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Shaping Egypt’s association to the ERA and Cooperation Action

Final Report Summary - SHERACA (Shaping Egypt’s association to the ERA and Cooperation Action)

Executive Summary:
The overall objective of “ShERACA” is to enhance the participation and involvement of Egyptian R&D stakeholders and key players in the various ERA activities. Such an objective has been tackled in synergy with the regional and bilateral actions. The project realized this objective through elaborating a developed work plan. Work Package (WP4) and (WP5) ensured the efficient management of the project and its results. (WP2) established a ShERACA Portal in order to ensure its dissemination. Major efforts were put into content development in order to suit Egyptian research community, while the technical development served the end-users through the portal services usage in a user-friendly way. (WP3) positively contributed to EU-Egypt partnership by increasing the visibility of Egypt research capacity to EU counterparts by different means as well as areas assessing Egypt’s participation in FPs in an attempt to evaluating the achievement of the current EU-Egypt S&T cooperation agreements.
In order to cover all angles, ShERACA built the capacity of national advisors for EU funded programmes (FP Advisors) including thematic experts, NCP’s, research administrators and Industry Liaison Officers through training and benchmarking analysis. This step was covered by (WP1) in order to ensure the quality of information flow to the Egyptian beneficiaries and support the Egyptian participation in the different EU-funded programmes and projects, while maintaining alignment with the national and regional scientific research priorities. The national advisors, altogether with the NCPs Network (NCPN),ILOs Network (ILON) and the RDI Network of focal points will closely cooperate and synergize to promote and enhance EU-Egypt participation in the different ERA activities.
Emphasis was placed on the areas of Food, Agriculture & Biotechnology, ICT, Energy, Environment, Health, and Nanotechnologies as these are the identified priorities for scientific Research in Egypt and are included in the EU-Egypt rolling road map along the Joint Science and Technology Cooperation Committee (JSTCC). The selection of external trainers/ consultants have been based on their competence in the field/topics identified by the learning need analysis. Networking activities and on the job training were made in order to introduce Egyptians NCP’s to the European ones in order to gain knowledge and experience so they can be involved into their future activities. The EU-Egypt SR&I Cooperation Portal was important for creating a link between both sides, enhancing communication and increasing the visibility of Egypt research landscape.
The reinforcement of the EU-Egypt partnership was one of the objectives realized through meeting, brokerage and networking events organization for interested stakeholders from EU and MPC. Creating a platform of regional cooperation was not the only objective of these meetings, but also assessing the EU-Egypt level of Science and Technology Cooperation.

Project Context and Objectives:
The overall objective of “ShERACA” (an Arabic word meaning “Partnership”), as described in Annex I of the grant agreement, is to enhance the participation and involvement of Egyptian R&D stakeholders and key players in the various ERA activities. Such an objective has been carried out in synergy with the regional and bilateral actions currently running; mainly the Mediterranean Innovation, Research Coordination Action (MIRA FP7 project) and the Research Development and Innovation (RDI) Programme. The work performed during all phases of ShERACA project (M01-M40), is mirrored against the project’s objectives.

ShERACA’s objectives are fulfilled through the following core activities:

- Capacity building of Egyptian NCPs and Framework Programme (FP) advisors
- Egyptian NCPs integration in the NCP thematic networks
- Development of EU-Egypt Science, Technology and Innovation Portal (EU-EG STIP) - Mapping and increasing of Egypt’s research capacity visibility
- Networking opportunities for potential partners
- Assessment of EU-Egypt S&T Cooperation

Dissemination is a substantial part of the project with the objectives to; raise awareness among Egyptian and European stakeholders about the projects’ aims and objectives; ensure all potential cooperation opportunities receive adequate coverage; update stakeholders with pertinent news and opportunities; reinforce the bilateral dialogue; enhance the information flow; facilitate multilevel information exchange. The dissemination activities has been organized in close coordination with the dissemination activities of DG RTD and relevant commission services in Brussels and Cairo.

The work packages, highly interrelated, have been developed in order to achieve the targeted goals in response to the objectives of the call. The project promoted, enhanced and supported partnership between the stakeholders of the EU and Egypt in the field of science, technology and innovation. It also strengthens research cooperation capacity, increases the Egyptian research potential’s visibility in Europe, supports and reinforces the NCP structure in Egypt and enhnces the scientific dialogue between EU and Egypt.

The work Packages design ensures information access about ERA activities and the scientific and technological collaboration advancement between EU and Egypt beyond the lifetime of the BILAT project. Shaping the Egyptian Participation in ERA is a corner stone for evaluating the achievement of the current EU-Egypt S&T cooperation agreement in one hand, and planning for new agreements in another hand.

Since Human Capital is the basis of any action, identifying and selecting the best partners, both Egyptians and EU, is a vital impact of this project that has been comprehensively addressed in most work packages. Mapping national research organizations and their capacities together with the developed ShERACA Portal was a major task aiming for identifying the best Egyptian Partners as well as enhancing their capacity in identifying best EU Partenrs for future collaboration.

ShERACA Consortium

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

2 Egyptian National Scientific and Technical Information Network

3 Agency for Communication and Information Technology

4 The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

Aside of ShERACA’s overall objectives, as described in Annex I of the grant agreement, ShERACA focused on promoting Egypt research capacity/potential in Europe and strongly enhancing/fostering EU-Egypt partnership in Science & Technology and Innovation. ShERACA’s contribution with the RDI Programme in building the capacity of the FP Advisors in Egypt was maintained through the training seminars and similar activities. Synergies with bilateral and regional actions supporting Euro-Mediterranean partnership (mainly MIRA and RDI Programme) was enhanced and promoted. The network of FP Advisors in collaboration with the NCPs Network (NCPN), ILOs Network (ILON) and the RDI Network of Focal Points closely cooperated and synergized efforts to promote and enhance EU – Egypt participation in the EU funding mechanisms supported by the different tasks of WP1, WP3 and WP4. Tailored support has been directed towards the new coordinators of ERAWIDEs to raise their capacities on how to be a coordinator and enhance their networking capabilities through engaging them in different events which support the objectives of both ShERACA and ERAWIDE calls.

Project Results:
Main S&T results of WP1- Enhancing capacities of Framework Programme (FP) Advisors including National Contact Points (NCPs)

- Identification and analysis of the training needs of FP Advisors in deliverable D1.1
- Organization of 2 training seminars for FP Advisors and Administrators covering a wide range of topics guided by the training needs assessment report D1.2
- Facilitating the engagement of Egypt NCPs in the NCPs Network projects activities and other FP7 related activities in EU by providing an exhaustive list of relevant networking events in D1.3
- Organization of 2 on-the-job-training missions to APRE and TUBITAK for Egypt NCPs and FP Advisors thus strengthens their knowledge in a practical manner on how to support researchers to enhance Egypt participation in EU funding programmes. This is reported in details in D1.4
- Creation of the online help desk tool on ShERECA website and avail it to all stakeholders in Egypt as described in D1.5
- Increasing the level of awareness and knowledge of FP advisors on rules of procedures of FP7 and H2020 towards the end.

Description of results per (WP1)/ tasks

Task 1.1 Identification of FP Advisors training needs and benchmarking analysis

The tool to assess the FP Advisors training needs is a detailed questionnaire that was prepared by partner #3 (APRE). APRE sent the first draft to the coordinator and updated the questionnaire on the basis of the feedback received; the final questionnaire is annexed to D1.1. The questionnaire was designed taking into account the requirements described on the Technical Annex:

Hosting organization:

o Description of the structure
o Services performed

FP7 Advisors skills including Experiences in FP7 and Gaps to be filled on FP7 knowledge.

The questionnaire was completed by 30 FP Advisors identified by the coordinator (MHESR). APRE prepared the needs analysis on the basis of the 30 questionnaires. The D1.1 FP Advisors training needs Reports, due at month 5 (end of April 2010) was sent to the coordinator on the 15th of April 2010. During ShERACA exceptional management board meeting on the 21st July 2010 held in Hurgada - Egypt, it was advised by the Project Officer to reshape the Deliverable 1.1 in order to extrapolate additional information and to give more practical advices on the future training activities foreseen in the project. A new questionnaire was prepared by APRE (see table 1.2) and sent to the coordinator. 49 FP Advisors filled in the new version of the questionnaire and a new analysis was performed. The D1.1 FP Advisors training needs Reports (version 3) was sent in January 2011. The analysis of the 49 questionnaire filled in by the Advisors identified the specific needs on FP7. The conclusion of the analysis indicates that in general there is a fair or good level of knowledge for all FP7 issues. However, there are gaps in a number of advanced issues related to management of FP7 projects, reporting and financial issues. IPR was also identified as one of the topics to be tackled in future training activities. More focus will be given to practical exercises and simulation approaches.
Following is a summary of the training needs assessment for the main areas of knowledge assessed and how it can be practically reflected in future

Training activities:
Proposal writing: The trainings on proposal writing will be focalized especially on the budget preparation and project management writing; the 40% of the advisors interviewed declared to have low knowledge on this issues. Other aspects that will be taken into account will be the partner search process during the consortium building phase and will be of interest underlining the differences between coordinator and partner role.Tips for proposal preparation will be provided during the training and FP Advisors will learn how to describe objectives, work packages and deliverables, work breakdown structure, Pert Chart, Gantt Chart.
Evaluation: During the training course will be taken into account evaluators role, evaluation criteria and will be analyzed the evaluation summary reports.
Negotiation phase: The trainings will be focused on the Consortium Agreement preparation which provides the legal basis for the relationship and responsibilities between the partners with regard to technical management, budget, intellectual property rights, settling disputes; the 53% of advisors has knowledge on this topics ranked between poor and fair. Other issues to be considered will be the Intellectual Property Right – IPR, and aspects on the protection of the background.
Project Management: Advisors need to increase their knowledge on the management activities (reporting, organization and procedure in the partnership). The trainings will be focused on simulations and the FP Advisors will work directly, with the support of an expert, on a activity and final report and explanation of the use of the resources of an European project already closed. The 59% of advisors declared to have experience ranked between poor and fair on this subject.The content of the training will be focalized also on the Form C preparation because the 69% declared to have poor and fair experience on this point.
Dissemination:Advisors will have to deeply understand the tools to be used for the dissemination strategy e.g. how to organize a international conference, how to prepare a project presentation for a conference speech; how to develop the content of website, newsletter service, brochure, e-flyer, and other communication tools. The dissemination plan is a very important aspect also in research projects. The researchers will learn how to communicate also to non-specialists audience the results of research activities developed during the project.

Following the preparation of the analysis of the questionnaires to identify the most pressing training needs, which was used to prepare the agenda of the training sessions,APRE distributed and collected the same questionnaire by the end of the project to the FP Advisors who attended the training sessions. The result of the second analysis has been compared with the first one and has been used in the review report. The results of the surveys contributed in shaping the training scope and material.

Task1.2 Preparation of the Training Sessions

Using the result of the deliverable D1.1 “FP Advisors training needs Report” a methodology should be prepared for implementing the training sessions (e.g. exercises, analysis of official documents, role plays, etc...) and draft agendas to be approved by the project beneficiaries. The training sessions should also be divided in basic and advanced level, taking into account the training sessions already organized and performed. It is envisaged that the agenda should cover a range of issues depending on the identified training needs and the targeted training beneficiaries. For example:

•EU policies, European Technology Platforms (ETPs) in different fields
• FP7 rules for participation, Grant Agreement and financial issues
• Management of the grant and reporting which should target not only technical staff but also administrative personnel
• Consortium Agreement and Intellectual Property Rights
• Capacity building: writing a successful proposal methodology. Partnership, objectives, results, activities, impact and dissemination
• Evaluation, negotiation of the proposal and management of the project
• The way to involve SMEs in proposals
• Train the trainer.

About the trainers selections, ShERACA should capitalize on the capacity of the experienced NCPs from APRE and TUBITAK. Selection of external trainers/consultants is going to be based mainly on their competence in the fields/topics identified by the learning need analysis. This Task will be built on the experience of similar networking activities for NCPs in other areas of FP7 and other European funded projects that have developed training sessions on FP7 in Egypt or Mediterranean Countries (e.g. MIRA – FP6 INCO-NET, RDI – Bilateral MEDA Programme, MEDA GO TO EUROPE – FP6 in the Food Quality and Safety priority). This task will be built on the experiences of training sessions already delivered.

Task1.3 Organization of the training sessions

This task concerns the organization of about ten training sessions of two to three days each. For each training session an average of 2 trainers is foreseen. The training sessions will target small homogenous groups as to maximize the benefit of the training and aim at leveraging the FP advisors knowledge about FP projects. Possible training materials on generic topics (e.g. Grant Agreement, financial issues) should be sourced from other NCP networks and additional materials will be collected if required from the experts. A feedback form assessing the quality and the efficacy of the training sessions should be distributed, and the resulted analysis of the forms will be used to improve future training sessions. The training materials will be published on the website.

1st ShERACA-RDI Training Seminar, 19-20 July 2010, Hurgada – Egypt
The agenda of the first training seminar was jointly prepared by APRE and MHESR during the 1st on-the-job-training visit of FP Advisors to APRE and was later approved by all ShERACA beneficiaries.
Synergizing with the RDI Programme, MHESR organized the first training seminar in Hurgada – Egypt in coordination with the RDI programme on a co-finance basis. In this context, ShERACA project financed the venue of the training, printing material, lunch break and meeting package for the 2 days training while RDI programme covered the accommodation and daily allowance for FP Advisors. ENSTINET (Partner #2) assisted in the organization of the training seminar particularly concerning availing the information package on the website, printing the instructional material of the training sessions. The participants were RDI network of focal points, 4 NCPs and future coordinators of ERAWIDEs with varying knowledge of PF7 rules. The training was focused on proposal writing and evaluation. The two trainers came from APRE and TUBITAK.

2nd ShERACA Training Seminar, 3-5 October 2010, Cairo - Egypt
The second training session was organized in Cairo (Egypt) from 3rd – 5th October 2010 by partner #2, the Egyptian National Scientific and Technical Information Network (ENSTINET). The objective of this training seminar was to strengthen the knowledge of the participants on financial rules and financial management of FP7 projects. Practical exercises were an important part of the training. The second training seminar included of 2 training sessions, the first one for the administrators in universities and research centers for 2 days (3-4 October 2010) followed by the second session for FP Advisors. Both sessions targeted the administrative and financial issues of preparing FP7 proposals and managing FP7 grants.
The trainers were representatives from TUBITAK and APRE with good experience in financial and legal issues of FP7. The event focused on the issues like General FP7 Financial Issues, Participation Rules, Contract, Costs, Negotiation and Financial Reporting.
All the information on the 2 training seminars are comprehensively described in the deliverable D1.2 Training Reports (agenda, list of trainers, list of participants, materials and analysis of feedback forms) due at month 12 and sent on month 15. All presentations and instructional material of the training seminars are published on ShERACA website as to maximize the benefit and spread the knowledge on the tackled issue among Egyptian research community. After each training seminar, a feedback form was completed by the participants in order to collect comments and suggestions for fine tuning the provided training.
Detailed information on the other training sessions during are found below:
During this period the ShERACA project partnered with the ENVIRONMENT NCP project (Together ENV) and the newly appointed FP advisors of Agricultural, Research Center (ARC), the meeting was hosted at the ARC.The training was diversified and included presentations on FP7 rules for participation, project types, funding, as well as evaluation criteria/ procedure and Environment call 2013 by the experts of Together ENV. Additionally statistics on current Egyptian participation were presented by the coordinator during the training session. Due to the intrinsic importance of hand-on experience, the training was concluded by a practical exercise in order to apply the knowledge learned.
FP7 Open Call 2013 Information Day: And promoting R2I call, COST Action during this information session.
“RDI-ShERACA TRAINING SEMINAR FOR FP ADVISORS AND INFORMATION MULTIPLIERS ON EU FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME FP7 AND H2020” was done in close cooperation between the RDI and ShERACA Project, 19th- 21st February 2013, Cairo-Egypt.
This training covers a multitude of topics varying from the legal framework of FP7, project negotiation/evaluation and reporting to information on H2020. The last day solely focused on H2020 in the international context, the political context of the Innovation Union, Europe 2020 Innovation Strategy, the transition to H2020 as well as the commission’s proposal in terms of budget and business areas in H2020 . Also here the practical exercise on the second day formed an integral part of the training seminar. Trainers were from TUBITAK and APRE.
“RDI ShERACA FINAL TRAINING SEMINAR FOR FP ADVISORS AND INFORMATION MULTIPLIERS”, 20th-22nd April 2013, Cairo-Egypt in collaboration with the RDI programme. The training as the one preceding it consisted of two parts, the first part covering H2020 and the second part covering FP7. Topics covered included FP7 Project management (Organizational structure, project documentation, managing amendments and the consortium agreement), FP7 Project Negotiation, Project reporting pertaining to the supporting documents, certification and audit and bookkeeping and documentation of activities and events. The sessions on Horizon 2020 covered new issues in the call, its three priorities and proposed funding as well as how to prepare for H2020 and a strategy for new comers.

The trainers were Health NCP Italy, Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and Biotechnology NCP Italy and last but not least People NCP Egypt and last but not least EC ShERACA Project Officer.The above mentioned trainings also served as a tool for efficient and targeted networking among FP advisors or in other words Egyptian S&T stakeholders. A special focus was given to always include a practical session during the various trainings held, in order to ensure that the knowledge was correctly communicated to the audience.

Task 1.4 Networking Activities

A comprehensive list of FP7 related events is prepared and updated by APRE with special focus on information days, brokerage events and scientific conferences and workshops. APRE sent to the coordinator a set of information in May 2010 about the events on the new 2011 calls. The participation of Egyptian NCPs and researchers to relevant events will enhance their capacity to identify suitable potential partners and enhance their awareness of the Framework Programme’s procedures and activities.
The deliverable D1.3 Networking report of Egyptian NCPs due at month 12 was sent to the coordinator at month 15 and underline the information sent to the coordinator about the networking opportunities organized in Europe. As the majority of Egypt NCPs are engaged in NCPs networks projects, many of these events had significant Egyptian representations either financed by ShERACA or by the NCP networks projects. On the other hand, the list of events has been circulated through RDI Focal Points to the researchers in universities, research centers and other ministries. The list of events is published on ShERACA website at the following link:

Special focus was given during the second reporting period to the networking activities as one of the important and effective tools to increase and promote Egypt research capacity to the EU. Such activities took the form of supporting the participation of Egyptian researchers in events organized by the EC or EU MS as well as the organization of small networking events gathering stakeholders of EU-Egypt STI Cooperation were also organized in Egypt where EU experts were invited to support the dialogue between EU and EG experts. Another form of the activities implemented under this task is the engagement of Egypt NCPs with their counterparts through the support of those NCPs to participate in certain meetings and networking activities organized by the EC or the relevant NCP networks projects.

Being a partner in all NCP networks and the coordinator of the Energy NCP network, APRE took the role of introducing the Egyptian NCPs to the European NCP networks to be involved in their future activities. Egyptian NCPs will be supported to attend relevant NCP networks’ events and meetings, which should significantly enhance their capacity of identifying suitable potential partners for Egyptian researchers and enhancing their awareness of the Framework Programme’s procedures and activities.

Task 1.5 On-the-job training for Egyptian NCPs

As planned in the DoW, two on the job trainings were organized:
. From 10 to 12 of May 2010 in the APRE premises.
. From 14 to 15 of October 2010 in TUBITAK premises.
All the information about these activities are reported in the deliverable D1.4 Reports on-the-job training visits (agenda, list of participants and evaluations of training visits) due at month 12 and sent to the coordinator at month 15.
Agendas’ of both meeting were prepared after email deliberation among the host organizations (APRE and TUBITAK) and the Egyptian partners (MHESR and ENSTINET).
ShERACA On the job training, APRE, Rome, 10-12 May 2010
The first on-the-job-training took place in APRE for 3 days. Visiting participants were NCP coordinator and INCO and Energy NCP, Health and ENV NCP, People NCP, RDI Focal Point for Health Sector in Cairo University (an FP Advisor) and SiS NCP.
Meeting with the Italian People NCP Group photo during on-the-job-training at APRE
Capitalizing on the presence of a large representation of the project partners 3 out of four) in this on-the-job-training session, the coordinator jointly with APRE and ENSTINET designed the 1st training seminar to be held in Egypt in the following months.
ShERACA On the job training, TUBITAK, Ankara, 14-15 October 2010
The second on-the-job-training took place in TÜBITAK EU Framework Programmes National Coordination Office, which is located in Ankara, on 14-15 October 2010 for two days. Visiting participants were Health and ENV NCP, People NCP and SiS NCP.
One of the main objectives of this training was to get to know the flow of information at TÜBITAK as an example of a successful FP coordination entity, including issues as how the NCPs are serving the research community, the back office of NCPs and how the different NCPs are inter-linked. Reinforcing NCP structure is a great concern of ShERACA and by sharing the experience of APRE and TÜBITAK, this would have a positive impact on the NCP structure in Egypt. The training also included bilateral meetings with the Egyptian and Turkish NCPs.

During the two days training, the experienced FP7 NCPs in TÜBİTAK presented information and shared their experiences on issues like, the NCP System in Turkey, Tips for Successful Event Organization, Project Management and so on.

Task1.6 On-line Help Desk

An On-line Helpdesk was created by ENSTINET on the project website: All the Egyptian users (researchers, administrative staff and others) are now able to submit their relevant queries regarding their daily work (e.g. supporting clients, preparation of events or distribution of information). These queries were thematically allocated to the responsible NCPs in APRE and TUBITAK. The questions are answered by email.
In the webpage for Helpdesk an email was created that redirect the queries to the responsible NCPs in APRE and TUBITAK.The following themes are answered by:
APREo KBBE, Energy, Health, ENV, People.
The e-mails coming to are received by all ShERACA partners. TUBITAK and APRE answer the queries and Cc redirects the emails to:
TUBITAK redirects the emails to:
The deliverable D1.5 Reports on On-line Help Desk, due at month 12 and submitted to the coordinator at month 15, shown the methodology chosen as described here above.

Main S&T results of WP2- Mobility Portal (chronological order)

. Skeleton of ShERACA Mobility Portal prepared by ENSTINET (partner #2)
. Communication with EC to have the EURAXESS template and arrange for the linkage between the two portals.
. Concept of ShERACA Portal (EU-Egypt STI Portal) prepared by ASRT (partner #2)
. Portal design delivered by the subcontracting company.
. The portal serves as a very effective transmitter of EU-Egypt cooperation activities and opportunities
. The project activities promoted on the website (of various FP7 projects) have had wider outreach and more researchers/FP advisors are engaged.
Description of results per (WP2)/tasks
Task 2.1 Technical Development

Subtask 2.1.1: Design/ Development/ Deployment of the portal taking into account the template requested by the EC to be able to link the portal to EURAXESS.
Intense email communication between partner #2 (ENSTINET) who is also hosting the People NCP and EC responsible for the EURAXESS to receive the EURAXESS template for Egypt to be used, in order to be linked to EURAXESS portal as planned in the Annex I of ShERACA grant agreement. The following diagram illustrate the proposed final interface for Egypt page on EURAXESS. Once the mobility portal is ready (which is planned by end of 2011), this interface will be ready for deployment.
The following skeleton of the portal has been designed by ENSTINET as follows:
. About the portal
. About ShERACA Mobility
Moving to Europe
All the European Funding Programmes
All the job Training/Job vacancies
All the grant/fellowships
Egyptian Organizations profiles (universities, researcher centers, SMEs ...etc)
Egyptian CVs of researchers
Contacts ( FP advisors: ILOs, RDIN FPs, NCPs of all themes)
Useful Links (European Technology Platforms, EURAXESS portal...etc)
Services for Egyptian researchers
Useful Contacts
Success stories Coming to Egypt
Information about Egypt Research Capacity
Job/training Vacancies in Egypt
Grant/fellowships in Egypt
EU Organizations profiles (universities, researcher centers, SMEs ...etc)
EU CVs of researchers
Useful Links (RDI – EC delegation in Egypt – science book – ShERACA – estp ...etc)
Services for European researchers
Useful Contacts ( FP advisors...etc)
Success stories
S&T in Egypt (mobility initiatives between Egypt and EU, bilateral agreements supporting the mobility of researchers ....etc)
Help desk
Contact us
Partner search system
Events In Egypt In Europe
News In Egypt In Europe
E-mail alerts

Task 2.2 Content Development

The technical work in Task 2.2 has been executed through the following subtasks:

Subtask 2.2.1: Gathering information and links related to each section of the portal
Subtask 2.2. 2: Continuously update the information available on the portal.

Task 2.3 Linking to EU Mobility Portal (EURAXESS)/ShERACA website/RDI website
This task has been successfully implemented following Communication with EC to have the EURAXESS template and arrange for the linkage between the two portals

Task 2.4 Announcing and publicizing ShERACA portal

The technical work in Task 2.4 has been executed through the following subtasks:

Subtask 2.4.1: Sending informative e-mails to the academic & industrial sector with the help of the FP advisors.
Subtask 2.4.2: Presenting ShERACA portal in the information days specially related to the People Programme.
Subtask 2.4.3: Sending informative e-mails to the different networks in which ShERACA partners are in.
Subtask 2.4.4: Adding the link of the mobility portal in SHERACA leaflet and in SHERACA newsletter.

