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Contenu archivé le 2024-06-18

Integration of Security Technology Supply Chains and Identification of weaknesses and untapped potential

Final Report Summary - SECURECHAINS (Integration of Security Technology Supply Chains and Identification of weaknesses and untapped potential)

The SECURECHAINS project aims to actively involve researchers, small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)s, government institutions, major companies and big industrial enterprises to look at technologies capable of tackling a number of major topics in the field of security in Europe, such as security of citizens, security of infrastructures and utilities, intelligent surveillance and border security, restoring security and safety in case of crisis.

The SECURECHAINS project has as a main mission to contribute to a more competitive Security technology supply chain (STSC). To reach this, the project consortium cooperated with the industry to gain a better understanding of the nature and structure of the STSC from prime contractors to subcontractors coming from the various tiers of the supply chains. The SECURECHAINS project identified and evaluated the potential of all the layers and associated actors involved on the STSC and tried to enable the actors to get access to the identified main stakeholders and integrators. This approach covered both civil security and defence technologies in an integrated approach in order to understand to what extent the two sectors overlap and how the experience from the defence market can be transferred into the security market and vice-versa. Therefore, this project aimed for the definition, adoption, testing and validation of a methodology able to help the European organisations to obtain a higher integration within the STSC.

The SECURECHAINS project had the following six main objectives:

- identify supply chains and stakeholders;
- detect untapped potential that can be integrated in the European STSC;
- engage innovative low tier suppliers in the STSC;
- contribute to the building of Research and development (R&D) competences in STSC;
- develop awareness building activities in security related Research and technological development (RTD) topics;
- promote and facilitate a communication platform / website and open dialogue in the fields related to security technology management, regulation, policy and forecasting.

This project had duration of 24 months and was implemented by consortium with proven experience in the field, including partner organisations that come from large companies, leading research institutes and experienced SME and business support organisations, which all already have the experience of working together.

In the last two years, the main measurable results were to:

- Raise awareness among 2500 SMEs, large companies, Research technology office (RTO)s and other STSC stakeholders about European Union (EU) RTD funding programmes and promoting cooperation, exchange of information and networking among them.
- Develop a technology screening activity at European level to identify weak spots in the security supply chains.
- Develop 9 technology trees in order to exemplify main actors in important Supply Chain Technologies.
- Identify problems that inhibit the participation of SMEs in European RTD activities. A report identifying the barriers and also the main needs regarding the participation of SMEs in European Security related research.
- Interview and perform on-site visits of 120 SMEs and RTOs that have expressed an interest in the security research activities during the awareness raising activities. Through these interviews and on-site visits, the consortium partners collected information on the SMEs research capabilities and their expressed technology acquisition needs.
- Organisation of three communication exchange fora at European Security related events (Germany, United Kingdom and Poland) with the purpose of: Fostering discussions and communication on security research progress between academic research, industry, Security associations and other STSC key stakeholders; promoting RTD project generation and dialogue between experienced proposers and newcomers.
- Screening the best of 20 new RTD proposal ideas from the on-site visits, RTDs results, synergies with other running Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) initiatives and from the consortium members.
- Provide guidance and technical assistance to STSC actors, especially SMEs, so they are able to put successful proposals to FP7, Competitiveness and innovation (CIP), as well as, other existing European RTD funding programmes. In total, 22 new RTD project proposals were be submitted with the support of the SECURECHAINS consortium. Involving 35 SMEs in EU RTD activities (ongoing RTD activities or new proposals).
- Creating a communication platform / website / database of security actors and stakeholders that will allow the exchange of information and facilitate networking among major STSC stakeholders (e.g. government institutions, major companies and big industrial enterprises and SMEs) and this way contribute to a more combined effort among them and to contribute to a more competitive European STSC.

Project context and objectives:

Security is one of the highest goods of mankind for which it is worth to make available the most advanced technologies. This achievement is a great challenge due to the diversity of technologies applied for security and the tremendous resources available to provide for it all over Europe.

The security sector is widely recognised as a key asset for the future of Europe and world. Security is a concern for everyone. New ideas and developments are needed to improve the research capabilities of the actors involved and to improve the security of European citizens in general. Nevertheless, security is also by common standards a very unusual business requiring specific rules, namely: it works on very long lead times, requires huge capital sums for developing its products and research and also requires a strong relation between all the organisations involved in the area.

Europe needs to invest in security targeting the industrial and research communities in order to address today's and future challenges in this specific sector, especially with respect to society and its political, demographic, social and economic evolutions. Therefore, it is essential to build and maintain a highly competitive environment and this is only possible if the full integration of business processes across enterprises (involving key suppliers, usually SMEs) throughout the entire supply chain is achieved.

STSCs typically include SMEs as niche suppliers of particular materials, products or services, which lie outside the scope of the major prime contractors. However, in some equipment sectors, SMEs enjoy a greater degree of success, mainly because there are immediate capability gaps and operational requirements lying outside the mainstream activities of the major contractors (the scale of procurement is more limited). An important characteristic in these cases is a greater emphasis on short-term procurement. These are situations where the flexibility and responsiveness of SMEs is a major strength.

In this sense, some factors affecting the quality and effectiveness of European STSC are the identification, stimulation, nurturing and exploitation of invention and innovation of the intellectual and technological capabilities available in Europe, some of which are available in SMEs, RTOs and / or universities.

Major stakeholders in the security market - government institutions, major companies and big industrial enterprises - need to make a combined effort to identify, cooperate and improve means of engagement with innovative SMEs and their capabilities.

Considering this context, SECURECHAINS project aims to actively involve researchers, SMEs, government institutions, major companies and big industrial enterprises to look at technologies capable of tackling a number of major topics in the field of security in Europe, such as:

- security of citizens;
- security of infrastructures and utilities;
- intelligent surveillance and border security;
- restoring security and safety in case of crisis.

The SECURECHAINS project has as main mission to contribute to a more competitive STSC, therefore the project has the following specific objectives:

- identification of supply chains and stakeholders;
- detection of untapped potential that can be integrated in the European STSC;
- engagement of innovative low tier suppliers in the STSC;
- contribution to the building of R&D competences in STSC;
- development of awareness building activities in security related RTD topics;
- promotion of communication platform / website and open dialogue in the fields related to security technology management, regulation, policy and forecasting.

To reach this, the project's consortium cooperated during the past two years with the industry to gain a better understanding of the nature and structure of the STSC from prime contractors to subcontractors coming from the various tiers of the supply chains.

The project consortium includes the following entities:

- Inovamais - Servicos de Consultadoria em Inovacao Tecnologica S.A.
- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V.
- Deutsche Post World Net Market Research and Innovation GmbH.
- Innova spa.
- Sollerta Ltd.
- Tecnalia
- Mr Juergen K. von der Lippe and Dr Jean Cornier
- Universitatea Din Craiova
- Alma Consulting Group Sas.
- Technical Support for European Organisations sprl.
- Southeastern Europe Telecommunications and Informatics Research Institute.

The structure of the work plan defined for the SECURECHAINS project is the following:

WP1 - Security technology supply chains framework setting: The first activity within SECURECHAINS consisted in the setting of a framework for the STSC in order to support the search and collation of information relevant to the downstream WPs in the project.

WP2 - Analyses of the supply chains: This WP led a technology screening to identify weak spots in the supply chains in order to establish a basis for the further activities. Other tasks under this WP were also:

- the identification and analysis of best practice studies of STSC management practices;
- the work will include studies of best practice across industries, which could provide the basis for the other WPs;
- an analysis of the PASR projects will be made in terms of impact and reached objectives.

In order to involve the SMEs in new projects, we will target ongoing initiatives and disseminate that information amongst the SME and the production of technology trees in order to identify the main actors on the supply chain. The analysis of the mechanisms adopted by the European Defence Agency (EDA) and Member States Defence Organisations (where available) and produce a report on how we can apply the best practices of this mechanism in the security field. An identification of dual-use technologies and defence-related R&D mostly concentrated at national level will be performed. The reviewing of ongoing security research projects regarding their shortcomings of technologies. This activity will make use of taxonomy of technology as established in by the STACCATO project in order to ensure a systematic review of all elements of technology as well as products and services.

WP3 - Increasing SME engagement in the STSC: Through interviews and on-site visits, the project collected information on the SMEs research capabilities and their expressed technology acquisition needs, while preserving their intellectual property rights. Other tasks included the support to build, for each project idea, a coherent RTD proposal. This help was based especially in supporting partner searches and providing expert advice regarding proposal development (e.g. advice of project structure and mains aspects to consider and highlight).

WP4 - Technology search and transfer: Multiple measures were implemented to contact SMEs (fora at trade fairs, workshops, company visits). Based on previous experience, that security trade fairs are the most effective places to meet technology providers and users, a dialogue was initiated as a broker event. We therefore creates an information exchange forum at selected security trade fairs in Europe with the aim to interlink technology providers and users in the field of high-tech security, in order to fulfil the objective of involving the best intellectual and technological capabilities available throughout Europe in STSC.

WP5 - Dissemination of SECURECHAINS project results and activities: This WP aimed to strengthening the networking relationships between R&D centres, industry and all STSC stakeholders with special emphasis on SMEs specific needs. All partners were involved in dissemination activities throughout the entire project duration to make the industry, the research society and the broad public aware of the SECURECHAINS project. The dissemination activities were also assured in other countries not covered by the consortium members with the objective of spreading the information widely and guaranteeing EU coverage.

Project results:

The SECURECHAINS project was implemented along the following four main axes of activities:

1. to identify opportunities and weak spots in the supply chains;
2. to involve the best intellectual and technological capabilities available throughout Europe in the security technology supply chains;
3. to help organisations (SMEs, RTOs, large firms) to understand security related targets, mechanisms and opportunities;
4. to facilitate the organisations access to the main stakeholders and integrators, while protecting their intellectual property.

The SECURECHAINS project is undertaking the necessary steps to review the present status scrutinise available resources and promote a dialogue with the stakeholders and integrators of the security 'big projects':

Identification of supply chains and stakeholders:

Using the partners' multiplying effect, an identification of appropriate organisations not yet involved or settled in the security (research) domain was made. The SECURECHAINS project is also helping the identified organisations to understand security related targets, mechanisms and opportunities and is facilitating their access to the main stakeholders and integrators of these technology supply chains

This identification was achieved through:

1. work with key industrial partners (prime level contractors) to map technology trees for a range of security solutions, and the development of links with regional industry groups and associations;
2. collaboration with SECURESME and SECURE FORCE projects that have already targeted some of these players.

Identify weak spots

The initial step was a technology screening to identify weak spots in the supply chains, in order to establish a basis for the further activities and develop a security environment constraints' list. We also reviewed existing ongoing security research projects regarding their shortcoming of technologies. This activity made use of taxonomy of technology established in by the STACCATO project in order to ensure a systematic review of all elements of technology as well as products and services and evaluated potential technologies regarding their economical aspect by making use of the data generated by the projects EUSECON and NEAT. Standardisation requirements established will be considered. (CEN / BTWG 161)

Review of needs

In order to generate the desired impact to the ongoing European security research scenario, a thorough review of the European projects at national and European level was implemented including potential private projects.

Implementation of awareness building activities information exchange for a

Multiple measures were implemented to contact SMEs (fora at trade fairs and optional workshops, company visits). Based on previous experience that security trade fairs are the most effective places to meet technology providers and users, a dialogue will be initiated.

This activity was implemented by strengthening the networking relationships between R&D centres, industry and all security chain supply stakeholders with special emphasis on SME's specific needs.

All partners carried out dissemination activities throughout to make the industry, the research society and the broad public aware of the SECURECHAINS project.

This awareness was also achieved through the organisation of information exchange fora at selected security trade fairs in Europe with the aim to interlink technology providers and users in the field of high-tech security, in order to fulfil the objective of involving the best intellectual and technological capabilities available throughout Europe in STSC.

Under the SECURECHAINS project three information exchange fora at selected security trade fairs in Europe were implemented (Essen 2010 (GE) Security Fair; IFSEC 2011 (UK); SECUREX 2012 (POLAND)), in line with the integration with relevant ongoing initiatives (SecureSME, Secure Force, Effectsplus, Osmosis), and the dissemination through existing networks the partners belong to (VDLCONSULT, INOVA+, INNOVA Spa., TECNALIA, FRAUNHOFER, SOLLERTA, INA) and other relevant stakeholders like business associations, clusters and chambers of commerce.

In order to enable a most effective forum execution, an in-depth analysis of the most important European security fairs was performed with the aim to select the most efficient places for implementation, which is considered feasible within the given cost and timeframe of the project. Further dissemination actions also included:

- face to face meetings with stakeholders, participation in events;
- make use of the networks established by SECURESME and SECURE FORCE projects for information distribution;
- provide information to other projects coordinators through established dialogue.

Fora activities


To make use of the opportunity to have security technology provider and security technology user available at a dedicated exhibition to join for:

- exchange information regarding needs of security technology;
- identify new technology provider with focus on SMEs;
- identify new technologies to fill weak spots in the supply chain.


Implementation of 3 fora at European trade fair locations selected out of 12 trade fairs with focus on security technology. In advance of the for a / exhibition, communicate with selected companies and visitors for information and proof of capabilities.

Scope of the technology fields focus on the needs of the defined missions:

1. security of citizens;
2. security of infrastructures and utilities;
3. intelligent surveillance and border security;
4. restoring security and safety in case of crisis.


To advance of the fora the following steps were implemented:

- selection of fora location through a trade-off, by applying the following criteria:

i) quality and quantity of trade fair regarding number of exhibitors and professional visitors;
ii) scope and focus of technology of the trade fair;
iii) type of exhibitors (SME´s, research organisations, service provider);
iv) recommendation of local EEN and chamber of commerce;
v) logistics regarding conference facilities.

- contact local EEN for consultancy and potential support;
- establish procedure and form sheets for communication exchange;
- contact trade fair operator and arrange logistics;
- sent out questionnaire to test interest in preparation of invitation;
- prepare program agenda;
- broad communication and dissemination of the fora with contribution of the entire consortium.


Invited experts (security technology provider and user) participating with the following programme:

- overview presentation of SECURECHAINS project;
- presentation of Security funding opportunities (invited REA);
- selected presentations on technology needs;
- presentation by companies / exhibitors offering emerging technologies.

To engage innovative low tier suppliers in the STSC:

SECURECHAINS project was also focused on integrating low tier suppliers (including SMEs, RTOs and Universities) in collective, secure and collaborative networks for shared work, visibility and planning, while protecting intellectual property and also fostering competition at the national level and across Member States. The project intents to contribute to boost the coordination and collaboration between low tier suppliers, major stakeholders and the organisations with untapped potential in order to have a more competitive market.

The contribution to this integration was achieved through:

1. An analysis of the initiatives EDA and Member States defence organisations in promoting SME involvement in the defence market and application of these frameworks to the security market (where this is feasible).
2. Establishing a dialogue with the main players of the European security programs on national and European level (public and private).
3. Developing a technology screening activity at European level to identify weak spots in the security supply chains. The initial step implemented was a technology screening activity to identify weak spots in the supply chains, in order to establish a basis for the further activities and develop a security environment constraints' list. We also made a review of existing ongoing security research projects regarding their shortcoming of technologies.
4. Assembling nine technology trees (five general and four detailed) in order to identify the main actors on the supply chain and also to identify gaps and identification of the problems that inhibit the participation of SMEs in European RTD activities.

The objective is influencing behaviour in the supply chain to encourage the healthy competition at national level and across Europe.

Expert evaluation board (EEB)

Since the evaluation and selection of technologies in the process of the dialogue between the SME's and big projects is considered a critical point throughout the SECURECHAINS project, a dedicated EEB was established. The EEB covered the technologies and constraints required by the missions: security of citizens, security of infrastructures and utilities, intelligent surveillance and border security and restoring security and safety in case of crisis.

Dialogues with stakeholders

The SECURECHAINS project also aimed at establish a dialogue with the main players of the European security programs on national and European level (public and private). The main channels of communication used were:

- questionnaire for identifying needed technology within the selected projects;
- reporting identifying available technology / companies from fora, workshops, interviews etc. to the selected projects.

A free data base and online free course 'Get ready for security FP7' was created to serve as the basis for the further support activities to the European SME communities as well as to the various stakeholders.

To contribute to the building of R&D competences:

In order to generate the desired impact to the ongoing European security research scenario, a thorough review of the European projects at national and European level was implemented, including the identification of private projects. This activity allowed the identification of new emerging technologies out of ongoing projects.

The project also identified project ideas for the submission of proposals in FP7 and putted together 21 consortia where SECURECHAINS was playing a key role in the partner search process and support in the development of the proposal. 35 SMEs were included in those proposals.

In synthesis we can refer that main measurable results were to:

- Raise awareness among 2500 SMEs, large companies, RTOs and other STSC stakeholders about EU RTD funding programmes and promoting cooperation, exchange of information and networking among them.
- Develop a technology screening activity at European level to identify weak spots in the security supply chains.
- Develop nine technology trees in order to exemplify main actors in important supply chain technologies.
- Identify problems that inhibit the participation of SMEs in European RTD activities. A report identifying the barriers and also the main needs regarding the participation of SMEs in European Security related research.
- Interview and perform on-site visits of 120 SMEs and RTOs that have expressed an interest in the Security Research activities during the awareness raising activities. Through these interviews and on-site visits, the consortium partners collected information on the SMEs research capabilities and their expressed technology acquisition needs.
- Organisation of three communication exchange fora at European security related events (Germany, United Kingdom and Poland) with the purpose of fostering discussions and communication on security research progress between academic research, industry, security associations and other STSC key stakeholders, promoting RTD project generation and dialogue between experienced proposers and newcomers.
- Screening the best of 20 new RTD proposal ideas from the onsite visits, RTDs results, synergies with other running FP7 initiatives and from the consortium members.
- Provide guidance and technical assistance to STSC actors, especially SMEs, so they are able to put successful proposals to FP7, CIP as well as, other existing European RTD funding programmes. In total, 22 new RTD project proposals were be submitted with the support of the SECURECHAINS consortium. Involving 35 SMEs in EU RTD activities (ongoing RTD activities or new proposals).
- Creating a communication platform / website / database of security actors and stakeholders that will allow the exchange of information and facilitate networking among major STSC stakeholders (e.g. government institutions, major companies and big industrial enterprises and SMEs) and this way contribute to a more combined effort among them and to contribute to a more competitive European STSC.

Potential impact:

In terms of expected impact, the SECURECHAINS project will contribute to the strategic objectives of the European Research Area (ERA), as it will:

- address fragmentation in the STSC and capitalise on untapped potential and on existing RTD activities, capabilities and competencies;
- promote the establishment of strong technological RTD links among the STSC actors;
- promote a more solid technological foundation in security related technologies as it will promote networking and exchanges among the European STSC (e.g. large companies, industry, SMEs and RTOs).

This project will help improve the EU's position in global security. According to the report entitled 'Research for a secure Europe', while Europe has world-class research institutes and a strong industrial base to address security requirements, the institutional and political levels do not always follow together. In this sense, one of the activities of this project was to organise exchange fora, promoting dialogue and overcoming the communication barriers between researchers, industry, and other actors. Such events offer the occasion for research partners to present the technological potential benefits and the commercial goals of their developments, as well as the social and environmental impacts. These events will facilitate an open dialogue in the fields related to security related technology management, regulation, policy and forecasting.

The communication and dissemination activities under the SECURECHAINS project have been grouped in two main categories: cooperative and pure communication; they differ by the expected outcomes: the former aimed at gathering key-information from experts and stakeholders while the latter being targeted to provide information about project proceedings and increase interest in additional stakeholders about the SECURECHAINS project.

Amongst cooperative activities the most important are the workshops, the security fair fora, the participation at security conferences and events, three key-events have brought to the same table companies / exhibitors and experts (security technology provider and user) to share overview presentation regarding European security research projects, select presentations on technology needs and emerging technologies exchange information between demand and supply. On the other hand, the pure communication activities implemented was the website, the communication materials and the electronic newsletters as best representing what the project is about and its achieved results for the stakeholders and companies, as well as the European Commission (EC). The purpose of the SECURECHAINS dissemination strategy is twofold: raising awareness for the project and its tasks within the research community and towards public and private stakeholders, and encourage tier suppliers, major stakeholders and other organisations to promote and facilitate communications by setting up a common platform / website and an open dialogue in the fields related to security technology management, regulation, policy, forecasting and all STSC.

The dissemination audience can be divided, according to the actions that were carried out in four different groups, and in relation to their activities.

- SMEs;
- R&D centres, universities;
- enabling organisations;
- large industrial enterprises.

The various groups have been divided in accordance with their activities, and in particular whether related to European, national or private funding for their own activities. The diversification based on their activities allows the project to more easily find members of each single group, and consequently to address the information flow.

The dissemination and awareness campaign has been carried out by producing dissemination material, communications and by spreading them to relevant stakeholders. The very first activity was the preparation of the preliminary dissemination plan in parallel to the preparation of the following material: poster, PP presentation slides, brochure (A4 triptychs front / back) and press releases. Regarding the communications and awareness creation: project web portal (see online), Project web forum (see online), release of six electronic newsletters, identification and participation at security events, workshops and conferences to disseminate the project and establishment of liaisons and collaborations with other projects.

As already mentioned, a crucial activity for the project was the organisation of three SECURECHAINS Fora:

First SECURECHAINS forum as part of Essen security innovation symposium 2010, 4-5 October 2010: as a first security fair the SECURITY ESSEN 2010 was selected for the first forum of the SECURECHAINS project. The forum had been integrated into a symposium of wider perspective (34 speakers from 13 countries), the 'Essen security innovation symposium 2010'. The event was divided in two different days:

- 4 October 2010: 'SECURECHAINS: SMEs access to European security research and development'.
- 5 October 2010: 'SECURECHAINS, a dialogue between technology supply and need'.

The two days of the fora were attended by a limited but very interested group of experts in civil security technologies. The Essen forum has been performed in cooperation with the regional member of the European Enterprise Network (EEN), the 'Zentrum für Innovation und Technik in NRW' ZENIT. An extensive marketing had been implemented in spite of the relatively short time. The forum was announced on the fair website as part of the innovation symposium 2010. Several hundred brochures had been handed out at various events. Vdlconsult, as WP4 Leader, implemented a mailing addressing personally more than 300 experts in security technology, all SECURECHAINS partners supported vdlconsult with an intensive dissemination action through their own network of contacts.

2nd SECURECHAINS forum as part of IFSEC Security Exhibition Birmingham, United Kingdom 2011, 19 May 2011: IFSEC is the world's leading global annual security event, uniting more than 22 000 security professionals with more than 600 world leading companies. The Forum was held on 19 of May with the follow headline 'SECURECHAINS: SMEs access to European security research and development'. The forum has been performed in cooperation with the regional member of EEN, the 'London Technology Network' (LTN). A further extensive mailing has been performed by vdlconsult, and by the SECURECHAINS partners. More than 800 mails had been sent out. The SECURECHAINS UK partner Sollerta Ltd, in particular, contacted more than 500 UK organisations among SMEs, industries, universities, governmental agencies. The forum was announced and promoted on the fair website. The final information campaign had been performed by walking the floor of the exhibition and talking to selected companies, preferably SMEs (# 18 'Partner profile fiche' collected).

Third SECURECHAINS forum as part of SECUREX security exhibition Poznan, 2012, 25 April 2012: SECUREX, international security fair is the largest and most prestigious security industry trade fair in Poland and central Europe. More than 200 companies have submitted their fair applications in 2012 edition. The forum was held on 25 April, was announced on the fair website, SECUREX operator provides their network for informing the exhibitors 3 times about the forum event in advance and advertise the forum in the SECUREX publication. A further extensive mailing has been performed by vdlconsult and by the SECURECHAINS partners. Information stand (booth) at the exhibition hall had been provided for the project in order to present the fora to the exhibitors and visitors. The final information campaign had been performed by walking the floor of the exhibition and talking to selected companies, preferably SMEs (# 15 'Partner profile fiche' collected).

Additionally, two face to face meetings have been organised between SMEs from the one side, and main actors, as RTD organisations and large enterprises, on the other side. The meetings have been integrated instead to larger security events, in order to ensure the presence of different high-level actors. The SECURECHAINS consortium organised two face to face meetings in occasion of the:

- Security research conference 2011, held in Warsaw, Poland on 20-21 September 2011.
- SECUREX security exhibition 2012 held in Poznan on 23-26 April 2012.

The main idea was to enhance collaborations, in FP7 projects, but not only. Collaborations through private contracts, or national funding were also encouraged.

Finally, SECURECHAINS partners:

- attended a wide range of exhibitions, networking events and seminars in the EU to disseminate SECURECHAINS and FP7 information and to recruit SMEs for the capability audit programme;
- carried out around 120 capability audits of SMEs to explain the activities of the SECURECHAINS project and to introduce the FP7 security agenda;
- signpost activities for SMEs; during the technology audit work companies were signposted to the FP7 programme and the benefits it could bring in working across the EU with other partners;
- established synergies with NCPs and EENs: as it is a principle of the SECURECHAINS project to work together with established European organisations, the SECURECHAINS partners established a fruitful collaboration with the NCPs and the Enterprise Europe Network to promote and disseminate the project, select and contact SMEs, cooperate in the execution of SECURECHAINS Fora and disseminate the match making actions.

Project website: