Final Report Summary - SEE-ERA.NET PLUS (Further integrating key research institutions from Southeast Europe into the European Research Area)
SEE-ERA.NET PLUS is a project co-funded by the European Community’s Capacities Programme on International Cooperation under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (2007-2013). The project represents the next step in further integrating the West Balkan Countries (WBC) and its key research communities into the European Research Area. The project is based on the forerunner project SEE-ERA.NET. It enhanced the coordination of bilateral R&D cooperation with the WBCs, upgrading it to a European level. By joining forces and by pooling financial resources the project consortium brought critical mass to bear. The consortium consisted of seventeen partners from fourteen countries including all the South Eastern European (SEE) countries and its relevant R&D program owners - ministries or agencies responsible for science, technology and/or research. The project´s lifetime was from April 2009 until July 2013.
The SEE-ERA.NET PLUS contributed to address the following objectives:
• Executing R&D with the WBCs against strategic priorities at European level;
• Assuring continued integration of bilateral RTD initiatives into multilateral, jointly agreed, activities with high synergetic impact;
• Reducing duplication of efforts across Europe,
• Strengthening research communities in new member states and WBCs and preparing them for participation in FP7;
• Satisfying the need for R&D cooperation in the SEE region, as proven by the huge interest in the Pilot Joint Call of SEE-ERA.NET.
The overall strategy of the project was the launch of a single call for Joint European Research Projects (JERPs) with a planned call budget of around 3.5 Mio EUR. The impressive final figure of 2.675.000,00 EUR allocated funds testifies the national commitment to the project. Compared to other national funding sources for research collaboration, the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS call budget was the largest amount of money dedicated to one call for project proposals in SEE including all the WBCs. The Funding List requested additional funding of 208.600,00 EUR to be committed by the partners from Croatia, France and Serbia. Eventually 23 projects were funded following the Ranking List provided by the Scientific Council.
The Call supported the development of 2 main themes/thematic areas: ICT and AgroFood. The ICT component dealt with the i) Software systems for learning process management and support and ii) ICT for energy efficiency; whereas the AgroFood component focused on i) the Preservation of indigenous species and traditional food products (in SEE/WBC) and ii) Interdisciplinary field: Land use impact in agriculture on biodiversity.
After the final reports and additional efforts to monitor the project progress during implementation through dedicated surveys as well as the collection of outputs produced in the framework of the funded projects, the work was concluded in time. The spending of JERPs partners reached 2.877,716.92 €
The results from JERPs are very tangible: around 60 publications published in international peer reviewed journals can be clearly attributed to the JERPs as net outputs (on average about two articles in peer reviewed journals in the JERP lifetime). One project already applied for two patent applications, which would not have been possible without the JERP and two further joint patent applications are planned by two other projects. Eight JERPs stated that they applied to other funding schemes during JERP lifetime and overall 16 project proposals were submitted. Eleven databases were created by ten JERPs, only two of them could have been potentially (partly) established without funding from SEE-ERA.NET Plus. Finally, one contribution to standardization (ISO) with international outreach (ISO 17601 Estimation of abundance of selected microbial gene sequences by quantitative realtime PCR from DNA directly extracted from soil) would not have been possible without funding of SEE-ERA.NET Plus. All the above-listed results testify the success of the SEE-ERA.NET Plus project.
Project Context and Objectives:
The SEE-ERA.NET PLUS project coordinates national R&D funding programs, which were managed previously in a bilateral mode. Through a coordinated pooling of previously scattered resources, the consortium made significantly more resources available than it would have been possible via bilateral cooperation agreements. This also results in substantially more funding per research project, making larger-scale research possible than in previous small-scale bilateral projects.
As explained in the previous section, the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS main objective was the launch of a single call for Joint European Research Projects (JERPs) . The planned call budget was of around 3.5 Mio EUR, thus being the largest amount of money dedicated to one call for project proposals in SEE including all the WBCs. The Call was developed after conducting a careful selection of scientific priorities by use of synergies with the WBC-INCO.NET which allowed combining the two goals of enhancing cooperation with the WBCs and fostering scientific excellence.
The funding decision was taken jointly by the steering Board Meeting in Belgrade in June 2010. The Funding List requested additional funding of EURO 208.600,- committed by the partners from Croatia, France and Serbia.
The spending of JERPs partners reached 2.877,716.92 €
23 JERPs projects in total were funded through the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS joint call with 97 funded partners (coordinators + project partners), involving some more non-funded partners. The average size of the JERPs is 5 project partners, varying between three (six JERPs consist of three project partners) and seven project partners (two JERPs) and one project with 11 funded partners involving also a number of non-funded partners in its work. Each research project consortium was obliged to involve at least three teams from different SEE-ERA.NET PLUS countries. Thus, a truly multilateral cooperation was ensured, thereby preparing scientific networks for future cooperation in the EU-Framework programs.
The following is the list of funded JERPs divided by field of action with their reference numbers. For additional information on specific JERPs please visit
Field of AgroFood
A) Preservation of indigenous species and traditional food products (in SEE/WBC)
• Characterisation and tracking the origin of specific features of traditional cheeses in Western Balkans Region-ERA133
• Conservation and Sustainable Exploitation of indigenous Medicinal and Aromatic plants traditionally used in the SEE, WB countries. A model approach for Sideritis spp. (Mountain tea)-ERA135
• Diversity of invading Phytophthora spp. plant pathogens in agro and forest ecosystems in Southeast Europe-ERA138
• Systems to reduce mycotoxins contamination of cereals and medicinal plants in order to preservation native species and traditional products in Romania-Serbia-Croatia area-ERA139
• Towards the preservation of autochthonous grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) varieties in WBC – ERA155
• Sustainable preservation of indigenous South East European legumes and their traditional food and feed products- ERA168
• Conservation and standardisation of traditional technologies of fermented milk products based on autochthonous lactic acid bacteria – ERA195
• Evolution, biodiversity and conservation of indigenous plant species of the Balkan Peninsula – ERA49
• Conservation and utilization of the diversity of sage species (Salvia spp.) traditional food preservatives and spices – ERA64
• Sustainable production of traditional cheeses from local sheep milk, in the Balkans-ERA83
• Indigenous traditional plants for preparing added value new products with different applications – ERA88
• Preservation and establishment of true-to-type and virus free material of endangered grapevine cultivars in Croatia and Montenegro- ERA91
B) Interdisciplinary field: Land use impact in agriculture on biodiversity
• Development and evaluation of innovative tools to estimate the ecotoxicological impact of low dose pesticide application in agriculture on soil functional microbial biodiversity – ERA216
• Impact of Agricultural Abandonment on Landscape structure, vegetation and farmland birds in SE Europe – ERA164
• Impact of oilseed rape (OSR) production on functional biodiversity of predators and decomposers - development of management strategies for conservation and improvement in Croatia, Germany and Serbia – ERA 51
• Broomrapes Biodiversity – ERA117
• Exploration of Balkan biodiversity of Capsicum spp. to extract biotic stress resistant germplasm – ERA 226
Field of ICT
A) Software systems for learning process management and support
• Online Presence for Learning – ERA 115
B) ICT for energy efficiency
• Algorithms for time-varying harmonic analysis for power quality assessment applicable on modern digital signal processors – ERA78
• Monitoring of wind turbine generator systems –ERA80
• Intelligent information system for monitoring and verification of energy management in cities –ERA163
• Supporting Common RTD actions in WBCs for developing Low Cost and Low Risk ICT based solutions for TPPs Energy Efficiency increasing- ERA93
• Thermal 3D Modelling of Indoor Environments for Saving Energy – ERA14
In order to ensure the high quality research, the following measures were taken:
• Establishment of a Scientific Council, composed of eminent scientists from the participating countries was set up in order to provide support and guarantee scientific excellence concerning the evaluation and selection procedure.
• Introducion of a two step submission procedure of the call, process based on an Expression of Interest (EoI) and the independent review of the handed in EoI in a first step, and the independent evaluation and ranking of the full proposals of the JERPs in a second step. This first step identifies the scientifically best suited EoI for the full proposal round, thereby ensuring the participation of the most suited project partners. The two-step system prevents unsuccessful project applicants to spend much time and effort on preparing a full proposal.
• Organization of a pool of more than 1400 distinguished external evaluators in the relevant scientific disciplines for remote evaluation. Additionally, for the Expressions of Interest, two external evaluators carried out a remote evaluation via an electronic evaluation system. For the Full Proposal round of the call, three evaluators for each proposal were consulted.
• Selection of proposals on scientific excellence as main criterion and following the set selection criteria in the Grant Agreement.
To ensure the successfulness of the project, a number of activities were started to monitor the implementation of the call, the implementation of funded activities and a systematic collection of outputs going beyond the final reports from JERPs were collected. With the surveys and the documentation of result also questions of additionality were addressed. This goes much beyond the rather simple collection of “products” of the JERPS. Beyond that, also the outreach to public was addressed in the inquiries to JERP coordinators. Coordinators were asked to assess the link to society in view of the growing importance of research communication and the dissemination of knowledge in JERPs to the general public or to potential users.
A number of surveys were addressed to funded project partners including a terminal assessment of outputs on project level. A monitoring meeting was held in Vienna in 2012. All coordinators of funded projects attended the meeting. The funded projects were concluded in time.
According to the information provided by the funded projects the following outputs of projects were achieved
Summary of JERP outputs Total No.
Publications in international peer reviewed journals 63
Publications in scientific journals (review by editors) 36
Other publications directed to the interested public 43
Own publications of the project with primary scientific audience 20
Conference papers, posters, meeting abstracts 182
Databases created 11
Speeches, workshops and/or sessions held at conferences 89
Own event organization 40
Research staff exchange 59
Student exchange 13
Other research related travel 389
Developed new/improved products/technologies 18
(planned) joint patent application(s) 5
Contribution to standardization (ISO) 1
Joint applications to other funding schemes during project duration 16
Project Results:
In this section we will define the main S&T results/foregrounds produced within the SEE-ERA.NET Plus project. For each of the following results there will be a detailed list of produced outcomes with relevant information:
I)articles published in peer reviewed journals
II) published articles - not peer reviewed
II) publication addressed primarily to scientific audience
III) produced graduation/master thesis
IV) joint patent applications
V) joint applications to other funding schemes during project duration
VI) databases
VII) improved and newly developed products and technologies
All information was provided by the final beneficiaries of the SEE-ERA.NET Plus project, which were the 23 funded JERPs.
JERPs declare to have published over 60 articles in peer reviewed journals. Twelve of them included 50 percent or more researchers from other projects or other university staff not related to the JERP. Seven out of those twelve publications would have been published without the contribution of the JERPs anyway, one would have been delayed significantly, but would have been published as well. Four articles, where JERP authors contributed more than 50 percent, would have been published as well without JERP funding. Therefore around 50 publications published in international peer reviewed journals can be clearly attributed to the JERPs as net outputs. This implies that every JERP published about two articles in peer reviewed journals in the JERP lifetime or when looking from a different point, that every JERP which mentioned that it published articles in peer reviewed journals published nearly three.
Below you can find a list of articles published in peer reviewed journals listed by the year of publishment (ordered by: name funding JERP, ERA n°/Author(s)/Title/Journal name-relevant pages/Year of publication)
• ERA 115/ Bjekic, D., Krneta, R., Milosevic, D./ Teacher Education from E-Learner to E-Teacher: Master Curriculum/ The Turkish online journal of educational technology, Tojet - Volume 9, Issue 1, ISSN: 1303 – 6521, pp. 202-212/2010
• ERA 88/ Cupara S, Sobajic S, Tadic V, Arsic I, Djordjevic S, Runjaic-Antic D, Djordjevic B/ Dry seabuckthorn berries (hippophæ rhamnoides l.) - fatty acid and carotene content in pericarp and seed oil/ HealthMed 2010; 4(4):788-791/2010
• ERA115/ Milosevic, D., Milicevic, B., Besic, C., Bozovic, M/ Applying educational games in primary school education/ TTEM - Technics Technologies Education Management journal, , ISSN: 1840-1503, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 693-699/2010
• ERA168/ A. Mikic, V. Mihailovic, B. Cupina, V. Dzordzevic, D. Milic, G. Duc, F. L. Stoddard, I. Lejeune-Hénaut, P. Marget, E. Hanocq/ Achievements in breeding winter-sown annual legumes for temperate regions with emphasis on the continental Balkans/ Euphytica/2011
• ERA168/ Akopian J., Sarukhanyan N., Gabrielyan I., Vanyan A., Mikic A., Smykal P., Kenicer G., Vishnyakova M., Sinjushin A., Demidenko N., Ambrose M./ Reports on establishing an ex situ site for ‘beautiful’ vavilovia (Vavilovia formosa) in Armenia/ Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 57, 1127-1134./2011
• ERA88/ Cupara S, Ninkovic M, Knezevic M, Vuckovic I, Jankovic / Wound healing potential of liquid crystal structure emulsion with sea buckthorn oil/ HealthMed (2011), 5(5):1218- 1223/2011
• ERA133/ D Sovic, A Gajovic, D Ivekovic/ Bioelectrocatalytic and biosensing properties of horseradish peroxidase covalently immobilized on (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane-modified titanate nanotubes/ Electrochimica Acta, Volume 56, pp. 9953-9960/2011
• ERA139/ Alexa E., dr. Pop G., Dr. Sumalan R., Dr Radulov I., Dr. Poiana M., Dr Tulcan C./ Fusarium species and fusarium mycotoxins in cereals from West Romania: preliminary survey/ Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci, Ghent University, vol 76 (4), pp.661-666 2011, ISSN 1379-1176/2011
• ERA117/ Kiril Stoyanov, Tsvetanka Raycheva, Iliya Denev/ Genetic diversity and molecular taxonomy study of three genera from Iridaceae family in the Bulgarian flora based on ISSR markers/ Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 08/2011; 25(3):2484-2488/2011
• ERA117/ Kiril Stoyanov, Emilija Hristova,Maria Gevezova, Iliya Denev/Application of ISSR methods in studying broomrape’s (Orobanchaceae) biodiversity in Bulgaria/Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment; 25(1):2248-2253/2011
• ERA139/ Svitlica B., Cosic J., Simic B., Vrandecic K., Bunjevac I., Bozic M./Utjecaj uvjeta uzgoja na sporulaciju I porast Fusarium vrsta/Poljoprivreda (Agriculture), Volume 17, Issue 1, pp.42-46/2011
• ERA139/ Vrandecic K., Cosic J., dr. Jurkovic D., Postic J./Mycopopulation of Medicinal Plants in Croatia/Poljoprivreda (Agriculture), Volume 17, Issue 2, pp.18-21/2011
• ERA14/Marija Dakulovic, Sandor Iles, Ivan Petrovic/Exploration and Mapping of Unknown Polygonal Environments Based on Uncertain Range Data/Automatika, 52(2), pp. 118-131/2011
• ERA168/Mikic A., Mihailovic V., Cupina B., Dzuric B., KrstiC D., Vasic M., Vasiljevic S., Karagic Dz., Dzordzevic V. /Towards the re-introduction of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus) in the West Balkan Countries: the case of Serbia and Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)/Food and Chemical Toxicology, 49, 650-654./2011
• ERA 168/Mikic A., Peric V./An etymological and lexicological note on the words for some ancient Eurasian grain legume crops in Turkic languages. /Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 16, 179-182/2011
• ERA115/B. Tomic, B. Horvat, N. Jovanovic/An Explanation Facility for Rule-Based Systems/International Journal on Artifical Intelligence Tools, Vol. 21, No. 4/2012
• ERA133/D Ivekovic, M Japec, M Solar, N Zivkovic/Amperometric uric acid biosensor with improved dynamic range and sensitivity based on alkaline-stable Prussian blue H2O2 transducer/International Journal of Electrochemical Science, Volume 7, pp. 3252-3264/2012
• ERA78/D. Taskovski, Lj. Koleva/Measurement of harmonics in power systems using near perfect reconstruction filter banks/IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol 27, no 2, 1025-1026/2012
• ERA139/ Cosic J.,dr. Vrandecic K., dr. Jurkovic D., Dr. Postic J., Dr. Orzali L., Dr Riccioni L./First report of Fusarium wilt of lavender (Lavandula hybrida) in Croatia/Plant disease, Volume 96 Issue 4, pp. 591/2012
• ERA117/ Kiril Stoyanov, Tsvetanka Raycheva, Iliya Denev/Molecular taxonomic analysis of Monotropa hypopitys and its relationship with Pyrolaceae/Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment; 26(4):3116-3122/2012
• ERA117/ Kiril Stoyanov, Maria Gevezova, Prof. Iliya Denev/Identification of ISSR markers for studying the biodiversity of Bulgarian representatives of genus Orobanche Subsection Minores/Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 26(1):2743-2749/2012
• ERA139/ E Alexa, M Poiana.R Sumalan/ Mycoflora and Ochratoxin A Control in Wheat Grain Using Natural Extracts Obtained from Wine Industry By-Products, Int. /J. Mol. Sci. 13(4)/2012
• ERA64/ Ignea C, Trikka FA, Kourtzelis I, Argiriou A, Kanellis AK, Kampranis SC, Makris AM /Positive genetic interactors of HMG2 identify a new set of genetic perturbations for improving sesquiterpene production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae/ Microbial Cell Factories/2012
• ERA78 /M. Simic, D. Denic, D. Zivanovic, D. Taskovski, V. Dimcev, /Development of a data acquisition system for the testing and verification of electrical power quality meters /Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 12, no. 5, 813-820 / 2012
• ERA168/ Mikic A. / Origin of the Words Denoting Some of the Most Ancient Old World Pulse Crops and Their Diversity in Modern European Languages/ PLoS ONE 7(9): e44512/ 2012
• ERA133/ N Antunac, S Hudik, N Mikulec, M Maletic, I Horvat, B Radeljevic, J Havranek. Production and chemical composition of Istria and Pag whey cheese/ Mljekarstvo/ 2011
• ERA139/ Jaksic, Abramovic, I. Jajic, Živkov Baloš, Ž. Mihaljev, V Despotovic, D Šojic/ Co-occurrence of Fumonisins and Deoxynivalenol in Wheat and Maize Harvested in Serbia/Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 89, pp.615–619/2012
• ERA139/Tomic Lidija, Stajner Nataša, Jovanovic Cvetkovic Tatjana, Cvetkovic Miljan, Javornik, Branka./ Identity and genetic relatedness of Bosnia and Herzegovina grapevine germplasm/ 2012
• ERA78/A. Milchevski, D. Kostadinov, D. Taskovski /Classification of power quality disturbances using wavelets and support vector machine/ Electronics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 19, no 2, 25-30/ 2013
• ERA 115/ B. Tomic, T. Milic/ Automated interpretation of key performance indicator values and its application in education / Knowledge-based Systems, Vol. 37, January 2013, pp. 250-260/ 2013
• ERA78/D. Taskovski, Lj. Koleva, A. Milchevski, V. Dimcev/Application of near perfect reconstruction filter banks in power quality disturbances classification methods/Metrology and Measurement Systems, Band 20, Heft 3/2013
• ERA139/ Tomic Lidija, Stajner Nataša, Jovanovic Cvetkovic Tatjana, Cvetkovic Miljan, Javornik Branka./ Collection and genetic characterization of Vitis vinifera ‘Žilavka’ by microsatellites and AFLP markers/Acta agric. Slov. 99, 2, p. 143-150/2012
• ERA139/ Alexa E,dr. Dehelean C,Poiana M,dr.Radulov I, dr Campean A, dr. D.Bordean dr,C.Tulcan dr.G.Pop./ The Occurrence of Mycotoxins in Wheat Harvested in Western Romania and Histopathological Impact as Effect of Feed Intake/Chemistry Central Journal, Impact factor:3.28/ 2013
• ERA216/ F Martin-Laurent, E Kandeler, I Petric, S Djuric, D Karpouzas/ ECOFUN-MICROBIODIV: an FP7 European project for developing and evaluating innovative tools for assessing the impact of pesticides on soil functionalmicrobial diversity—towards new pesticide registration regulation?/ Environmental Science and Pollution Research/2013
• ERA133/ B Radeljevic, N Mikulec, N Antunac, Z Prpic, M Maletic, J Havranek/ Influence of starter culture on total free aminoacids concentration during ripening of Krk cheese/ Mljekarstvo/ 2013
• ERA 64/ I. Cvetkovikj, G. Stefkov, J. Acevska, J. Petreska Stanoeva, M. Karapandzova, M. Stefova, A. Dimitrovska, S. Kulevanova / Polyphenolic characterization and chromatographic methods for fast assessment of culinary Salvia species from South East Europe / Journal of Chromatography A , Elsevier B.V./ 2013
• ERA49/ Kuzmanovic, N.; Comanescu, P.; Paun, O.; Frajman, B.; Schonswetter, P.; Lazarevic, M.; Lakusic, D./ Genetic, cytological and morphological differentiation within the Balkan-Carpathian Sesleria rigida sensu Fl. Eur. (Poaceae), a taxonomically intricate tetraploid-octoploid complex/ Taxon/2013
• ERA115/ Marjan Milosevic, Radojka Krneta, Danijela Milosevic/ Security and privacy in on-line learning: case study from Serbia/ Metalurgia international, Vol. XVIII (2013), Special Issue no. 4, pp. 85-88/2013
• ERA139/ Natasa Stajner, Lidija Tomic, Dragoslav Ivanisevic, Nada Korac, Tatjana Cvetkovic-Jovanovic, Klime Beleski, Elizabeta Angelova, Vesna Maras, Branka Javornik/ Microsatellite inferred genetic diversity and structure of Western Balkan grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) /2013
• ERA139/ Sumalan R, Alexa E, Poiana M7 Assessment of inhibitory potential of essential oils on natural mycoflora and Fusarium mycotoxins production in wheat./ Chemistry Central Journal, 7:32 /2013
• ERA 80/ Vinko Lesic, Mario Vasak, Nedjeljko Peric, Gojko Joksimovic, Thomas M. Wolbank/ Fault-tolerant Control of a Wind Turbine with Generator Stator Inter-turn Faults/ Automatika Journal, Vol 54, No 1,pp.89-102/2013
• ERA80/ Vinko Lesic, Mario Vasak, Nedjeljko Peric, Thomas M. Wolbank, Gojko Joksimovi/ Fault-tolerant Control of a Wind Turbine with a Squirrel-cage Induction Generator and Rotor Bar Defects/ Automatika Journal, Vol 54 n1, pp89-102/ 2013
• ERA117/ L. Michaylov, F. Traykova, W. Zlatkovski, E. Hristova/ Biodiversity of Broomrapes in Republic of Macedonia, Journal of Life Sciences/2013
Apart from the above-listed articles, a series of others are still pending publication or in preparation at the moment of the drafting of the final report. Here you can find a list of them with the expected date of publication:
• ERA195/ A. Terzic-Vidojevic, K. Tonkovic, I. Strahinic, M. Kojic, G. Uzelac, N. Golic, B. Kos, N. Cadez, L. Gregurek, J. Suskovic, P. Raspor, L. Topisirovic/ Production of the white-pickled and fresh soft cheeses with autochthonous lactic acid bacteria as functional starter cultures / Manuscript in preparation, planned to be submitted in Journal of Applied Mirobiology
• ERA195/ B. Kos, K. Uroic, J. Beganovic, N. Golic, N. Cadez, L. Topisirovic, P. Raspor, J. Suskovic./ Probiotic properties of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria isolated from artisanal soft cheeses/Manuscript in preparation, planned to be submitted in Food Microbiology in 2013
• ERA216/ D Karpouzas, E Kandeler, D Bru, S Kramer, S Djuric, Martin-Laurent F/ Laboratory and field assessment of the impact of nicosulfuron on the function and the abundance of soil microbes using a multi-methodological approach/ Soil Biology and Biochemistry (in preparation)/2013
• ERA216/ D Karpouzas, Papadopoulou E, Ipsilantis I, Petric I., Udikovic-Kolic N., Djuric S.,Kandeler E., Menkissoglu-Spiroudi U., Martin-Laurent F/Potential side effects of nicosulfuron on abundance and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi - towards the establishment of a pesticide soil microbial ecotoxicity indicator/ FEMS Microbiology Ecology (to be submitted)in 2013
• ERA 216/ I Petric, N Udikovic Kolic, E Kandeler, S Djuric, D Karpouzas, Martin-Laurent F/ Response of the soil microbial community to the nicosulfuron herbicide applications: a dose effect study/ Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (in preparation)/ exp.2013
• ERA195/ N. Golis, N. Cadez, A. Terzic-Vidojevic, H. Suranska, J. Beganovic, J. Lozo, B. Kos, J. Suskovic, P. Raspor, L. Topisirovic /Evaluation of lactic acid bacteria and yeast diversity in traditional white-pickled and fresh soft cheeses from mountain regions in Serbia and low laying regions in Croatia/ International Journal of Food Microbiology, submitted for publication, under revision / exp. 2013
• ERA195/ N. Golic, N. Cadez, M. Nikolic, K. Uroic, M. Miljkovic, M. Tolinacki, P. Dousova, B. Kos, J. Suskovic, P. Raspor, L. Topisirovic/ Probiotic potential of yeasts isolated from traditional cheeses manufactured in Western Balkan / Manuscript in preparation, planned to be submitted in Food Microbiology/ 2013
• ERA133 / D Paveljšek, A Trmčic, B Hacin, I Rogelj/Use of microplate phenotypic identification system for the analysis of prevailing microbial community in traditional raw milk cheeses. / Milchwissenschaft_Milk Science International, prepared/sent for publication/ exp.2013/2014
• ERA133/ Saric Zlatan, Dizdarevic Tarik, Tole Adis, Safic Amra, Spiljak Lejla, Judith Narvhus, Roger K. Abrahamsen/Technology and Quality Characteristics of Traditional Livno Cheese/ “The Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Ege University" / prepared/sent for publication in 2013/2014
In the next section you can find the list of published articles listed by the year of publishment (not peer reviewed) provided by the funded JERPs (ordered by: name funding JERP, ERA n°/Author(s)/Title/Journal name -relevant pages/Year of publication)
• ERA168: Mikic A., Mihailovic V., Cupina B., Dzordzevic V., Stoddard F. L./ Introduction of novel legume crops in Serbia – White lupin (Lupinus albus)/ Field and Vegetable Crops Research, 47, 21-26/ 2010
• ERA64/ Bacu A., Loeser C., Marko O., Appenroth K./ Amplified length polymorphisms (AFLP) group populations of Salvia officinalis of Albania in accordance to their geographical locations. / International Journal of Ecosystem and Environment Research (IJEES) Vol I, Issue 1. 2011. Pg.172-176/ 2011
• ERA 168/ Cupina B., Zlatkovic B., Smykal P., Mikic A., Jajic I., Zeremski-Skoric T., Medovic A./ In situ evaluation of a Pisum sativum subsp. elatius population from the valley of the river Pcinja in southeast Serbia/ Pisum Genetics, Vol. 43, 20-24/ 2011
• ERA64/ F.Lakuriqi A.Bacu. / Stabilization of methodologies for the evaluation of somaclonal variation and preliminary results obtained through RAPDs analysis of in vitro propagated Salvia officinalis plants./ Bulletin of Natural Sciences 2011. Pg 560-566. /2011
• ERA139/ G.Pop , A.D.Pop E.Alexa M.Negrea Monica/ Impact of moisture on mycotoxin content in maize/ Buletinul AGIR, Anul XVI, nr.2 /2011
• ERA 168/ Jovanovic Z., Stanisavljevic N., Nikolic A., MedovicA., Mikic A., Radovic S., Dzordzevic V. /Pisum & Ervilia Tetovac – made in Early Iron Age Leskovac. Part two. Extraction of the ancient DNA from charred seeds from the site of Hissar in South Serbia. / Field and Vegetable Crops Research, 48, 227-232./ 2011
• ERA64/ Kongjika E., Sota (Mata) V., Bacu A.,. Zekaj Zh., Bode D., Babani F. & Myrta A./ Use of tissue culture methods to the conservation of valuable germplasm of Albanian flora species./ Bulletin of Natural Sciences, Special Number: pp. 364 – 383/ 2011
• ERA 168/ Mihailovic V., Mikic A., Kobiljski B., Cupina B., Antanasovic S., Krstic Dj., Katanski S./ Intercropping pea with eight cereals for forage production/ Pisum Genetics, Vol. 43, 33-35/ 2011
• ERA83/ Mijacevic Zora, Bulajic Snezana/ Lactic bacteria and their activity in autochthonous Sjenica cheese/ Prehrambena industrija – Mleko i mlecni proizvodi 22 (1-2) 52-54/ 2011
• ERA168/ Mikic A. /Can we reconstruct the most ancient words for pea (Pisum sativum)?/ Pisum Genetics, Vol. 43, 36-42/ 2011
• ERA168/ Mikic A., Andjelkovic S., Djuric B., Vasic M., Cupina B., Mihailovic V., Duc G., Marget P. / Status of the local landraces of faba bean in west Balkans/ Grain Legumes, 56, 9./ 2011
• ERA168/ A Popovic Vranjes, R Pejanovic, M Ostojic, F Bauman , D Cvetanovic ,D Glavac - Trbic, M Tomas/ Production of sjenicki-type cheese in industrial conditions/ Food Industry; Milk and dairy products/ 2012
• ERA83/ Grizelj J, Vince S, Zevrnja B, Dovenski T, Kozacinski L, Lazarevic M, Theodosiadou Ε. i Samartzi F/ INDI_SHEEP TRADI_CHEESE, europski istrazivacki projekt: odrziva proizvodnja tradicionalnih sireva od mlijeka lokalnih pasmina ovaca u regiji:1. poboljsanje reproduktivnog managementa populacija autohtonih pasmina ovaca, 2. osiguranje higijene i kakvoce sira/ Veterinarska Stanica 43 (2), 183 187/2012
• ERA115: Jeremic, Z., Milikic, N., Jovanovic, J., Brkovic, M., Radulovic, F/ Using Online Presence to Improve Online Collaborative Learning/ International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)/ 2012
• ERA226/ Krasteva, L., R. Pandeva, R. Rodeva, V. Todorova, S. Neykov, K. Uzundzhalieva, N. Velcheva, D. Cvikic, E. Tome, V. Ilieva/ Pepper as a target object of SEE-ERA.NET project/ Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 960, pp. 151-158/ 2012
• ERA 117/M. Gevezova, T. Dekalska, K. Stoyanov, T. Hristeva, K. Kostov,. R. Batchvarova, Iliya Denev/Recent advances in Broomrapes research/ J. BioSci. Biotech. 1(2): 91-105/ 2012
• ERA115/Marija Blagojevic, Marjan Milosevic, Danijela Milosevic/ Do IT And Medicine Students E-Collaborate In The Same Way: Comparison Regarding Forums And Wikis/ Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), Special Issue: eLearning, Volume 7, pp.42-45/ 2012
• ERA138/ Milenkovic, Keca N., Karadzic D., Nowakowska J. A., Borys M., Sikora K., Oszako T./ Incidence of Phytophthora species in beech stands in Serbia./ Folia Forestalia Polonica, series A 2012, Vol. 54 (4), pp. 223-232/ 2012
• ERA115/Radojka Krneta, Danijela Milosevic, Maja Bozovic, Andjelija Mitrovic/ Self–Evaluation of Distance Learning Study Program as a Part of Internal Quality Assurance International/ Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), Volume 7, pp.14-20./2012
• ERA226/ Rodeva, R., D. Kostova, P. Chavdarov, M. Mijatovic, J. Merkuri, M. Cara, G. Pasev, Z. Stoyanova, I. Karov, S. Mitrev, B. Kovacevik, S. Goudoudaki, I. Manoussopoulos/ Pepper diseases in Balkan region/ Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 960, pp. 365-370/ 2012
• ERA83/Dovenski Toni, Trojacanec Plamen, Petkov Vladimir, Popovska-Parcinic Florina, Kocoski Ljupce, Grizelj Juraj/Laparoscopy – Promising tool for improvement of reproductive efficiency of small ruminants/Macedonian Veterinary Review (In Press)/2013
• ERA117/ T. Raycheva , K Stiyanov , I. Denev /Molecular taxonomic and phylogenic study of five Bulgarian species from subgenus Rumex (Polygonaceae) based on ISSR markers./ Journal of Central European Agriculture, 14(1), p.214 – 224/ 2013
• ERA168/ Mikic Aleksandar, Mihailovic Vojislav, Cupina Branko, Lejeune-Henault Isabele, Hanocq Eric, Duc Gerard, McPhee Kevin, Stoddard L. Frederick, Kosev Valentin, Krstic Dzordze, Antanasovic Svetlana, Jovanovic Zivko / Developing Fall-Sown Pea Cultivars as an Answer to the Challenges of Climatic Changes. Peas: Cultivation, Varieties and Nutritional Uses./ Nova Science Publishers, 107-124./ 2012
• ERA168/ Cupina B, Mikic A, Stoddard FL, Krstic Dz, Justes E, Bedoussac L, Fustec J, Pejic B/ Mutual legume intercropping for forage production in temperate regions./ Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 7: Genetics, Biofuels and Local Farming Systems, 347-365/2011
• ERA139/Dehelean C,dr.Alexa E, dr.Feflea S,dr.Pop G, dr.Peev C/Ochratoxin a: a toxicologic evaluation using in vitro and in vivo bioassays/The annals of ORADEA University, Biology fascicle, TOM XVIII/2, Issue 2, pp. 99-103/2011
• ERA139/ S. Jaksic, B. Prunic, , Dr. D. Milanov, Dr. I. Jajic, Dr. L. Bjelica, Dr. B. Abramovic/ Fumonisins and co-occurring mycotoxins in north Serbian corn/Proc. Nat. Sci. Matica Srpska Novi Sad, 120, 49-59./2011
• ERA139/MSc S.M. Jaksic, Dr. B. F. Abramovic, B. Z. Prunic, MSc Z.A. Mihaljev, Dr. M. M. Zivkov Balos, Dr. I. M. Jajic, MSc V. N. Despotovic, Dr. L. J. Bjelica/Incidence of aflatoxins and fumonisins in cereal food from Serbian market/Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies17(2), 108-112./2011
At the moment of drafting the final SEE-ERA.NET Plus project report, one publication was pending:
• ERA 115/ Samuel Nowakowski, Ivana Ognjanovic, Monique Grandbastien, Jelena Jovanovic, and Ramo Sendelj/ Using online presence data for recommending human resources in the OP4L project - Two Recommending Strategies to enhance Online Presence in Personal Learning Environments/ Springer volume on Recommender Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning/ 2013
The next list includes the main publication addressed primarily to scientific audience funded under the SEE-ERA.NET Plus project, listed by the year of publishment (ordered by: name funding JERP, ERA n°/Author(s)/Title/Appeared in/Year of event-pubblication):
• ERA133/ A Popovic Vranjes , A Kasalica, M Krajinovic, M Ostojic., D Cvetanovic , D Glavac-Trbic/ The study with the purpose of geographical origin protection of sjenicki cheese and conditions / 2nd CEFSER WORKSHOP/ 2011
• ERA133/ A Popovic Vranjes, R Pejanovic, M Grubacic, A Kasalica, D Cvetanovic, Glavas D Trbic/ The study with the purpose of geographical origin protection of sjenicki cheese and conditions / 22nd International Symposium; Safe food production/ 2011
• ERA135/ Institute for Medicinal Plant Research “Dr Josif Pancic” Belgrade, Serbia/ Proceedings of the Workshop: “Conservation and sustainable exploitation of indigenous medicinal and aromatic plants traditionally used in the SEE, WB countries” / October 14-15th, 2011, “Best Western Hotel M”, Belgrade, SERBIA.
• ERA 139/ Alexa Ersilia, Cosic Jasenka, Abramovic Biljana/ Occurrence of fungi and mycotoxins in cereals and medicinal plants from Romania-Serbia-Croatia / Eurobit Publishing / 2012
• ERA83/ Dean Jankuloski, Sandra Mojsova, Ljupco Angelovski, Marija Ratkova, Mirko Prodanov, Pavle Sekulovski/ Microbial profile and chemical composition of traditionally manufactured soft-ripened white sheep cheese – Belo ovco sirenje/ Final Conference of INDI-SHEEP TRADI-CHEESE project, Book of Abstracts pp 24-25/ 2013
• ERA83/ Ekaterini Theodosiadou, Foteini Samartzi, Irene Valasi,Ioannis Mastranestasis, Christos Bakaras, Constantinos Rekkas/ Ovarian steroid concentrations in Lesvos sheep after the induction of superovulation with FSH/ Final Conference of INDI-SHEEP TRADI-CHEESE project, Book of Abstracts pp 10-11/ 2013
• ERA83/ Evangelia N. Sossidou, Ioannis Mastranestasis, Foteini Samartzi/ Identifying risks for the sustainable production of Lesvos sheep breed: The case of Lesvos island/ Final Conference of INDI-SHEEP TRADI-CHEESE project, Book of Abstracts pp 31-32/ 2013
• ERA83/Foteini Samartzi, Ekaterini Theodosiadou, Juraj Grizelj, Silvijo Vince, Ioannis Mastranestasis, Christos Bakaras, Emmanuel Vainas/ Superovulatory response of Lesvos sheep to different FSH regimens/ Final Conference of INDI-SHEEP TRADI-CHEESE project, Book of Abstracts pp 9-10/ 2013
• ERA83/ Foteini Samartzi, Ekaterini Theodosiadou, Tarek Khalifa, Emmanuel Vainas, Ioannis Mastranestasis, Christos Bakaras, Constantinos Rekkas/ Cryopreservation of sheep embryos by slow freezing or vitrification with or without the presence of caffeic acid/ Final Conference of INDI-SHEEP TRADI-CHEESE project, Book of Abstracts pp 15-16/ 2013
• ERA83/ Georgios Samouris, Antonios Zdragas, Maria Ioannidou, Virginia Giantzi, Georgios Vafeas/ Microbiological and physicochemical parameters of traditional cheese “Ladotyri Mytilinis”/ Final Conference of INDI-SHEEP TRADI-CHEESE project, Book of Abstracts pp 23-24/ 2013
• ERA 139/ Jakse, Jernej, Stajner, Nataša, Tomic, Lidija, Javornik Branka/ Application of microsatellite markers in grapevine and olives/ The Mediteranean genetic code - grapevine and olive. Rijeka: InTech, pp. 25-50/ 2013
• ERA83/ Juraj Grizelj, Branimira Spoljaric, Renata Baric Rafaj, Silvijo Vince/ Reproductive characteristics of Pramenka breed - Lika strain sheep and the possibilities of non hormonal flock synchronization/ Final Conference of INDI-SHEEP TRADI-CHEESE project, Book of Abstracts pp 16-17/2013
• ERA83/ Lidija Kozacinski, Ivana Filipovic, Zeljka Cvrtila Fleck/ Traditional production of Croatian “cheese from bladder” - Food safety risks/ Final Conference of INDI-SHEEP TRADI-CHEESE project, Book of Abstracts pp 26-27/ 2013
• ERA83/ Martin Nikolovski, Vladimir Petkov, Aleksandar Milovanovic, Tomislav Barna, Branko Atanasov, Toni Dovenski/ Cryopreservation of Ovcepolean Pramenka ram semen/ Final Conference of INDI-SHEEP TRADI-CHEESE project, Book of Abstracts pp 13-14/ 2013
• ERA83/ Miodrag Lazarevic, Danijela Kirovski, Vladimir Magas, Aleksandar Milovanovic/ Reproductive performance of Pramenka breed – Sjenica strain sheep/ Final Conference of INDI-SHEEP TRADI-CHEESE project, Book of Abstracts pp 18-19/ 2013
• ERA83/ Snezana Bulajic, Zora Mijacevic, Vera Katic, Radoslava Savic Radovanovic/ Evaluation of physico-chemical and microbiological parameters during production of traditionally made cheese from Sjenica/ Final Conference of INDI-SHEEP TRADI-CHEESE project, Book of Abstracts pp 27-28/ 2013
• ERA139/ Tomic Lidija, Stajner Nataša, Javornik Branka/ Characterization of grapevines by the use of genetic markers / The Mediteranean genetic code - grapevine and olive. Rijeka: InTech, p. 3-23./2013
• ERA83/ Toni Dovenski, Plamen Trojacanec, Vladimir Petkov, Florina Popovska-Percinic, Monika Dovenska, Branko Atanasov, Ksenija Ilievska, Ljupco Mickov, Martin Nikolovski/ Laparoscopic Intrauterine Artificial Insemination by Deep-Frozen. Thawed Ram Semen from Ovcepolean Pramenka Breed/ Final Conference of INDI-SHEEP TRADI-CHEESE project, Book of Abstracts pp 12-13/ 2013
• ERA80/ Goran Stojciic, Mario Vasak, Nedjeljko Peric, Gojko Joksimovic, Thomas M. Wolbank/ Detection of Partially Fallen-Out Magnetic Slot Wedges in Inverter Fed AC Machines Under Various Load Conditions/ IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (accepted)/ 2013
• ERA80/ Joksimovic, G.; Riger, J.; Wolbank, T.; Peric, N. & Vasak, M. / Stator line current spectrum content of a healthy cage rotor induction machine (accepted) / IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics/ 2013, in press
Graduation/master thesis
The following graduation/master thesis were written in the framework of the SEE.ERA-NET Plus project:
• ERA133 / L. Debevc (I. Rogelj supervisor) composed the Master thesis at the University of Ljubljana - Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za živilstvo, Ljubljana, 76 p – under the title Opis posebnih znacilnosti slovenskih tradicionalnih sirov in dolocanje ACE-inhibitornih peptidov v siru tolminc in bovškem siru = Description of the specific characteristics of Slovenian traditional cheeses and detection of ACE-inhibitory peptides in the Tolminc and Bovški cheeses
• ERA133/ A. Jensterle (A. Skelin supervisor) composed the Graduation thesis at the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb under the title Geneticka analiza autohtone zajednice laktobacila izolirane iz Paškog sira/ Genetic analysis of the indigenous community of lactobacilli isolated from Paški cheese (2012)
• ERA133/ D. Paveljsek (I. Rogelj supervisor) composed the Graduation thesis at the University of Ljubljana - Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za živilstvo, Ljubljana, 76 p.- under the title Identifikacija in primerjava vrst mlecnokislinskih bakterij v tradicionalnih ovcjih sirih s podrocja zahodnega Balkana : Identification and comparison of lactic acid bacteria species from traditional ewes`cheeses frow western Balkan region (2012)
• ERA133/ E. Kasumovic (Z. Saric supervisor) prepared a master thesis at the University of Sarajevo, Food Technology Department under the title Characterization of chemical, microbiological and sensory properties of autochthonuous Travnicki/Vlasicki cheese (2012)
• ERA133/ L. Ferhatovic (Z. Saric supervisor) prepared a Master thesis at the University of Sarajevo, Food Technology Department under the title The influence of ripening duration on properties of autochthonous Livanjski cheese
• ERA133/ Adis Tole (Z. Saric supervisor) prepared a Master thesis at the University of Sarajevo, Food Technology Department under the title Evaluation of water soluble extract peptide profile of traditional Livanjski cheese (should be defended soon)
• ERA133/ E. Zilic (Z. Saric supervisor) prepared a Master thesis under the title Characterization of proteolytic processes during maturation of Travnicki/Vlacicki cheese at the University of Sarajevo, Food Technology Department (should be defended soon)
Joint patent applications
One project already applied for two patent applications, which would not have been possible without the JERP: “Method and device for detecting defects in magnetic slot closures of ac machines” (only one inventor and one application institution – therefore not a joint patent application) and “Generator-fault-tolerant control for a variable-speed variable-pitch wind turbine” (four inventors listed, one applying institution). Two further joint patent applications are planned by two other projects: “Grape seeds and pomace extract with antifungal effect used in control of mycotoxins development in cerals” (planned application in 2014) and “comfort products based on natural organic fur” (planned joint application in 2015, already registered as a patent at the State Office for Inventions and Marks (OSIM) in Romania (C.B.I. no. – 201100083/02.02.2)). Both of them would not have been possible without the JERP.
Joint applications to other funding schemes during project duration
Eight JERPs stated that they applied to other funding schemes during the JERP´s lifetime and overall 16 project proposals were submitted. Of these 16 proposal, two were rejected, seven were accepted, five are pending and one was successful but the project partners are without funding (only associated partners). One project initiated a research without clear statement of funding (most likely this research is done without additional funding). Four of the 16 project proposals would have not been possible without the JERP. Five applications targeted the 7th framework programme (one of them funded, three still pending and one as associated partner without funding), six a bilateral programme (four of them funded, two still pending), two addressed a COST action (one not funded, the other still pending), one targeted a national scholarship and one an international funding scheme (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie).
According to the JERPs' coordinators, eleven databases were created by ten JERPs, only two of them could have been potentially (partly) established without funding from SEE-ERA.NET Plus. Most of them were built for (a broader) scientific community, three also indicated students, three agricultural practitioners/stakeholders/consultants and one industry as a target audience. Six of the databases contain information on plant species, one is a bacterial/yeast database, one deals with the quality of products from sheep and goat milk and one is about robotic 3D scans. It is yet unknown if the databases will be maintained in future.
Improved and newly developed products and technologies
Of the eighteen mentioned products and technologies – developed by eight different JERPS - seven are still in progress or in a trial/testing stage; two are finished but will be further developed. Only two products/technologies (those who would have been developed without the JERP: an open-source framework in Java and a Java neural network framework) are already launched, most out of that result category will be launched in two years, some in one year. Four products are new or improved clones or cultivars from plants and four are cosmetic products based on plant extracts and oils. The other products/technologies cannot be aggregated to a certain group: there is a variety of answers related to dietary supplements, wound salve, application for collecting and analyzing of real-time consumption data on energy and water, functional starter cultures for cheese production, detection tool for defect magnetic stator slot wedges in inverter fed ac machines and fault tolerant control of wind turbines.
There was one contribution to standardization (ISO) with international outreach (ISO 17601 Estimation of abundance of selected microbial gene sequences by quantitative realtime PCR from DNA directly extracted from soil), which would not have been possible without funding of SEE-ERA.NET Plus.
Potential Impact:
During the lifetime of the project several dissemination activities were organized by the project partners and the funded JERPs in order to exploit and circulate the potential impacts and results of the SEE-ERA.NET Plus project. The information was provided directly by the JERPs coordinators. The main dissemination activities are listed below:
• ERA139/ The Banat`s University of Agricultural Science Timisoara, coordinator of the JERP, provided dissemination materials : brochures, CD presentation, folders and invitation, pencil, leaflets, banners on "Strategies for prevention, decontamination and control of mycotoxins from cereals and medicinal plants" during various events. The brochures were prepared by the EUROBIT Publishing Timisoara in 2011.
• ERA133/ Popovix Vranjes and David Cvetanovic from the Faculty of Agriculture Novi Sad prepared conference material and leaflets on the topic “Atlas ovcijih sireva zapadnog Balkana” in 2012
• ERA14/ Andreas Nüchter prepared a press release in 2012 on the topic "Cool mit Hotspots: Jacobs University erstellt thermo-grafisches 3D-Modell der Bremer Innenstadt"
• ERA83/ Juraj Grizelj collaborated in the preparation of a report on the Croatian TV called "Trenutak spoznaje" (the moment of cognition) on April 19th 2012 in order to disseminate the objectives, activities and results of INDI-SHEEP TRADI-CHEESE [[cat]=540&cHash=370ecd75be starting time 5:08]
• ERA83/ VRI-NAGREF produced leaflets for the final conference in 2012 to be distributed to the participants and to sheep-breeders, farmers, cheese makers etc on the sustainable production of traditional cheeses from local sheep milk in the Balkans.
• ERA163/ Sanin Mesic, Svjetlana Zecevic, Maja Kojovic from the ISEMIC project prepared a brochure on the project for Sarajevo Energy Days in 2012
• ERA135/ NAGREF prepared leaflets on « Sideritis – Greek Mountain Tea : Protection and Sustainable Exploitation » in 2012
• ERA135/ The project partners prepared the article “Dramatic abatement of Mountain Tea on Greek mountains” published in the newspaper “KATHIMERINI” in 2012
• ERA163/ Z. Tomsic from the ISEMIC project - Inteligentni informacijski sustav za pracenje i verifikaciju gospodarenja energijom u gradovima (Intelligent information system for monitoring and verification of energy management in cities) prepared a brochure for the conference of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources at Zagreb energy fair and electronic distribution in 2012
Unfortunately it was not possible to complete the template A2 List of dissemination activities of the present report, because the Sesam portal lists only the activities of the actual FP7 project partner. In the case of the SEE.ERA-NET Plus the final dissemination and exploitation results were conducted by the financed JERPs and not by the Project partners.
List of Websites:
The SEE-ERA.NET PLUS developed the following website: The intention of the website was to provide to project partners, stakeholder and the general public some general information on the project, useful information on the Call for Joint European Research Projects (JERPs) as well as updated information on the ongoing project activities.
The partnership was composed by 17 partners from Central and South Eastern Europe. Among these are S&T ministries, agencies and supporting partners. Below you can find the list of project partners:
P1: Centre for Social Innovation; Austria; ZSI
P2: Federal Ministry of Science and Research; Austria; BMWF
P3: Ministry of Education and Science; Albania; MOeS
P4: Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Bosnia-Herzegovina; MVP
P5: Ministry of Education and Science; Bulgaria; MON
P6: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports; Croatia; MZOS
P7: Ministry of Foreign Affairs ; France; MAE
P8: Ministry of Higher Education and Research; France ; MESR
P9: Federal Ministry of Education and Research; Germany; BMBF
P10: Project Management Agency of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research at the German Aerospace Centre ; Germany; PT-DLR
P11: General Secretariat for Research and Technology; Greece; GSRT
P12: Ministry of Education and Science; Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; MON-MK
P13: Ministry of Education and Science ; Montenegro; MPIN
P14: National Authority for Scientific Research; Romania; ANCS
P15: Ministry of Science and Technological Development ; Serbia; MSTD
P16: Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology; Slovenia; MHEST
P17: The Scientific and Technological Research Council ; Turkey; TÜBITAK
The following are the contact details of the Project coordinator:
ZSI - Zentrum für Soziale Innovation
Contact Person: Mr Martin Felix Gajdusek
Phone: +43-1-49 50 442 67
Fax: +43-1-49 50 442 40
E-mail: or
Below you can find the list of the funded JERPs and their contact details:
ERA 14: ThermalMapper : Thermal 3D Modeling of Indoor Environments for Saving Energy
Contact details:
• Prof. Andreas Nuechter; Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH; School of Engineering and Science; Campus Ring 1; 28759; Bremen; Germany;
• Prof. Jasmin Velagic; Faculty of Electrical Engineering; Faculty of Electrical Engineering / Department of Automatic Control and Electronics; BB Zmaja od Bosne; 71000; Sarajevo; Bosnia and Herzegovina;
• Prof. Ivan Petrovic; University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Enginee; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing / Department of Control and Computer Engineering; 3 Unska; 10000; Zagreb; Croatia;
ERA 49: BALKBIODIV: Evolution, biodiversity and conservation of indigenous plant species of the Balkan Peninsula
Contact details:
• Dr. Peter Schoenswetter; Universitaet Innsbruck; Institute of Botany / Department of Systematics, Palynology and Geobotany; Sternwartestrasse 15; A-5020; Innsbruck; Austria;
• Prof. Dmitar Lakusic; University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology; Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden “Jevremovac”, Department of Plant Ecology and Phytogeography; 3, Studentski Trg; RS-11000; Belgrade; Serbia;
• Dr. Antun Alegro; Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb; Department of Botany, Division of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb; 20/II Marulicev trg; HR-10000; Zagreb; Croatia;
ERA 51: Impact of oilseed rape (OSR) production on functional biodiversity of predators and decomposers - development of management strategies for conservation and improvement in Croatia, Germany and Serbia
Contact details:
• Dr. Wolfgang Buechs; Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants; Institute for Crop and Soil Science; 116 Bundesallee; 38116; Braunschweig; Germany;
• Dr. Tanja Gotlin-Culjak; University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture; Deaprtment of Agricultural Zoology; 25 Svetosimunska cesta; 10000; Zagreb; Croatia;
• Dr. Ivan Sivcev; Institute for Plant Protection and Environment; Department of Plant Pests; 33 Banatska; 11080; Zemun; Serbia;
ERA 64: ConSage: Conservation and utilization of the diversity of sage species (Salvia spp.) traditional food preservatives and spices)
Contact details:
• Dr. Antonios Makris; Institute of Agrobiotechnology/ CERTH; Institute of Agrobiotechnology/CERTH; 6km Charilaou-Thermi Rd; 57001; Thermi-Thessaloniki; Greece;
• Prof. Johannes Novak; Veterinaermedizinische Universitaet Wien; Institute of Botany & Pharmacognosy; Veterinaerplatz 1; A-1210; Vienna; Austria;
• Dr. Ariola Bacu; Dpt. of Biotechnology, Univ. of Tirana; Faculty of Natural Sciences/Dpt Biotechnology; No. 5, Sami Frasheri; 251; Tirana; Albania;
• Prof. Svetlana Kulevanova; University Ss Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Phar; Faculty of Pharmacy, Inst. of Pharmacognosy; 17, Vodnjanska str.; 1000; Skopje; The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
• Prof. Zlatko Satovic; University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture; Department of Seed Science & Technology; 25 Svetosimunska; 10000; Zagreb; Croatia;
ERA78: TVHAPQA : Algorithms for time-varying harmonic analysis for power quality assessment applicable on modern digital signal processors
Contact details:
• Prof. Dimitar Taskovski; Ss. Cyril and Methodious University - Skopje; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies / Department of Electronic; Karpos II, b.b; 1000; Skopje; The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
• Prof. Peter Planinsic; University of Maribor; Institute of Automatization, Laboratory for signal processing and remote control; Smetanova ulica 17; 2000; Maribor; Slovenia;
• Prof. Dragan Denic; University of Nis; Faculty of Electronic Engineering/ Department of Measurement; Aleksandra Medvedeva 14; 18000; Nis; Serbia;
• Prof. Herwig Renner; Graz University of Technology; Institute of Electrical Power Systems; Inffeldgasse 18/1; 8010; Graz; Austria;
ERA 80: MONGS : Monitoring of wind turbine generator systems
Contact details:
• Prof. Thomas Wolbank; Vienna University of Technology; Department of Electrical Drives and Machines; Gusshausstrasse 25/372; A-1040; Vienna; Austria;
• Prof. Nedjeljko Peric; Faculty of Electrical Engineering an Computing; Department of Control and Computer Engineering; Unska 3; HR-10000; Zagreb; Croatia;
• Prof. Gojko Joksimovic; ETF, University of Montenegro; University of Montenegro, Department of Electrical Engineering; George Washington boulevard b.b.; 81000; Podgorica; Montenegro;
ERA 83: INDI_SHEEP TRADI_CHEESE (Sustainable production of traditional cheeses from local sheep milk, in the Balkans: 1. Improved reproductive management of indigenous-sheep-breeds population, 2. Ensuring of traditional cheeses hygiene and quality)
Contact details:
• Dr. Foteini Samartzi; National Agricultural Research Foundation; Veterinary Research Institute; Thermi, Nagref campus; 57001; Thessaloniki; Greece;
• Prof. Miodrag Lazarevic; Faculty of veterinary medicine, Univ. of Belgrade; Department of physiology and biochemistry, Department of food hygiene and technology; Bulevar Oslobodjenja 18; 11000; Belgrade; Serbia;
• Prof. Juraj Grizelj; Faculty of Veterinary medicine, Univers. of Zagreb; Clinic of obstetrics and reproduction , Department of hygiene and technology of foodstuffs of animal origin; Heinzelova 55; 10000; Zagreb; Croatia;
• Prof. Toni Dovenski; Faculty of veterinary medicine, Univ Cyril & Methodius; Institute of reproduction and biomedicine; Lazar Pop Trajkov 5-7; 1000; Skopje; The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
• Dr. Ekaterini Theodosiadou; Fac vet med, school health Sci, Univ. of Thessaly; department of physiology; Trikalon 224; 43100; Karditsa; Greece;
ERA 88: BALKFITOPROD : Indigenous traditional plants for preparing added value new products with different applications
Contact details:
• Dr. Viorica Tamas; Sc Hofigal export- import sa; SC Hofigal Import Export SA/ Research & Development Department; 2, Intrarea Serelor; 42124; BUCHAREST; Romania;
• Prof. Slobodan Jankovic; Medical Faculty in Kragujevac; Department of Medical Faculty; 69, Svetozara Markovica; 34 000; Kragujevac; Serbia;
• Prof. Ilirjan Malollari; Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana; Faculty of Natural Sciences/Biology Dept. and Chemistry Dept.; Sheshi Nënë Tereza; 183; Tirana; Albania;
• Dr. Demetra Simion; R&d National Institute for textile& leather; Division Leather and Footwear Research Institute; 93, Ion Minulescu; 31215; Bucharest; Romania;
ERA 91: HRV & MNE ENDANGERED GRAPES : Preservation and establishment of true-to-type and virus free material of endangered grapevine cultivars in Croatia and Montenegro
Contact details:
• Prof. Ivan Pejic; University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture; Department of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biometrics; 25 Svetosimunska; HR-10000; Zagreb; Croatia;
• Prof. Astrid Forneck; Univ. of Natural Res. and Appl. Life Sci. Vienna; Department of Applied Plant Sciences and Plant Biotechnology, Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture; Peter Jordan Str. 82; A-1190; Vienna; Austria;
• Prof. Ernst-Heinrich Ruehl; Geisenheim Research Center; Section for Grapevine Breeding & Grafting; von Lade Str. 1; D-65366; Geisenheim; Germany;
• Dr. Vesna Maras; Univerity of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty; Department for viticulture, enology and fruit growing; Mihaila Lalica 1; 81000; Podgorica; Montenegro;
ERA 93: Supporting Common RTD actions in WBCs for developing Low Cost and Low Risk ICT based solutions for TPPs Energy Efficiency increasing
Contact details:
• SC IPA SA; IT Dpt.; 169, Calea Floreasca street; 14459; Bucharest; Romania; Dr. Gabriel Spiridon;
• Prof. Drazen Loncar; University of Zagreb; Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment; Ivana Lucica; HR-10000; Zagreb; Croatia;
• Dr. Predrag Stefanovic; Institute of Nuclear Sciences; Laboratory for Thermal Engineering and Energy; Mike Petrovica Alasa 12-14; 11001; Belgrade; Serbia;
ERA 115: OP4L : Online Presence for Learning
Contact details:
• Prof. Vladan Devedzic; Faculty of Organizational Sciences, U. of Belgrade; Department of Software Engineering; Jove Ilica 154; 11000; Belgrade; Serbia;
• Prof. Matjaz Debevc; University of Maribor; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Smetanova ulica 17; 2000; Maribor; Slovenia;
• Dr. Ramo Sendelj; Mediterranean University; Faculty of Information Technology; Vaka Djurovica Street, NN; 81000; Podgorica; Montenegro;
• Dr. Danijela Milosevic; Technical Faculty - Cacak, U. of Kragujevac; Department for Information technology; 65 Svetog Save; 32000; Cacak; Serbia;
• Dr. Violeta Damjanovic; Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H.; The Knowledge-based Information Systems (KIS) group; Jakob Haringer Strasse 5/II; 5020; Salzburg; Austria;
• Prof. Monique Grandbastien; Henri Poincaré University; LORIA lab (Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications); 30 rue Lionnois; 54003; Nancy; France;
• Prof. Suzana Loskovska; University SS. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Institute of Computer Science and Engineering; Karpis II, bb; 1000; Skopje; The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
ERA 117: Broomrapes Biodiversity : Impact of agricultural land use on biodiversity and regional distribution of broomrapes (Orobanchaceae) in the Balkans
Contact details:
• Prof. Iliya Denev; University of Plovdiv; Department of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology; 24 Tsar Assen St.; 4000; Plovdiv; Bulgaria;
• Prof. Stevan Masirevic; University of Novi Sad; Faculty of Agriculture; 8 Trg Dositeja Obradovica; 21000; Novi Sad; Serbia;
• Dr. Kiril Stoyanov; Agricultural University of Plovdiv; Department of Botany; 12 Mendeleev Blvd.; 4000; Plovdiv; Bulgaria;
• Prof. Rossitza Bachvarova; AgroBioInstitute; Plant Pathology; 8 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.; 1164; Sofia; Bulgaria;
• Dr. Tsveta Hristeva; Tobacco and Tobacco Products Institute; Plant Pathology; Markovsko Shose; 4108; Plovdiv; Bulgaria;
• Prof. Ljupco Mihajlov; Goce Delcev University; Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Production; Krste Misirkov, b.b.; 2000; Stip; The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
ERA 133: RegTraC (Characterisation and tracking the origin of specific features of traditional cheeses in Western Balkans Region)
Contact details:
• Prof. Jasmina Havranek; University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture; Dairy Science Department; 25 Svetosimunska Cesta; 10000; Zagreb; Croatia;
• Dr. Zlatan Saric; Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science; Food Technology Department; 8 Zmaja od Bosne; 71000; Sarajevo; Bosnia and Herzegovina;
• Prof. Irena Rogelj; University of Ljubljana, Biotechnological Faculty; Biotechnological Faculty; 101 Jamnikarjeva; 1000; Ljubljana; Slovenia;
• Dr. Damir Ivekovic; Faculty for Food Technology and Biotechnology; Department for Chemistry and Biochemistry; 6 Pierottijeva; 10000; Zagreb; Croatia;
• Prof. Anka Popovic Vranjes; Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad; Department for Animal Science; 8 Trg Dositeja Obradovica; 21000; Novi Sad; Serbia;
ERA 135: MOUNTEA-CONSE : Conservation and Sustainable Exploitation of indigenous Medicinal and Aromatic plants traditionally used in the SEE, WB countries. A model approach for Sideritis spp. (Mountain tea)
Contact details:
• Dr. Paschalina Chatzopoulou; National agricultural research foundation; A.R.C.N.G-Department of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants; Nagref campus Thermi; 57001; Thermi/Thessaloniki; Greece;
• Mr. Andreas Varlamos; Food allergens laboratory (A.Varlamos & G.Siragak; -; 5 Bizaniou Str.; 74100; Rethymno; Greece;
• Prof. Zlatko Satovic; University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture; Department of Seed Science and Technology; Svetosimunska 25; 10000; Zagreb; Croatia;
• Prof. Svetlana Kulevanova; University Ss Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Phar; Faculty of Pharmacy, Institute of Pharmacognosy; 17, Vodnjanska str.; 1000; Skopje; The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
• Dr. Nebojša Menkovic; Institute for Medicinal Plant Research ”Dr Josif P; Department for Science and Development; Tadeuša Košcuška 1; 11000 Be; Belgrade; Serbia;
ERA 138: PHYSEE : Diversity of invading Phytophthora spp. plant pathogens in agro and forest ecosystems in Southeast Europe
Contact details:
• Dr. Slavtcho Slavov; AgroBioInstitute; AgroBioInstitute / Biotic Stress Group; 8 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.; 1164; Sofia; Bulgaria;
• Dr. Ecaterina Fodor; Fac. of Env. Prot., University of Oradea; University of Oradea, Faculty of Environmental Protection / Forestry Department; 26, General Magheru; 410048; Oradea; Romania;
• Dr. Stephanos Diamandis; National Agricultural Research Foundation; NAGREF, Forest Research Institute / Laboratory of Forest Pathology & Mycology; 22nd km Thessaloniki-Polygyros, Vassilika; 570 06; Thessaloniki; Greece;
• Prof. Kiril Sotirovski; Faculty of Forestry, Skopje University; University “Sv. Kiril i Metodij”, Skopje / Faculty of Forestry; Sumarski fakultet, bul. A. Makedonski; 1000; Skopje; The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
• Dr. Nenad Keca; Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade; University of Belgrade / Department of Forestry; 1, Kneza Viseslava; 11030; Belgrade; Serbia;
ERA 139: CROSSMICOTOX: Systems to reduce mycotoxins contamination of cereals and medicinal plants in order to preservation native species and traditional products in Romania-Serbia-Croatia area
Contact details:
• Prof. Ersilia Alexa; Banat`s University of Agricultural Science; Faculty of Agro-Food Technology; 119, Calea Aradului; 300645; TIMISOARA; Romania;
• Prof. Biljana Abramovic; University of Novi Sad faculty of sciences; Department of Chemistry; Trg Dositeja Obradovica 3; 21000; Novi Sad; Serbia;
• Prof. Jasenka Cosic; Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek; Department for Plant Protection; Trg sv. Trojstva 3; 31000; Osijek; Croatia;
ERA 155: Vitis-WBC : Towards the preservation of autochthonous grapevine -Vitis vinifera L.- varieties in WBC
Contact details:
• Prof. Branka Javornik; University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty; Biotechnical Faculty, Agronomy Department; Jamnikarjeva 101; 1000; Ljubljana; Slovenia;
• Prof.Nada Korac; Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad; Department of Fruit Science, Viticulture, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture; Trg Dositeja Obradovica 8; 21000; Novi Sad; Serbia;
• Prof. Elizabeta Angelova; Fac. of Agric. Sciences and Food, Univ. Sts. Cyril; Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food; Bul. Aleksandar Makedonski b.b.; 1000; Skopje; The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
• Ms. Lidija Tomic; Genetic Resources Institute, Univ. of Banjaluka; Genetic Resources Institute; Bulevar vojvode Petra Bojovica 1A; 78000; Banjaluka; Bosnia and Herzegovina;
ERA 163: ISEMIC : Intelligent information system for monitoring and verification of energy management in cities
Contact details:
• Prof. Zeljko Tomsic; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; FER / Department of Power Systems; Unska 3; 10000; Zagreb; Croatia;
• Prof. Jovan Petrovic; Faculty of Technical Science; Faculty of Technical Sciences / Provincial Energy Efficiency Centre Novi Sad (PEEC); Trg Dositeja Obradovica 6; 21125; Novi Sad; Serbia;
• Mr. Haris Lulic; Mechanical Engineering Fac; Department of Energy; Vilsonovo šetalište 9; 71000; Sarajevo; Bosnia and Herzegovina;
• Mr. Boris Sucic; Jozef Stefan Institute; Jozef Stefan Institute / Energy Efficiency Centre; Jamova cesta 39; 1000; Ljubljana; Slovenia;
• Dr. Zoran Morvaj; Energy Efficiency Project in Croatia; United Nations Development Program Croatia - Energy Efficiency Project; Bednjanska 14; 10000; Zagreb; Croatia;
ERA 164 Impact of AGRricultural Abandonment on Landscape structure, vegetation and farmland birds in SE Europe
Contact details:
• Prof. Vassiliki Kati; University of Ioannina; Department of Environmental & Natural Resources Management; Seferi 2; 30100; Agrinio; Greece;
• Ms. Andreja Radovic; University of Zagreb; Division of Biology; Rooseveltov trg 6; HR-10000; Zagreb; Croatia;
• Prof. Thomas Wrbka; University of Vienna; Department of Conservation Biology, Vegetation & Landscape Ecology; Rennweg 14; A-1030; Vienna; Austria;
• Dr. Stoyan Nikolov; Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Central Laboratory of General Ecology/Department of Biodiversity; 2 Yurii Gagarin; 1113; Sofia; Bulgaria;
• Prof. Spase Shumka; Agricultural University of Tirana; Department of Natural Sciences; Koder Kamza; 1000; Tirana; Albania;
ERA 168: SEELEGUMES (Sustainable preservation of indigenous South East European legumes and their traditional food and feed products)
Contact details:
• Prof. Branko Cupina; University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture; Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field and Vegetable Crops; 8, Trg Dositeja Obradovica; 21000; Novi Sad; Serbia;
• Dr. Sokrat Jani; Agricultural Technologies Transfer Center; Research and divulgation department; Main Boulevard; 9000; Lushnja; Albania;
• Prof. Mirko Stjepanovic; Faculty of Agriculture of Joseph Jurii Strossmayer; Crop Science Department, Fodder Crops Cathedra; 3 Trg Svetog Trojstva; 31000; Osijek; Croatia;
• Dr. Vladimir Meglic; Agricultural Institute of Slovenia; Crop and Seed Science Department; 17, Hacquetova; 1000; Ljubljana; Slovenia;
• Dr. Suzana Kratovalieva; Agricultural Institute Skopje; Agricultural Institute Skopje; NN, Aleksandar Makedonski; 1000; Skopje; The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
• Prof. Ionel Samfira; Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences; Agricultural Technologies, Agriculture Faculty; 119. Calea Aradului; 300645; Timisoara; Romania;
• Mr. Branko Djuric; Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka; Faculty of Agriculture, Department for Plant Production/Field Cereals; 1A. Bulevar Vojvode Petra Bojovica; 78000; Banja Luka; Bosnia and Herzegovina;
• Dr. Tihomir Cupic; Agricultural Institute Osijek; Department for Genetics and Breeding Forage Crops; 17, Juzno predgradje; 31000; Osijek; Croatia;
• Agricultural Research Center of Northern Greece; NAGREF, Agricultural Research Center of Northern Greece; 1 Georgikis Scholis Ave.; 57001; Thermi; Greece; Dr.; Mylona; Photini
• Dr. Akopian Janna; Institute of Botany of National Academy of Science; Institute of Botany of National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia / Flora & Vegetation of Armenia; 1. Avan 63, Acharyan; 63; Yerevan; Armenia;
• Dr. Peter Winter; GenXPro GmbH; GenXPro GmbH; 3, Altenhöferallee; 60438; Frankfurt-am-Main; Germany;
• Dr. Vojislav Mihailovic; Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops; Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops; 30, Maksima Gorkog; 21000; Novi Sad; Serbia;
• Dr. Siyka Angelova; Institute for Plant Genetic Resources; Institute for Plant Genetic Resources; Bulevar Drujba 2; 4122; Sadovo; Bulgaria;
• Dr. Nune Sarukhanyan; Green lane agricaltural assistance ngo; Plant Breeding department of Green Lane NGO; 16/29, Heratsi St.; 25; Yerevan; Armenia;
• Prof. Margarita Vishnyakova; N.I.Vavilov All-Russia Institute of Plant Industry; Department of Genetic Resources of Grain Legumes; 42-44, Bolshaya Morskaya; 190 000; Saint-Petersburg; Russian Federation;
• Dr. Frederick Stoddard; University of Helsinki; Department of Applied Biology; 5. Latokartanonkaari; 14; Helsinki; Finland;
• Dr. Gerard Duc; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; Unite Mixte de Recherche en Genetique et Ecophysiologie des Legumineuses a Graines (UMRLEG); 17, rue de Sully; 21065; Dijon; France;
• Dr. Vesna Maksimovic; Institute of Mol. Genetics and Genetic Engineering; Laboratory for Plant Molecular Biology; 444a, Vojvode Stepe Street; 11 010; Belgrade; Serbia;
• Prof. Savo Vuckovic; Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade; Crop science; 6,Nemanjina; 11080; Belgrade; Serbia;
ERA 195: PSALAB : Conservation and standardization of traditional technologies of fermented milk products based on autochthonous lactic acid bacteria
Contact details:
• Prof. Ljubisa Topisirovic; Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engine; IMGGE/Laboratory for Molecular Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms; 444a Vojvode Stepe; 11010; Belgrade; Serbia;
• Prof. Jagoda Šuškovic; Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology; FFTB/Laboratory for Antibiotic, Enzyme, Probiotic and Starter Culture Technology; 6 Pierottijeva; 10000; Zagreb; Croatia;
• Ms. Ljerka Gregurek; Probiotik d.o.o.; Probiotik; 3 Ulica Grada Gospica; 10000; Zagreb; Croatia;
• Prof. Peter Raspor; Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana; BF/Department of Food Science and Technology; 101 Jamnikarjeva; 1000; Ljubljana; Slovenia;
ERA 216: ECOFUN-MICROBIODIV : Development and evaluation of innovative tools to estimate the ecotoxicological impact of low dose pesticide application in agriculture on soil functional microbial biodiversity
Contact details:
• Dr. Fabrice Martin-Laurent; Institut National de la Rechreche Agronomique; Microbiologie du Sol et de l''Environnement; 17 rue sully; 21065; DIJON; France;
• Prof.; Ellen Kandeler; University of Hohenheim; Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, Section Soil Biology; Emil Wolff Str. 27; 70599; Stuttgart; Germany;
• Dr. Dubravka Hrsak; Rudjer Boskovic Institute; Divison for Marine and Environmental Research; RBI; 10 000; ZAGREB; Croatia;
• Dr. Dimitrios Karpousas; University of Thesssaly; Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology; Argonafton & Filellinon; 41221; Larisa; Greece;
• Dr. Simonada Djuric; University of Novi Sad; Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field and Vegetable Crops; D. Obradovica squer 8; 21000; Novi Sad; Serbia;
ERA 226: Capsicum Balkan biodiversity : Exploration of Balkan biodiversity of Capsicum spp. to extract biotic stress resistant germplasm
Contact details:
• Dr. Rossi Rodeva; Institute of Genetics Acad. D.Kostoff; Institute of Genetics/Department of Applied Genetics and of Cytogenetics; 11-13 Okolovrasten pat; 1113; Sofia; Bulgaria;
• Dr. Dimitrina Kostova; Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute; Maritsa VCRI/Breeding Department; 32 Brezovsko shosse; 4003; Plovdiv; Bulgaria;
• Dr. Ioannis Manoussopoulos; Plant Protection Institute of Patras - NAGREF; Plant Protection Institute of Patras/Virology Lab.; NEO & Amerikis; 26004; Patras; Greece;
• Prof. Jordan Merkuri; Agricultural University of Tirana; AUT/Faculty of Agriculture and Environment,Department of Plant Protection; Koder Kamez, Tirane; 2001; Tirana; Albania;
• Prof. Liliya Krasteva; Institute of Plant Genetic Resources; Institute of Plant Genetic Resources; 2 Drujba str.; 4122; Sadovo; Bulgaria;
• Dr. Dejan Cvikic; Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka; Institute for Vegetable Crops/Department for Vegetable Genetics and Breeding; 71 Karadjordjeva Str.; 11420; Smederevska Palanka; Serbia;
• Prof. Ilija Karov; Goce Delcev University-Stip; UGD-Stip,Faculty of Agriculture,Plant Protection Department; Krste Misirkov bb; 2000; Stip; The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;