Spatial audio is a field, which investigates technologies to capture and reproduce sound in a way that the spatial properties of it are either preserved or modified depending on application. For example, modern surround sound techniques try to reproduce the sound scene perceived by a human listener in the same way than in the original occasion. The principal investigator (PI) has been able to develop a number of technologies in spatial audio field and to transfer them to the industry. The project would have two work packages, one concentrating on development of technology (WP1) and the other on perceptual studies (WP2). The perceptual studies are assumed to help technology development, and new technologies are assumed to reveal new phenomena in perception. The main issue for WP1 is the development of generic audio format. In future all music records and movie audio tracks are targeted to be in this format, which would be suitable for listening with any loudspeaker setup and also with headphones, always with optimal spatial and timbral quality. The development of the format is based on a technique by the PI, which is extended in this work for enhanced playback over loudspeakers and over headphones. Also, new techniques are developed for sound input from different types of microphones and from existing audio formats. The perceptual issues studied in WP2 would be the functioning of spatial hearing with wide sources and complex sound scenarios, together with computational modeling of brain mechanisms devoted to binaural hearing. The crossmodal effects between vision and auditory systems would also be investigated in the anechoic chamber specially equipped for spatial sound research. As the final task, the perceptual quality of developed generic audio format in different listening scenarios would be evaluated with subjective and objective tests.
Fields of science
Call for proposal
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Funding Scheme
ERC-SG - ERC Starting GrantHost institution
02150 Espoo