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Biotechnological recycle of olive mills washing water by microalgae

Final ReportSummary - ALGATEC (Biotechnological recycle of olive mills washing water by microalgae)

The EU is the most important producer of olives in the world. Only for the period from 2001 and 2007, 2,2 million tonnes of olive oil were produced in about 12 000 olive mills in Europe, which accounts for the 80 % of the world production. These producers are mainly SMEs placed in the basin of the Mediterranean Sea, being Spain, Italy and Greece the biggest producers. The consumption of olive oil is steadily growing in recent years. Non European countries like Turkey, Syria and Tunisia are entering in this market and hardening competition, threatening EU producers' dominant position. The penetration of these countries in the market is not the only problem to be solved by the olive oil sector in the EU, which suffers some long-standing environmental problems.

Olive oil production generates large amounts of highly pollutant wastewastes that poses serious problems to olive oil mills since waste management involves additional costs and logistical problems, especially for the SMEs producers. A large amount of the water consumed accounts for the washing of the olives to eliminate the impurities collected during harvest and storage. The water used in this process (washing water (WW)) must be drinkable for obvious reasons of food hygiene. Hence, an enormous amount of drinkable water is consumed by this process (about 5 billions of litres annually) in the producing Mediterranean countries that very often exhibit serious shortage of water.

In addition, the washing water generated is characterised for the strong presence of phenols, which are very difficult to biodegraded. Currently, the washing water is not treated separately for its recycling, but it is mixed with the wastewater from olive oil extraction and sent a to the disposal treatment (increasing the costs associated). In other cases, it is used for irrigation causing negative environmental impacts such as problems with groundwater contamination and soil biodiversity.

The ALGATEC project main research activities were focused on the development of a technology to treat the olive washing water generated in SME olive mills, with high pollutant content, by means of an affordable and compact photobioreactor using biotechnological consortium, followed by a membrane technology module.

During the project, it has been demonstrated that both the lab and field-scale plants have been efficient in removing the pollution load of olive mill washing water ( > 97 % of reduction for most parameters, except for TS, TVS and TFS, where the reduction was > 90 %, pH was within the acceptable limits) and producing water of drinking quality (bacteriological analysis were beyond the acceptable for potable water), that could be re-used within an olive mill. Therefore, the technical objectives have been achieved as foreseen. This achievement would solve, at least partially, the problem associated to the disposal of WW from olive mills, reducing the overall volume of wastewater, with both economical and environmental benefits.

Even though the actual investment costs of the pilot plant cannot easily justify a short payback period, the commercial system costs will be significantly lower. The operational costs are higher compared to the common adopted method of open evaporation ponds. Nevertheless, there is room for decreasing them when optimising some operational parameters and working with fresh WW. In addition, authorities are looking for alternative methods to evaporation ponds due the problems they generated. Moreover, the EU Directives, are more and more strict on the allowed management routes of such wastes. Last but not least, the price of potable water is expected to be higher in the future, especially in the most important producing countries.

The consortium believes that the pre-competitive results obtained during the ALGATEC are a robust base for the further development of a commercial competitive solution. The very final improvements identified are also good hints to improve not only the system.

Project context and objectives:

The EU is the most important producer of olives in the world. For the period from 2001 and 2007, 2,2 million tonnes of olive oil were produced in about 12 000 olive mills in Europe, which accounts for the 80 % of the world production. These producers are mainly SMEs placed in the basin of the Mediterranean Sea, being Spain, Italy and Greece the biggest producers.

Olive oil consumption is growing worldwide thanks to the acknowledgement of its benefits on health. Although the EU is the main olive oil consumer, the demand in countries like United States and Syria has increased significantly in recent years. On the other hand, non-European countries like Turkey, Syria and Tunisia enter the market and harden competition, threatening EU producers' dominant position. Besides the market expansion, the olive oil sector in the EU will have to solve some long-standing environmental problems to keep its predominant situation.

During the olive processing, large amounts of highly pollutant liquid wastes are generated. This poses serious problems to olive oil mills since waste management involves additional costs and logistical problems, especially for the SMEs. First operation of olive oil extraction is the washing of the olives to eliminate the impurities collected during harvest and storage. The water used in this process (WW) must be drinkable for obvious reasons of food hygiene and current legislation. About 50 litres of water are required to wash 100 kilos of olives. Hence, an enormous amount of drinkable water in Mediterranean countries is consumed by this process (about 5 billions of litres annually). Such huge amount of water is mostly required in rural areas where the olive trees plantations are located which, in contrast, very often exhibit serious shortage of water. In addition, these water shortage problems are increasing in the producing countries as a result of the climate change effects, being more often to have periods of very low rain or even drought.

Moreover, chemical analysis of the water after the washing process shows effluents with high level of toxicity. This is mainly due to the strong presence of phenols, which are very difficult to remove because of their hydrophilic characteristics and low biodegradability. Currently, there are not generally applied systems, used by olive processing companies, for pollutants disposal and WW recycling. Therefore, olive oil producers in some countries, often mix WW with the wastewater from olive oil extraction (olive mill wastewater, OMW), which is the most dangerous residue of olive oil processing, and send the mixture to the disposal treatment. This procedure, due to the increased effluent volume and dilution, will increase the overall disposal cost of the process. In many other cases, in order to avoid increased costs, producers use the WW for irrigation or simply send it to sewage. This has serious environmental impacts, since the water is acidic and has high content of pollutants, phenols in particular. Soils analysis after WW spreading has revealed high content of pollutants and unusual pH. This affects the biodiversity of the soil and could also cause groundwater contamination.

The main objective of ALGATEC, a 'Research for SMEs' project, is the treatment and reuse of WW generated in small medium olive oil mills, with high pollutant content, by means of an affordable and compact photobioreactor using microalgae and bacteria consortium, followed by a membrane technology module, capable to recover and recycle the majority of the drinkable water used in the process of olives washing. Furthermore, the problem of the disposal of wastewater from olive oil mills will be reduced because the reutilisation of the washing water will diminish the overall volume of wastewater, with both economical and environmental benefits.

Overall objectives

1. To provide an affordable technical solution for reducing the consumption of drinkable water in the olives washing process by 90 % and increasing the overall water efficiency of the process by 80%.
2. To diminish the overall effluent of polluted water produced in olive oil mills, reducing the wastewater management costs and the environmental impact of wastes.
3. To increase the competitiveness of the participant SMEs and the European olive oil industry through a cost-effective WW treatment and an improved water management.

Scientific and technological objectives

4. To establish a cost-effective wastewater treatment and drinkable water recycling system for olives washing water.
5. To build two prototypes of the photobioreactor using microalgae, adapting a patented technology to the specific needs of the treatment of the olive oil washing wastewater.
6. To collect information about the main requirements for the system to be installed in the end-user industry, analysing the overall situation of producers in different EU countries.

Socio-economic objectives

7. To reduce production costs in the olive oil sector through recycling and reutilisation of water (increased water efficiency).
8. To answer to the current need of increasing the sustainability of European agricultural sectors by implementing a solution that will enhance the current water and wastewater management systems.
9. To enable the olive oil producers in Europe keep its leadership in the olive oil market, with non-European countries entering the market.
10. To increase employment in the sector by capacity building in state-of-the-art technologies and creation of new jobs in the design and construction of the proposed systems.

In order to achieve the expected results, the work to be performed in the 28 months that lasted the ALGATEC project (from 15 April 2009 to 14 August 2011), has been organised in six work packages.

WP1: Review and refinement of systems requirements
WP2: Laboratory tests of the photobioreactor and membrane operations
WP3: Design and development of the pilot plants
WP4: Field tests, validation and optimisation of the pilot plants
WP5: Exploitation and dissemination activities.
WP6: Project management.

The first R&D objectives in ALGATEC within WP1 were the characterisation of the two end-users DESAM and PEZA washing water and the definition of their needs and requirements for the system. In parallel, a study on the legal framework at European, national and regional scales was performed. To these actions were devoted task 1.1 and 1.2 in which three deliverables were submitted: D1.1 (Specification sheet of requirements), D1.2 (Legislation survey report) and D1.3 (washing water characterisation). Based on these results, the first draft configuration of the system for the laboratory tests was drawn and the monitoring parameters were also identified within task 1.3. This information was gathered in D1.4 (Technical specification sheet).

Within task 2.1 of WP2, the lab experiments on microalgae biotechnology were carried out previous to the construction of the lab scale prototypes to define the consortium to effectively treat the WW. Different strains and microalgae were isolated from the WW and genetically characterised. N and P concentrations were optimised for their growth and resistance to phenolic compounds by the microorganisms was assessed. Two lab scale PBR were constructed based on D1.4 and different configurations were tested and optimised. The final configuration included a recirculation flow system for the treated WW, and a decantation that allowed decreasing the suspended solids before entering the membrane module. The prototype operated in a range of flux velocities and hydraulic retention times (HRT), allowing the assessment of all operation possibilities. D2.1 (Report on the photobioreactor laboratory tests) included the finding of a consortium capable to grow in WW with high phenol concentrations degrading them as well as other substances. In addition, it demonstrated the suitability of the PBR technology as an efficient biological, low-cost technology for WW decontamination, effectively removing COD and BOD5. More experiments were focussed on shorting the HRT and found a pre-treatment to effectively decrease turbidity and colour of WW.

Within task 2.2 the membrane technology to be used and the most favourable operative conditions were defined, in order to choose the optimum configuration for the pilot plant. The complete ALGATEC lab scale system was set up in accordance operational recommendations given in D2.1. Different membrane were tested, and the optimum combination reported in D2.2 (Report on the membrane laboratory tests) after the long-term tests for treating of the target daily value of 2 m3 WW. The overall reduction of the full ALGATEC lab scale system was: COD> 99 %, total phenols 97.4 %, electric conductivity of the final permeate was close to that of tap water, while inorganic elements like P were also reduced > 99 %.

During WP3 and based on the outcomes from WP1 and WP2, the design and construction of the pilot plant and the control system was performed and reported in D3.1 (Design of the ALGATEC prototype) and D3.2 (ALGATEC pilot plant). The pilot plant was installed at DESAM facilities and has the selected pre-treatment method, and the PBR assembled with two different membrane modules. The PBR of 8 modules with 10 tubes each has a capacity of treating 200 l/h of WW. Preliminary tests were performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the system and identified possible improvements before starting to work continuously. The ALGATEC system run from end April until middle August 2011, treating the WW stored in the pools at DESAM. The good preliminary results with 5 HRT (BOD reduction 100 %, COD reduction 95 % (> 60 % in the PBR), turbidity, colour and phenols concentration reduction almost 100 %) were compiled D3.3 (Results on preliminary tests).

Within task 4.1 of WP4, the field test, validation and optimisation of the pilot plant were carried out in order to achieve the expected reductions at a short time and prove that the quality of the treated WW fulfils the legislation to be reused in the olives washing process (drinkable water). For 80 days, the ALGATEC plant worked efficiently, most of the parameters measured and the system operated with minor problems. The complete information of the field tests was reported in D4.1 (Results on field test and performance evaluation). During the final improvements testing period (25 days), all the operating conditions were optimised, the HRT decreased and different membrane combinations were used. The pilot plant worked smoothly, with no problems. Therefore, it was considered fully operational for treating an amount of more than 2 m3 of olive mill WW per day. ALGATEC pilot plant was tested under less than optimal conditions and proved that it can produce a high quality effluent that is appropriate for being re-used for olive washing. In addition, in task 4.2 some further future improvements were identified to increase the efficiency of the system. Finally, after performing the costs analyses, it was concluded that ALGATEC system cannot easily justify a short payback period for the investment needed, while its operational costs are higher compared to the most widely adopted method of open evaporation ponds. However, the expected legislation changes towards environmental safety and water saving, may totally change the present status and the ALGATEC technology can be considered as an alternative solution for the reuse of WW in the food industry in the near future.

In addition to the R&D work performed during ALGATEC, activities on exploitation and dissemination of project foreground have been carried out by all project partners. Among others, the establishment of the project webpage at D5.1, the development of a project logo, the production of a promotional poster (D5.2) and a leaflet in Spanish, English and Greek (D5.3) and the project dissemination in conferences, publications, and press releases. All dissemination materials that have not been classified as confidential, were compiled in the ALGATEC CD room (D5.4).

Three training sessions and several in-situ demonstrations were organised within task 5.1 to demonstrate the operation of the system to the staff of the end users, the SMEs and the RTDs.

WP6 was devoted to the project management and has been carried out in parallel to other activities, including the coordination activities, ensuring the smooth running of the project, communication and cooperation between the partners. All project reports have been prepared within this WP, including two short update reports (D6.1 and D6.2) two periodic reports and the final report. The activities carried out in WP6 included as well two amendments to the grant agreement. The first one requested a grant for a four months extension, a change in the IPR coordinator and communicated the change of the legal address of the three partners. The second was to communicate the change of the coordinator contact address. Three general project meetings were held: the kick-off in Malaga (Spain, May 2009), the mid-term meeting in Chania (Greece, March 2010) and the 24 months meeting in Granada (Spain, April 2011). In addition, several technical and skype meetings have taken place during the project.

With regards to IPR issues, the materials being produced and published during ALGATEC have been revised to avoid any conflicts with the SMEs interests. The interests of the SMEs have been identified with regards to exploitation. The aspects of the research carried out that could present novelty to determine the possible new inventiveness (and therefore, the potential for patenting) have been evaluated and based on this, the consortium developed was the only results that could be susceptible of being patented. Concerning the potential patentability of this ALGATEC foreground, international data bases on patents and scientific publications were revised. The result of the report shows that, based on the identified documentation, the inventive activity of the consortium is questionable if the 'state of the art' documents revised during this study are considered. Therefore, ALGATEC SMEs, as the owners of the project foreground, decided that it is too risky to apply for a patent and will keep the information confidential. The SMEs plans to make agreements for the exploitation of the project results just after the completion on the project.

Project results:

The ALGATEC project main research activities were focused on the development of a technology to treat the olive washing water generated in small medium olive oil mills, with high pollutant content, by means of an affordable and compact photobioreactor using biotechnological consortium, followed by a membrane technology module. The system should produce a final effluent with drinkable quality and allow its recycling in the process of olives washing. The achievement of the ALGATEC objectives would solve, at least partially, the problem associated to the disposal of wastewater from olive mills, reducing the overall volume of wastewater, with both economical and environmental benefits.

The final main S&T outputs of the ALGATEC project have been the pilot plant constructed, installed and tested at DESAM facilities (Spanish end user) and the ALGATEC technology optimised and validated for the treatment of olive washing waters allowing its safe reuse as process water.

This development of the ALGATEC technology provided a solution for the treatment of the olives washing water, so the high volumes of polluted water from olive processing are reduced, and the treated washing water with drinkable quality can be recycled for olives washing prior to olive oil extraction.

In order to develop such technology, as in the view of the considerable research and financial resources needed to carry out the research, the SMEs proposers have worked within the ALGATEC project together together with four leading RTDs, and two end users co-financed by the EC under FP7.

The ALGATEC is a 'Research for SMEs' project; therefore, the project foreground belongs to the participating SMEs. They will benefit from the outcomes, increasing their products range and thus making them more competitive in the wastewater treatment market.

The information provided below described the main work done in ALGATEC and their outputs of this work. The information disclosed could not be very detailed as most of the results produced have been classified as confidential. The main reason is to avoid any conflicts with the SMEs interest in the further exploitations of the project results

In order to achieve the expected S&T project results, the research work had been organised in the 28 months duration in four work packages.

WP1: Review and refinement of systems requirements
This WP included the first R&D activities that took place during the first six months of the project leaded by the coordinator Bioazul. Its main aims were:

- to review the requirements of the ALGATEC system according to the end-users needs, legal framework, characteristics of the wastewater, technical possibilities and economical constrains (Tasks 1.1 and 1.2);
- to produce a first draft of the system configuration for the later development of the lab scale prototypes and pilot plants (Task 1.3); and
- to define the monitoring parameters for their evaluation by RTDs, SMEs and end users (Task 1.3).

WP2: Laboratory tests of the photobioreactor and membrane operations
This WP leaded by UGR, run from month 4 to month 15, as a second step to carry out all laboratory work required to study the entire process involved in the ALGATEC system. Its main aims were:

- to define the biological characteristics of the biological consortium, and the most favourable operative conditions of the photobioreactor based on WP1 results (task 2.1);
- to construct and optimise two lab scale photobioreactors for treating the WW (task 2.1);
- to define the membrane technology to be used as well as the most favourable operative conditions (task 2.2); and
- to construct and optimise a complete lab scale ALGATEC system in which the pilot plant design will be based (task 2.2).

WP3: Design and development of the pilot plants
This WP included the design, the construction and the installation of the ALGATEC pilot plant at DESAM. The WP leaded by UMWELT had a duration of one year, from month 12 to month 23. The main aims were:

- to design the ALGATEC pilot plant based on the results of WP1 and WP2s, including process design, mechanical parts, and control system (task 3.1);
- to construct the ALGATEC pilot plant following the design of task 3.1 for treating 200 l/h of WW (task 3.2);
- to start up the ALGATEC pilot plant and performed preliminary tests (task 3.3).

WP4: Field tests, validation and optimisation of the pilot plants.
NAGREF leaded this work package that lasted from month 24 to month 28, devoted to ALGATEC pilot plant field tests and final optimisation. The main aims were:
- to test with real washing water the ALGATEC pilot plant installed at the end user facility and evaluate its performance (task 4.1);
- to implement final improvements to the ALGATEC system, and asses its operation to validate it as a solution to treat and reuse the washing water (task 4.2);
- to carry out a costs analyses of the entire ALGATEC system (task 4.2).

In order to achieve the expected S&T results / foreground, the project partners have worked in cooperation in the different R&D work packages with the following outcomes:

WP1: Review and refinement of system requirements

Task 1.1 System requirements

a) End-users requirements
The main result, deliverable 1.1 'End-users requirements sheet' included the information collected through a questionnaire prepared by Bioazul regarding important aspects of water consumption in the washing process, WW treatment, design, maintenance, legal issues, etc. A socio-economical analysis from olive mills situation was also included in the report. The main conclusions regarding the system design and operation were the following:

- Both end-users daily flow were similar (20 m3/d in PEZA and around 18 m3/d in DESAM), thus the size of the ALGATEC system to be installed in each of them should also be similar.
- To pump the washing water from sedimentations ponds into the treatment system was necessary in both olive mills.
- Lots of sediments are produced in the washing process, increasing along the campaign, and a pre-filtration system was needed.
- Both end-users consumed in the whole campaign similar amounts of washing water, around 600 - 700 m3. Both send it to evaporation pools as wastewater after the washing.

b) Legal framework
The second output of task 1.1 was the establishment of a protocol on legal requirements to be met by the system at different scales. For this purpose, a coordinated work was developed among different ALGATEC partners at European, national and regional levels. Three different sorts of regulations were collected and analysed on those aspects affecting the system design and operation: wastewater treatment and reuse, environmental protection, and food safety.

As general conclusion, the disposal of olive mill waste water was forbidden in general but in Italy OMW is it used for soil fertilisation upon authorisation (limits 50 - 80 m3/ha/y), and in Spain and Greece it is mainly evaporated. In Chania (Crete), only WW can be discharged to soil. In addition, evaporation pools regime competences are local in Greece while regional in Andalusia. Drinkable water quality stated in the Council Directive 98/83/EEC, of 3 of November, has to be met by the ALGATEC system effluent in order to be able to reuse it.

Bioazul summarised all the information obtained in deliverable 1.2 'Legislation survey report'. Results obtained within this task were taken into account for the subsequent technical specifications of ALGATEC system at lab scale (task 1.3). They were also relevant for the design of the pilot plant and for planning the market strategy for the optimised system in different producer countries.

Task 1.2 Characterisation of the washing water

Washing water produced in their specific regions (Crete, Andalusia and Viterbo) were analysed. The results of this analyses showed that during the same harvesting season the effluent composition can vary significantly due to the washing of different batches of olives. In addition, different mills and/or different countries could release effluents with different typologies and compositions within the same harvesting season.

It was also concluded that based on the correlation between the amounts of olives washed (using the same amount of water) and the concentration of pollutants, the possibility to recycle the WW given by the cheap and rather simple technology suggested by ALGATEC could promote better olive washing and increase the water turnover in the washing machines. The overall mill technology and oil quality will be improved.

All details on the WW analysis in the three countries were included in deliverable 1.3 'Washing water characterisation'.

Task 1.3 Technical specification sheet

The first experimental design of the ALGATEC system was developed and two bench photobioreactor prototypes were built in order to adjust the design parameters to the end-user requirements and legal framework defined in task 1.1.

UMWELT was in charge of preparing the deliverable 1.4 'Technical specification sheet', where a general overview of the ALGATEC system configuration was proposed for the construction of the two lab-scale photobioreactors, including preliminary information on the pre-filtration system and th control system to be used in the pilot plants.

WP2: Laboratory tests of the photobioreactor and membrane operations

Task 2.1 - Photobioreactor: Microalgae biotechnology

This task was devoted to figure out the viability of a photobioreactor at lab scale for removing organic matter and inorganic nutrient from olives WW. The most favourable operative work conditions have been established (HRT recirculation, volumetric flow rates, etc.), according to specifications established in WP1 and on the integration with the filtration unit (membrane modules).

The experimentation at laboratory scale provided data that support the possibility of applying the photobioreactor technology with the previous selected pre-treatment at full scale for the treatment of WW, with the purpose of its reuse when assembled with a membrane module. Information on the tests results were included in deliverable 2.1 'Report on the results of the photobioreactor laboratory tests'.

The main outcomes of this task were the following:

- Selection of the biotechnological consortia after isolating several strains from WW. These strains were genetically characterised and classified as members of different families.
- Selection of the strains with capacity to growth in synthetic WW medium amended with phenolic compounds.

All the bacterial strains isolated from WW were culture in synthetic WW media amended with different concentrations of phenolic compounds. The results showed that some strains were able to growth efficiently in the presence of high concentrations of phenolic compounds, suggesting that these strains can growth and degrade phenolic compounds. Consequently, these strains were considered as good candidates for the preparation of selected inocula for the start-up of the photobioreactor.

Studies of biodegradation using the selected consortia
Previous to biodegradation studies in a photobioreactor system at lab-scale several assays were performed using synthetic WW medium containing different concentrations of phenolic compounds, phosphate, nitrogen and carbon sources.

Photobioreactor studies: Pilot plant at lab scale
Two lab scale photobioreactors were designed and constructed in order to evaluate the best photobioreactor configuration, consortium growth and evolution of this consortium during the WW treatment. The evolution of the COD, phenolic concentration, P, N, colour and turbidity of WW samples after treated by photobioreactor was evaluated during 30 days.

Selection and improvement of the most adequate pre-treatment
Experiments were performed to improve the pre-treatment to effectively reduce the turbidity and the colour of the WW, and in optimising the performance of the PBR, optimising the hydraulic retention time (HRT).

Task 2.2 - Membrane technology

The objective of task 2.2 was to develop the membrane treatment at lab scale, as the second significant stage of treating the washing water, using the effluent from the PBR treatment, according to results of task 2.1. Moreover, during the task 2.2 the whole treatment process was tested at lab scale, the most favourable operative conditions were defined to evaluate the duration of the membranes and choose the optimum configuration for the pilot plant scale up.

A lab scale system for testing different types of membranes, covering the range from microfiltration (MF) to reverse osmosis (RO) for treating the PBR effluent was set up. Following the selection of the optimum pre-treatment and after getting the first promising data on composition of the PBR-treated effluent, different membrane treatments were tested, with micro- or ultra filtration followed by nanofiltration. A special training session on the use of the PBR was performed during the mid-term ALGATEC meeting.

The optimum combination of membranes was selected after the long-term tests, for being included in the up-scaled pilot plant, based on operational criteria and the overall effectiveness of the treatment. The tests showed that the overall recovery ratio of the chosen combination was 85.8 %, with a specific membrane surface area necessary to achieve the cleaning of the target daily value of 2 m3 of effluent for the ALGATEC pilot plant. The analyses of effluent of the full ALGATEC system revealed that the overall reduction of COD was larger than 99 % and that of total phenols 97.4 %. The electric conductivity of the final permeate was close to that of tap water, while inorganic elements like P were also reduced to a percentage larger than 99 %. The output of this task is described in detail at deliverable 2.2 'Report on results of the membrane laboratory tests'.

WP3: Design and development of the pilot plants

Task 3.1: Design of the ALGATEC pilot plant

Within this task, the overall design of the pilot plants and control systems to be constructed, tested and optimised during the WP4 was developed, based on the results coming from the laboratory experiments (deliverables 2.1 and 2.2). The deliverable coming from this task, 3.1 'Design of the ALGATEC prototype', was the basis for the ALGATEC pilot plant construction within task 3.2. The flow diagram of the proposed process for the pilot plant was also included.

The design included: process design and definition of each process step (taking into account the first draft of the design developed in deliverable1.4 and the information on the laboratory experiments described in deliverable 2.1) pilot plant design (definition of pumps, mechanical parts, PBR and membranes) and development of control system. The design was modified during the construction based on the requirements of the different implemented membrane units and on the experiments carried out with regards to the pre-treatment alternatives.

Task 3.2: Construction of the ALGATEC pilot plant

The main output has been the construction and installation of the ALGATEC pilot plant and DESAM facilities in Puente Genil (Corboda, Spain). The system has a PBR assembled with two membrane modules following the design proposed in task 3.1. The PBR is composed of 8 modules with 10 tubes each, able to treat around 200 L/h of olive WW, which is flow comparable to 1/8 of the OWW produced by a medium size small olive mill processing 40 - 50 t/day of olives for 10 hours/day during the production campaign.

The membranes modules were constructed at Umwelt facilities and then sent to DESAM facilities in Spain. The ALGATEC system offers two different configurations on the membrane technology based on the four available membrane modules:

a) submerged ultrafiltration (UF1);
b) hollow fiber ultrafiltration (UF2);
c) nanofiltration (NF); and
d) reverse osmosis (RO).

Detailed information on the pilot plant constructions was reported in deliverable 3.2 'ALGATEC pilot plant'.

Another important output has been the operation manual which includes a chapter devoted to training for the end-users. This manual was developed in English and translated into Spanish and Greek.

Task 3.3: Preliminary tests and optimisation of the ALGATEC pilot plant at DESAM

The outcome of this task was deliverable 3.3 'Results on preliminary tests' which provides graphical material on the installation of the ALGATEC pilot plant, and the first results gathered during the first tests carried out with the ALGATEC pilot plant at DESAM (the end-user) facilities.

Based on these results, the partners started to study the different possibilities to optimise the performance and automation of the ALGATEC system in order to be user friendly. First results showed a very good performance of the system, BOD reduction was 100 %, COD reduction goes up to 95 % (> 60 % in the PBR), and the rest of the parameters such as turbidity, colour and phenols concentration decrease until values close to 100 % reduction. However, more analysis to be performed in WP4 were needed in order to prove that the quality fulfil the legislation to be reused in the olives washing process (drinkable water).

WP4: Field tests, validation and optimisation of the prototype

Task 4.1: Field tests and optimisation of the pilot plant performance

The main outcome of this task was the results on the performance of the ALGATEC pilot plant. The pilot plant installed at DESAM was running from 11 May to 15 July in ordinary operative conditions, allowing the evaluation of the ALGATEC system different treatment phases (pre-treatment, PBR and membrane modules) and it overall evaluation. The weekly basis sampling included: WW at the evaporation pond, effluent after:

a) the pre-treatment and PBR treatment;
b) the first membrane module; and
c) the second membrane module.

The system was tested under different HRT and different membrane combinations from the four available modules.

The ALGATEC system efficiency was constantly high for most of the parameters measured and the system operated with minor problems for a long period of time (80 days). Lower removal efficiencies were only observed for FTS and subsequently for TS, for some membrane combinations. The PBR treatment performed optimally at HRT3 under the testing conditions and therefore, this was the HRT that was selected for the final trials.

Considering that the WW being treated during the trials was not fresh, but the WW stored in the evaporation ponds, it was concluded that:

a) pollution load removal efficiency could be even higher if the pilot plant operates during winter and spring time; and
b) the optimum HRT can be even lower if the initial quality of the WW is higher.

Concerning the different membranes tested, one of them seemed to be more efficient in reducing TS and FTS in the early stages of operation as compared to the other. However, the first membrane seemed to operate at a constant efficiency rate over time, while the efficiency of the second membrane is rapidly reduced over time. As expected, the RO produced a better quality of effluent as compared to NF.

A few problems were faced after the installation and during the operation of the pilot plant at DESAM facilities. These problems were categorised as minor and, although unexpected, they could be characterised as normal, considering the size and the complexity of the ALGATEC pilot plant system. All problems were solved in short time and did not considerably affect the operation of the system.

The detailed description of the work performed during the field tests period was included in deliverable 4.1 'Results on the field tests performance and evaluation'.

Task 4.2: Final improvements

The main aim of this last technical task of the ALGATEC project was to implement the identified final improvements to the system, optimising all the operating conditions, the HRT and the membrane combinations.

For this purpose, the ALGATEC system ran for another 25 days to implement such improvements and evaluate how their implementation affected the system performance.

During this time, the pilot plant worked smoothly, with no problems. Therefore, it was considered that in its final configuration it is a fully operational system that can be used for treating an amount of more than 2 m3 of olive mill WW per day. Both membrane combinations behaved similarly, but one of the membranes configurations gave better results on final quality of the effluent, resulting in > 97 % of reduction for most parameters, except for TS, TVS and TFS, where the reduction was > 90 %. The pH was within the acceptable limits, the bacteriological analysis showed that the levels of heterotrophic bacteria and total coliforms were beyond the acceptable for potable water.

ALGATEC pilot plant was tested under less than optimal conditions as the WW treated was not fresh one but the one coming from the evaporation ponds. Nevertheless, after a long test period (more than 100 days, it was uninstalled on 11 August) the data obtained proved that the major aim of the ALGATEC project for the construction of a system that could effectively clean the olive mill washing water, providing an effluent that could be reused for olive washing in the oil mills, was achieved.

In addition, based on the experience gained during the long-term use of the system, some further future improvements that could increase the efficiency of the system have been identified. The SMEs partners will take these recommendations into account for the further development of the ALGATEC technology.

A very relevant output from this task is that from the data obtained during the ALGATEC project, it can be showed that the constructed pilot plant provides an effective solution for treating wastewater from the food industry with an organic pollution load of about 1500 mg/l COD. Therefore, a selection of a different microbial consortium for the PBR may expand its use for treating other types of wastewater. In such a case, the HRT, and therefore the daily treated volume will depend on the composition of the source wastewater.

Concerning the different types of membranes tested, it was proved that all configurations produced a final effluent with drinking quality characteristics. This fact further expands the flexibility of the system provider to construct different system s for different needs.

The ALGATEC system has a modular structure that can be easily modified under special request, including modifications of the PBR size by adding or removing modules, or choosing the optimum membrane module combination based on end-user needs.

All these facts open new opportunities for the participating SMEs for further research and further increase the potential clients for this technology.

Last but not least, as a final outcome a costs analyses was performed to evaluate the pay-back period and the operational costs of the ALGATEC system.

The analyses showed that ALGATEC system cost cannot easily justify a short payback period for the investment needed, while its operational costs are higher compared to the most widely adopted method of open evaporation ponds. However, the expected legislation changes towards environmental safety and water saving may totally change the present status and the ALGATEC technology can be considered as an alternative solution for the reuse of WW in the food industry in the near future. In addition, further research based on the identified improvements could also led in a reduction of the system investment and operational costs.

Deliverable 4.2 'Final report on ALGATEC system performance' includes detailed information on:

a) additional data on the quality of the final effluent (drinking water quality criteria);
b) parallel tests of the different membrane combinations, after the incorporation of the final improvements and the continuous operation of the PBR at the optimal HRT;
c) cost analysis, and d) different scenarios on the reuse of the final effluent.

In addition to the four R&D work packages, two more were foreseen devoted to exploitation and dissemination activities and management activities. Both had run during the whole project duration and their main objectives are listed below:

WP5: Exploitation and dissemination

This WP is devoted to disseminate the project results for the later commercialisation and exploitation of the ALGATEC system and its the main aims were:

- To performed training activities for the project partners, especially SMEs and the end users. Three training sessions and several in-situ demonstrations to end users and the SMEs were conducted by UGR in cooperation with Umwelt. The training material has been included in the operation manual developed in task 3.2 (task 5.1).
- To establish and keep updated the web-page of the project (see online) with the last public information available for general public and all working documents in the secure area, such as new deliverables and reports, etc. The webpage has been updated at regular bases and the coordinator will keep it running during two years after the completion of the project. In addition, a project logo has been developed (task 5.2).
- To develop project dissemination materials such as the ALGATEC poster, the ALGATEC flyer and the ALGATEC CD room compiling all information (public) produced in the course of the project (task 5.3).
- To further disseminate the project and project results, especially to attract the interest of potential clients through presentation at conferences and fairs, publications in magazines, direct contacts, etc. (task 5.4).

WP6: Management

Leaded by the project coordinator, it was designed to secure an efficient running of the project, the management activities have been divided into two tasks:

Task 6.1: General financial and administrative coordination whose main tasks foreseen were:

- to prepare the consortium agreement, collect signs from all partners and submit it to the European Commission;
- to prepare the grant agreement, collect all forms A from project partners and submit it to the European Commission for final signing;
- to organise and/or support with the organisation of the project meeting;
- to receive the pre-payments from the EC and distribute the EC contribution among project partners according to the consortium agreement;
- to prepare the first and second amendment to the grant agreement;
- to submit all deliverables of the period to the EC;
- to arrange the preparation of the two periodic reports, the two progress reports and final report with project partners.
- to compile all the financial statements from the partners for the EC;
- to ensure the smooth running of the project activities in accordance to the Annex I.

Task 6.2: IPR, exploitation and dissemination management

Main actions has been done:

- revision of relevant IPR current legislation;
- revision of relevant IPR issues affecting the project results to preserve the interest of the SME partners;
- revision of all dissemination material (i.e. press releases) to protect the project partners rights;
- revision of the website contents to avoid potential problems with the protection of IPR issues;
- compilation of information about the final interest of the SMEs partners in the project results and its exploitation;
- patentability study of the project results.

Potential impact:

Water scarcity and droughts have become a main concern in the European Union as intensity and extension of such phenomena have been increasing in the last few years. They have a direct impact on citizens and economic sectors which use and depend on water, like agriculture. The number of areas and people affected by droughts went up by almost 20 % between 1976 and 2006, with a cost of EUR 100 billion for the European Union, and 17 % of European territory has suffered from water scarcity up to date. This trend is expected to continue and even worsen as a consequence of the climate change, so the European Union is adopting regional, national and community policies aimed at a water-efficient and water-saving economy(i). Therefore, the latest health check of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform (ii) stresses the need to move towards a more sustainable agriculture and examines how to integrate water management issues into the relevant CAP instruments.

The olive oil producer countries addressed in the ALGATEC project (Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece) are specially affected by water scarcity and droughts, so water-saving technologies will strongly contribute to mitigate the economic and environmental consequences of climate change in rural areas.

The EU is actively developing legislation to control water sources and water management, which affects the olive oil sector as well. EU Directives 91/271/EEC and 2000/60/EC deal with wastewater management and pollutant concentration limits in water from agriculture. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations are being specially watched in wastewater from agriculture because of their influence on the oxygen balance of water, as they are the main cause of eutrophication.

WW is a highly pollutant residue due to its polyphenols content (which inhibits bacterial degradation and are also citotoxic) and oil content (which forms a film on water surface, hindering oxygen dissolution and thus preventing aquatic life). Therefore, the use is forbidden for irrigation or very limited, as its involves damages in the groundwater and soil biodiversity.

As previously mentioned in this report, main expected technical result of the ALGATEC project was to develop an affordable system for reducing the consumption of drinkable water in the olives washing process by 90 %, which produces drinkable water quality that could be re-use in the production process for olives washing.

The ALGATEC system implementation would therefore, decrease the ecological footprint of the olive mills activity by increasing the water efficiency, allowing the reduction on the consumption of fresh water (reusing the treated WW), and diminishing the volume of their highly polluted effluents.

The ALGATEC project directly addresses the objectives pointed out in the EC Environment Action Programme under several of its priority areas of action. These are:

- waste prevention and recycling - allowing the minimisation of wastewater production at olive mills and its reuse as process water with all guaranties;
- nature and biodiversity - protecting a unique resource: ALGATEC contributes to avoid surface and groundwater pollution by ensuring a safe biological wastewater treatment avoiding agricultural application of high toxic wastewaters;
- soil - protecting soil pollution by avoiding the use of washing water for crops irrigation.

Environment and health:
ALGATEC contributes to reduce the risk for waterborne diseases by preventing water pollution.

Sustainable use of natural resources and management of wastes:
ALGATEC contributes to reduce the consumption of drinkable water by making possible the safe reuse of WW in the process. In addition, the driving force of the biodegradation process that takes place in the system is the renewable sunlight, capturing CO2 from the atmosphere.

Due to the likely toughening of environmental legislation in the near future, many of the currently operating wastewater treatment systems will no longer be acceptable, and will have to significantly increase their efficiency. Upcoming changes are lain down in the Directive 2000/60/EC (Water Framework Directive) and other regulations for especially sensitive areas and areas of abstraction of drinking water (as described in Drinking Water Directive 98/83/EC). In addition to chemical or organic pollutants, the presence of microbial pathogens is strictly controlled when it comes to bathing or drinking water (76/160/EEC, 91/692/EEC, 98/83/EC).

With regards to soil protection, only nine EU Member States have currently specific legislation on soil protection (especially on contamination). Therefore, the EC adopted a Soil Thematic Strategy (COM(2006)231) and a proposal for a Soil Framework Directive (COM(2006)232) in 2006 with the main objective of protection European soils.

The problem of meeting existing and forecasted more stringent new regulations affects especially small communities and industries in rural areas and without access to centralised wastewater treatment plants.

Therefore, solutions as the proposed ALGATEC system are in line with the current need of increasing the sustainability of European agricultural sectors, especially with regards to a very valuable and scarce resource 'water' in the main producing countries. ALGATEC development significantly contributes to solve the above mentioned problems by offering a highly efficient, low maintenance system for the treatment of WW, allowing its reuse in the process, applicable in olive oil producing areas all over Europe.

The environmental benefits associated to the decrease of the ecological footprint, were expected to have also economical advantages for the olive mills, mainly SMEs, reducing the costs associated to the fresh water consumption, and the management costs linked to the wastewater generated.

For the participating SMEs, the ALGATEC system would increase their technologies portfolio as an alternative wastewater treatment (that allow the safe reuse of the treated water) in the context of an international growing market for olive oil production (due to its well-known health benefits).

The SME participants estimate that there is a market potential of more than 12 000 olive mills in the EU-27 which demand for a safe and low-cost WW treatment technology. The European market is the first target market. The SMEs are confident that the ALGATEC system has the potential to cover at least 10 % of the potential market within the EU-27 (approximately 1000 ALGATEC units) in the next 10 years. This will therefore, make the participating SMEs more competitive in the market.

As the market exists, the arguments for an improved competitiveness of SMEs can be summarised as follows:

- the innovative and competitive ALGATEC system allows the participating SMEs to enter the fast growing market for washing water treatment and reuse;
- the ALGATEC system demonstrates a clear step beyond the state-of-the-art with the advantage of a self-regulated, modular system that enables efficient and environmentally friendly treatment of WW;
- during the pilot plant tests the SMEs gained practical experiences and knowledge about the performance of the system under real conditions.

The expected economic impact for the SMEs is to extend its range of products with the new ALGATEC system to the European olive oil market and for the growing market of alternative treatment and reuse technologies for wastewater. This market has a clear international character because of the problems with water scarcity in many regions in Europe and in the developing countries (Middle East). The distribution channels are different from partner to partner according to their different businesses and roles in the project. For Bioazul, its expertise in wastewater treatment technologies will increase in the project and further strengthen its position in the South-European market for advanced engineering services in this sector. In addition, Bioazul has an interest in using their contacts to sell the product also in Greece and other Mediterranean producing countries in the future. For VASA, its knowledge on the system will go further than current applications, opening new market opportunities for its engineering services in Portugal, Italy and other Mediterranean countries. Isitec will benefit by incorporating their automation and control panels in the ALGATEC system to be manufactured, broaden their product rage to the olive oil industry. For BIOT, a new option to use their inocula is open, giving the opportunity to the company to enter in the olive oil market and increasing the range of the current applications of their products.

The number of potential clients in the medium-long term will increase significantly in the developing countries such as the new emerging producing countries Turkey, Tunisia and Syria, attending their demand for low-cost and easy to maintain solutions.

In addition, the end-users (two participating in the project DESAM and PEZA) which are mainly SMEs, will benefit from an increased efficiency in drinkable water consumption as well as in wastewater treatment and reuse, reducing production costs and therefore increasing their competitiveness, mainly due:

- reduction of 90 % of drinkable water used to wash the olives will be recycled;
- treatment costs will be about 12 times lower with respect to treating the washing water together with vegetation water (the only solution today, apart from dispersing it in the ground).

During the project, it has been demonstrated that both the lab and field-scale experiments have been efficient in removing the pollution load of olive mill washing water and producing water of drinking quality that could be re-used within an olive mill. Therefore, the technical objectives have been achieved as foreseen.

On the other hand, with regards to the affordability of the system, it could be concluded that, based on the pilot plant costs, the ALGATEC system cost cannot easily justify a short payback period for the investment needed. The pilot plants costs ranged between EUR 43,879 and EUR 45,762, depending on the membrane module configuration. Nevertheless, it is known that the cost of a commercial system is always significantly lower than the cost of a pilot plant and the final actual cost will depend on market rules.

Regarding operational costs, these are higher compared to the most widely adopted method of open evaporation ponds, as the evaporation pond method has a quite low annual cost of WW disposal (estimated to less than EUR 1000). In addition, the prices for water are, in some of the producing countries, extremely low which makes difficult to compete with technological solutions such as the ALGATEC system.

The operational costs related to the ALGATEC pilot plant been estimated for operating the system under the optimum HRT (2.29 m3/d), resulting in 219 days needed for treating the 500 m3 of WW produced, plus 15 days of operation for PBR initiation (7.8 months of operation in total) on EUR 13.9 /m3 of treated.

Taking into account that the trials have been performed with WW stored in an evaporation pond (therefore much more polluted WW than the fresh one), a reduction of HRT seems quite possible when treating this fresh WW during the campaign. In this case, the required time of operation for the system could be reduced to 146 days (or 161 in total, including the PBR initiation) and the related operational costs would be significantly reduced (by almost 30 %), down to EUR 9.9 /m3. In addition, the consortium believes that still there is some room for decreasing the operational costs depending on the type of olive mill and the load of their washing water.

Another important aspect to take into consideration when evaluating the impact of the ALGAGEC results are the problems associated to the most common method used by the olive mills for treating their WW: the evaporation ponds. It use has raised several complaints by inhabitants due to the unpleasant odours and the presence of stagnant water that increases insect populations, especially in tourist areas, which represent a significant part of the olive growing zone in the Mediterranean. Therefore, local governmental authorities are looking for alternative methods for reducing these problems.

Moreover, the EU Directives, such as the IPPC, are more and more strict on the allowed management routes of such wastes, and the no implementation of them will be followed by quite high fines.

Last but not least, the price of potable water is expected to be higher in the future, especially in the most important producing countries such as Spain, Italy and Greece where:
a) actual prices are relatively low compared to other EU countries; and
b) better management of water should be implemented due to the more common problems with water shortage and droughts.

As a consequence of all mentioned arguments, the consortium believes that the pre-competitive results obtained during the ALGATEC project are a robust base for the further development of a commercial competitive solution. The very final improvements identified are also good hints to improve not only the system performance, but also to reduce the investment and the O&M costs.

In a near future market, the ALGATEC technology will be considered as an alternative solution for the reuse of WW in the food industry.

Project website: