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Content archived on 2024-05-29

Immunoregulation during early antimicrobial responses

Final Activity Report Summary - IDEA (Immunoregulation during early antimicrobial responses)

This project has promoted the collaboration of two European research teams (the team of Dr. B. Gicquel at the Institut Pasteur of Paris, as the Host Institution and Prof. P. Ricciardi-Castagnoli from the University of Milano-Bicocca) in the emerging field of immunogenomics applied to research in the area of immunity to infections with a particular focus on tuberculosis. The M.Curie Chair position has enabled the promotion and the diffusion of a new approach in the studies of host-parasite interaction; this approach is based on functional genomic technologies to reveal, at a global scale, the induced differential expression of genes occurring in the host and in the pathogen during their interaction. The two leading expertises has cross-fertilise this interdisciplinary approach for the benefit of the scientific community and the training of many early stage researchers.

The scientific project has resulted in two publications in an international peer reviewed journal :
Tailleux L, Waddell SJ, Pelizzola M, Mortellaro A, Withers M, Tanne A, Ricciardi-Castagnoli P, Gicquel B, Stoker NG, Butcher PD, Foti M, Neyrolles O. Probing Host Pathogen Cross-Talk by Transcriptional Profiling of Both Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Infected Human Dendritic Cells and Macrophages. PLoS ONE. 2008 Jan 2;3 (1):e1403
Helena Polena1, Frédéric Boudou1, Niaina Rakotosamimanana2, Nhan Pham-Thi3,4, Anne Bergeron-Lafaurie5, Mattia Pelizzola6, Soa Fy Andramandimby7, Vaomalala Raharimanga7, Patricia Charles1, Jean-Louis Herrmann8, Pierre Scheinmann3, Jacques de Blic3, Abdellatif Tazi5, Paola Ricciardi-Castagnoli6,9, Voahangy Rasolofo2, Brigitte Gicquel1, Ludovic Tailleux1. Blood vessels formation controlled by macrophages allow Mycobacterium tuberculosis dissemination, Submitted, Nature Med

The teaching and training component of the project has been extremely successful. The Chair has organised three international Summer Schools in Immunology that over 400 PhD students have benefited from (2006, 2007, 2008). This annual summer school continues even outside of the scope of the Chair project. Furthermore, delivering training on a more local level, the Chair instigated a new doctorate module at the Institut Pasteur bringing recognised international experts to contribute to a cross-disciplinary module on "Infectiology" in 2007 and 2008. More than 60 PhD students have benefited from this initiative and in 2008 the module was opened up to included students coming from outside of Paris.