WP3- Fostering Egyptian – European partnership

- Catalogue of Egyptian research organizations highlighting their research potential as an effective tool of promoting Egypt research capacities in EU. The catalogue is published on ShERACA website/portal and continuously updated.
- ShERACA continued in supporting the consortium building and proposal preparation activities which should have a clear outcome to be assessed after the deadline of the current open calls of FP7.
- ShERACA support to the FP advisors especially the NCPs in various aspects was clearly demonstrated especially in supporting their engagement with the network of NCPs and events organized by the EC and MS.
- Synergy with the different INCONETs and the bilateral programmes (RDI Programme) was strongly demonstrated throughout the implemented activities in the 3rd reporting period as described above.
Two consortium building events were co-organized by ShERACA, RDI Programme and MIRA project targeting the Diabetes SICA topic in FP7-2011 call and the ERAWIDE 2010 call. The result was the highest participation among MPC in the ERAWIDE call 19 proposals which are currently waiting for evaluation. As for the diabetes topic, 2 consortia have been formed and 1 proposal has been submitted.
Supporting the engagement of potential partners from Egypt in proposal preparation and consortium building events in EU and MPC (3 travel grants) aiming at enhancing Egypt participation in FP7 projects.
Improvement of the process of providing assistance and guidance on EU funding opportunities resulted in enhanced participation of Egyptian researchers in FP7 calls.

Task 3.1 Mapping of Egyptian research organizations

As planned in ShERACA DoW, ENSTINET (partner #2) designed the organization profile form (annex02) and widely distributed the form capitalizing on RDI network of Focal Points. The form is available in a word document and also on ShERACA website. The design of the organization profile form is based on other relevant initiatives such as Fit for Health, Idealist and CORDIS organization profile form. The completed forms (profiles) are compiled to form the Catalogue of Egyptian Research Capacities. The catalogue is a dynamic product of ShERACA and it is available online at ShERACA website through the following link: ENSTINET is constantly working on updating the catalogue either by adding new profiles or by updating the data of the existing profiles whenever needed.
ENSTINET has produced a number of the catalogue to be used in networking activities.
This task was an ongoing process carried out by partner 2 (ASRT) throughout the entire duration of the project. The task does not only entail collecting profiles but updating these profiles as an effective tool of increasing the visibility of Egypt research capacity to EU. The various updated profiles of Egyptian research capacity (Centers/ Universities) can be found on the ShERACA Portal.

Task 3.2 Capitalizing on the Brain Circulation initiative

Communication with the mission department at the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education is established to study the optimum model of approaching Egyptian Diaspora in EU countries. No concrete activities have been carried out in this reporting period, however, the link with the mission department supervising the scientific and cultural councelors and attaches is considered very important as they are the gateway to reach the Egyptians researchers outside their homeland which is needed to further capitalize on their networks at their visited institutions in Europe.

This task consists networking activities that would capitalize on the Egyptian researchers in the EU, with the support of the Egyptian science councilors, who can connect the Egyptian researchers with EU counterparts in collaborative researches. Core of the brain circulation initiative will meet during the project annual meeting and brokerage events. Training activities would be also an opportunity for knowledge transfer among Egyptian researchers in EU and Egyptian teams.

Task 3.3 Supporting the Egyptian participation in Brokerage/Networking Events relevant to Egypt research priorities

Several activities towards the realization of the planned objective of task 3.3 stated in Annex I of ShERACA grant agreement have been performed synergizing with RDI programme, MIRA and CAASTNet projects as well as the ENV NCP Network project. ShERACA capitalized on the activities organized by the EU partners in the project to engage the Egyptian researchers in the EU research community. Clear examples of these activities are the consortium building and proposal preparation meetings co-organized by ShERACA or attended by Egyptian researchers supported by ShERACA project. Following is a list of these events:
1- 21st Jul. 2010: ShERACA-RDI Info day on FP7 2011 calls with special focus on SICA topics for MPC and ERAWIDE scheme. The info day organized at south Valley University, Hurgada Branch was the first event to announce the launch of FP7 2011 calls where a special emphasis was given to the topics with high potential for Egyptian participation especially the OCEAN of tomorrow calls presented by Egypt NCP for Environment and Italy Energy NCP. A dedicated session was given to the 2011 ERAWIDE call with a detailed presentation by Ms. Pancera (EC Project Officer, Directorate D – International cooperation Unit 3 – Specific international cooperation activities). Announcement for future brokerage events was also announced by Turkey INCO NCP. The info day participants included RDI FPs and researchers from South Valley university and National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries. Event program is annexed (Annex03)
2- 22nd and 23rd Jul. 2010: Consortium building meeting co-organized by ShERACA in collaboration with RDI and MIRA project. ShERACA supported the participation of Egypt Health NCP to the meeting who acted as the meeting facilitator. Briefing on the meeting is annexed to this report (Annex 04)
3- 23rd and 24th Sep 2010: Environment brokerage event "Bringing together Marine Research Capacities in a global context. Focus: Europe, Russia, Mediterranean & Black Sea" – Istanbul, Turkey. In 2010, Environment Brokerage Event was chosen to promote Egyptian research competences in Europe in the Environment theme reflecting Egypt-EU common research priorities. There were relevant topics for the Mediterranean region in the FP7 Environment 2011 call, namely:
. Knowledge-base and tools for regional networks of MPAs,integrated management of activities together withassessment of wind energy potential in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.
. Assessing the ecosystem status, including fisheries, within the Mediterranean marine coastal areas of North African countries This event was promoted by TUBITAK in the FP7 Info Day that took place in El Gouna, Egypt on 21 July 2010.

The Brokerage Event in the field of marine research, maritime activities, climate change and earth observation systems was organized in the frame of the ENV-NCP Together and EURAL projects on the 23rd – 24th September in Istanbul, Turkey.
The main aim of the two-day event was to initiate competitive research project proposal in the field of marine, climate and earth observation for the upcoming calls of the FP7 in the field of Environment.
105 participants from 23 different countries participated at the Brokerage Event on marine research capacities focused on Europe, Russia, Mediterranean and Black Sea regions in Istanbul.
Two relevant researchers from Egypt registered to this BE, who were supported by the ShERACA project, namely Dr.Suzan Kholeif from the The National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF) is affiliated to the Ministry of State and Dr. Adel Regal from the National Institute Of Oceanography and Fisheries-Suez Branch.
The first day was dedicated to providing background information about FP7 Ocean of Tomorrow Call, opportunities for ICPC (InternationalCooperation Partner Countries) in FP7, providing information on already acquired experiences on getting involved to consortiums, formulation of project proposals and further recommendations by well-known experts and three parallel workshops were held to identify new research lines and knowledge gaps for Mediterranean and Black sea regions by the input of two experts and one moderator in each workshop and all participants.

In the first day, Dr.Suzan Kholeif participated to the Interactive Plenary Session on the OCEAN Research as a speaker and gave a presentation on this subject. In the second day of the BE, one-to-one meetings and three parallel workshops were organized.
Mission report prepared by Prof. Suzan Kholeif, RDI FP and future ERWIDE coordinator and contact person for the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF) in 2 proposals addressing ENV SICA topics in FP7-2012 call is annexed to this report. (Annex 05)
4- 28th Nov. 2010: In response to the FP7 capacities programme call of ERAWIDE 2011, ShERACA organized an info session for “coordinators to be” for ERAWIDE proposals in collaboration with RDI Programme. The info session, held in Cairo, capitalized on the visit of the EC officer responsible for the ERAWIDE call to Egypt. It was a targeted info session for potential coordinators where the EC officer presented the call followed by a Q&A session. The EU delegation to Egypt was also represented in this meeting. Six researchers from four research institutes participated in this info session, namely the National Research Centre (NRC), Academy of Scientific Research (ASRT), National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF) and Agriculture Research Centre (ARC). Two FP advisors from NRC and ARC participate in the event as well to learn more about the call. ShERACA coordinator reassured the participants of the full support of MHESR during all stages of proposal preparation and beyond.
5- 12th – 14th Dec. 2010: Within the context of synergizing with other EU funding actions in the region, and in response to the invitation received from the Jordanian project “Support to Research and Technological Development and Innovation (SRTD)” ( to participate in a workshop titled “FP7 Project Coordination” in Amman-Jordan. Participants where coordinators to be from Jordan, Egypt and Morocco. It was a good opportunity to present ShERACA project, highlighting Egypt research capacity and to network with participants. The main theme was ERAWIDE open call. The agenda, instructor CV and Egyptian researcher invited profile is annexed to the report. (Annex 06)
6- 13th – 15th Dec. 2010: Synergizing with RDI programme and within the context of enhancing and supporting EU-Egypt research partnership through increasing the visibility of Egypt research infrastructure and facilitate networking activities, two FP Advisors from affiliated to Cairo University and Alexandria University participated in the Egyptian Italian Science Forum, EGIT-SCIF2010, Messina, Italy organized jointly by the Egyptian Cultural Bureau in Rome, the Egyptian Embassy in Rome and University of Messina. The two FP advisors presented the research capacities of their organizations and exchanged information with Italian researchers participated in the event. ShERACA logo was placed in the event brochure as to increase the project visibility. The event was promoted by APRE (SheRACA Partner #3) and a number of bilateral meetings between Italian researchers and the FP advisors took place during the event.
7- 6th May 2011: In response to the INCONET 2012 call, a planning meeting (consortium building meeting) was organized by the Association of Commonwealth Universities (coordinator of the currently running INCO-NET for sub-Saharan Africa, CAASTNet) in London to discuss the ideas and structure of the proposal to be submitted in response of this call. MHESR was invited to the meeting.
13-14 June 2011: ShERACA Coordinator represented ShERACA in the 2nd Workshop on indicators, in Beirut, Lebanon - The Observatory Workshop: Indicators of Science and Cooperation.
6-8 July 2011: MIRA-RDI SSH Workshop, El-Gouna-Red Sea, Egypt. ShERACA supported the participation of SSH experts in the event. Full report of the event annexed to this report (Annex3)

3-6 October 2011: ShERACA project supported the participation of 3 ERAWIDE coordinators to the Joint EC-EIB-CMI training workshop for Mediterranean Research Centers, Center for Mediterranean Integration, Marseille. This was based on a request from ShERACA project officer to support the participation of those ERAWIDEs ‘s coordinators who at that time did not receive money from the EC as the grant agreement was just/about to be finalized. Agenda and a brief concept about the event is annexed. (Annex4)

4,7 October2011:ShERACA project supported the participation of Egypt PeopleNCP(Ms. Yasmine Sabry) in the 11th People NCP meeting organized by the EC in Brussels.

4-15 January 2012: ShERACA-RDI workshop on public engagement in Science within the framework of promoting SiS to the stakeholders in Egypt. The event entailed the invitation of one of the SiS experts from Greece. This event was organized in close collaboration with the SiS NCP in Egypt. The workshop was also carried out within the framework of EU-Egypt Year of Science and Innovation “2012”.

2-3 April 2012:EURO-Mediterranean Conferenceon Research and Innovation, Barcelona- Spain. ShERACA jointly with RDI Programme supported the participation of a number of Egypt FP Advisors to the event. Posters of ShERACA was also presented in the poster session and manned for the 2 days of the event by ShERACA team. Alongside the EURO- MED conference and capitalizing on the presence of the all southern Mediterranean countries at the event, ShERACA supported the organization of a preliminary meeting for ERANET MED.

19-20 April 2012: 2nd coordination meeting for EU-Egypt Programme Level Cooperation in Health research. This event was financed by ShERACA and jointly organized with the EC, health directorate. ShERACA project t officer (Ms. Aurelie Pancera) participated in the event with Mr. Andreas Holtel from Directorate F.

Task 3.4 Promoting and reinforcing EU-Egypt Science, Technology and innovation cooperation.

Egypt started the "Years of Science" in 2007 as part of its broader attempt to strengthen the country's science and technology and promote its international cooperation in these fields. Germany (2007), Japan (2008), Italy (2009), France (2010) and the United States (2011), have successfully participated in this initiative, generating new opportunities, joint research projects and programmes. The Egyptian Ministry of Scientific Research, the EU Delegation and Member States in Egypt announced 2012 to be the EU-Egypt Year of Science and Innovation with the following key objectives:

- Enhancing cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation between the EU Member States and Egypt.
- Promoting Egypt's research potential to the EU.
- Promoting synergies between the EC and Member States' activities and work towards launching several concrete initiatives that support science and innovation in Egypt and the region.
- Creating a platform for regional cooperation and the dissemination of information and
research outcomes of projects that address common regional challenges in areas such as energy, climate change and social innovation.

Within the framework of EU-Egypt year of Science and Innovation, ShERACA will organize and support a number of activities aiming at fostering and reinforcing EU-Egypt partnership and cooperation in Science and Innovation. Among these activities there will be 2 major events, the first one is the organization of a networking event in Ireland with the framework of ESOF activities and the second one is an organization of a brokerage event in Egypt towards the 4th quarter of 2012:

The Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF):

ESOF is Europe’s largest general science meeting and is held in a leading European city every two years. It is an interdisciplinary, pan-European meeting, held under the auspices of Euroscience. ESOF would be a perfect occasion to demonstrate EU-Egypt cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation as well as increasing the visibility of Egypt research capacity through the participation of strong Egyptian delegation from the fields of mutual interests for both EU and Egypt. The timing of this event serves in fostering partnership and reinforcing EU-Egypt Science and Technology cooperation with EU through brokering Egypt research capacity with EU, especially that with the last call of FP7 was around the corner. ShERACA will have a stand (booth) at the forum promoting and demonstrating the EU-Egypt partnership. In addition, and as to synthesize and encourage EU-Egypt partnership, ShERACA will organize a networking event within the framework of ESOF activities to demonstrate the multi-fold EU-Egypt cooperation in the Science, Technology and Innovation. The event will include some keynote addresses and will invite around 80 - 100 delegates and Journalists for the ESOF. ShERACA will also support the participation of the Egyptian delegation to the event including potential researchers, research organizations leaders in Egypt as well as a number of FP7 National Contact Points.

Brokerage event in Egypt addressing priorities of mutual interest to Egypt and the EU:

This event will be organized in Egypt in coordination with the different DGs of the
European commission. It will be a good opportunity to shade some light on the H2020 programme. One hundred and fifty (150) is the expected number of participants including EU and MPC delegation. The event will aim among other objectives to establish new partnerships with EU member states and to strengthen existing links with others.

Task 3.5 Assessment of EU-Egypt Science and Technology Cooperation

Final draft of the ToR of the assessment study is prepared and has been announced for the call for proposals for the study in M20. The announcement will be published on ShERACA website and RDI programme website. Annexed to this report is the prepared draft of the ToR of assessment by the time of ShERACA 1st periodic report is prepared

Main S&T results of WP4- Dissemination and Awareness

. Update and maintenance of ShERACA website The website served as a window to the Egyptian research capacity through the publication of the e-newsletters, catalogue of Egyptian research organizations as well as important relevant events. Seemingly, ShERACA website served as an effective tool for sharing information on FP7, including calls, S&T news from the EU and Egypt, project related news and events; and virtual help desk.
. Dissemination of ShERACA e-newsletter for EU (3 issues) among all NCPs networks, INCONets as well as the database contacts of APRE and TUBITAK. Parallel to this, ShERACA e-newsletter for EG (2 issues) has been widely circulated to all research organizations in Egypt. Both newsletters are published on ShERACA website.
Description of results per (WP4)/tasks

Task 4.1 Logo and Leaflet

ShERACA logo was created in M1 of the project by MHESR ahead of its schedule. Same goes for ShERACA leaflet which was prepared and printed in M2. The first use of the leaflet was in the kick off meeting which was prepared back to back with the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Marketplace, January 2010. The leaflet was then updated after the first amendment of the project occurred in November 2010.

Task 4.2 Creation and maintenance of the Website

ShERACA website ( developed on the first month of the project and it was launched by the time of the kick off. ENSTINET, being the expert in the field of information services, has created, developed and updating the website. All partners contributed with relevant material to the website being news, useful documents or announcement. ShERACA website is one of the major tools to disseminate the project’s activities and results. Visibility of the EU contribution is always ensured throughout the different pages of the project. All training materials and information about calls is uploaded regularly on the website.
This was an ongoing task carried out by partner 2 with the contribution of all the project’s partners. Visibility of the EU contribution is always ensured throughout the different pages of the project. All training materials and information about calls is uploaded regularly on the website.

Task 4.3 Creation of a promotional DVD on Egyptian research

The movie under this task was not produced.

Task 4.4 Newsletter for European researchers

Three issues of ShERACA e-newsletter for EU was developed by partner #2 (ENSTINET). The EU partners of ShERACA projects (APRE and TUBITAK) supported the dissemination of the e- newsletters for European researchers which were developed by ENSTINET. In particular APRE published the newsletters on the BIO CIRCLE website. The newsletters uploaded are available at the following link:
On January 2011 the first newsletter was promoted among Italian researchers through the APRE’s short newsletter of the 17th of January 2011 (NOTIZIARIO) addressed to the APRE’s members (more than 100 representing Universities, private and public research organisations, as well as the industrial and financial sectors). On March 2011 the second newsletter was promoted among Italian researchers through the APRE’s short newsletter of the 14th of March 2011 (NOTIZIARIO). The third issue was also published through APRE’s news letter to the Italian research community. In particular APRE published the newsletters on the BIO CIRCLE website.

Task 4.5 Newsletter for Egyptian researchers

APRE prepared four issues of SheRACA e-newsletter targeted to the Egyptian researchers.
The first issue of ShEREACA newsletter was prepared and sent to the coordinator on the 26th of February 2010. The topics of the newsletter were:
- EU - EGYPT Cooperation on Science, Technology and Innovation Research with Europe. The Framework Programme in Egypt
- The Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Marketplace
- The Research Development and Innovation Programme
Events The second newsletter was completed and sent to the coordinator on 27th September 2010. The topics of the newsletter were:
Other events:
- First Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) meeting
- New opportunities for early-career top researchers from anywhere in the world: €661 Mio for new "ERC Starting Grant" call
- How ENEA can help you in IDEAS
- Agri-Food Results: European initiative for a better use of the results of agri-food research
All ShERACA’s e-newsletters produced from the beginning of the project are uploaded on the project website:

Task 4.6 Dissemination of information

. During the 1st reporting period of the project APRE supported the dissemination of information about ShERACA activities, Egyptian research capacity and relevant events organized in Egypt and EU relevant to the scope of the project capitalizing on APRE’s frequently visited website. Following are examples of the dissemination activities performed by the EU partners of ShERACA project during the first reporting period:
- APRE used the own organization website in order to promote Sheraca project among Italian research community providing a project description and activities planned; the project is promoted also on the “international cooperation” section where are listed all projects where APRE is involved as coordinator or partner:
- APRE promoted in Europea and Third Countries the “Egyptian-Italian Science Forum, EGIT-SCIF2010” organised by the Egyptian Cultural Bureau, the Egyptian Embassy in Rome and the University of Messina of the 13-15 December 2010 through the project websites of BIO CIRCLE and C-ENERGY+ (networks of national contact points in KBBE theme and Energy theme of FP7). and
- APRE disseminated information about: ShERACA project, ShERACA e-newsletters for European researchers and events through the APRE’s Newsletter addressed to the APRE’s members (more than 100 representing Universities, private and public research organisations, as well as the industrial and financial sectors). from University: from world of finance : from research centres:
- Short info on the ShERACA project was uploaded on the TUBITAK FP7 website (February 2010):
- Info on the ShERACA Kick-off Meeting (Cairo, 28-29.01.2010) was disseminated on the TUBITAK FP7 website and TUBITAK Newsletter (February 2010):
- Info on the ShERACA FP7 Info Day and Focal Points Training (El Gouna, 19- 21.07.2010) was disseminated on the TUBITAK FP7 website and TUBITAK Newsletter (July 2010):
- Info on the ShERACA FP7 Financial Training (Cairo, 3-5.10.2010) was disseminated on the TUBITAK FP7 website and TUBITAK Newsletter (October 2010):
- Info on the ShERACA On-the-Job Training (Ankara, 14-15.10.2010) was disseminated on the TUBITAK FP7 website and TUBITAK Newsletter (October 2010):
- ShERACA Newsletter for European Researchers (1 & 2 ) were shared with related people (January-February 2011). MHESR capitalized on RDI Portal for the announcement of the joint activities with ShERACA such as training seminars and info session. In addition, through MHESR web portal “Egypt S&T Portal” managed by ENSTINET, briefing on ShERACA’s events and activities were publicized to the Egyptian research community. On another front, ShERACA capitalized on the networking activities of the FP Advisors to disseminate the project leaflet and e-newsletter among the networks of researchers in the different research institutes.
MHESR capitalized on RDI Portal for the announcement of the joint activities with ShERACA such as training seminars and info session. In addition, through MHESR web portal “Egypt S&T Portal” managed by ENSTINET-ASRT, briefing on ShERACA’s events and activities were publicized to the Egyptian research community. Seemingly, ShERACA capitalized on the networking activities of the FP Advisors to disseminate the project leaflet and e-newsletter among the networks of researchers in the different research institutes.
Task 4.7 Organization of the Final Conference

Project management during the Period

Project management mainly comprised the following activities:

Project Meetings:

The kick off meeting was held in Cairo, 28-29 January 2010, back to back with the Euro- Mediterranean Innovation Marketplace with the participation of all partners, programme officer and project financial officer. The aims of this meeting were mainly to better get to know each other and to improve the collaboration within as well as between the Workpackages. A few administrative aspects, such as the development of the Consortium Agreement, were discussed.
A second project meeting (exceptional management board meeting) was held in El-Gouna- Hurgada, Egypt back to back with the 1st training seminar to FP Advisors, on the 19th July 2010 where the main topics addressed was the amendment of the project and the progress of a number of tasks especially the newsletters and next training seminar

During the third reporting period and given to the exceptional situation the country has been through, no project meetings were organized. Instead, continuous consultation and deliration among partners concerning the implementation of the foreseen activities was maintained by the coordinator. Skype meetings and conference calls replaced the regular face to face consortium meetings. In addition, through a number of events/trainings attended by ShERACA consortium members, some bilateral or trilateral meetings were successfully conducted with partners to discuss the progress of the project.

Issues concerning the consortium organization:

Issues concerning the consortium organisation:
. - The Consortium Agreement (CA) for ShERACA project was developed by MHESR in the first months of 2010. The CA for ShERACA is based on the DESCA model. Drafts of the CA were discussed with the beneficiaries by means of email and during the kick-off meeting in Cairo.
. - There were no changes in the Consortium composition during the first reporting period of ShERACA.
. - The whole amount of the pre-finance was distributed to all beneficiaries in two (2) instalments to ShERACA beneficiaries by the Coordinator as follows:
- 80% after the Coordinator receive the pre-financing from the Commission and within 30 days of receiving the signed Grant Agreement by all partners.
- 20% after a period of twelve months after the EC pre-financing is received by the Coordinator, provided that the beneficiary in question has complied with their obligations (deliverables and milestones) allocated to each partner in Annex I up to that moment, as may be verified by ShERACA Coordinator.
There were no changes in the Consortium composition during the last phase of ShERACA projects. The team of each partner remained more of less the same. After receiving the third payment from the EC in July 2012, the coordinator has immediately distributed the money according to the consumed budget of each partner on the basis of 80% as indicated in the consortium agreement to the partners.

Potential Impact:
The main expected impact of the project is to improve S&T cooperation between EU and Egypt. This will be accomplished through the following 3 outcomes:

-Providing access to information:

The design of the Work Packages ensures that access to information on ERA activities and on the state and advancement of the scientific and technological collaboration between EU and Egypt is a sustainable process, extending beyond the lifetime of ShERACA.
-Evaluating the achievement of the current EU-Egypt S&T cooperation agreement:

The assessment of Egypt participation in the 6th and 7th Framework Programme is a crucial step for shaping Egypt participation in ERA. The assessment will be the corner stone for evaluating the achievement of the current EU-Egypt S&T cooperation agreement in one hand and planning for the new agreement in the other hand. Assessing Egypt participation in EU FPs is substantial to pinpoint the elements of success and hindering factors to be tackled in the future EU-Egypt S&T cooperation agreement.

-Identifying best partners

Since Human Capital is the basis of any action, identifying and selecting the best partners, both Egyptian and European, is a vital impact of ShERACA, which has been comprehensively addressed in most work packages.
Aligned with the policy dialogue of the EU-Egypt Joint Science and Technology Cooperation Committee (JSTCC) and capitalizing on the synergetic activities of programmes with similar/complimentary objectives, ShERACA will positively impact EU-Egypt Science and Technology Cooperation by providing sustainable access to information, identifying best partners and analytically assessing EU-Egypt S&T Cooperation.

List of Websites: