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Content archived on 2024-05-27

IMproving Preparedness and RIsk maNagemenT for flash floods and debriS flow events

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Assessment of flash floods taking into account climate change scenarios in the Llobregat River basin

Author(s): Velasco, M.; Versini, Pierre-Antoine; Cabello, A.; Barrera-Escoda, A.
Published in: Copernicus GmbHEISSN: 1684-9981 2013
Permanent ID: Digital Object Identifier:10.5194/nhess-13-3145-2013; Handle:2117/105251; Microsoft Academic Graph Identifier:2135091476

Simulation of flash floods in ungauged basins using post‐event surveys and numerical modelling

Author(s): Ciervo, Fabio; Papa, Maria Nicolina; Medina Iglesias, Vicente César de; Bateman Pinzón, Allen
Published in: Wileyinstname:Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) 2014
Permanent ID: Digital Object Identifier:10.1111/jfr3.12103; Handle:2117/393660; Microsoft Academic Graph Identifier:1959058147; Handle:11386/4188653

Diurnal cycle of precipitation over complex Alpine orography: inferences from high‐resolution radar observations

Author(s): Luca Panziera; Urs Germann; Pradeep V. Mandapaka
Published in: WileyQuarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 2012
Permanent ID: Digital Object Identifier:10.1002/qj.2013; Microsoft Academic Graph Identifier:2138402371

Debris-flow susceptibility assessment at regional scale: Validation on an alpine environment

Author(s): Bregoli, Francesco; Medina Iglesias, Vicente César de; Chevalier, Guillaume Gerard; Hurlimann Ziegler, Marcel; Bateman Pinzón, Allen
Published in: Springer Science and Business Media LLCinstname:Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) 2014
Permanent ID: Digital Object Identifier:10.1007/s10346-014-0493-x; Handle:2117/25350; Microsoft Academic Graph Identifier:2016397256

Description and analysis of the debris flows occurred during 2008 in the Eastern Pyrenees

Author(s): Marcel Hürlimann; Guillaume Chevalier; M. Portilla; M. Portilla
Published in: Copernicus GmbHinstname:Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) 2010
Permanent ID: Digital Object Identifier:10.5194/nhess-10-1635-2010; Handle:2117/10131; Microsoft Academic Graph Identifier:2122414219

Simultaneous calibration of ensemble river flow predictions over an entire range of lead times

Author(s): S. Hemri; Massimiliano Zappa; Felix Fundel
Published in: American Geophysical Union (AGU)Crossref 2013
Permanent ID: Digital Object Identifier:10.1002/wrcr.20542; Microsoft Academic Graph Identifier:2113423637

Generating spatial precipitation ensembles: impact of temporal correlation structure

Author(s): Remko Uijlenhoet; Paul Torfs; Albrecht Weerts; Oldrich Rakovec; Pieter Hazenberg; Pieter Hazenberg
Published in: Copernicus GmbHHydrology and Earth System Sciences 2012
Permanent ID: Digital Object Identifier:10.5194/hess-16-3419-2012; Digital Object Identifier:10.5194/hessd-9-3087-2012; Microsoft Academic Graph Identifier:2121527388

A scenario-incorporating analysis of the propagation of uncertainty to flash flood simulations

Author(s): Quintero Duque, Felipe; Sempere Torres, Daniel; Berenguer Ferrer, Marc; Baltas, Evangelos
Published in: Elsevier BVinstname:Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) 2012
Permanent ID: Digital Object Identifier:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.06.045; Handle:2117/16481; Microsoft Academic Graph Identifier:2043244247

Debris Flow Warning Through Radar Nowcasting and Critical Rainfall Thresholds: A Case Study in the Glarus Catchment (Switzerland)

Author(s): Mitidieri, Francesco; Papa, Maria Nicolina; Ciervo, Fabio; Berenguer Ferrer, Marc; Sempere Torres, Daniel; Medina Iglesias, Vicente César de; Bateman Pinzón, Allen
Published in: Springer International Publishinginstname:Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) 2014
Permanent ID: Digital Object Identifier:10.1007/978-3-319-09054-2_15; Handle:2117/24034; Handle:11386/4524882

Debris-flow susceptibility analysis using fluvio-morphological parameters and data mining: application to the Central-Eastern Pyrenees

Author(s): Chevalier, Guillaume Gerard; Medina Iglesias, Vicente César de; Hurlimann Ziegler, Marcel; Bateman Pinzón, Allen
Published in: Springer Science and Business Media LLCinstname:Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) 2013
Permanent ID: Digital Object Identifier:10.1007/s11069-013-0568-3; Handle:2117/20431; Microsoft Academic Graph Identifier:2039258492

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