Project description
Technology building blocks for creating, monitoring and managing secure, resilient and always available information infrastructures that link critical infrastructures
The European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection underlines that "since various sectors possess particular experience, expertise and requirements with CIP, EPCIP will be developed on a sector-by-sector basis and implemented following an agreed list of CIP sectors". The European Critical Infrastructure Directive puts forward in Annex 1 a list of 11 critical infrastructure sectors that include Financial CI sector. Protection And tRuSt In FinanciAL infrastructures (PARSIFAL) proposal is targeting this ambitious objective concerning how to better protect FCI and information infrastructure that link FCI with other Critical Infrastrucutre in Europe. PARSIFAL has the following objectives: 1) Bringing together CFI and TSD research stakeholders;2)Contributing to the understanding of CFI challenges;3)Developing longer term visions, research roadmaps, CFI scenarios and best practice guides;4)Co-ordinating the relevant research work, knowledge and experiences. The need to create forums at EU level is specifically mentioned in order to facilitate exchanges of views on general and sector specific CIP issues. PARSIFAL is aiming to bring together all financial critical infrastructure stakeholders in the public and private sphere which would provide the MS, Commission and the industry with an important platform through which to communicate on whichever new CIP issue arise. Furthermore, PARSIFAL Forum would asses a possibility of the creation of EU FCI related industry/business associations. The success of PARSIFAL will be largely based on its ability to build a large consensus in the financial, security industrial and scientific community. This will require the ability to contact and involve a large number of SME's that are working in this field, as well as Academia and Research Organisation all over Europe and bring them together with all the relevant national or regional CIP and Financial sector actors.
Call for proposal
See other projects for this call
Funding Scheme
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinator
28037 Madrid