisation was demonstrated by a model system with flexible endoscopes: PCDs (Process Challenging Devices) were treated in 4 L high-pressure autoclave.

An industrial full-scale prototype for LCO2 cleaning of medical instruments / devices can be produced from the specifications of this 4 L high-pressure autoclave.

Thereafter this LCO2 equipment can be integrated in the factory material processing chain of cleaning of medical instruments / devices.

Greying and filtration

The greying effect of textiles (redeposition of soils during the washing cycle) is an important subject that occurred during cleaning of textiles; it is not a subject for other pliable surfaces such as leathers and suede's.

The experimental results gained on the analysis of eight different recipient fabrics show that greying occurs to a minor degree in the presence of a detergent in LCO2. The worst greying effect was observed for cotton terry cloth that reached a Q = 0.72 over 5 treatments. Q-values for preferred types of textile to be treated in LCO2, i.e. wool (60 A) and silk (70 A), were determined to Q = 0.85 respectively Q = 0.91. For the average of the analysed 8 different fabrics cleaned in LCO2 with detergent Clip COO of Kreussler greying was Q = 0.854 significantly less compared to the treatment in LCO2 plus water (Q = 0.78).

Taken all together, the experiments demonstrate that textile treatment in LCO2 plus water resulted in some minor greying of the textiles. However, this greying is significantly reduced if detergents like Clip COO were applied in the treatment. The presence of detergents reduced the greying to negligible levels and improved the simultaneous cleaning performance.

Filtration of the cleaning liquid during washing is not necessary, as the greying effect has been reduced until a negligible level by this research project. So, there's no need for an extension of the high-pressure equipment with an expensive filter.

LCO2 textile cleaning machines such as the Electrolux S35 ITF are following a different concept from standard dry cleaning machines with filters. The Electrolux S35 ITF cleans textiles similar to washing machines in a standing baths in which pump- and filter circuits do not exist. The Electrolux S35 ITF system is cleaning in standing baths, while the cage is rotating with reverse rhythm; the textiles are hit and simultaneously redistributed with the lifters in the cage. This concept avoids the necessity of having a solvent pump. The construction of a LCO2 textile cleaning machines in this aspect is easier.

Furthermore, air channels and steam or electrical heated drying including strong fans to transport warm air including air filters to remove fluffs for drying is not necessary. Another big advantage is that a LCO2 textile cleaning machines need no water-cooling. The average use of cooling-water for a standard 15 kg dry cleaning machine is about 300 litres of water per cycle (the water consumption of a standard dry cleaning machine without cooling water reuse is nearly as much as of a washing machine; these costs of cooling-water are between EUR 7.00 to 8.00 per day). This one of the reasons for a lower cost price of LCO2 textile cleaning compared to standard dry cleaning with perc or hydrocarbons.

Hygienic cleaning

Pliable surfaces such as textile, leathers, suede's, furs and hard surfaces such as medical devices, medical instruments and implants are significant areas for hygiene / disinfection.

CO2 in its liquid and supercritical state exhibits a well-known broad antimicrobial activity. LCO2 is registered as a biocide on Annex 1A of the biocide regulation. The benefit of using LCO2 as a cleaning fluid with disinfection properties is first the efficiency against germs and the beneficial disinfection can be done without leaving any residue on the textile. For this reason, in dermatological aspects CO2 cleaned textiles cannot have a negative impact on human skin per definition. Many studies reported the inactivation of bacteria by dense phase CO2 (DPCO2). Also fungi and even bacterial spores are inactivated within 0.25 - 2.1 minutes at usually applied parameters (50 - 80 bars). Viruses and spores are inactivated by supercritical CO2 treatment of medical devices. Current research focuses on the impact of LCO2 inactivation towards bacteria of clinical relevance, i.e. pathogenic bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Listeria innocua, Salmonella salford, Proteus vulgaris, Legionella dunnifii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Inactivation mechanisms currently investigated are:

1. decrease of the intracellular pH of the microbes;
2. alteration of the cell biomembrane and solubilisation of components;
3. solubilisation and degeneration of proteins of the outer cell surface;
4. extraction of intracellular substances;
5. inactivation by denaturing of intracellular enzymes responsible for metabolism;
6. disruption of the biomembrane and the cell wall due to rapid expansion after processing.

The range of investigation in the experimental study of the antimicrobial activity of DPCO2 was broadened for further relevant pathogenic micro-organisms of clinical relevance as well as for the mechanism of microbial inactivation. The full list of tested microbes comprises: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Mycobacterium terrae, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus hirae, Listeria innocua, Micrococcus luteus, Lactococcus lactis, Bacillus subtilis - vegetative cells, Bacillus subtilis - spores, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus atrophaeus (as vegetative cells and as spores), spores of Geobacillus stearothermophilus, Candida albicans and spores of Aspergillus niger.

The experimental setup was: Micro-organisms to be tested in the experimental set-up were mixed with reactivated (heparinised) sheep blood and spread on metal discs that serve as process challenging devices (PCDs).

The PCDs were incubated for 15 min in a 0.75 L high-pressure autoclave. Experiments with LCO2 were conducted at room temperature (20 °C) and a correlating pressure of approximately 55 bars. Experiments with SCCO2 were conducted at 36 °C and a correlating pressure of approximately86 bars. The number of replicates was increased to at least n = 3.

These results demonstrate that SCCO2 exhibited a higher antimicrobial activity compared to LCO2. Differences amount to up to five orders of magnitude or even higher, e.g. Klebsiella pneumoniae, Mycobacterium terrae, Lactococcus lactis, Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger spores. In general the antimicrobial activity of LCO2 against Gram-negative bacteria tends to be higher compared to Gram-positive species. For SCCO2 treatment the overall results are less regularly regarding the comparison of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. For example, Lactococcus lactis yielded high reduction factors of 5.6 that are comparable to reduction factors of Gram-negative bacteria. Within the group of Gram-positive bacteria the tested Bacillus cereus (vegetative cells) showed the highest susceptibility to LCO2 with a reduction factor of 2.6. The least reduction factors have been reported for bacterial spores of Bacillus atrophaeus and Geobacillus stearothermophilus.

LCO2 as well as SCCO2 yielded reduction factors of less than 0.29 negligible for practical use.

DPCO2 is suitable for highly sensible goods like food because of the unaltered taste and the non-hazardous character of the agent. Since the process is conducted without a significant increase of temperature, it is also applicable for articles that are sensible to elevated temperatures such as medical implants (e.g. heart valves, biomembranes). DPCO2 is a suitable medium for a very nice disinfection of hard surfaces at low temperature and without toxic agents.

Taken all together the selected phase status of dense phase CO2 has an enormous impact on the inactivation of bacterial and fungal pathogens, with SCCO2 surpassing LCO2 by far for many test species.

Coatings and impregnation

The difficulties arising from bath processes for impregnation might be overcome by a spray method applicable to textiles and leathers. The installation of a spraying unit integrated in an existing type of a LCO2 textile cleaning machines is possible in principle, but linked to larger engineering efforts and comprehensive technical modifications of the high-pressure vessel. The installation must be carried in a way, to enter the pressurised vessel from the top and installing a spraying nozzle, which will spray from top / front down into the falling textiles. During the spraying, the rotation of the drum must only be in a single direction. A difficulty of spray processes arises from the high-pressure conditions inside the LCO2 cleaning vessel. The spraying system should have to overcome the counter pressure to spray on textiles within the enclosed environment with an existing pressure of up to 50 bars. The system pressure of spraying systems is usually 5 to 8 bars.

For the specific application in LCO2, this pressure adds to the existing pressure in the chamber. This makes a total pressure of approximately 58 bars that has to be generated.

Another issue using such a system is the regulation of the sprayed fluid volume. Visual inspection is not possible and sensing systems require again larger engineering efforts.

As proposed for the use in bath processes high concentrated usually water based low cure resins, mixed with a low amount of isopropyl alcohol at cold temperature in the cage will be a safe treatment, being more than 20 °C below flash point in a CO2 atmosphere.

Again the other option would be the use of low cure resins mixed in a small amount of cyclic silicones. The experiments affirm that it is possible to achieve in future an efficient coating / impregnation of textiles in LCO2, after optimisation of the process.

Cost price

The costs per kg garment cleaned in LCO2 in a LCO2 textile cleaning plant with complementary wetcleaning are the lowest of the 3 compared cleaning methods perc, HC (hydrocarbons) and LCO2 with wet cleaning: EUR 0.72/kg garment. The cost price per kg garment cleaned in perc or in HC in a plant is EUR 0.81/kg garment respectively EUR 0.77/kg garment. The cost price per kg garment in unit-shops compared to plants is somewhat higher (EUR 0.01 - 0.04) due to different scale level with lower production efficiency.

The above costs can deviate by 10 % (with outlayers of 20 %), mainly driven by internal logistics and not correctly executed procedures such as pre-spotting.

The collected soil from LCO2 textile cleaning is free of any solvent residues and highly concentrated. It can be collected for very low cost and because of the content of oil and skin fat will have a positive input to regain energy by incineration of the halogen free waste from the textile cleaning sector.

The following conclusions are drawn from the research findings:

1. Textile cleaning with LCO2 is most efficient in utility use and disposal of waste.
2. The cost price per kg garment cleaned in LCO2 is the lowest of three compared cleaning methods: EUR 0.68/kg garment (plant) and EUR 0.72/kg garment (unit-shop).
3. The cost price per kg garment cleaned in perc or in HC are higher than cleaned in LCO2: EUR 0.78/kg garment respectively 0.76/kg garment in a plant and EUR 0.81/kg garment respectively 0.77/kg garment in a unit-shop.
4. The costs of LCO2 textile cleaning in a plant are 13% lower than of dry cleaning in perc and 11 % lower than of dry cleaning in hydrocarbons (HC).
5. The costs of LCO2 textile cleaning in a unit-shop are 11 % lower than of dry cleaning in perc and 6 % lower than of dry cleaning in HC (hydrocarbons).


Compressed, liquefied CO2 is assumed to have a big potential as substitute for numerous organic solvents for a large variety of applications. Dense phase CO2 (DPCO2) is non-toxic, non-flammable and sustainable, environmentally sound and cannot cause ground-water contamination. It is not classified as volatile organic compound (VOC) as it is a natural atmospheric gas. Moreover, DPCO2 has a strong disinfecting / sterilising property under respective conditions, is relatively easy to handle with containments below 60 bars and is produced as an off-gas in almost pure form in the oil refining industry, the ammonia production and can easily be produced from the exhaust emissions of conventional power plants.

DPCO2is an effective cleaning agent for non-polar contaminants that can be augmented by addition of detergents and other additives and co-solvents. Articles treated in DPCO2 do not require a drying step as it is needed by classical solvent systems or water. This offers additional energy savings. After the process the DPCO2 can be recovered due to distillation of the liquid with minor energy input, allowing many cycles. DPCO2 treatment does not cause shrinkage, surface alteration and abrasion to the great majority of materials and leaves no residue on the cleaned surfaces after the final evaporation. The use of LCO2 and/or SCCO2 as a solvent offers unique opportunities for a broad range of applications.

Deoiling of metal or plastic parts from different kind of industry again will leave the hard surface free of solvent contaminants. The very low surface tension of LCO2 will improve the spreading effect on hard surfaces. Energy for drying is not necessary, the hard surfaces are cleaned in a gentle way, it is free of water and corrosion problems caused by the cleaning fluid cannot occur in LCO2 textile cleaning.

Its extreme low viscosity and the outstanding ability to spread on surfaces gives LCO2 the benefit to clean fine capillaries and expensive medical devices removing the contaminant and simultaneously disinfecting the surface of medical instruments. Cleaning of medical devices in a water free disinfection process is a proven new application for LCO2 cleaning with a high potential for the future.

Fine tubes and capillaries up to now are difficult to clean. With the developed new DPCO2 technology there is a chance for efficient cleaned efficient cleaning. Potential use for sensitive electronic chips or platines, avoiding thermal stress, can take benefit from residue-free cleaning in DPCO2.

Project website address:

Potential impact:

Strategic impact

Impact for the SME participants

The needs of the individual SME project participants are:

1. to decrease costs of their processes in order to become more competitive;
2. to decrease labour costs by better and shorter cleaning steps;
3. to become more sustainable;
4. to improve the technology basis of the company;
5. to investigate and test the pilot scale technology on-site;
6. to integrate the new LCO2 technology into their regular processes;
7. to maintain the product quality of the cleaning operation using LCO2;
8. to maintain the hygiene / disinfection / sterilisation of the cleaned materials using LCO2;
9. to compare individual performance with peers through bench marking;
10. to improve the technical knowledge and skills of their employees.

Their current cleaning technologies cannot meet the upcoming EU and national requirements regarding volatile emissions and labour conditions. The rising costs of the cleaning processes are now barely covered by their sales prizes, but will experience a shortfall in the near future thus weakening the entire sector. These needs and economic threats are met by the new comprehensive LCO2 technology of the project. This technology cannot be developed and paid for by the individual SMEs, but requires EU financial support.

Impact at the EU level

Up to now LCO2 is not used for the cleaning/disinfection of textiles and leathers, medical devices, implants and fine metal parts, besides the early adopters Fred Butler, Kymi Rens, Etiquette and Amsonic (all participants in the project). The research will have a large impact on the cleaning practices within the EU and strengthen the SME cleaning companies that are able to adopt the environmental friendly LCO2 technology.

Impact on textile cleaning sector

Dry cleaning of textiles is conducted in 60 000 EU dry cleaning shops (mostly SMEs) with an annual turn-over of EUR nine billion, employing 150 000 workers and cleaning 1.2 million tonnes of textiles each year, utilising 75 000 cleaning machines and releasing more than 78 000 tonnes of hazardous perc per year into the environment. The German market has 3 000 unit shops employing 17 000 workers cleaning 200 kilotons textiles per year representing 318 million garments. The whole European dry cleaning industry is currently undergoing a major reorganisation with mergers of smaller shops into larger units and an overall slight contraction.

The replacement of these perc cleaning machines by the LCO2 cleaning units generates sales of 7 500 units/year x 150 000 EUR/unit = 1 125 000 000 EUR per year, assuming a 10 year life of existing units and 100% replacement by LCO2. The expected penetration is 25 % thus generating sales of 281 250 000 EUR per year.

The adoption of the LCO2 cleaning technology by the SME companies will lessen their impact on the environment and strengthen their position compared to conventional organic solvent cleaners.

Impact on leather treatment sector

Treatment of hides and leathers is conducted in 5000 EU leather treatment companies with an annual turn-over of 3 billion EUR, employing 40 000 workers and treating 0.3 million tonnes of leathers each year, utilising 5000 cleaning machines.

The replacement of these leather cleaning machines by the LCO2 cleaning units generates sales of 500 units/year x 150 000 EUR/unit = 75 000 000 EUR per year, assuming a 10 year life of existing units and 100% replacement by LCO2. The expected penetration is 25 % thus generating sales of 19 000 000 EUR per year.

Most of the hides and leather treatment companies are medium sized and are strengthened by incorporating the new LCO2 technology, as it gives them a competitive advantage over similar companies in developing countries using conventional organic solvent technologies that are harmful to the environment.

Impact on medical devices sector

The processing of the over 400 000 different types of medical devices and products is highly diverse. All devices and products need sterilisation. As numerous devices are reused, the cleaning and sterilisation will take place several times per device. LCO2 treatment can replace conventional heat sterilisation for especially heat labile devices such as flexible endoscopes etc. The potential LCO2 cleaning / disinfection / sterilisation market for medical devices and product is estimated at 8000 units in Europe, assuming each hospital purchases a unit with a lifetime of 10 years. The annual sales are then 800 units per year x 150 000 EUR/unit = 120 000 000 EUR per year. As the penetration is estimated at 50%, the expected sales are 60 000 000 EUR per year.

Impact on medical implants sector

The manufacturing and processing of medical implants takes place both in large medical supply companies as well as in SMEs specialised in providing custom metal and ceramic implants. All implants are subjected to the highest standards for hygiene / cleanliness / sterility. Some of the devices are heat labile and cannot be sterilised by steam or ethylene oxides. It is estimated that the heat labile implant manufacturers will require 100 LCO2 cleaning units. Assuming a lifetime of the units of 10 years, this represents sales of 10 units/year x 150 000 EUR/unit = 1 500 000 EUR per year. As the heat labile market will accept 50% penetration, the sales are expected at 750 000 EUR per year.

Impact on fine metal parts cleaning sector

The total number of parts cleaning machines using halogenated solvents is 3500 emitting a total of 85 000 tonnes of perc per year. The total number of parts cleaning machines using non halogenated hydrocarbon solvent is 2000. Both employ 27 500 workers and generating 5.5 billion in sales for parts cleaning. The expected of LCO2 cleaning units to be placed in the sector is 550 units per year x 150 000 EUR/unit = 82 500 000 EUR per year, assuming a 10 year lifetime per unit and a 100 % penetration. An expected penetration is 25 % thus generating sales of 20 600 000 EUR per year. Most of the fine metal parts cleaners are companies within in-house cleaning shops. However, a growing number of SMEs is offering these cleaning services either onsite or at their own facilities. The purchase of a LCO2 cleaning unit wood gives them a strong advantage in parts cleaning over conventional in-house solvent cleaning shops. It is estimated that this will generate an additional 5000 workers for the SMEs.

Impact on the SME cleaning sector

The RTD needs of the EU SME cleaning sector are largely driven by restrictive legislation. The situation in the EU Member States is focused on the phase-out of organic solvent cleaning in favour of more environmental processes such as LCO2 cleaning.

The adaptation of environmental friendly cleaning technologies will be more in line with consumer expectations and will improve the image of the sector, thereby attracting more business. The problems described above occur in each EU country. Therefore an EU wide approach for finding and developing alternative cleaning methods is required.

The sector needs a new, sustainable technology with less environmental and economical risks. Without such a new technology, the future EU cleaning market is threatened and in danger of contracting. The availability of the clean LCO2 technology eliminates the current organic solvent problems of the sector, namely complicated permitting, high insurance, potential soil and groundwater contamination from leaking tanks, pipes and machines, placement of expensive vapour barriers, installation of expensive enclosed machinery, expensive ventilation provisions, negative health impact (influenced menstrual cycle of women and possible pregnancy effects).

Cleaning sectors in individual countries represented in the project strive for an EU research approach, because of limited national funds and greater research efficiency on an EU scale. The project will strengthen the EU cleaning equipment manufacturing sector as export opportunities will increase. The project will stabilise EU employment because of the availability of the new cleaning technology that reduces health problems for staff. LCO2 technology will require more education and training of each employee, creating training employment opportunities. Introduction of new technologies will improve the competitiveness of the EU equipment manufacturers and detergent suppliers. This will reduce unemployment and improve working conditions for both skilled and unskilled workers. The EU equipment manufacturing and detergent sector will be strengthened.

Impact on other sectors

The LCO2 technology in this project will have spin-off applications for extraction processes in decaffeination, deteaination, flavour and fragrance extraction, soy meal extraction, olive oil extraction, motor oil extraction, textile dyeing applications and fine plastic cleaning affecting most of the EU industries. All of these industries will benefit from the new LCO2 technology of the project.

Environmental and ecological impact

The LCO2 technology has been assessed using a LCA methodology to quantify the impact of the switch-over from current cleaning solvents to LCO2. The preliminary assessment shows large environmental and ecological benefits as LCO2 is a waste product that receives a second utilisation. It does not result in depletion of finite fossil resources and does not create groundwater pollution as commonly found at chlorinated solvent cleaners.

Project results and intellectual property rights (IPR)

The project has taken into account the following IPR rules.

The results of the project are owned by the SME participants and not by the RTD performers who are to be paid 100% for their performed research. The results will be utilised to maximise the benefits of the SME participants. The six SME participants are the owners of the new RTD generated knowledge. The three RTDs and two other (LEs) project participants will receive a free license to use this knowledge within their own organisation to stimulate post project continuation as well as research and development. If the other (LEs) project participants develop new technology within the project, there is joint ownership with the SME participants. The RTD performers can also use this knowledge freely within their organisation (but not outside their organisation) to further the research. All project participants has initially listed and described protected background knowledge they posses. The project participants have made this background knowledge freely available for the project execution. After the project the SME participants can freely use this background information. In every situation, the background utilised in the research project has not be denied to the SME participants in all subsequent spin-off processes, products or services that they may develop.

The project has a protection plan for the IPRs of the foreground. These will be protected when possible and feasible. Options are patenting, licensing or internal guarding with own utilisation. The disadvantage of patenting is the obligatory of publication of the underlaying results. The final course of action will be decided by the SME participants. The dissemination activities will follow the exploitation plan of the project results. This ensures the optimum exposure to enhance the exploitation of the results. The SME participants formerly decided on a course of action to utilise the project results. These can be exploited jointly or severely. The description of the IPRs in this description of work (DoW) prevails over the Consortium Agreement of the project.

The research council of the project had a major function in stimulating information exchanges and fostering the quality of the technical knowledge.

The results of the project research have foremost been used to improve the three key results and to prepare these for market introduction.

Patentable knowledge that emerges from the project will be protected by the six SME participants. The project knowledge will be provided to and shared with all project participants in order to enhance the internal communication leading to better cooperation and results. The knowledge of several WPs will subsequently be utilised in follow-up demonstration research projects. The SME participants have the first right of refusal to participate in follow-up research projects generated by the RTD performers.

The project has improved the research co-operation by combining research activities with SME implementation on an EU level. The project is an extensive co-operative effort between research organisations, machine manufacturer, chemical supplier and SME end-users all coordinated by key EU cleaning organisations. This work will also be linked to the International Committee for Textile Care (ICTC), of which most RTD project participants are member.

The results and issues of FP7-SME project ACCEPT 222051 will be disseminated widely in the EU-27 cleaning sector. The extensive dissemination in every country will be directed by the project RTDs and the project SMEs. Support for dissemination will be obtained from the key Ministries in EU-27. A project website with a public part has been developed and is in the air for the dissemination of the results. The project results have been validated by a workgroup consisting of experts from the sector and RTD organisations. A selection of the most pertinent results from every WP has been evaluated by this workgroup. After validation of the website, a public portion has been developed that is open to the public. The website has a loading possibility of the pertinent pages.

The professional organisations can use the results of the project in their education plans to stimulate the new technologies. They will inform their members about the new courses in this sector to promote the clean LCO2 technology.

The dissemination of the research results of ACCEPT has also carried out by publishing in the brochure with abstracts of the papers in the bi-annual International Detergency Conference (IDC) organised by RTD performer WFK (wfk-Cleaning technology research institute), where research results in the field of cleaning technology are presented to the respective SMEs. The 45th IDC from 3 to 5 May 2011 will be attended by all of the key players in the EU cleaning sector as well as from over the world. The latest research results will be presented by 173 speakers in nine sessions at 45th IDC will on basics and household cleaning technogy, basic detergency, professional textile care laundering / drycleaning / wetcleaning, energy-efficient technologies, hard surface cleaning, industrial cleaning and medical instruments cleaning.

Some research findings of project will be disseminated through three different papers and presentations on professional textile care and medical instruments cleaning by Dr Markus Wehrl, Dr Jurgen Bohnen, Dr Manfred Seiter, Dr Patrick Casper and Dr Christina Magakis-Kelemen.

The wfk-institute cooperates intensively with many national and European associations representing SMEs from the field of pliable and hard surface cleaning (e.g. German Textile Cleaning Association (DTV), European Textile Services Association (ETSA), European Cleaning and Hygiene Technology Research Association (FRT), German Association for Sterile Supply (DGSV). In this way the results of the project has been transferred directly to the respective SMEs in the EU cleaning sector.

Most institutes and knowledge centres in the Consortium are members of the main international standardisation committees (ISO) and international research coordination committees (ICTC). They meet at annual meetings for knowledge exchange. The objective is standardisation, normalisation, initiation and generation of joint development projects aimed at introducing new technology in the entire cleaning sector.

All project participants promote sustainable development in the cleaning sector.

The project findings have been disseminated through ICTC in and after the project lifetime.

Therefore, the project has ensured optimal dissemination of knowledge, education plans for personnel and application of project results. The information transfer and dissemination of results of LCO2 cleaning technology is executed to SMEs thru website visits, i-course material, a text book and training manuals.

Extensive training of key personnel will enhance the implementation of the new LCO2 technology within the EU-27 target groups, such as staff e.g. plant manager, owner, shift foreman, machine manufacturers, suppliers e.g. detergent manufacturers, national associations and European associations. The exploitation of the developed LCO2 technologies has been outlined in the exploitation plan with sections on actors, financing, marketing, promotion and demonstration.

Furthermore, transmission of information to key end-users and decision makers about the superior cleaning and hygienic / disinfecting / sterilising effectiveness of LCO2, as well as face-to-face meetings with potential early EU adopters to promote the LCO2 cleaning process will be planned.

The project findings have also be disseminated to key governmental regulators (National Ministries and Environment Agencies) into the concept of LCO2 cleaning for better environmental performance of the EU cleaning sector. And finally, dissemination of scientific findings to academics from National Research Institutions and universities through scientific publications has taken place. Information about ACCEPT has been given to academics and professionals on various occasions in the project lifetime through oral presentations, journal publications and articles. A summary is shown below.

Oral presentations

1. Den Otter W.: New developments in LCO2 cleaning, 44th IDC, Düsseldorf, 13 May 2009
2. Seiter M.: Textile cleaning of the 21st century, 44th IDC, Düsseldorf, 13 May 2009
3. Wehrl M.: Routineüberwachung von Reinigungs- und Desinfektionsprozessen, Hybeta Spezial, Augsburg, Germany, 10 November 2009
4. Wehrl M.: Research Focuses of the wfk-Cleaning Technology Research Institute, Effizienzagentur NRW, Duisburg, Germany, 20 May 2010
5. Wehrl M.: User Committee meeting of project HYMED, wfk-Cleaning Technology Research Institute, Krefeld, Germany, 22 June 2010
6. Wehrl M.: New Hygiene Services in Medical Device Cleaning and Reprocessing by the Use of Liquid CO2 and Extremophile Enzymes, PTS-Papiertechnische Stiftung, Munich, Germany, 9 December 2010
7. Wehrl M.: Joint and User Committee Meeting of project HYMED, wfk-Cleaning Technology Research Institute, Krefeld, Germany, 16 December 2010
8. Wehrl M.: Innovative technologies for cleaning, disinfection and process control, Effizienzagentur NRW, Duisburg, Germany, 18 January 2011
9. Fijan S., et al.: ACCEPT - Advanced CO2 cleaning as an ecological process technology. Fifth International Textile, Clothing and Design Conference (ITC&DC), 3 to 6 October 2010, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Magic world of textiles. Faculty of Textile Technology, University of Zagreb, 2010.
10. Neral B., et al.: Advanced CO2 cleaning as an ecological process technology, 41st International Symposium on Novelties in Textiles and 5th International Symposium on Novelties in Graphics and 45th International Congress IFKT, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 27 to 29 May 2010
11. Neral B., et al. : EU FP7-SME project 'ACCEPT' EU FP7-SME projekt 'ACCEPT'. Druginaucno-strucniskupsamedunarodnimucešcem 'Tendencijerazvoja u tekstilnojindustriji - Dizajn, Tehnologija, Menadžment', Beograd, 4 and 5 June 2010
12. Neral B., et al.: EU Project 'ACCEPT-Advanced CO2 cleaning as an ecological process technology', 10th Autex Conference, Proceedings of Autex 2010. Kaunas: Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Design and Technologies, Vilnius, Lithuania, 21 to 23 June 2010
13. Neral B.: Life-cycle assessment (LCA) of chemo-thermal laundering procedure, annual presentation for members of IEMD. Maribor, Slovenia, December 2009
14. Neral B.: EU FP7 ACCEPT research project. Presentation for members of the Slovene Textile Engineers Association, Maribor, Slovenia, February 2010
15. Neral B.: Efficient cleaning of soils and pathogens with LCO2 treatment. Annual presentation for members of IEMD. Maribor, Slovenia, January 2010.
16. Fijan S.: Disinfection effect on pathogens using dense CO2 treatment. Annual presentation for members of IEMD. Maribor, Slovenia, January 2011.
17. Neral B.: LCA - LCI study of chemo-thermal and LCO2 laundering procedure. Annual presentation for members of IEMD. Maribor, Slovenia, January 2011.
18. Neral B.: EU FP7 ACCEPT LCO2 Textile Care Technology. Presentation for members of the Slovene Textile Engineers Association, Maribor, Slovenia, January 2011
19. Announced: Wehrl M., Seiter M., Bohnen J.: Textile cleaning in compressed CO-2 - Current research results, 45th IDC, Düsseldorf, 4 May 2011
20. Announced: Wehrl M.: Development of innovative low-temperature procedures for the cleaning and disinfection of instruments using dense phase CO2, Fifth Colloquium 'Medical Instruments' as integral part of the 45th IDC, Düsseldorf, 5 May 2011
21. Announced / accepted presentation: Neral B., et al.: Effectiveness of LCO2 laundering cleaning technology. 42nd International Symposium on Novelties in Textiles, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2 and 3 June 2011.
22. Announced: Neral B., et al.: Disinfection effect using LCO2 laundering procedure. International Conference on Innovative Technologies IN-TECH 2011, Bratislava, Slovakia, 1 to 3 September 2011.

Journal publications:

1. Den Otter W.: ACCEPT: Geavanceerde Koolzuurreiniging als ecologische procestechnologie in de EU. Textielverzorging (BE) 2008; 3; pp. 202 - 204.
2. Wehrl M., Kolbe S., Bohnen J.: Methoden zur Evaluierung der Wirkung von Enzymreinigern für Medizinprodukte. Aseptica 2010(4): 3-6.
3. Neral B., et al.: Article in the Slovene Textile Engineers Association 'Tekstilec'. Article was accepted, will be published in 2011.
4. Announced: Den Otter W.: ACCEPT: Duurzame textielreiniging in koolzuur - Laatste research resultaten. Textielverzorging (BE) 2011: in press.


1. Den Otter W.: New developments in LCO2 cleaning. Proceedings of the 44th IDC: 507 - 511.
2. Seiter M.: Textile cleaning of the 21st century. Proceedings of the 44th IDC: 503 - 506.
3. Announced: Wehrl M., Seiter M., Bohnen J.: Textile cleaning in compressed CO-2 - Current research results. Proceedings of the 45th IDC: in press.
4. Announced: Wehrl M.: Development of innovative low-temperature procedures for the cleaning and disinfection of instruments using dense phase CO2. Proceedings of the 45th IDC: in press.

Web presentations:


Exploitation plans

The knowledge coming out of the project will be protected if applicable through patent application and license agreements. The marketing parties (manufacturers and/or distributers) will be enrolled after completion of the research and onsite testing at the end-users. Target groups will be identified in the EU countries involved in this project. This will be followed by targeting the other EU-27. The approach of the target groups is through sector wide contacts and individual approaches. The new technology is promoted through conference presentations, workshops and web information transfer. The sales will be coupled to the organisations that are the earliest on-site demonstrators of the new technologies. The installation and the integration of the first commercial units will be supported by the RTD participants of the project.

If the SMEs decide to sell the foreground knowledge they own to third parties, the financial proceeds are distributed based on the relative size of their project participation. Licenses will be structured in such a way that both individual technologies and the entire concept can be applied. The licensees are obliged to market the key technologies and engage with their key clients. The SME participants intend to demonstrate the first generation commercial units related to their WP. They will assist in introducing the equipment and inform clients on the technology advancements.

A detailed exploitation marketing and sales plan was developed for post project use at the end of the project. The new technologies will be licensed to international manufacturers and suppliers for sales outside Europe.

Project website: