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European Biofuels Technology Platform Secretariat

Final Report Summary - BIOFUELSTP (European Biofuels Technology Platform Secretariat)

Executive Summary:

The European Biofuels Technology Platform was officially launched in June 2006. Since October 2006, a Secretariat, partly funded by the EC, has supported all EBTP activities. The current Secretariat started in April 2009 and ended, after a cost-neutral extension granted by the European Commission, in the end of March 2013. The Secretariat was responsible for all organizational, administrative and communication tasks of the EBTP. While in the beginning of the contract the focus of the EBTP, and thus the Secretariat, was lying on research and development, the focus shifted in the second half of the project time to the commercial deployment of sustainable biofuels.

In the beginning the overall objective of the Secretariat lay with the update and implementation of the Strategic Research Agenda/Strategy Deployment Document (SRA/SDD) published in 2008. The SRA was updated and published in 2010. Due to the very dynamic development in the field of biofuels R&D, the EBTP shifted a bit away from research and development into the field of sustainable biofuels deployment.

The main focus in this field requiring substantial input has been the development of the European Industrial Initiative on Bioenergy (EIBI) in the frame of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan). EBTP has actively contributed to shaping the EIBI, which will support demonstration and flagship projects for innovative bioenergy value chains with large market potential via public private partnership. The Secretariat has coordinated the input from EBTP experts to the EBTP EIBI discussion document, the EIBI Implementation Plan 2010-2012 and its update 2013-2017, project eligibility and selection criteria as well as the Expression of Interest (EoI). The EIBI was launched at the SET Plan Conference in Brussels on 15 Nov 2010 and presented by the EBTP at several conferences and in various publications.

The EBTP website is the main communication channel for the platform and continues to rank highly on search engine queries related to biofuels. It provides up-to-date and accurate information on advanced biofuels in general and on related EBTP activities. Databases on advanced biofuels research and demonstration activities are maintained by the Secretariat, as well as an open database of reports by consultants, projects, NGOs, researchers and associations covering all aspects of biofuels (both negative and positive). These resources help to attract 5,000 to 6,000 users to the website each week.

The Secretariat also prepares a diversity of information material and has developed a well-known identity and brand for the platform, which is easily recognizable and understandable.

The Secretariat also actively supports the EBTP through increased networking activities. These aim at identifying and creating synergies with other ongoing biofuels related R&D activities and involves TPs, ERA-Nets and national as well as EU policy makers. Examples are horizontal EBTP related conferences organized by the EU, and close collaboration with the Zero Emissions Platform (ZEP) and the Renewable Heating and Cooling Technology Platform (RHC TP).

Project Context and Objectives:

The European Union is strongly dependent on fossil fuels for its transport needs. In order to reduce this dependency, the EU has adopted measures to encourage the use of sustainable biofuels. In the Commission’s directive proposal for renewable energy sources (RES Directive) published 23rd January 2008, a 10% share energy content of renewable fuels in transport by 2020 is envisaged. The European Biofuels Directive sets out a share of 5,75 % by 2010. However, in 2007 the rate of biofuels in road transport only amounted to 2.6 %. Consequently, there is still considerable need for action to reach the set goals. If biofuels are to gain an increasing market share by replacing fossil fuels and meeting the targets of European governments, development of cost competitive technologies for the production of sustainable biofuels is essential. For maximum effect, research and development in all biofuel related areas (resource/biomass production, conversion, distribution and end use) have to be considered.

The European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP) was established in 2006 to contribute to the development of cost competitive world class biofuels technologies and accelerate the deployment of sustainable biofuels in the European Union (EU), allowing the development of a healthy biofuels industry, through a process of guidance, prioritisation and promotion of research, development and demonstration activities.

The EBTP was launched at the conference “Biofuels in the European Union: A Vision for 2030 and beyond” in June 2006. Its Secretariat, partly funded by the European Commission, was established in October 2006. The initial objective of the EBTP was to translate the findings of the Vision Report into concrete strategic R&D priorities. The resulting “Strategic Research Agenda” and the “Strategy Deployment Document” (SRA and SDD) were published in January 2008. The SRA/SDD highlights key RD&D working areas to be investigated. Due to the very dynamic development in the field of biofuels R&D, the SRA has been updated in 2010. The SRA/SDD provides a reliable source of information on the development of biofuels for transport in the EU.

Key observations and recommendations from the SRA update 2010:

• R&D on sustainability related tools and data need higher priority and increased public funding to ensure that sustainability related legislation, standards and certification schemes are rooted in sound science, based on transparent and relevant data, and use practical tools.
• Sustainable and reliable supply of feedstocks will be a critical success factor for the long-term perspective of biomass-based technologies on a large scale. This relates to efforts in improving productivity in these sectors, in developing reliable supply chains that open up the feedstock potentials, certification issues, and prevention of excessive disturbances in agricultural and forest commodity markets. These challenges, which are not specific to bioenergy and biofuels use of biomass, should be addressed in a coherent effort shared with the relevant stakeholders and initiatives.
• For current industrially deployed value chains and technology the R&D focus is on improvement of environmental and economic performance.
• For innovative biofuels value chains (not yet commercially deployed) short/mid-term (2020 horizon) applied R&D should focus mainly on supporting pilot, demonstration flagship plants, allowing feedstock flexibility and/or higher added value end products, in full compliance with EU sustainability targets.
• Because of the variety of potential feedstocks at global and EU levels, different conversion technologies are needed based on mechanical, thermochemical, biological and chemical processes.
• The winning options can only be identified taking into account the full value chain from feedstock to end products, for well-defined contexts of raw materials, regulations and potential industrial synergies (the “Value Chain” approach, closely related to the “Bio refining” concept). To develop and optimise the use of the European “basket of feedstocks”, a “toolbox of technologies” is needed.
• Algae, synthetic biology and chemical/catalytic conversion technologies offer new feedstock and/or technical options for biofuel value chains. They deserve full recognition in the public funded R&D programmes.
• The share of biofuels in the EU market for road transport fuel is rising, with an increasing appetite for distillates to serve markets for transport fuels (road, aviation, marine). Research on feedstocks and/or conversion technologies to serve these fast growing needs should receive enhanced priority.
• Basic research is needed both to support the science underlying on-going technology developments and to prepare for future, longer term, breakthrough options.
• Value chains leveraging on industrial synergies with existing facilities deserve priority attention as they might offer the best economic and industrial framework to manage the high risk/high cost of deploying promising new technologies, thereby helping the transition from conventional to advanced biofuels.
• The European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative (EIBI), which aims to select and fund demonstration and first industrial deployment of innovative biofuel/bioenergy technologies with large market potential, is critical to boost the commercial deployment of promising value chains to meet EU 2020 targets.
• To prepare the Implementation Plan for EIBI, it is essential to identify realistic and meaningful public funding sources, and to develop pragmatic and efficient governance principles to allow rapid and transparent implementation and give a clear signal to private actors that early movers to industrialise promising but risky technologies will be supported.

(European Biofuels Technology Platform, Strategic Research Agenda Update 2010, p. 5-6.)

Along with these findings and recommendations, the EBTP seeks to contribute to coherent and coordinated regional, national and European approach to research and development. The areas of work identified in the SRA have to be actively implemented, i.e. translated into cross-sector and vertically coordinated national and European research programmes. This includes the establishment of public-private partnerships serving the interests of all stakeholders.

So far, the EBTP has pressed ahead with the implementation of the SRA, with special attention to:

The platform is industry-led but open to all stakeholders. Members participate in one of the EBTP Working Groups (WG) listed below. The EBTP currently has about 130 members. It brings together the knowledge and expertise of stakeholders active in the different biofuels value chains.

Stakeholder membership is in a constant renewal due to necessary adjustment to changed targets and working priorities. The organisational structure of the EBTP comprises a Steering Committee (SC), a Secretariat and four Working Groups and two Task Forces.

EBTP Working Groups

• WG 1 “Biomass”
• WG 2 “Conversion”
• WG 3 “End Use”
• WG 4 “Policy and Sustainability”
• Task Force Algae
• BioCCS Joint Task Force (With Zero Emissions Platform)

One of the key aspects of the work of the Secretariat of the European Biofuels Technology Platform is the internal organisation support. The Secretariat was responsible for organising all Steering Committee Meetings (SC Meetings No. 17-28) as well as the Workshops and communications of the Working Groups.

The EBTP Stakeholder Plenary Meetings, held in April 2010, September 2011 and February 2013, provided opportunities for updates and open discussions with all stakeholders on biofuel activities of the EBTP and in Europe. The Stakeholder Plenary Meetings were bringing together over 150 stakeholders from industry, academia, research, NGOs, and other interested parties in biofuels production and use each year.

The work of the Secretariat of the EBTP consisted of different tasks. One of the major tasks was the support of the European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative (EIBI). The Secretariat assisted the EBTP members in the EIBI Working Group with active participation in the preparation of the EIBI Implementation Plan, Key Performance Indicators and Project Selection Criteria as well as in drafting of the Expression of Interest. The Secretariat also supported the EIBI by pro-actively preparing presentations on the EIBI and the value chain approach for several conferences and preparing magazine articles on the EIBI. The Secretariat also facilitated the update 2013 of the EIBI Implementation Plan amongst the EBTP internal EIBI Group and the Steering Committee members.

In order to increase flexibility and enable quick reactions of the EBTP via proactive drafting of position papers on topical issues and to promote knowledge about R&D state-of-the-art in different biofuel value chains, the Secretariat conducted tasks such as the development of common positions and the preparations of position papers and reports, such as the EBTPs Fact Sheets on DME, Ethanol, FAME, methanol and synthetic hydrocarbons and EBTPs position papers e.g. on ILUC and the proposal for the amendment of the RED and FQD as well as the policy toolkit document.

The globally very effective website of the EBTP, ranking very high on google searches, was one of the key assets of the EBTP Secretariat. The website was drawing attention to thousands of users over the project time. It was used mainly for generating densified knowledge for the biofuels community, including searchable databases on biofuels pilot- and demonstration plants, research projects related to biofuels and on debates on biofuels.

The EBTP is now well known in its corporate design. This was internationally established with the help of regularly published newsletters (~2500 signed in recipients), a number of articles in various international magazines as well as conference presentations, flyers, posters etc.

Through all these activities the European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP), supported and coordinated by the Secretariat, was able to contribute to the progress of sustainable biofuels in Europe and to strengthen the cooperation amongst European biofuels stakeholders from industry, research, civil societies, politics and others to establish a trustful dialogue between the stakeholders to overcome the still existing hurdles to making advanced biofuels a commercial reality in Europe.

Project Results: Work Plan Organisation

In order to achieve its objectives, the EBTP Secretariat has organised it tasks according to the Description of Work from 29th November 2011 into the six Work Packages:

1) Coordination
2) Internal organisation support
3) Proactive networking, events, synergy creation
4) Implementation of the Strategic Reserach Agenda
5) Monitoring and document support
6) Dissemination, cmmunication and IT support Major activities by Work Packages

Work Package 1 – Coordination

Sound coordination and management is the basis for effective support of the European Biofuels Technology Platform. Efficient coordination and management affects all other activities of the Secretariat. With proper management and efficiently designed administrational procedures, resources can be allocated to greater effect (time. workforce). High administrative standards, sound and transparent financial management provided by the EBTPs Secretariat ensured that the project partners contributed to a well-coordinated and substantially supported Technology Platform which benefits all stakeholders. The main results from Work Package 1 “Coordination” are made available to the European Commission in the means of three periodic reports as well as this final report.

Work Package 2 – Internal organisation support

The objectives of this Work Package “Internal organization support” was the organizational support to the EBTP to further improve efficiency of work (Organisation of Steering Committee (SC) meeting and Working Group (WG) meetings) as well as the internal communication with the members of EBTP.

Task 2.1: Organisation and administration of SC meetings

To ensure high efficiency in the EBTP’s day-to- day working, the Secretariat actively supported the EBTP by taking responsibility for all internal organisational, administrative and communication tasks. In particular, this encompassed the organisation and administration of Steering Committee (SC) Meetings. The Steering Committee is the advisory committee of the EBTP made up of high level stakeholders and experts who provide guidance on key issues of the EBTP.

In the project period 12 Steering Committee Meetings have been held. SC Meetings minutes are uploaded in the corresponding member’s area of the EBTP website.

Task 2.2: Organisation of EBTP Working Group Meetings

In the project period ten internal Working Group and Task Force meetings, three meetings of the SRA Editing Committee, one meeting concerning the handover of the Steering Committee chairmanship and one meeting between the new SC Chair and the Secretariat and have been organized by the EBTP Secretariat. WG Meetings minutes are uploaded in the corresponding member’s area of the EBTP website.

Task 2.3: Document management system

A document management system was established at the beginning of the first reporting period allowing for a web based storage and dissemination of relevant TP internal documents. The member’s area of the EBTP website is password protected and thus accessible for authorised users (i.e. EBTP members, with separate sections for SC, WG etc.) only. It is based on the document management system established during the previous support action.

Task 2.4: Internal schedule of EBTP activities

Whenever needed, internal schedules of on-going and upcoming EBTP activities and overviews on corresponding actions were prepared by the Secretariat and shared with the SC Chair. EBTP activities, as decided upon by the Steering Committee, have been highlighted as action items for internal use in the meeting minutes of the Steering Committee meetings. Also, on-going EBTP activities have been communicated to the Stakeholders via the newsletter and the EBTP website.

Task 2.5: Drafting of concept paper “Self-sustaining Secretariat”

The public funding of the EBTP Secretariat under the current grant agreement ended in March 2013. To find a new way to finance the EBTP a draft concept paper “Self Sustaining Secretariat” has been prepared by the Secretariat and discussed within the EBTP.

The following approach was taken:

- Websites of other TPs were assessed for any information on how they finance their work and to which extent they receive(d) public support.
- Potential financing models were compiled, assessed and discussed within the Secretariat.
- A briefing note containing the outcome of the enquiry was discussed first with the SC Chair and Vice Chairs, then with the SC at its 21st meeting on 19th October 2010. The pros and cons of different approaches were discussed. Some SC members indicated that they would be willing to contribute to the budget of the EBTP. Others stressed the services EBTP is providing to the EC and felt public funding should continue, also in view of the secretarial support to EIBI.
- The Secretariat has drafted two different scenarios for the financing of the EBTP beyond 2012

A: Scenario based on the assumption that - to some extent - public funding will continue
B: Scenario based on membership fees

A survey on these scenarios was organised within the SC. At the 23rd SC meeting in June 2011 a memo on the future of the EBTP’s setup opting for a continued funding from public sources was agreed upon. Concerning the further financing of the EBTP it was decided that: “EBTP actors already provide substantial “in-kind” input, e.g. by written contributions, meeting participation etc. For EBTP to stay a credible and independent voice in the biofuels arena, continuation of public funding seems imperative. Public funding will avoid strong influence of single actors, as well as ensuring open access to EBTP events and papers. With EBTP acting on the European level, the EC is the first source of public funding. DG Research & Innovation is to be approached first, with DG Energy as closest alternative and key DG with regard to the commercialization of advanced biofuels. EBTP stakeholders’ contributions for matching funds beyond in kind support will not be considered at the moment”.

The European Commission has decided to further support the EBTP with public funding with the call “Topic ENERGY.2013.3.7.2: Support to key activities of the European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP)”.

Work Package 3 – Proactive networking, events and synergy creation

The objective of the Work Package is to lay the foundation for creating synergies. Identification of possible cooperation possibilities or potential overlaps needs networking and events for the exchange of necessary information. This was carried out on different levels in the sectors of policy, research and industry.

Task 3.1: Networking – identifying actors, establishing contact, regularly providing information about the EBTP’s work, collecting information about work done by members of the network

Synergy creation was addressed by cooperation with other biofuels related Technology Platforms, such as ERTRAC/road transport, Plants for the Future TP, Forest TP, Suschem TP, and the Zero Emission Platform. Cooperation was performed bilaterally and in the frame of existing EU projects (Star-COLIBRI and Becoteps) by:

- Contributing to working documents, e. g. to the White Paper (Becoteps) or the Vision Document (Star-COLIBRI)
- Attending biofuels relevant meetings and events (see overview below)
- Mutual representation in boards:

The following TPs were represented in the Steering Committee of the EBTP

- ERTRAC: Frank Seyfried, Volkswagen
- SusChem: Dirk Carrez/Joanna Dupont, Europabio
- Plants for the Future: Björn Usadel Schurr, Juelich Research Centre

The current Vice Chair of the EBTP SC, Markku Karlsson, is also active in different boards of the Forest TP.

In addition, there are links to national TPs (Spain, Poland, and Italy) via different working groups. Frederic Hauge (Steering Committee member) is also active in gremia of the Zero Emission Platform (ZEP). In addition, EBTP suggested/nominated experts were represented in the External Reference Group of the Star-COLIBRI project (Imke Lübbeke/WWF, Jonas Helseth/Bellona, Anders Lau Tuxen/Novozymes, Markku Karlsson/Finnish Forestry Industries Federation) and in the Management Board of the Becoteps project (Birger Kerckow).

A joint Task Force on bioenergy and CCS (Bio-CCS) between the EBTP and the Zero Emission Platform (ZEP), aiming at identifying areas of potential synergies and overlap between CCS technologies and bioenergy and to define areas for joint action to recommend relevant R&D&D activity at EU level, is set up. The Bio-CCS Secretariat is managed by Bellona (active both in ZEP and the EBTP) and co-chaired by the EBTP (Kai Sipilä, VTT, Chair WG2). A joint Task Force was established with the Renewable Heating and Cooling Technology Platform, especially with their biomass technology panel (organized by the European Biomass Association).

Also, close collaboration was maintained with the European Commission, with DG Research in the first place, but also DG Energy and DG MOVE. The extensive collaboration focused mainly on the formulation and implementation of the European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative (EIBI) and other activities in the frame of the SET-Plan. EBTP representatives participate in the Expert Group on Future Transport Fuels, set up by DG MOVE to advice the European Commission on the development of political strategies and concrete measures aiming at substituting fossil oil as transport fuel. EBTP participated also in EC organised meetings for all TPs and meetings of the KBBE area.

The request to collect information about work done by members of the network was addressed by the Secretariat at each SC meeting under the agenda items “biofuels update: roundtable review on most critical recent events and relevant information on biofuels R&D and policy issues, key demo or pilot activities in the EU, Member States and international arena” and “EBTP relationship with relevant organisations/projects”. Also, SC members are invited to share up-to-date information with the SC whenever relevant developments in their fields of activities occur (for example, SC members may share developments in demonstration facilities, events, and reports etc., which are added to the relevant pages of the website).

Task 3.2: Networking events – as thematic workshops with stakeholders from all levels of the relevant thematic area to discuss biofuel R&D topics identified as important for industry. Special cooperation is envisaged with other biofuel related TPs, national TPs, ERA-Nets and European organisations as well as networking with Eastern and Central European Stakeholders and US and Brazilian actors.

Due to the high number of biofuel related events in Europe, the Secretariat, in agreement with the EBTP SC chair, performed this task by attending and actively contributing to numerous events, workshops and meetings organised by other biofuels related organisations, in addition to organising a thematic workshop as side event of a major biofuels conference. For example a conference of the EU BioTop Project was used to intensify contacts with Latin America and the inclusion of US, Brazilian and Central-European viewpoints in the Stakeholder Plenary Meetings (see task 3.3).

The thematic workshop was organised in collaboration with the Renewable Heating and Cooling TP as side event at the commercial World Biofuels Markets 2012 in Rotterdam. The workshop drew interest from around 50 participants and will yield in the production of research priority documents (RPDs) and eventually a joint roadmap on biomass supply challenges.

Potential Impact:

In 2012, it is estimated that biofuels consumed in the EU 27, account for around 4.5 % of road transport fuels. Production needs to increase rapidly if Member States are to achieve the target of 5.75% by 2010, as set in the European Biofuels Directive (2003). Subsequent concerns about the impact of some first generation biofuels caused several Member States to reduce these targets pending further research on sustainability issues and the wider availability of advanced biofuels.

To help address these concerns and enable the EU27 to increase their market share of biofuels to 10% by 2020 (including a significant proportion of advanced biofuels) the European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP) aims to contribute to the development of cost-competitive world-class biofuels value chains and the creation of a healthy biofuels industry, and to accelerate the sustainable deployment of biofuels in the European Union, through a process of guidance, prioritisation and promotion of research, technology development and demonstration.

The Secretariat of the EBTP had the most important task to support the EBTP by taking responsibility for all organisational, administrative and communication task of the EBTP. The Secretariat was in particular supporting the chair of the EBTP Steering Committee, the EBTP Steering Committee and the Working groups. It was also responsible for contributing to the organisation of successful meetings and workshops and to supporting and enhancing document drafting database maintaining etc. Supporting the EBTP members and especially the Steering Committee in such a way ensured the high efficiency of the EBTP’s day-to-day working. Thus the EBTP became more flexible in reacting to developments in the very dynamic biofuels sector.

Major feasible impacts and results are described below:


Result: publication in June 2010, sent to high level decision makers in EC, European Parliament and Member States.

Potential impact: The Strategic Research Agenda Update 2010 was an appropriate tool for national and European decision makers responsible for R&D programming. With the production and targeted distribution of the SRA 2010 update it was possible for the EBTP to give advice on how the fragmentation of the European funding landscape in the field of biofuels R&D, with national funding schemes existing in parallel to the EU’s 7th Framework Programme, might be overcome. The proposed actions in the Strategic Research Agenda 2010 update are constructive contributions to the European Research area in bioenergy and biofuels.


Results: Launch of EIBI in 2010 in Brussels at the SET Plan Conference. Production and update of Implementation plan, Key Performance Indicators and Project Selection criteria. Assisting in drafting the call for expression of interest and promoting it. Promoting the EIBI. Collaboration with ERA-Net+ BESTF for funding and support to collaborative bioenergy projects that demonstrate one or more innovative steps resulting in demonstration at a pre-commercial stage. The competition launched on 7th January 2013 and the deadline for first stage (full) submissions is 27th March 2013. BESTF funds will be used to support bioenergy demonstration projects that fit into one or more of seven EIBI value chains documented in the call guidance.

Potential impact of the EIBI are as described in the EIBI Implementation Plan: Enablement of commercial availability of advanced bioenergy at large scale by 2020, aiming at production costs allowing competitiveness with fossil fuels at the prevailing economic and regulatory market conditions, and advanced biofuels, covering 6 to 9 Mtoe, i.e. at least a minimum of 2 % of EU transportation energy needs by 2020 and to strengthen EU technology leadership for renewable transport fuels, serving the fastest growing area of transport fuels in the world.

Position papers:

The three position papers (policy toolkit paper, EBTP’s view on ILUC and EBTPs comments to the proposed amendment of RED/FQD) were disseminated to targeted key persons in the European Parliament, European Commission and Members States. They were also published on the EBTPs website.

Some feedback from the personal dissemination:

“Many thanks for this information. The UK is very keen to support advanced biofuel development and we share your views on the need for a robust framework, including further work on the list of feedstocks.”

“Thank you for sharing your position. We will also transmit it to the experts following this file in Paris.”

Fact Sheets:

The production of the Fact Sheets on certain biofuels was aimed at informing the interested public on the production of biofuels. The Fact Sheets deal with innovative technologies and processes. The target group are people who are slightly familiar with biofuels, but who are not experts. The Fact Sheets are kept very simple, featuring links to further (internal and external) sources/websites providing a more complex content. The Fact Sheets are mainly an online tool with direct linkage to the mentioned topics (such as EIBI value chains, demo or flagship plants, further information and such) which makes it easier to manage access and complex information. Dissemination mainly occurred via the website of the EBTP. The high number of downloads showed that this kind of information is quite important for the biofuels community. The Fact Sheets were also distributed at several biomass and biofuel conferences in which the EBTP Secretariat participated.

SPM 3-5:

During the project time three Stakeholder Plenary Meetings (SPM) were held. The objectives of the Stakeholder Plenary Meetings were to invite all stakeholders to hear about the latest developments in the biofuels sector and to discuss current scientific and market implementation issues. The Stakeholder Plenary meetings should also be used to present the work of the EBTP and its outputs to the stakeholders.

These objectives have been fully fulfilled with a stakeholder participation of approximately 150 participants at each meeting. The subjective feelings from the Secretariat and the Steering Committee of the EBTP show that the Stakeholder Plenary Meetings were all very successful meetings which were highly informative to the European biofuels community. This feeling is underlined with the results of the written stakeholder survey conducted by the Secretariat at the Stakeholder Plenary Meetings. The results of the questionnaires uniformly show that the speeches and presentations given were very relevant or at least relevant to the biggest majority of participants and their work. It was also observed that the Stakeholder Plenary Meetings had a share of loyal attendees who participated at each meeting, but also attracted each year new attendees. Those who have already participated in previous SPMs stated to 52 % that the variation of topics between the Stakeholder Plenary Meetings was good, 31 % even found the variation of topics very good. The SPM5 in 2013 recent SPM was rated excellent for networking by the stakeholders with a rate of 83 % of all voices.

All in all, the Stakeholder Plenary meetings, organized by the EBTP Secretariat were a huge success and discussing recent biofuels trends and meeting the relevant European biofuels stakeholders.

Website, mailshots and electronic newsletters:

The EBTP website, mailshot and newsletters aim to facilitate accelerated deployment of advanced bioenergy in Europe by sharing knowledge on research breakthroughs, project progress and state-of-the-art technology among stakeholders; and providing fact-based scientific information to the public, media and decision makers at the regional, national and EC level.

To spread excellence, exploit results and disseminate knowledge, the EBTP website engages with a range of different groups with an interest in R&D&D and market development across a range of sustainable advanced biofuels technologies (with a focus on the seven value chains included in the European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative). This covers advances in the efficiency, cost-effectiveness and commercial exploitation of pyrolysis, torrefaction, gasification, fuel synthesis, cellulose hydrolysis, catalytic conversion of plant sugars (e.g. to diesel and biojet fuels), biotechnology (modified metabolism), microbial / aquatic biomass, and related topics. The EBTP also disseminates information on more mature bioenergy technologies such as anaerobic digestion, co-combustion, CHP, etc., as well as technology advances relating to infrastructures and engines to expand use of advanced biofuels in road freight, aviation, rail and marine applications.

Detailed information on the website, its user base and web statistics are included in section 6 of the main report and associated deliverables, and hence are not repeated here.

Alongside the dissemination of conversion and end-use R&D&D, the EBTP provides an important communication portal on biofuels feedstocks and sustainability. This covers broadening of the feedstock base to improve sustainability and to take into account concerns over impacts of bioenergy production on land use and land ownership, as well as improving recognition of certification and tracking/validation schemes, improvements in GHG calculations and land availability/yield studies to ensure integrity and resource optimisation across advanced biofuel value chains.

Target groups for online dissemination:

The main group of current EBTP contacts includes those directly involved in the biofuels sector and/or engaged in the platform as members. However, the network also reaches out to actors beyond the EBTP, and the aim will be to foster enhanced cooperation with related ETPs, European research infrastructures and the wider bioeconomy, as well as with advanced biofuels stakeholders in North America, South America, and Asia.

EBTP dissemination activities are a “two-way” process with the platform acting as a hub for various channels of stakeholder communication. Information is both received from and sent to the following groups, which in turn pass in communications through their own networks. The main groups targeted by EBTP communications directly include:

- The European Commission, MEPs - Currently EBTP liaises with around 200 key contacts / committee members with a specific interest in agriculture, bio-industry or sustainable transport. EBTP-SABS aims to engage in ongoing communications with all relevant DGs (e.g. Research, Energy, Climate, Agriculture, etc) to help disseminate EC consultations, communications and policies to stakeholders, and to share information received from industry and academia on advanced bioenergy R&D&D.
- Member States and other European countries - Local feedstock availability is recognised as a key factor in the success of a biorefinery or a dedicated advanced biofuels facility. Hence expansion of advanced biofuels/bioenergy needs to occur across Europe in those regions with available residues, or land with potential for energy crop cultivation. Hence increased dissemination/knowledge sharing with Member States in all parts of Europe (including Central. Southern and Eastern MS) has been proposed by EBTP-SABS. This is in contrast to “footloose industries” which are not bound by geo-economic constraints and may congregate in hi-tech centres.
- SET Plan Steering Committee, EIBI Team
- EBTP Working Groups, Steering Committee and Task Forces The EBTP currently brings together around 300 key representatives from feedstock producers, bio-based industry, biofuel producers, fuel blenders and distributors, vehicle and engine manufacturers (road, marine, aviation), engineering and technology vendors, NGOs, universities and research institutes, biomass associations and forestry industries)
- Stakeholder plenary participants, registrants and other biofuels professionals Over An addiitonal 2000 biofuels professionals are directly registered with EBTP and receive e-Newsletters, e-bulletins, and other communications.
- National Biofuels and Bioenergy organisations in each member State, but also beyond the EU and the Rest of Europe (e.g. in United States, Brazil, India).
- European and International Organisations, (IEA,,EBB, ePURE, ERTRAC and numerous others listed by category at
- EC Projects (numerous FP7, IEE and other projects included at
- Event Organisers (such as Greenpower, European Biomass C & E, etc.) Recently, the EBTP has been working in partnership with organisers of advanced biofuels conferences to host side events,
- ETPs, ERA-Nets, KBBE, Bioeconomy groups e.g. BRISK, BRIDGE, ERA-NET+, Renewable Heat and Cooling Platform, ZEP, SusChem, EuropaBio, Plants for the Future, BeCoTeps, etc..
- Investors, funding, and support schemes, and related consultiants (e.g. EIB, Horizon 2020, FP7, NER300, but also consultants such as Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Accenture, etc.)
- R&D&D projects,
- Key global organisations in:

US and Canada,
Brazil and South America
Australia and New Zealand
Japan and Pacific Rim (e.g. Indonesia, Malaysia, etc)

- Biofuels media – The EBTP media list constantly includes 100 direct contacts in EC and advanced bioenergy media. In recent months, EBTP has had information/interviews published by - or facilitated articles by - Energy and Environmental Management, SETIS, International Innovation, Biofuels (Future Science), Waste Management World, Biomass Week (BBI International), etc.. EBTP-SABS would aim to facilitate further articles in journals relating to bioenergy and the bioeconomy.

Overall, the EBTP web portal has the potential to act as an important hub for dissemination of knowledge on new technology and to support exploitation of R&D&D results. A good foundation already exists within the stakeholder network and communications framework of EBTP.

To build upon the EBTP website and network legacy, the EBTP-SABS project (currently under negotiation) proposes a more pro-active and imaginative engagement of stakeholders across all countries and sectors involved in advanced bioenergy value chains (from feedstock through technology to diverse end use). Initial steps outlined in the EBTP-SABS proposal will help kick-start this stakeholder-stakeholder knowledge sharing. An early consultation and feedback evaluation exercise would help to identify what communication tools and services would best support future networking and knowledge sharing between the EC, EBTP, Research, Industry and Member States. The aim will be to continue to listen to the requirements of all stakeholders to provide a proactive, open platform that maximises dissemination and facilitates deployment of innovative advanced bioenergy to 2020 and beyond.

List of Websites: