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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-14

Effectiveness in the virtual enterprise through the information infrastructure


The EVENT project has the aim of enhancing the marketing/ commercial processes of a set of European companies operating in the pneumatic industry sector and forming a "Virtual Enterprise". The Project applies to SME companies operating on a trans-national basis and exhibiting high business potential. The improvements are expected to increase the timeliness in order management, the customers' satisfaction and the operational effectiveness.

The Project will be run in accordance with the Total Quality Management PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, where:
- the Plan step will provide process modeling of the impacted business processes and Root Cause Analysis for the improvement opportunities;
- the Do step will integrate technology improvements within the current organization, in order to provide a support to the intended business improvements;
- the Check step will collect and analyze quantitative data aiming at evaluating the effectiveness of the enhanced practices and at computing the Return On Investment;
- the Act step will deploy the improvements in terms of enhancements to the Quality Management System, training of the staff and extension of the practices to other units/ connected companies.

The Project puts significant emphasis on accompanying actions likewise: dissemination (both internal and external), training, exploitation planning and quantitative measurements.

The involved technology is mainly based on the Information Infrastructure and the advanced Internet/ Intranet technologies that are being developed on it. Improvements are meant to be applied at three levels: communications towards the external world, communication within the Virtual Enterprise, communication within companies. The EVENT Project will be based on an existing technology improvement program and will concentrate on those aspects that are more advanced and that directly influence business processes, in particular: electronic-based Customer Satisfaction Surveys, Web-based access to strategic assets of the Management Information System, handling of the Quality Management System on the Internet, support to distributed workgroup cooperation, audio/ video conferences, etc.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
Via Eritrea 20/I
25126 Brescia

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (2)