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European Union and India Enhanced Cooperation Framework for Improved Bilateral Dialogue in the Fields of Science and Technology

Final Report Summary - EUINEC (European Union and India enhanced cooperation framework for improved bilateral dialogue in the fields of science and technology)

Executive summary:

EUINEC project is a BILAT project aiming at improving the scientific and technological cooperation between Europe and India. The project, financed under by the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) worked to increase awareness among Indian and European stakeholders about scientific collaboration, funding opportunities and research priorities.

The project aimed to establishing a framework for cooperation, the European Union (EU) -India research co-op which is based on a multifunctional portal allowing for the exchange of information and partner search, serve as the base for the practical and user-orientated training package and be the frame for policy development and the identification of areas of cooperation. The portal is available at

Strategy and implementation: The EUINEC strategy builds on three pillars, namely information and cooperation platform, capacity building and awareness raising activities. The activities are closely interlinked and take place both online and through various events throughout India. The project website is a tool for disseminating information as well as for assisting in building new consortia and for preparing stakeholders to take part in FP-funded projects via user-friendly e-training.

EUINEC has been working to create synergies between projects and initiatives with the aim to support EU - India scientific and technological cooperation. The website was developed to facilitate for stakeholders to find the most suitable tool and to support the networking between projects relating to EU - India scientific and technological cooperation in order to create synergies between the activities. Several joint events have also been organised including two large conferences; EU India scientific and technological cooperation days and The first one was organised in India and the second in Europe, and the conferences included scientific conference, round table discussions, networking with brokerage event and FP7 training workshop.

For capacity building and awareness raising purposes, EUINEC has been organising various events such as info days, trainings and coaching sessions across India. The e-training on FP7, proposal development and project management is available at the project website free of charge for coop members. Another highlight is the establishment of a Focal Point network in India which is an informal support network of people already involved in Framework-funded projects to support their fellow researchers to get involved in projects. The first two days training including an info day and practical workshops helped to prepare the 14 selected focal point representatives for their tasks.

Project context and objectives:

The EU - India scientific and technological cooperation, existing since decades, was strengthened with the signature of the EU - India scientific and technological agreement in 2011. The agreement concluded for five years was renewed in 2007. The agreement builds on principles, such as mutual benefit based on overall balance of advantages; reciprocal access to the activities of research and technology development undertaken by each party, timely exchange of information which may affect cooperative activities and the protection of intellectual property rights. The agreement also defined the activities that may take place in the framework of the cooperation including the participation of Indian in the FPs and the reciprocal participation of Europeans in Indian research programmes and also exchange and sharing of expertise and exchange of information and more. Both the EU and India recognise the key role of science, technology and innovation for creating knowledge-based economies and sustainable development. Several bilateral and bi-regional programmes are implemented. The participation of Indian partners in the FP is increasing as well as the international co-publications. Another agreement was also signed in 2009 between Indian and EUROATOM in the field of fusion energy research.

The strategic forum for international Scientific and technological cooperation (SFIC) initiative launched together with the Indian authorities the India pilot initiative (IPI) on water related challenges. In order to promote cooperation, a joint action plan was developed. Further, two coordinated calls have been published by the European Commission and the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and with the Department of Biotachnology (DBT) Indian Government bringing together FP7 and Indian national funding programme.

India has bilateral scientific and technological agreements between DST of the Government of India and the relevant ministries in several EU Member States which allows for calls for scientific proposal with matching funds from respective country.

Several factors cooperating, and as result the participation of Indian scientists in framework funded projects is increasing. In the Seventh FP India is involved so far in 167 projects as compared with 93 projects in FP6. The number of projects in FP7 places Indian just after China, the United States and Russia. The main areas of cooperation are Health, Information and communication technologies (ICT), environment (including climate change), food, agriculture, fisheries and biotechnologies (KBBE) and socio-economic Sciences and the humanities (SSH).

EUINEC's objectives and role

The overall objective of the EUINEC project was to help implementing the above mentioned scientific and technological agreement and improve cooperation between Europe and India by establishing the EU-India research co-op (framework for cooperation) based on a multifunctional portal allowing for the exchange of information and partner search, serve as the base for the practical and user-orientated training package and be the frame for policy development and the identification of areas of cooperation. The opportunity to participate in projects funded by the EC via the Seventh Framework project is there, but effective cooperation require awareness of the opportunities and also knowledge on how to find relevant information and how to get involved.

EUINEC’s objectives can be summarised as following:

- increased awareness among Indian stakeholders about the EU, research priorities, cooperation and funding opportunities;
- increased awareness among EU stakeholders about India and cooperation opportunities;
- improve the flow of information on programmes and funding opportunities (European Programmes, Initiatives of the Government of India, Bilateral Programmes) designed to support scientific and technological cooperation between the EU and India;
- identify and demonstrate mutual understanding, interest and benefit in scientific and technological cooperation between the EU and India;
- share best practices through joint exchanges of information and experiences;
- facilitate cooperation through an integrated partner search facility;
- enhance know how for each stage in a project lifecycle from project development to project closure;
- identify new cooperation areas and formulate policy recommendations.

EUINEC's objectives per work package:

WP1: Ensure day-to-day coordination of the activities of the project. Contact with partners, organisation of meetings and on-line conferences, maintenance of relations within the consortium. Reporting and ensuring working relationship with the EC institutions. Ensure the recognition of the work of the network members including financial progress. Preparation of regular reports to the Commission and correspondence with the responsible EC institutions. The Consortium will continuously monitor the connection of the project to the work programme and other Community programmes. Gender issues will receive increased attention during the project. Each partner will be responsible for its own task; the coordinator will ensure the smooth cooperation and management of the entire project.

WP2: Design and develop an integrated and multifunctional portal for science and technology cooperation between the EU and India; Establish a channel to aid flow of information and exchange of knowledge and ideas; Provide stakeholders with a comprehensive tool to further develop networks; Create a frame policy development and identification of new cooperation opportunities.

WP3: Creation of a 'co-op' giving the frame for enhanced cooperation between the EU and India; Raise awareness on new opportunities presented in FP7 in India and the EU; Exchange knowledge and ideas; Develop networks of cooperation; Streamline relevant information for the portal; Delivery and presentation of results and future initiatives from the delegates at the EU - India research co-op day; Strengthen cooperation within FP7. The EUINEC project will interlink the stakeholders (via NCP network, INCONTACT and EBTC) and the policy makers (via EU delegation, DG RTD, Indian Government) and facilitate practical cooperation with capacity building with links to relevant information sources.


- develop a simple but robust and highly cost efficient e-training programme and its supporting environment tailored to suit EU-India cooperation; provide comprehensive training material in a user friendly format;
- allow participants to interact with leading EU experts;
- offer theoretical modules with information on EU's main priorities related to research;
- provide practical modules related to proposal development and project management;
- empower selected stakeholders with practical information through the training of trainers.


- to raise awareness among Indian and European stakeholders about the projects aims and objectives;
- to disseminate relevant and appropriate information; ensure all potential cooperation activities receive adequate coverage;
- to update stakeholders with pertinent news and opportunities;
- to reinforce the bilateral dialogue; enhance the information flow;
- facilitate multilevel information exchange.

Project results:

This chapter describes the project's main activities and results following the structure of the WPs in the description of work.

WP1 concerns management and has served as horizontal work package to support the implementation of the project and ensure the timely execution of activities, communication between partners and with the EC and correct reporting.

WP2 had as aim to establish the web portal to serve as the frame for the activities related to awareness raising and capacity building. The portal presented information developed by the project as well as from other projects and official sources. It hosts the Coop, the e-training and has provided updated information related to EU India scientific and technological cooperation, open calls from various sources, partner search and already funded projects.

Within the WP3, the EUINEC coop has been established and several Info days and conferences have been organised. One highlight of the coop has been the coordination of various initiatives dealing with EU - India scientific and technological cooperation with the establishment of the EU - India window which serves two main purposes; presenting the tools developed by various initiatives and provides a platform for networking between people involved in similar activities. The EU-India scientific and technological coop days organised at two occasions, in Delhi and in Vienna, jointly with other projects were great success. The conferences combined scientific conferences, round table, training and networking via brokerage events and brought together relevant stakeholders from both EU and India.

The WP4 aimed at capacity building and has developed and maintained an e-training course on FP7, proposal development and project management. EUINEC has implemented the training of trainers in order to reach larger number of stakeholders. An informal network of Focal Point representatives was established and trained to help assisting their fellow scientists.

The dissemination work was done within WP5 and served to raise awareness about funding opportunities for EU - India scientific and technological cooperation and about the services offered by the project. Dissemination material was developed and distributed electronically and on various events both EUINEC specific and also for the The dissemination tools include the website, leaflets, poster, business cards and newsletters. In addition to the project specific dissemination material, common dissemination material for the EU - India coop was also developed including business cards, info sheet and banners.

WP2 - Portal development

Objectives as outlined in the description of work:

- design and develop an integrated and multifunctional portal for science and technology cooperation between the EU and India;
establish a channel to aid flow of information and exchange of knowledge and ideas;
- provide stakeholders with a comprehensive tool to further develop networks;
create a frame policy development and identification of new cooperation opportunities.

All the deliverables in WP2 were successfully developed and submitted.

WP2.1- Technical development

WP2 is devoted to the development of the portal and CDAC as WP and task leader has been in charge of the development with considerable input from the partners. The portal was discussed during the kick off meeting and adjustments have been done during the progress of development based on feedback from stakeholders and partners. CDAC prepared the prototype, and technical background for the portal including the host server, the overall HLD for development of web portal and the LLD. The content plan was discussed within the consortium and suggestions from partners were included. The technical work of developing the system includes:

- architecture design of the portal;
- setting up the development environment; system development;
- data base design;
- testing the system and its services;
- deploying the system for widespread public use;
- maintenance and updating of the security for the portal;
- maintenance and support of the website.

The website and all its functions were programmed by CDAC except the e-training developed by Europa Media.

WP2.2 - Content development

The development of a website was progressively developed and the features have been adapted according to feedback. The portal was updated according to the feedback received during the test period and the evaluation by test users.

The portal is meant to complement other sources such as Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) by providing practical information with focus on India and be a unique single information point with clear links and cooperation with other initiatives and information sources. EUINEC web portal contains different sections:

- project website with general information about the project and also news and calls;
- co-op where stakeholders have to be members to benefit from its services;
- e-training.

The membership is free of charge and anyone can become member upon registration. The co-op area contains information, partner and project search facilities and the e-training on FP7 with special focus on India.

The portal also hosts the project website with information about the project as well as the e-training on FP7. Practical factsheets and other useful guidance documents can be downloaded from the portal.

The portal is constantly being updated with more and updated information.

WP3 - EU - India research co-op

- creation of a 'co-op ' giving the frame for enhanced cooperation between the EU and India;
- raise awareness on new opportunities presented in FP7 in India and the EU;
- exchange knowledge and ideas; Develop networks of cooperation;
- streamline relevant information for the portal;
- delivery and presentation of results and future initiatives from the delegates at the EU-India research co-op day;
- strengthen cooperation within FP7.

The EUINEC project will interlink the stakeholders (via NCP network, INCONTACT and EBTC) and the policy makers (via EU delegation, DG RTD, Indian Government) and facilitate practical cooperation with capacity building with links to relevant information sources.

WP3.1 - Organisation of events in India

Several events were organised within the frame of the EUINEC project to inform interested stakeholders about cooperation opportunities. In addition to the Info days listed below, the trainings organised in India are outlined in WP4. The events in India were organised earlier as compared to the description of work in order to coincidence with the open FP7 calls.

WP3.2 - Participation in events in EU and in India

The partners have presented the project regularly at different events in Europe and in India with the aim to spread information about the possibility to cooperate with funding from the EC via the FP, and the activities of EUINEC and other projects. Dissemination material related to EUINEC and also to the have been distributed including leaflets, business cards, and partner profile catalogues when relevant. The events are listed in the Interim report.

WP3.3 - EU-India research coop day

EU-India scientific and technological cooperation days took place from 4 - 6 November 2009 in New Delhi, hosted by the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). The event was jointly organised by four FP7 projects and initiatives (EUINEC, New Indigo, BIOCIRCLE and EBTC). This event replaced the EU-India research coop day (as in the description of work) upon approval by the project officer. EUINEC was the main initiative taker and brought together the other projects in order to organise an event with impact. Information about the event and all documentation are available at the event website

The objectives and activities of the EU-India scientific and technological cooperation days were: informing - highlighting the opportunities for cooperation available for European and Indian researchers (FP7 info day).

1. Networking - providing an opportunity for stakeholders from the EU and India to initiate cooperation in diverse fields of research, and to identify areas of common interest for future collaboration (networking and partnering event).
2. Training - encouraging and facilitating participation in EU research, including practical sessions on FP7.
3. Research policy analysis and development via interactive roundtable discussions to compare respective EU and India research agendas, potentials and needs and to identify possible main lines of mutual interest in view of further collaboration (round tables).

The following four themes were selected for the event:

- sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environment;
- life sciences, biotechnology and biochemistry for sustainable non-food products and processes;
- fork to farm;
- health.

The EU- India days attracted around 200 Indian and EU researchers, including young researchers, research policy makers, the scientific and business community and stakeholders, in particular from innovation in the public and private sector.

WP3.4 - EU - India scientific and technological coop days, Vienna

The EU - India scientific and technological cooperation days 2011 with focus on biotechnology and health, together for the advancement of science and innovation was organised on 1-2 December 2011. The event website with documentation is available at

The event, jointly organised by three EU-funded projects, EUINEC, New INDIGO and INDIA GATE and hosted by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research, brought together 150 stakeholders from Europe and India: scientists, policy makers as well as industry representatives.

The rich programme contained a scientific conference, panel discussions, a dedicated session on doing business and innovation in India, as well as a brokerage event for match making - the Vienna Researchers' Café. Accompanying cultural events and the networking dinner contributed to the vivid atmosphere, in which participants discussed needs and opportunities, current cooperation and the way forward for science and innovation between India and Europe.

Summary of the event

The opening session with representatives from the EC and from the Government of India as well as results from ongoing support projects was followed by a scientific conference. The session 'Doing business and innovation in India: Opportunities for European entrepreneurs' was moderated by Ms Micol Martinelli, Senior Advisor International Affairs, EUROCHAMBRES. In the session on 'International cooperation - matching scientific and political needs' the political context and evolution of the modes of cooperation were presented to the audience. Mr Stephan Neuhäuser introduced the concept of the European strategic forum for international scientific and technological cooperation and Mr Frej Sorento Dichmann presented the event planned by the Danish Presidency of the European Council. The Vienna Reseachers' Café - matchmaking between European and Indian. The Researchers' Café attracted much interest. More than 100 participants took part in the networking event between Indian and European researchers interested in Health and Biotechnology. 220 meetings were organised in 20 parallel tables to allow European and Indian participants to discuss potential cooperation and exchange of information. The catalogue which comprises almost all the profiles of conference participant, was distributed and is available online at the event site

WP3.5 - Recommendations to the EC and to India

The recommendations to EU and India are based on the roundtable discussions organised during the two EU-India scientific and technological cooperation days and also from the discussions with stakeholders at various events organised by EUINEC, as well as from experiences of the EUINEC project and discussions with other EU-India related projects.

The recommendations are drafted to tackle different issues. During the first EU INDIA coop days the recommendations where focused on research priorities in the KBBE sector. The focus of the conference has indeed been chosen by the EC and has been organised together with other two projects BIOCIRCLE and NEW INDIGO. APRE cooperate in the organisation of the roundtables created for the priority setting and helped in drafting the final recommendations.

In the second EU - India coop days 2012 the discussions were broader and different topics have been distilled during the different session. The topics were tacking specific requirements of research organisations at national and regional level, the main obstacles for participating / building partnership in the FPs, and the possible main research lines of mutual interest in view of future collaboration between Europe and India. An executive summary has been produced within the deliverable 3.8 for the best use of EU and Indian representatives.

WP3.6 - Co-op platform

The Co-op platform refers to the activities taking place at the portal developed in WP2. People can register to use the different services free of charge upon registration.

The cCo-op platform is an integrated part of the EUINEC web portal (WP2) and serves as an Information point for registered members. Several services are available free of charge such as e-training, fact sheets, online test partner search and project search. Europa Media has developed all the information and CDAC has made it available online, and for more details on the technical and content development of the services available at the co-op platform see WP2. The consortium is continuously collecting partner profiles via online means which have been made available online via the catalogues and the partner search function on the EUINEC co-op.

EM is providing feedback via email and by phone to registered users who wish to know more about FP7 and how to get involved.

C- DAC is communicating with the registering users via email to provide updates and information.

More information about the functions and services of the co-op platform is available in WP2 description above where also the work undertaken by partners with regards to technical development and content development is outlined.

EUINEC has also developed a website to group projects and initiatives working with supporting EU - India scientific and technological cooperation. Following the experience of the organisation of the EU - India scientific and technological coop days 2009 in Delhi, where the cooperation amongst four projects and initiatives brought a considerable result, it was proposed and decided to create a spin-off portal named One of the objectives was enhancing and facilitating the coordination of activities with other projects, but the mail focus has been from the beginning on the clients / stakeholders. Many projects with similar outcomes have been awarded both from the International cooperation (INCO) directorate and from the thematic directorate and harmonisation of activities create an added value for all the projects. The idea was to create a one stop shop for India, where researchers or companies interested in the cooperation with India could find the services provided by a set of projects. So far, already 12 projects have joined the portal providing links and information.

The EU India Coop portal has been very much appreciated, so appreciated that the EU delegation in Delhi decided to share all the documentation usually hosted on their portal to be now hosted in the portal electronic library

This portal is complementary to the EUINEC website, and anyway the links are taking back the user to the page of the EUINEC website where the service requested is presented. The added value of this portal is given by the opportunity of sharing the information and services offered by 12 different projects, the navigation is easy and there is no extra content, just the short cut to all the services provided and listed in selected macro areas.

The full concept of the portal is included below:

The EU- India scientific and technological cooperation initiative aims to be the frame for all available support measures for the promotion of EU - India scientific and technological cooperation.

The approach is two- folded, aiming to:

- offer scientists, policy makers and other stakeholders structured and comprehensive information through the EU - India window;
- assist projects' cooperation for a harmonised approach, sharing of information and joint planning of activities.

Projects that are working towards the same objectives are invited to be involved in this initiative. As a project, they can choose to only be included in the Window to disseminate your activities or can also take part in the sharing of information and joint planning of activities.

The idea is not to create another website with new information, but to structure the existing tools and support measures to reinforce complementarities.

Europa Media is frequently updating the coop portal with news and events from other projects.

WP3.7 - Identification and cooperation with different networks

EUINEC is making an effort in cooperating with different network and projects, and the EU-India scientific and technological coop days is the highlight but much work in this respect has been continuously going on. The section below presents the cooperation with NCP network, the pilot initiative.

National contact point (NCP) network

APRE and CDAC being part of the NCP network have both disseminated the project through the NCP network. APRE is the Italian host organisation for all the FP7 NCPs. The EUINEC project and opportunities has been presented to all Italian NCPs during APRE's staff meeting in January 2010 and January 2011. The NCPs reported to their own European Networks. A specific cooperation was set specially with the BIO NCP network (BIOCIRCLE project) for the organisation of the EU-India scientific and technological cooperation days organised in New Delhi the 4-6 November 2009.

With the INCO NCP network (INCONTACT) the collaboration was focused on the dissemination of the project and on the organisation of the info day held in Thiruvantapuram the 10th of May 2011.

A focus on EUINEC has been presented during the Galileo Infoday organised by the TRANSPORT NCP network (ETNA) on the 16 February 2009 for the dissemination of the project.

Regarding the NMP NCP Network, EUINEC has been presented during the ICPC NAnonet conference in Prague the 2nd of June 2010.

EU - India scientific and technological coop pilot initiative: Cooperation among projects supporting EU - India scientific and technological cooperation

In order to have a greater impact of our efforts and avoid duplication of work, EUINEC has played a leading role in establishing an informal cooperation between mainly three projects; EUINEC, New INDIGO and INDIA GATE. These three projects have different main objectives, but they all aim at enhance EU - India scientific and technological cooperation. The cooperation build on the idea to bring out one message jointly, and to provide access to all support tool develop by various initiatives. This way dissemination activities can better be harmonised with a decreased risk to confuse the stakeholders. The initiative recognise the efforts by each project, they all follow their description of work and grant agreements and strive to harmonise only where it make sense. Common website Jointly organised info days and events in particular EU - India scientific and technological coop days focal point network - joint implementation see WP3; dissemination joint dissemination material.

Website aims to be the frame for all available support measures for the promotion of EU - India scientific and technological cooperation. Currently 12 projects are represented: EUINEC, NEW INDIGO, INDIA GATE, EURO INDIA SPIRIT, EBTC, EUCLID, BIOCIRCLE, SYNCHRONISER, INCONTACT, IDEALIST, EURAXESS and EUINCOOP.

Focal point network EUINEC and New INDIGO are both aiming at strengthening the National Contact Point system in India as described in their description of work. The focal point initial training was organised in Trivandrum at NIIST and CDAC premises 10-11 May 2011. Read more under WP4.


All the projects have their own promotion material and websites. The common web portal is promoted in parallel. The common dissemination material includes fact sheet, business cards, and banner.

EUINEC has also participated in coordination meetings with other support activities to discuss how activities can be harmonised. Europa Media attended the kick off meeting of New Indigo, which initiated the cooperation thereinafter includes the organisation of the EU-India scientific and technological cooperation days, the coordination meeting, contribution to trainings and to the external advisory board.

For the organisation of the co-op days, close collaboration has been launched by APRE (BIOCIRCLE, EBTC) and by Europa Media (NEW INDIGO). Also EBTC was involved in organising the event by contributing with a session on doing business in India.

An organic linkage and contact has been established by CSIR with NCPs for Heath namely Dr Rajendra Prasad, Rector, JNU, New Delhi and National Contact Point for ICT namely Mr Rajneesh Agarwal. Additional director, DIT, Ministry of Information Technology, Govt. of India.

A logo exchange section has been established on the website and CDAC has been in contact with other projects to expand this activity.

WP3.8 - Cooperation with the EC Delegation, DG Research and with the EBTC

The consortium has been initiating contact with the EC delegation, DG research and with the EBTC, and cooperating for various purposes, events and activities. Highlights of the cooperation are described below per entity.

EC delegation

The EC Delegation was invited to the Kick off meeting and attended with one representative and gave a presentation; Dr Indraneel Ghose. Since Dr Philippe de Taxis du Poët, took his position as science counselor at the European Commission Delegation to India, he has been much involved in the activities of EUINEC. He gave a presentation at the info day transport and he has been attending meetings for the planning of the EU-India scientific and technological cooperation days.

Several meetings have taken place between the project partners and the EC Delegation, especially before the organisation of various events to get their input and suggestions.

Both Dr Ghoose and Dr Philippe de Taxis du Poët have been present at different events, and have given presentations ICT Info Day, Transport Info Day and EU-India scientific and technological cooperation days).

Another example of cooperation with the Delegation by the EUINEC project is the organisation of the Networking event 4 November which was part of the EU-India SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL Co-op Days and hosted by the Delegation. Also, the coordinator was invited to the seminar the 10 March 2010 at the Taj Mahal hotel Delhi, to network for the project purposes and attended with two persons.

Dr Ghoose was representing the EU Delegation in Delhi also during the EU-India scientific and technological co-op days 2012 in Vienna on 1-2 December 2012.

After the presentation of the EU-India coop portal, or India window, Philippe du Taxis du Poet decided to give the portal all the documents usually hosted by the EU Delegation website for the electronic library of the portal. He believed that the concept was solid and that thought the portal a great number of stakeholders might have been reached.

EUINEC has established contact with the health thematic and discussions on cooperation. In practice, this has so far resulted in the contribution by Stephan Hogan, Head of Unit to the event in Lucknow in March 2010, as well as the NCP network in the series of events in March 2010 organised by EUINEC.


EUINEC has initiated cooperation with EBTC and is co-organising the EU-India scientific and technological cooperation days. EBTC was also invited to the coordinators' meeting in Delhi March 2010 and they organised a second coordinators meeting in Edinburgh 19 October 2010. EBTC through Wolf Sech attended the third meeting in Delhi 19 January 2011. It was foreseen to sign Barter agreement with EBTC but it was agreed with the project officer to modify the grant agreement as it is from a legal point of view difficult to sign such agreement, but what is important is the cooperation in practice. Several coordination Skype meetings have been organised to speak about the joint activities for the scientific and technological days. Europa Media is frequently updating the portal with information from EBTC.

Government of India

The Government of India has been involved in several activities of EUINEC, and particularly the Indian partners are in frequent contact with them. The cooperation started with a meeting (organised by CSIR) for discussion with Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi and organised a meeting on 21st November 2008 amongst DST Officials Dr Y. P. Kumar, Head-International Cooperation Division, and Smt. Sadhana Relia, Scientist, International Cooperation Division and Mr Michele Genovese, DG Research, European Commission and Mr Joshua Sidwell, Europa Media, Hungary.

DBT is involved in the organisation of the EU-India scientific and technological cooperation days in 2009 and S. Gupta moderated and gave a presentation as well as in the EU-India scientific and technological coop days in Vienna.

Dr Shailja Gupta, Joint Director, Department of Biotechnology, Indian Ministry of Science and Technology participated in the second EU-India scientific and technological cooperation days in Vienna and contributed to the discussions with the EC.

Especially the Indian partners have been in contact with their Government, and both have very close links. CDAC is a body under the Ministry of IT and CSIR is the largest public research organisation in India.

WP4 - Capacity building

- develop a simple but robust and highly cost efficient e-training programme and its supporting environment tailored to suit EU-India cooperation;
- provide comprehensive training material in a user friendly format;
- allow participants to interact with leading EU experts;
- offer theoretical modules with information on EU's main priorities related to research;
- provide practical modules related to proposal development and project management;
- empower selected stakeholders with practical information through the training of trainers.

WP4.1 - Setting up e-training software environment to be used

Europa Media developed the e-training in HTLM. This decision was taken based on the observations on the usage of Internet in India. The pedagogical principles with clear and informative slides are respected.

WP4.2 - Developing e-training curriculum

Europa Media developed the e-training curriculum and the e-training modules, which was made available on the portal by CDAC. The e-training can be found at the after logging in to the co-op.

The e-training course consists of four different sections:

- introduction to FP7;
- proposal development;
- project management;
- EU-India scientific cooperation.

The different sections are divided into sub-sections which is presented in different slides to provide the information in a structured manner and allow participants to study the sections relevant sections for that particular person in an individual path. The structure of the e-training was built up in a logical manner starting from the basics with an introduction to the FP. The second section provides information on how to get started and prepare a proposal for submission. The third section introduced project management in FP7, including reporting requirements. The EU-India section gives an introduction to the cooperation framework.

WP4.3 - e-training deployment

The e-training is available for registered co-op members. Participants can study the sections in any order, and go back to any section any time. The structure is user-friendly with the new windows opening up, allowing to quickly navigating between the different modules without having to click through the section again. As the e-training is in HTML format, participants can start immediately without downloading special programmes and the system is working also for slow internet connections.

Participants are encouraged to ask questions which are sent to the coordinator@euinec,.org email address where inquiries are answered within 1-2 working days. Stakeholders have also asked their questions via phone.

WP4.4 - Training of trainers

Europa Media organised the training of trainers’ workshop for the Indian participants. APRE contributed to develop the programme and also with presentations during the workshop. Thanks to this workshop, the participants were better prepared to train others about FP7 and proposal development and project management.

Focal point network

The second session of training of trainers took place in India, with the establishment of the focal point network with the aim to establish an informal support network in India. The participants were carefully selected on the following basis: experience with FP projects, thematic, geographical location and gender. Based on their own experience, a first initial training session and support from the involved projects, they will help their fellow scientists by:

- identify and spread information about the FP calls for proposals;
- give information on existing partner search tools and techniques;
- give information on European tools such as CORDIS, EPSS;
- describe the process from work programme development, to call publication, proposal submission, negotiation and project implementation;
- give general advice on legal, administrative and budgetary issues;
- direct to the most relevant external support available.

The Focal Point Initial Training was organised in Trivandrum at NIIST and CDAC premises 10-11 May 2011. The aim of the workshop was to establish an informal support network in India. The participants were carefully selected on the following basis: experience with FP projects, thematic, geographical location and gender.

Capacity building events in India

A series of events have been implemented in various states of India during the first period. The events include trainings, coaching, and combined info days - trainings. Europa Media and APRE have developed the concept and provided the expertise to the trainings. The events have been in several cases in cooperation with other projects and networks. The training concept and agenda have been developed to give a practical understanding of participating in European projects. The trainings are following a general structure to introduce FP7, practical tips on how to get involved, financial and project management, evaluation, and grant agreement negotiation, intellectual property rights, introduction of work programme and open calls as well as interactive sessions. The programme is adapted for each training according to the targeted attendants, the focus and the time constraints and external lectures. The aim is to make the trainings as practical as possible to encourage and facilitate future cooperation.

EU-India scientific and technological cooperation days

A training focusing on FAFB and Health was hold during the EU-India scientific and technological cooperation days. It was organised jointly with the BIOCIRCLE project for approximately 20 participants. All the training material is available on More information is available under WP3 description in this report.

FP7 training with focus ICT and energy

EUINEC project organised an FP7 training at the Dayanand Sagar institutions on 2 February 2010. The event was organised on cooperation with EIRC, and DSI, and was attended by approximately 70 participants. The training was EUINEC project organised a trianing at the Dayandand Sagar institutions the 2 February focusing on ICT and energy. The training was organised and implemented by Europa Media and APRE in cooperation with EIRC and DSI.

Active discussions between the trainers and participants took place during the sessions and also in the breaks.

Info day with focus SSH. EUINEC project organised an info day with focus on SSH at the centre for international trade in technology, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi, India. Approximately 20 participants attended, and the aim was to provide practical information on how to get involved in European projects. FP7 was introduced, as well as information on how to get involved. The presentations were followed by interactive discussions and coaching on how to get involved.

Info day - FP7 training with focus on health 12 March 2010

An info day - FP7 training was organised 12 March 2010, and hosted by the Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow - a constituent laboratory of council of scientific industrial research, New Delhi. In addition to the EUINEC partners, the comprehensive 1-day programme includes presentations from representatives from EC, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology as well as the Health National Contact Point Network. Indian institutions who have previously participated in European projects shared their experiences and a representative from the New Indigo project presented funding opportunities offered within the networking pilot programme. CSIR organised the event practically (participants, venue, material, lunch etc), and arranged the Indian speakers and Europa Media and APRE developed the programme, invited the European contributors and gave presentations. Approximately 120 participants attended the event.

Info day and Training in Mohali, Punjab

A one-day combined Info Day and training programme focusing on focus ICT, health and agriculture was organised in Mohali in Pubjab the 15 March 2010. Approximately 120 participants from the region attended. The EUINEC project to provide a training to provide Indian stakeholders the skills needed to successfully develop proposals for scientific cooperation with European stakeholders. In addition to the general training programme including FP7, participation, IPR, financial rules and management, the Health NCP network coordinator explained the structure of a work programme with Health as an example with the upcoming opportunities. CDAC organised the event practically (participants, venue, material, lunch), and contributed with a lecture, and Europa Media and APRE developed the programme, invited the European contributors and gave presentations.

FP7 coaching in Trivandrum

Coaching sessions were organised in Trivandrum 17-18 March 2010 in order to give practical hands-on assistance to key people at interested Institutions.

One session took place at Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, focusing on Biotechnology and health. In addition to an introduction to FP7, and practical instructions on how to participate, much time was allocated to the health work programme and upcoming funding opportunities which was explained by the Health NCP network coordinator.

Another session took place at Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, where introduction to FP7, and practical instructions on how to participate, the ICT work programme, focus areas and cooperation opportunities were discussed.

The coaching sessions was an attempt to implement one of the important lesson learnt during the course of the project. In Indian culture it is crucial to speak, not only with the involved researchers, but to reach the upper management and explain the benefit and requirements of cooperating with Europeans. Thus the main benefit with organising coaching sessions is that people on a high management level can more easily be reached.

Coaching session at Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Trivandrum

WP5 - Dissemination

- to raise awareness among Indian and European stakeholders about the projects aims and objectives;
- to disseminate relevant and appropriate information;
- ensure all potential cooperation activities receive adequate coverage;
- update stakeholders with pertinent news and opportunities;
- reinforce the bilateral dialogue;
- enhance the information flow;
- facilitate multilevel information exchange.

WP5.1 - General dissemination activities

EUINEC dissemination strategy: CSIR in association with Europa Media conceptualised and prepared dissemination strategy for EUINEC. The objective of the dissemination strategy was to ensure efficient spread of the project and its results. See annex 5.1 for references. Image formation: A logo was created by Europa Media and placed on all publication materials such advertisements, seminar handouts and publications.

Symbolic representation of EU-India scientific and technological cooperation under EUINEC: One of the important requirements of the EUINEC project was to come out with symbolic representation of EU-India scientific and technological cooperation under EUINEC. CSIR created a symbolic representation for EU-India scientific cooperation representing both EU and India with colours and themes for of national importance of both India and EU. This symbolic image is being used on the EUINEC website, poster, brochure, newsletter, banner etc. for enhanced visibility.

Poster A poster was developed including the EUINEC logo and the symbol with the aim of raising the attention of the people to EU-India scientific and technological cooperation. The poster has been displayed on various events around India and the EU.

EUINEC poster: A banner has been developed for the trainings, info days and events

Image formation

The EUINEC dissemination material was developed in the first period. They were used throughout the project. Dissemination material has also been developed by Europa Media for the EU - India coop. The material has been distributed simultaneously. All the involved projects have their own promotion material and websites. The common web portal is promoted in parallel. A 1 page info sheet was developed where the aim and also the involved projects are described. We have also developed business cards where all the initiatives appear with logo and name. These materials are being updated when new initiatives are included.

Website development: A project website ( was put in place in month 1 of the project to present the information on the project objectives and activities and updates. The project website was incorporated in the platform. More information in the deliverable D5.1.

Project website:

The EU - India coop initiative logo

The logo for EU India Coop has been developed for the voluntary joint initiative between projects supporting EU - India scientific and technological cooperation: Also business cards and banners were created by Europa Media.

Coordinating regional dissemination:

The partners involved in EUINEC have all a very large extensive network useful for dissemination of information. Further, as the partners are working closely with other organisations and initiatives working towards the same aim to improve and facilitate scientific cooperation, the efforts can complement each other. CSIR work package leader is particularly well situated to promote cooperation with Europeans with help of European funding schemes. It is the largest Research and Development organisation in India with 39 laboratories and 50 field stations or extension centres around the country. These laboratories and stations have more than 17 000 people. Thus by internal dissemination at the CSIR, a large amount of relevant stakeholders are reached. The division in charge of implementing EUINEC at the CSIR was the 'Planning and performance division' situated at the headquarter at CSIR which facilitates the communication and dissemination of information. EUINEC project has also been disseminated by CDAC who equally very good connection to the Indian policy makers being the premier research and development organisation under Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) and with offices all around India.

The beneficiaries have identified important event in their region to present EUINEC project with presentation and/or leaflets and posters. See work package 3 for the list of events attended by EUINEC partners. The partners have brought leaflets and posters to event where they have also participated for other purposes in order to make economical use of resources and spread the awareness of EUINEC.

The partners have also made use of its networks and communication channels to distribute information about the project. Examples of such means are the Internal TV monitor at CSIR visited by thousands of visitor every day, Newsletters, websites, brochures in local languages.

WP5.2 - Information and communication tools

The dissemination activities have been implemented in India and in Europe both via online means and by participating in different events. The participation in different events by the partners is listed in the description of WP3 in this report as the task WP3.2 is covering exactly this; participation in events in EU and in India. The partners were presenting the project, its activities and the support offered as well as of course the funding opportunities available for scientific cooperation. The EUINEC portal was promoted as well as the EU India Window page and other support activities for EU India Cooperation were.

The collection and distribution of partner profiles, the organisation of different events as well as the establishment of focal points offered good opportunities to distribute information to the relevant people. The consortium used material developed by the project as well as official material from the EC and also from other support activities.


The newsletters were published biannually by CSIR. They were distributed electronically and also in paper format. All the newsletters are available online at the EUINEC website.

The first issue was published in July 2009 and presented EUINEC, the FP7 programme, EU - India scientific and technological cooperation, open calls and upcoming events in India.

The second issue was published in December 2009 and dealt with the climate change conference, EU - India scientific and technological cooperation, Indian participation in FP7, guide to FP7 and open calls and upcoming events.

The third issue, published in July 2010 presented the new Commissioner, the EU - India study centres programme, EU - India scientific and technological cooperation, open calls and the EUINEDC guide.

The fourth issue was published in December 2010 and presented EU India related news including new agreements between France and India, the inauguration of the Indo-German scientific and technological research centre. It also contained news about different events including the 11th EU India Summit. The newsletter also presented the EU-India window and other activities by EUINEC, as well as open calls.

The fifth issue was published in April 2011 and presented various topics such as the TKDL Livehood of Large Population in World, the EU film festival in India, the proposed trade pact between EU and India, introduction to the New INDIGO project and the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) opening in study centres in six European countries and also some information about EUINEC’s activities.

The sixth issue was published in November 2011 and presented the opportunities by the EU India Trade pact, and about European firms in the India environment technology market. It also introduced activities related to project in connection with the Yamuna and Elbe rivers and on empowering girls projects. The last issue also informed about diplomatic issues and visits and last but not least presented the open calls in FP7 and upcoming events.

Publications: n/a

Central dissemination actions:

All partners have put the logo of the project at their websites, in their profiles, and also on partnering organisations websites. Example, EUINEC website url has been submitted to various search engines (Google, msn etc). EUINEC presentation is continuously being run on TV placed for visitors at CSIR reception/lounge and about 100 scientific and technological people / Govt. Official / Industrialists visit CSIR daily. The EUINEC project has been displayed at various websites. The screen print below are showing examples from all project partners efforts.

Online campaign: All the partners have taken part in the online campaign, and distributed information about EUINEC, its services, FP7 and funding opportunities. The online campaign includes banners on various websites and email communication to promote funding opportunities, development of biannual newsletter, and promotion of partner profiles.

E-greeting card: Every year on the occasion of Indian festival of light i.e. Deepawali and for New Year. CSIR designed and circulated an e-greeting wishing happy Deepawali on behalf of EUINEC to researchers in India as part of the communication. CSIR sent to over 5 000 researchers in India electronically by CSIR. The card was also given to C-DAC for use who sent it to +500 scientific and educational institutions and research organisations around India and they in turn sent the e-card to several scientific and technological personnel in India. Many of the recipients were requested to further disseminate the e-card to their contacts.

Europa Media made an online campaign in Europe sending out approximately 7 000 emails (23 October 2009) to targeted stakeholders in the field of food, agriculture, fisheries and biotechnology and health to inform about the possibility to be included in the electronic partnering catalogue and about the e-training. Previously, Europa Media made a campaign to around 1 000 people (5 October 2009) involved in FP7 including an Indian participant to inform them about the co-op and its services. There have been extensive dissemination campaigns related to the various Info Days and events, to raise awareness and to attract participants. In India, CSIR and CDAC have been carried out activities using the EUINEC portal and through writing letters as well as e-mails to various apex organisations responsible for Indian policy in the related area of transportation and working on related research and development. People were informed about the co-op and the possibility to sign up for inclusion.

APRE sent information regarding opportunities offered by the EUINEC via email to its registered clients, approximately 20 000 contacts as well as via the NCP network. The work to collect partner profiles was ongoing and has as a positive effect also to raise awareness about EUINEC, FP7 and various opportunities.

The EU - India scientific and technological days in Vienna 2011 were widely disseminated as well as the open calls launched in July 2011 to relevant stakeholders.

WP5.3 - Dissemination through the European and Indian NCP network

APRE and CDAC are members of the NCP network and have been disseminating the project, its objective and results to the other network members continuously. EUINEC project has been cooperating with other NCP entities for various events and activities. The EU-India scientific and technological cooperation days were implemented together with BIOCIRCLE project which is composed of 23 NCP partners in different countries including the JNU in India. The FP7 training in Bangalore in February 2010 was organised together with EIRC which is the operating NCP body in India for all sectors. EUINEC project invited the health NCP coordinator Almudena Gonsales from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain to contribute to the serie of trainings and coaching in March 2010. Several meetings have taken place with the operating people at the EIRC on how to harmonise efforts and the EUINEC project has also been disseminated through their website. The NCP contact person at MIT, Mr Agrawal has been involved in many activities of EUINEC and is continuously disseminating information about EUINEC and its services. The Infoday organised in Thiruvantapuram at NIIST the 10th of May 2011 has been organised together with the INCONTACT project (INCO NCP network) which gave great dissemination to the EUINEC project. The opportunities of EUINEC have been presented during the GALILEO infoday organised by the TRANSPORT NCP network (ETNA) the 16th of February 2010. Regarding the NMP NCP network, EUINEC has been presented during the ICPC NAnonet conference in Prague on 2 June 2009.

The Indian NCP operated through the Indian Research Support Network (IRSN) which is constituted by ITSMA, C-DAC and IIIT-B. EIRC is the function arm of this NCP network. Both ISTMA and CDAC have been involved in the implementation of the EUINEC activities such as the establishement of the focal point network.

Potential impact: See the final report

List of websites: