Specific Objectives:
1. To coordinate the PREWIN network, expand its membership in the EU and Candidate Countries and manage the network reference laboratory. To work with the Task Groups on plants and materials characterisation, repair and maintenance and emissions reduction within PREWIN to produce technical documents and guidelines on best operation practices;
2. To expand the action to include efficient extraction of intermediate fuels (e.g. hydrogen) from biomass and waste;
3. To provide expert opinions on an ad-hoc basis and specific technical support to DG ENV in relation to the implementation and monitoring of the Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC) and provide scientific and technical support to the "Community Strategy for Dioxins, Furans and Polychlorinated Biphenyls". To assist DG ENV in the interpretation of conclusions from the report on the 850°C/2 second rule for waste incineration as part of the process of adaptation of the Waste Incineration Directive;
4. To actively participate in compiling specific reports of the BAT Reference Document (BREF) on waste incineration to the European IPPC Bureau Working Group and channelling know-how and data from the PREWIN network;
5. To represent DG TREN in meetings of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Bioenergy, Task 36 "Energy from Integrated Solid Waste Management" and to monitor international technical activities (in particular in the USA and Japan) by attending meetings of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) Thermal Treatment Working Group;
6. To carry out underpinning research in the areas of plant process efficiency, process control and the interactions between process efficiency and emissions, for support of efficient energy generation from biomass and waste, either directly through heat and electricity production, or via intermediate fuels. This work utilises the renovated Plant Simulation Test Laboratory (PSTL) to conduct performance and validation tests on candidate plant monitors and sensors before their incorporation into new process control systems. Part of research will be carried out through specific collaboration (e.g. with UK and CZ universities for process sensor development; where sensor development takes place in the IE, its incorporation into a multi-monitoring system takes place in Sheffield University; plant testing is carried out via Brno University) and other formal consortia working in support of CLEANWEB. There will also be participation in the Polish CONBIOT centre of excellence on biomass technologies project;
7. To train scientists via integration in underpinning scientific research and participation in networking activities focusing on reliability issues in energy from waste and biomass processes. Specific to Candidate Countries, it is planned to hold a workshop on the subject of the thermal treatment of waste and associated waste management issues in a CC. (This follows on from the workshops held in Prague in 2001 and Tallinn in 2002).
Anticipated milestones and schedule:
For the 6 main objectives listed above, the milestones for 2003 are:
1. PREWIN Task Group meetings twice yearly. Technical documents due in May, July and November;
2. Operational conclusions submitted to DG ENV by March 2003. Likely input on technical issues linked to waste incineration in November 2003;
3. IPPC WG meetings and exchange of information via internet. Submission of PREWIN documents by May 2003;
4. Reports from meetings to DG TREN May and November 2003;
5. Discussion paper on energy efficiency due in May, review on process control due in October, contract output according to individual project schedule; publications planned for December 2003;
6. Complete feasibility study on fuel production (e.g. hydrogen) from waste and biomass;
7. Proposal to be submitted in first call of FP6 (March 2003).
Planned Deliverables:
1.1 Technical documents on 1) repair and maintenance by welding and 2) by thermal spraying will be finalised and issued for use within the PREWIN network as well as outside following approval by the PREWIN Steering Committee. Further, work will begin on technical documents on cleaning for reduced corrosion and maximizing energy efficiency, to be delivered in 2004;
2.1 A feasibility report will be produced to define the possible options for CLEANWEB action to tackle the technical problems of recovering intermediate fuels from biomass and waste. The results will be used to modify, as appropriate, the work programme for 2004 and beyond;
3.1 Provision to DG ENV of scientific data on status of implementation of the Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC), providing specific scientific support on the interpretation of the conclusions on the report concerning the 850°C/2 second rule for waste incineration. The latter will be important to DG ENV in deciding upon requested changes to the Waste Incineration Directive and whether continuous dioxin monitoring will be required. Data from PREWIN and other available sources will be provided for the Community Strategy on Emissions of Dioxins, Furans and Polychlorinated Biphenyls;
4.1 Technical reports focused on energy efficiency, energy efficiency calculations and plant maintenance;
5.1 Comprehensive reports to DG TREN from 2 meetings of the International Energy Agency, Bioenergy Task 36, 3 International Solid Waste Association Thermal Treatment group meetings. In addition, reports to DG TREN, DG ENV, DG ENTR and DG RTD on the waste management conference to be co-sponsored by CLEANWEB/PREWIN;
6.1 Discussion paper addressing energy efficiency and factors limiting improvements in plant efficiency.
Discussion paper on small particle emissions from energy from biomass and waste plants and abatement techniques as well as a discussion paper on N2O emissions. The latter 2 papers will be for use within PREWIN in the first instance, after which they will be made available to DG ENV and DG TREN. The paper on energy efficiency will be given to DG TREN. Work will be started on a paper that collates information on all available and developing flue gas cleaning systems for biomass and waste plants and in the first instance used within PREWIN before being released to DGs and subsequently published in the open literature. 6.2 A state-of-the-art review of waste incineration plant process control strategies published in the open literature. 6.3 Provision of materials selection and performance test data, the establishment of mechanisms for plant components degradation and new approaches for plant protection from collaborative projects being carried out in support of main project themes, 6.4 Four refereed scientific papers on energy efficiency in waste incineration plants, process control strategies, plant sensor techniques and thermal treatment methods for waste and biomass;
7.1 Training of 6 visiting staff, a workshop on thermal treatment of waste and biomass and associated waste treatment methods in a Candidate Country, depending on availability of PECO budget.
Summary of the Action:
The aim of the project is to provide technical expertise to user DGs in support to their policy development and implementation work related to the thermal treatment of biomass and waste as well as waste-to-energy systems. The required expertise will be acquired from underpinning scientific and technical research in the inter-linked areas of fuel production (e.g. Hydrogen), plant energy efficiency, process control and monitoring and plant reliability. The action will benefit from the know-how and data available through the PREWIN waste incineration network and other appropriate consortia. It will provide specific information to the Commission to help in the implementation of the Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC), which enters into force in 2003, and in policy development in the area of sustainable energy production, particularly in the area of renewables.
The Action will represent the European Commission in selected international technical working groups. It is also part of the Working Group for the definition of Best Available Techniques for waste incineration organised by the European IPPC Bureau. Finally, the action plans to apply for a network of excellence, in the area of energy from biomass, to operate along the same lines as PREWIN. Rationale This action is carried out in the frame of Community policy objectives related to waste management and to energy as presented in documents such as the European Waste Strategy, the Communication "Intelligent Energy for Europe [COM (02)162]", the Green Paper on "Security of Energy Supply" [COM(2000)769], the Communication "Promotion of Electricity from Renewables" [COM(2000)279], the Community Strategy for Dioxins, Furans and Polychlorinated Biphenyls" and the Community policy on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control. In this context, the Action is designed to provide S&T expertise on a long-term basis to the Commission, international organisations (IEA, ISWA) and to relevant industrial partners both in the EU and in Candidate Country industries in the area of clean, reliable and efficient recovery of energy from waste and biomass.
For the Commission, the Action will specifically target its scientific and technical advice for the development and monitoring of specific EU policy goals and directives. For the relevant waste and biomass industries, including both power and fuel (e.g. H2) production, and their support organisations, the Action will facilitate direct scientific and technical collaboration, through PREWIN or other consortia, for technical projects aimed at increasing plant and process efficiencies and minimising emissions. This Action will build links to ISA 2.3.1 (SETRIS). Information and data used to provide the necessary scientific and technical support will be obtained from a combination of laboratory research within the JRC-IE test facilities that form part of the PREWIN reference laboratory and desk studies carried out by resident staff and visitors.
Fields of science
- engineering and technologyelectrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineeringelectronic engineeringcontrol systems
- engineering and technologyelectrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineeringelectronic engineeringsensors
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringenergy and fuels
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringwaste managementwaste treatment processes
- agricultural sciencesagricultural biotechnologybiomass
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
JRC - Joint Research Centre researchCoordinator
1755 ZG Petten