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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-06-18

Diffusion of administrative and regulatory innovations in OECD and EU member states


This research project is about the diffusion of administrative reforms, focusing on innovations in regulatory process. The literature on administrative reform and New Public Management (NPM) has generally overlooked the determinants of the spread of innovations among developed and developing countries. Moreover, the vast majority of diffusion studies in political science tend to focus on adoption and ignore the stages prior and after the point at which the decision is made. This project aims to pursue the following set of research objectives: i) deriving a theoretical framework; ii) constructing datasets on the years of adoption of administrative reforms, selecting three units of analysis; iii) analysing prerequisites and selecting diffusion determinants; iv) analysing internal and external determinants of diffusion; v) analysing successive stages of innovation process. This project will provide general insights into the ways OECD and EU countries have balanced accountability and legitimacy on the one hand and efficiency on the other. With its comparative approach, this project aims to formulate recommendations for effective and efficient policy innovations: How can one comprehend developments in public administration and regulatory governance and gain useful insights from them? Is there any common pattern of diffusion of administrative reform of rulemaking process? Are we facing a global paradigm shift? The training project is developed along the lines of the research objectives and the elements of research design. The training programme rests on a four-folded training strategy: face-to-face meetings with the scientist in charge as well as attending postgraduate courses, summer school and international conferences. The work plan contains all the above-mentioned training activities, integrated in an overall framework with their time-frames, research objectives, elements of professional maturity, and short and long term impact measures.

Call for proposal

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University of Zurich
EU contribution
€ 172 636,49

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Activity type
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Administrative Contact
Fabrizio Gilardi (Prof.)
Total cost
No data