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Contenu archivé le 2024-05-30

Redefining and repositioning public service broadcasting in the digital and multiplatform media scenario: agents and strategies – An international comparison within the European Union

Final Report Summary - PSB-DIGITAL (Redefining and repositioning public service broadcasting in the digital and multiplatform media scenario: agents and strategies …)

Redefining and repositioning public service broadcasting (PBS) in the digital and multiplatform scenario: agents and strategies – An international comparison within the European Union.
1. Context

Digitalisation has enabled and fostered the convergence between media, telecommunications and computing. This has affected not only the contents and services of those sectors, which are currently experiencing a strong wave of innovation and hybridisation, but also their regulation, market structures, operational logics and business models. Their consumption and reception patterns are also experiencing very relevant changes.

Furthermore, digitalisation and subsequent technological innovations foster a detachment between contents, physical supports and networks. As a result, a multiplatform scenario is being configured. These developments also have a significant impact on the features of electronic devices, which are becoming more and more versatile. With regard to media contents, being available online is no longer an add-on but a prerequisite for success. Consequently, ubiquity, mobility, time-shifting, on-demand, personalisation and social sharing are becoming up-to-date, necessary characteristics of any service within the multiplatform communication ecosystem.

In this scenario, digitalisation and convergence plus internationalisation and globalisation result in an increase in the social and economic relevance of the media system, which becomes more complex. Today, the number of players involved in media activities is much higher than a decade ago. Moreover, their nature is more diverse, including providers of new technical services as well as companies from other fields of activity, which are investing in media looking for high and fast profitability. With regard to traditional broadcasters, the powerful gatekeeper role that they used to play in the past can no longer be taken for granted.

In the case of public service television and radio, technology innovations enable their operators to deploy new offers that overcome the borders of broadcasting. Their contents are now also available online and can be accessed by means of multiple devices, including mobile ones. In fact, public broadcasters are demonstrating that they are still innovators and pioneers. Across Europe, many of them have developed a wide range of services that have become forerunners of the market.

This evolution and extension of public service activities has led to a confrontation among players in the media sector: on the one hand, private agents argue that the new opportunities enabled by technology, and the associated potential revenues, should be exclusively allocated to the commercial sphere. Otherwise, according to their own calculations and benefit expectations, market viability, development and growth may be jeopardised. From their point of view, most of the innovation activities carried out by public service media exceed their remit and distort free competition. On the other hand, it is evident that the configuration of a digital and multiplatform media scenario generates opportunities for public broadcasters to improve their performance and offer better service to citizens. In addition, public service supporters sustain that technology has not only not resolved existing market failures but has created new ones. Therefore, it is believed that it remains necessary for there to be a public service offer in order to ensure universal service and access as well as to guarantee quality, pluralism, diversity and/or social representativeness within the media system.

As a result of this conflict, the debate about public service broadcasting/media (PSB/PSM) has regained relevance these days, not only within the communication sector but also in the public eye. The legitimacy and definition of its services as well as the organisation and performance of its operators are once again subject to scrutiny. Nevertheless, the current debate is mainly focused on the range and scope of public service activities. Commercial players are trying to constrain the evolution and performance of public service operators by lobbying national governments and public administrations or filing complaints with the European Commission. In fact, processes of redefining and repositioning public service activities are not uncommon across Europe. At the same time, new ex-ante accountability procedures that are more complex, detailed and precise are being implemented.

In addition, public service operators need to internally adapt to the new technological and operational characteristics of the multiplatform scenario. This means reconsidering their mission, facing structural and professional changes, as well as making the most of innovation in order to maintain and improve their relationships with citizens. Otherwise, their market visibility, social relevance, audience support and economic viability may be endangered, leading to further questioning of their legitimacy.

Overall, the magnitude of the ongoing changes constitutes a clear inflection point concerning the position and role of public service within the media system, its social functions and objectives as well as its operational articulation.
2. Research project
2.1. Object and research questions

Taking into account the transformational context described and the resulting conflict where public and commercial interests collide as to the need for PSB as well as the scope and range of its activities, this research project investigates to what extent the configuration of a digital and multiplatform media scenario requires an adaptation of PBS and how it can be carried out efficiently. This adaptation process is crucial because the legitimacy and continuity of public service greatly depend on its outcome.

Therefore, the project aims to answer the following research questions:
1. How do the digitalisation and the configuration of a convergent multiplatform media scenario affect the values, functions and objectives that legitimise PBS?
2. To what extent do the ongoing changes compel modifications in the theoretical conceptualisation and the practical configuration of PSB?
3. What are the main challenges, opportunities and risks for PBS in the scenario described?
4.a. What strategies are being implemented to redefine the remit of public broadcasters and reposition them within the multiplatform media market?
4.b. What are the most effective strategies (best practices)?
5.a. What kind of decision-making networks are responsible for the current transformation of PSB?
5. b. To what extent does the configuration of that institutional structure affect that process?

These questions comprise theoretical and practical issues. This arises from our objective of combining both perspectives in order to contribute to developing media studies, while producing valuable knowledge for public broadcasters and decision-makers.
2.2. Structure and objectives

The project is structured in two parts that lead to the final results:

Part I: The transformation of the media market and its repercussions on PBS: challenges, opportunities and

The aim of this first part is to answer the first three research questions. This will be done by carrying out two tasks:

Task I.a – Identifying what the main current transformation processes of the media sector, and particularly broadcasting (audiovisual media), are
- Goal: Obtaining a clear picture of the evolution trends that lead to / enable the configuration of the multiplatform media scenario.
- Methodology: The identification of the main technological innovations related to audiovisual media will be the starting point. Then their implications for other issues such as the structure of the media market, business tendencies, regulation or reception patterns will be discussed.

This will be done by means of extensive desk research that will make use of a broad and diverse range of sources of information: scientific articles and books, market reports, policy documents, market newsletters, etc. Attending conferences and holding talks to experts will complement the documentary sources.
- Result: Within the first-year report of the project, a systematic description of the most relevant technological transformation processes and an analysis of their impact on the evolution of the media market will be provided.

Task I.b – Discussing the repercussions that the changes identified in Task I.a have on PBS
- Goal: Understanding the implications that the current transformations of the media system have for public service.
- Methodology: The trends ascertained will be examined using the theoretical framework regarding PSB. This task will require an in-depth and systematic review of the academic contributions about PSB.
- Result: A theoretical model of the challenges, opportunities and risks for the remit, organisation and performance of public service broadcasters in the multiplatform scenario will be defined.

Part II: Redefining and repositioning PBS: agents and strategies – an international comparison

The aim of the second part of the project is to answer the last two research questions (4.a/b and 5.a/b). This will be done by carrying out three tasks:

Task II.a – PSB country profiling [Germany, Spain & Poland]
- Goal: Obtaining a profile of the current situation and the development / expansion trends of PSB in each of the countries to be compared.

Identifying the network of agents that influences the evolution of PSB in each country.
- Methodology: First, a country profile model will be designed. Secondly, research assistants will be hired in Germany and Poland. They will be responsible for applying the profile grid to each national case and writing a report. The researcher in charge will be responsible for the case of Spain and for supervising the final outcome of the others.
- Result: A systematic and precise picture of the situation of PSB in each country, including its legal definition, organisation, offer and adaptation strategies. Moreover, a description of the topics included in the debate about the extension of PSB.

Task II.b – country interviews [Germany, Spain & Poland]
- Goal: By turning to primary sources of information, obtaining better and more realistic knowledge of the relevant issues in each country profile.
- Methodology: With the help of the local research assistants, those public officials, experts and academics whose opinions could make a relevant contribution to the project will be identified and contacted. A plan of semi-structured in-depth interviews will then be defined and carried out.
- Result: The information obtained during the interviews will complete the country profiles. Moreover, the researcher is expected to acquire valuable knowledge that will enri his analysis of each national case, the comparison among them and the final results.

In addition, together with the result of the previous task, the information gathered during the interviews will contribute to assessing and, if necessary, redesigning the theoretical model proposed at task I.b.

Task II.c – Country comparison
- Goal: Contrasting the national cases to identify similarities and differences among the adaptation strategies carried out by public service operators.
- Methodology: The information included in each country profile and the results of the interviews will be compared along the grid of categories, topics and variables defined previously.
- Result: The comparative analysis will lead to achieving the final results.

Final results:

A final report including the results of parts I and II will be written. The main findings and contributions of this research project will be:
1. A theoretical reflection and a model of the challenges, opportunities and risks for PBS in the multiplatform scenario.
2. Identification of trends and best practices concerning the strategies for adapting (redefining and repositioning) PSB to the multiplatform media scenario.
3. A list of recommendations for the agents involved in that adaptation process.

A short version of the findings of the project can be found in the attached file [PSB-digital_finalreport.pdf] -- An extended version will be published as a 'Working paper of the Hans-Bredow-Institut'.

In addition, a promotional leaflet and a scientific poster are also provided [PSB-digital_leaflet.pdf] [PSB-digital_poster.pdf]

More information about the project, including presentations and documents, can be found in the website:

Contact details:

Dr Roberto Suárez Candel

Marie Curie research fellow

Hans-Bredow-Institut für Medienforschung

Heimhuderstr. 21 - 20148 - Hamburg – Germany

Telf.: +49.40.450.217.43

Fax: +49.40.450.217.77


Web: http://