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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-30



Executive Summary:
There are reserves in the research and innovation potential of EU convergence regions, including the district of South Bohemia of the Czech Republic (part of CZ-NUTS 2 Southwest). This district harbours Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences (BCAS) that performs ecologically oriented research and thereby contributes to the development and implementation of novel technologies that are likely to enhance and diversify economic production in the region. MOBITAG project enhanced the research and innovation potential of BCAS through the development of modern research capacities with the aid of colleagues from advanced EU countries. The infrastructure built with MOBITAG support has elevated BCAS potential to a level needed for the testing and deployment of novel biotechnologies. The upgrading of infrastructure was focused on four research areas: (1) Genome analysis; (2) Exploitation of natural compounds; (3) Transgenesis (genetic manipulations); (4) Safety aspects of genetically modified (GM) crops. Scientific publications document the importance of new infrastructure for current research performance of BCAS. The infrastructure building included training in managerial skills and creation of a small office able to handle projects of FP7 and of the operational programmes. This project outcome is important for BCAS collaborations within ERA. MOBITAG also stimulated dissemination of scientific data and public awareness of the EC support of convergence regions. Finally, the realization of MOBITAG enhanced BCAS interactions with state authorities and local self-governments.

The goals of MOBITAG were reached through the following activities of infrastructure building: (1) Recruitment of 5 experts that contributed to the build-up of the research teams, (2) Return of 2 experienced Czech researchers from USA, (3) Upgrading of two laboratories and establishment of two extramural laboratory units, (4) Training of BCAS staff in EU laboratories for one month or longer (26 months in total), (5) Participation of EU scientists in BCAS research for one month or longer (9 person-months in total), (6) Mobility of researchers for the purpose of collaborative research, presentation of seminars, etc.: 9 outgoing and 13 incoming researchers, (7) Training of two research managers and setting up a managerial office, (8) Purchase of research instruments, (9) Organization of two international scientific meetings (119 and 101 participants, respectively), (10) Several types of dissemination activities (press conferences, reports to media, meetings with politicians, preparation of a film in Czech and English, etc.).

It can be concluded that MOBITAG pushed BCAS performance to a qualitatively higher level and provided solid ground for further improvements. Acquired instruments are used extensively, recruited researchers are on BCAS staff, managerial office provides important services in securing research support, and BCAS is firmly rooted in ERA and recognized as leading institution of biological research in the district of South Bohemia.

Project Context and Objectives:
The economic potential of European Community has not been fully exploited. One of the reasons is the inadequate economic performance and research output in the convergence regions. REGPOT program has been designed to rectify this situation. The program is particularly important for the post-communist countries that have some research infrastructure but its output does not match the productivity of comparable institutions in advanced EU countries. There are several reasons for this discrepancy - lack of equipment, loss of qualified personnel, and low level of integration into ERA seem to be the most important factors. MOBITAG project was prepared to enhance research output of the Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences (BCAS) that is located in the district of South Bohemia of the Czech Republic (part of the region CZ-NUTS 2 Southwest). BCAS performs ecologically oriented research but had contributed little to the development and implementation of novel technologies that could enhance and diversify economic productivity of the district. MOBITAG was designed to build infrastructure needed for the initiation of research that can lead to new biotechnologies and assess environmental safety of the technologies developed elsewhere.

The aim of MOBITAG was to support build-up of modern research capacities with the aid of colleagues from advanced EU countries in order to enhance the output and achieve competitiveness of BCAS in investigations relevant for the development and deployment of new biotechnologies related to agriculture. Infrastructure building focused on research promotion in four areas: (1) Genome analysis, (2) Exploitation of natural products, (3) Transgenosis and (4) Safety of GM crops. The areas were chosen in respect to the existing knowledge base in BCAS and also in view of the trends in current development of biotechnologies. The building of infrastructure scaffold was planned for the 1st, and the infrastructure refinement and use for the 2nd reporting period. Specific areas of infrastructure building, which had been identified from an analysis of BCAS weak points, were defined as project work packages. Their objectives were as follows:
WP1 – recruitment and return of experienced researchers: the plan included employment of 7 young researchers (2 of them returning from USA) on MOBITAG budget, recruitment of 3 young researchers paid from other sources and upgrading of 2 laboratories.
Objective: staff development.
WP2 – exchange of know-how and experience through mutual short term visits and working stays lasting at least one month. It was envisaged that every year there would be 8 short term visits (4 in each direction, visit duration about 5 days) with collaborating EU partners, and that BCAS staff would spend 8 months on training in EU laboratories and EU partners would spend 2 months in BCAS as research participants.
Objective: professional growth of the research staff, BCAS integration into ERA.
WP3 – Training of personnel for administering EU projects: Training of 2 project managers in the Technology Centre in Prague and in the CZELO office in Brussels, and setting up a managerial office in BCAS were planned.
Objective: building up capacity for handling EU projects.
WP4 – Acquisition of research equipment: purchase of 9 instruments and one software package was planned for the 1st project year.
Objective: research support by providing most needed equipment.
WP5 – Organization of workshops and conferences: plan included annual invitation of 2 national and 2 foreign experts to seminars, and organization of 2 international scientific meetings during project duration.
Objective: professional growth of staff, promotion of collaboration and ERA coherence.
WP6 – Dissemination and promotional activities: setting up MOBITAG web page, various ways of results dissemination (patents, presentations at conferences, papers in scientific journals), interactions with politicians, NGO´s, and general public, preparation of an instructive film.
Objective: informing public about EU support, exploitation of the results obtained with the aid of new infrastructure.
WP7 – Project management: establishment of the Management Committee and Scientific Advisory Council, preparation of the technical and financial reports on the project, and communication with EC.
Objective: flawless project administration.

A 3-tier project management was essential for project realization. The international Scientific Advisory Council (SAC) composed of 4 foreign and 4 domestic members provided advice on strategic decisions, the Management Committee (MC), which included project coordinator, project manager and WP leaders, specified plans of MOBITAG activities, and individual teams executed specific tasks. SAC members met at the kick-off and at the closing meetings and some of them visited BCAS several times during project duration. They also communicated electronically with MC that met in 1-2 months intervals. Minutes from MC meetings were distributed electronically to all MOBITAG staff. Daily administrative work related to the MOBITAG project was done by the project manager V. Zázvorková in collaboration with the WP leaders and the project coordinator F. Sehnal. Additional BCAS employees helped with specific tasks and other administrative staff of BCAS provided occasional advice. The project officer in Brussels was consulted on complicated issues. Provided advice was particularly important for preparation of the monitoring reports that was a joined work of V. Zázvorková, F. Sehnal and WP leaders. Members of MC and SAC received working versions of the monitoring reports. Their suggestions were used to improve the text.
A few problems were encountered and solved during project realization:
(a) The Guide on project reporting was followed when preparing the 1st monitoring report. After report submission, however, some minor modifications had to be done upon request of the project officer.
(b) Two out of seven recruited MOBITAG researchers left for industry and had to be replaced, in one case by a colleague from industry. This rotation of experts between academia and industry posed temporal problems but it is viewed as a special bonus of MOBITAG.
(c) Financial support of long-term stays of partners in BCAS could not be drawn from the “personnel budget” as specified in GA, but from the “travel costs” item, including personal expenses reported as the per diem costs.
(d) We kept all EC contribution on account in EUR that was used for all financial operations. However, daily changes of the exchange rate EUR/CZK posed a serious problem. At the end of the 1st project year we therefore transferred part of the EU contribution to a new interest-generating current account in CZK. This has greatly facilitated finance management.

Project Results:
The plan of infrastructure building with the aid of MOBITAG was specified in WPs 1-5 of Annex I of the Grant Agreement. The infrastructure for promoting research and for handling EC projects was built in the 1st reporting period, refined in the 2nd period and will be used extensively in the years to come. The following text reviews achievements reached in all tasks specified in GA Annex I. Presentation of the S&T results in this way facilitates the control of plan fulfillment.

WP1: Recruitment and return of experienced researchers
T 1.1 The MOBITAG team was stabilized at the end of the first reporting period, with five young postdoctoral researchers paid from MOBITAG budget. These were Drs. Ondrej Lenz, Jan Stehlík, Roman Sidorov, Konstantin Vinokurov, and Valeriya Zabelina. However, Dr. Stehlík accepted a better-paid position in a private company and left the MOBITAG team by May 31, 2011, being replaced by Dr. Igor Koloniuk (joined the team from April 1, 2010, paid from MOBITAG budget since June 1, 2011).
T 1.2 Following the plan, two experienced researchers (Drs. Radmila Capková-Frydrychová and Robert Fedic), who returned from long postdoctoral stays in the USA, were employed during the first year of the project. Since Dr. Fedic left for industry in 2011, we substituted him by Ing. Eva Prenerová, CSc, who came from a private company dealing with applied agricultural research.
T 1.3 Seven additional young researchers joined MOBITAG team after finishing their Ph.D. studies in the 1st or in the 2nd reporting period. (M. Vítková, J. Fleischmannová, P. Jedlicka, Y. Taranushenko, I. Koloniuk, V. Puža, P. Sroka).
T 1.4 Two laboratories (GMO laboratory and Laboratory for plant trangenosis) were upgraded in the first reporting period according to the plan. The GMO laboratory was equipped for basic techniques of molecular biology and registered by the Czech Ministry of the Environment as GMO safety class 1(A). Both laboratories have been used extensively since then and hosted some of the partners performing research in BCAS (T 2.3). The infrastructure was also used for teaching new methods to BCAS scientists who did not directly participated in the MOBITAG project but contributed to ERA competitiveness. Two extramural laboratory units were set up in addition to the original plan with the consent of project officer. The units are needed for the identification and testing of entomopathogenic organisms that may be developed for insect pest control (to reduce use of chemical pesticides).
Most significant results: Build-up of competent research staff, upgrading 2 laboratories and the set-up of 2 extramural laboratory units are all important for BCAS performance.

WP2: Exchange of know-how and experience
T 2.1 Short term visits accomplished within MOBITAG project were planned at annual rate 4 visits of 5 days each of MOBITAG researchers to advanced EU laboratories and 4 similar visits of foreign experts to the MOBITAG teams. The expansion of collaboration required more contacts. Fortunately, 13 outgoing and 13 incoming visits could be realized with allotted budget.
T 2.2 Training of BCAS researchers in advanced foreign laboratories was planned for 24 person-months but eventually it amounted to 26 person-months. It proved efficient for joint research and very important for the professional growth of young researchers. The stays often laid ground for long-lasting collaboration within ERA and were highly appreciated by all participants.
T 2.3 The long-term stays of experienced EU researchers with MOBITAG teams were targeted to work on specific projects agreed upon by both sides. The plan assumed equivalent of 6 person-months but we were able to support stays corresponding to 9 person-months.
Most significant results: Both the short and long term visits promoted collaborations and thereby also integration of the MOBITAG teams as well as of the teams of partners into ERA. The visitors interacted not only with the collaborating MOBITAG researchers but with other staff as well. Broad exchange of information occurred at seminars that also provided forum for discussions on future collaborations. The partnership in research is already reflected in joint publications. Exchange of expertise on the use of instruments (BioPlex in particular) was another form of ERA building. Formation of a consortium that initiated preparation of a project for the next call of the FP7 Marie Curie ITN program was a bonus output of the interactions initiated and supported by MOBITAG.

WP3: Training of personnel for administering EU projects
T 3.1 Training of two project managers of BCAS (ing. M. Krištufková and ing. V. Zázvorková) in the Technology Centre was accomplished and consisted of one week stay in the Technology Centre and participation in 3 one-day seminars devoted to different problems of project management. In addition, both managers occasionally consulted the staff of Technology Centre on various matters concerning EU projects.
T 3.2 One-week training of two project managers in CZELO office in Brussels was also realized. In addition, V. Zázvorková took part in the meeting “Week of Innovative Regions in Europe 2010” (WIRE) in Granada (Spain) and at a seminar of RegPot programmes in Brno (Czech Republic). The project coordinator F. Sehnal visited project officer and participated in a seminar on RegPot programmes in RTD/B/04 part of the Research Directorate in Brussels.
T 3.3 The set-up of managerial office included purchase of two computers with accessories. The office was opened on 25th June 2009.
The work load planned in the three tasks of WP3 was completed in the 1st period. BCAS has been exploiting the newly built infrastructure since then and will continue to do so after project termination. Project managers have proper knowledge background for their work and BCAS supports their further training. Both managers have been repeatedly sent to seminars on project management topics. BCAS gradually strengthens the project management office that has become widely acknowledged component of BCAS infrastructure. Three full time project managers are currently employed. They provide advices and usually participate in the preparation and submission of new projects and help with the negotiation process and with project initiation after the signature of GA. They are involved in project realization to diverse degree. Creating the office for project management was a good investment. Current effort is focused on its further expansion by employing experts on the protection of intellectual property and on technology transfer.
Most significant results: The training of two project managers in specialized workplaces in Prague and Brussels, their participation in relevant seminars and the set-up of an office created conditions for efficient management of FP7 projects.

WP4: Research equipment
The types of instruments were specified during project preparation based on a thorough analysis of needs. The original selection was modified in only one case: The ProteomeLab PA800 system was replaced by 3 separate instruments that allow similar protein analyses at a lower cost. The vendors of 11 instruments and 1 software package were selected as required by law. Instruments were purchased in three batches and immediately put in operation. They are used to full capacity since then and all instruments are employed in projects with EU partners. Here is a brief description of their use:
Set of 4 instruments for protein analysis includes Protean IEF system and the chromatograph Akta FPLC that are used for protein separation from complex mixtures. The instrument Synergy 4 – S4MFTAD is employed for a broad spectrum of methods including determination of biological activities of purified proteins. The CouloChem III Termostated + AD converter is used for the identification of low-molecular metabolites.
CFX96 Real-Time PCR Detection System is employed for mRNA quantifications. Special attention is paid to the clock genes, cell cycle factors, ion pumps and channels, heat shock proteins from the Hsp70 family and cold-activated transcripts.
Thermocycler BIOER XP equipped with a standard PCR module and one additional module for primed in situ hybridization is used for PCR amplifications of orthologous gene sequences, for PCR labeling of molecular probes by fluorochrome molecules and for standard PCR amplifications.
BioLogic DuoFlow Pathfinder 20 System (FPLC) is in intensive use mainly for purification of plant nucleases and their engineered mutants. Associated small instruments such as heat block GENIUS Dry Bath., Minicentrifuge Z 100 M and Mini-rocker shaker, are indispensable for protein extraction and preliminary purification.
BioPlex detection system is an efficient tool for multiplex serological detection of DNA plant viruses and for nucleic-acid based hybridization detection of RNA-containing virus species and their variants. New analytes were developed and used for the detection of CaMV, geminivirus, PVY strains and mycoviruses.
Incubator with controlled CO2 atmosphere is used for cultivations of mammalian and avian cell lines. NIL-2 hamster and DF-1 chicken cells are currently used in the studies of silk proteins promoting cell attachment to surfaces and in search for compounds binding to adenosine receptor.
Two XP thermocyclers were purchased. One is used in studies on the safety aspects of GM crops, especially in search for cadherin-type receptors of Cry3 insecticidal toxins. The other cycler allows large scale screening of genetic variability in insects and entomopathogenic nematodes.
Lasergene software has been used through institutional network by researchers participating in the MOBITAG project. The software has been used continuously for the analyses of DNA and protein sequences obtained during work on a variety of research projects.
Additional equipment was purchased with permission of the project official in conjunction with the installation of two extramural laboratory units. This extra activity aimed at building up infrastructure for the identification and reliable testing of bioagents that can be developed for insect pest control. One new unit was for the treated and the other one for the control insects. Purchased equipment included refrigerated microcentrifuge, thermocycler, autoclave, shaker with temperature control, spectrophotometer, 2 balances, 2 flowboxes, 2 cooled incubators, 2 thermostats and several small gadgets (under 1,600 € per piece).
Most significant results: Purchase of instruments included in the original plan and additional equipment needed for the development of bioagents.

WP5: Organisation of workshops and conferences
T 5.1: Half-day seminars were planned at a rate 4 per year (2 given by Czech and 2 by foreign experts). Since this activity proved very useful, we finally increased the number and organized 9 seminars during the 1st and 8 during the 2nd reporting period. All seminars were well attended by MOBITAG researchers, their colleagues and students from BCAS and local university. Seminar speakers visited MOBITAG workplaces and were engaged in discussions on the research topics, project management, and the legal issues of the deployment of new biotechnologies.
T 5.2: Two international meetings were organized to promote information exchange and networking of teams working on similar problems in different EU countries. International meeting “Invertebrate reproduction and development in the age of genetically modified organisms” (ICIRD 2010, was organized in the 2nd project year. Scientific program included presentations by MOBITAG researchers who actively participated in the discussions. Participation of a few eminent scientists from USA and Japan allowed comparison of ERA with research activities in these countries. International workshop “Environmental Impact of Genetically Modified Crops: European Experience” (5th EIGMO meeting, was organized in the last project year. As many as 101 attendants arrived, representing 17 countries and 13 EU member states. Scientific program included presentations by MOBITAG researchers. The Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Republic appreciated that the event concerned application of a modern agricultural technology.
Most significant results: MOBITAG staff benefited from organizing scientific seminars and conferences in several ways: (a) experience with organization, (b) acquirement of knowledge, (c) exposure of own findings to the criticism by peers, and (d) establishment of contacts for collaborations. The seminars and particularly the conferences promoted ERA networking. BCAS also succeeded in organizing two supplementary activities, one focused on the proper use and full exploitation of the BioPlex instrument which was bought in the 1st reporting period. The other meeting organized shortly before MOBITAG termination concerned preparation of a proposal for the ITN Marie Curie program. Proposed network will investigate G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) that are involved in developmental regulations. This topic is relevant both for medicine and agriculture. We called a meeting of 13 likely project partners to Prague on February 10, 2012.

Potential Impact:
The infrastructure built with MOBITAG support (purchase of new instruments, employment of young researchers, staff training abroad, participation in collaborations networks, upgrading of two laboratories, installation of two extramural laboratory units, set-up of project management office, etc.) has elevated S&T potential of the whole BCAS and promoted various types of dissemination activities (realized in frame of WP6). Positive project impact on BCAS performance can be seen from the number of publications based on data obtained with the aid of new infrastructure. MOBITAG project emphasized importance of the development of new technologies and this has been reflected in increased interest of BCAS researchers in the industrial protection of their findings. The increased research potential of BCAS will be fully exploited in a few years when the synergies with other projects will stack up. BCAS will keep high standard of theoretical investigations but at the same time promote practically targeted research. Enhanced productivity in science and technology transfer will have positive effect on student education in the University of South Bohemia – more than one third of BCAS researchers teach at this university or tutor students that work on their diplomas or theses in BCAS.

BCAS and the University of South Bohemia are recognized as key players in regional research, education, and development and deployment of novel biotechnologies. The stimulation of modern research through MOBITAG will lead to practically applicable discoveries with positively influence on the socio-economic standing of the South-Bohemian District. With this perspective, MOBITAG was included in the Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS) of the South-Bohemian District for 2007-2015 (published on RIS aims at creating sustainable regional economics integrated into the pan-European economic area and closely collaborating, supporting, and exploiting local educational and research institutions. Four priority axes were defined to achieve this strategic goal:
- Priority axis 1: Build-up and restructuring research and educational institutions that must meet contemporary socio-economic needs (this axis should contribute by 30% to the achievement of strategic goal). The impact of MOBITAG is a component of this priority axis.
- Priority axis 2: Development of infrastructure and appropriate services for collaboration of all parties (research, education, business, administration) and for the technology transfer (30%). MOBITAG impact contributes to this axis.
- Priority axis 3: Improving the mechanism of information exchange and provision of specific services (e.g. in the patenting procedures) (30%). Dissemination activities initiated by MOBITAG contribute to this axis.
- Priority axis 4: Regional politics of the innovation support and its implementation (10%).

MOBITAG outcomes strengthen BCAS collaborations with regional institutions that promote novel technologies. BCAS is represented in the supervisory and advisory organs of the South-Bohemian Agency for Innovative Enterprising and of the Technological Park. BCAS also interacts with the Regional Agrarian Chamber (e.g. joint press conferences on GM crops) and Regional Chamber of Commerce (e.g. lecture on BCAS activities delivered at the joint meeting of the local Chambers of Commerce and the counterparts from Lower Austria and Bavaria). The location of the South-Bohemian District close to Austria and Germany accelerates integration into the European market, as documented by foreign investments, the rise of dual economics with considerable participation of foreign residents, and by corresponding enhancement of the socio-economic relations among the three adjacent EU regions. BCAS participates in the cross-border cooperation in research (programme Target 3). In 2011 received a special award for this activity from responsible chambers of Lower Austria, Bavaria, and South Bohemia.

The international nature of MOBITAG extended BCAS collaboration to nearly all EU states. The enhancement of research infrastructure made BCAS more attractive to young researchers from the Czech Republic and some foreign countries. The infrastructure is still inferior to that of the leading European research institutions but BCAS can use acquired experience for further improvements with the aid of the EC and national support. Several project proposals have been prepared with this aim – their preparation would be impossible without MOBITAG experience and it is therefore regarded as important MOBITAG impact on the ERA building. Two projects represent a continuation of MOBITAG at a qualitatively higher level: project proposal MODBIOLIN of the REGPOT programme and the proposal Postdok-Bioglobe prepared for the Operational programme Knowledge for Innovations. These two proposals are of crucial importance for bringing BCAS to the level of its partners in advanced EU countries. This will be favourable reflected in collaborative research and thereby in ERA output relevant for EU economic competitiveness. The qualitative and quantitative growth of BCAS associated with increased S&T potential will exert strong positive socio-economic influence at regional level (employment of educated people, visitors from abroad, project support inflows, application of new biotechnologies).

The work with genetically modified organisms (GMO) required special socio-economic interactions because some EU citizens object to their use. This concern was taken seriously by MOBITAG scientists who are aware that implementation of most modern biotechnologies is a quite responsible step that should be based on the precautionary principle. The risks and the benefits of biotechnology applications and other agricultural interferences (as a matter of fact of any interference with the nature) must be carefully weighed before a decision is drawn. This is particularly important in the case of transgenic plants; their deployment must be compared with the risk and benefit of the standard agrotechniques, such as the use of pesticides and herbicides. It is the duty of scientists to provide complex, solid, and unbiased data for the evaluation of biotechnologies and subsequent decision on their acceptance or condemnation. Fulfilment of this duty is one of the major outcomes of MOBITAG.

The work with GMO in Czech Republic is regulated and requires permission from the Ministry of Environment. Several BCAS teams have permission for work with GMO in confined environment and one team received permit to perform a field trial with GM maize in 2009-2011. All researchers of this team had long experience with GMO handling. Tracking transgenic material and its separation from the non-transgenic plants were standard procedures. A protocol was signed if a GMOs or its part is given to another party. All transgenic material then was destroyed in approved way. The observance of these rules was checked by unexpected inspections from the local office of the Ministry of Environment. We used the field trial with GM maize as suitable occasion for explaining the benefits and possible risks of the cultivation of GM crops to broad audience, in addition to the responsible authorities (field owners, local self-government, fire department, local branch of Agrarian Chamber, Agency for Nature Protection). A “White Book on GM crops” describing mostly legal issues, and Czech and English versions of a film demonstrating absence of any damaging environmental impact of GM maize were widely distributed to sciences, politicians, NGOs, students, and general public.

The realization of MOBITAG included several kinds of knowledge dissemination to relevant stakeholders. The continuation of all established dissemination avenues is another impact of MOBITAG project on BCAS. Weekly up-dated information on major BCAS achievements is available on the web page that includes a link to MOBITAG. Web page also contains links to publications and other important achievements. Scientific results will be published in international journals and, if possible, patented. Practically important conclusions will be published in national journals for farmers or informative materials published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Environment. Conclusions relevant for practical agriculture will appear in national agricultural journals. Close contacts with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Environment will facilitate implementation of the research results. Relevant policy makers will receive information brochures of BCAS and will be informed through other channels (e.g. seminars organized in collaboration with the Regional Agrarian Chamber or the South Bohemian Agency for Support to Innovative Enterprising, etc.). Collaboration of BCAS with these partners has been specified in written Memoranda. We shall prepare 10-12 films on important BCAS activities and probably distribute them for free to schools and stockholders from the academic, political and business spheres. The experience acquired in course of MOBITAG project will be exploited in the preparation of scientific meetings (at least one per year). Contacts will be maintained with ecologically-oriented NGOs. The major purpose of dissemination activities will be to inform public about the EC support of infrastructure building for R&D, about the importance of R&D activities for the socio-economic welfare, and about BCAS contributions to the advancement of science and implementation of novel technologies. BCAS pays due attention to public concerns about environment protection, nature conservation, food safety, and suppression of diseases transmitted by arthropod vectors. The self-governments and private businesses will be a special target group for the dissemination activities with the aim to further encourage their interactions with academia, specifically with BCAS.

Dissemination activities are related to exploitation of the project outcome, i.e. of the newly built infrastructure. The use of infrastructure is eventually manifested as scientific reports and publications, or as patented inventions. These types of result disseminations are listed in section 4.2 of this report. However, MOBITAG impact is manifested not only in the number of publications and patents but also in their quality. Interactions with partners from other EU countries set high standards that will be maintained. Emphasis will be given to practical exploitation of the results that promise to bring economic and/or social benefit.

List of Websites:
The set-up of informative webpage was the first task accomplished in MOBITAG realization. Full information on MOBITAG will remain on the web for 3 more years and the project will thereafter be listed on the BCAS web address.