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Research Center for Energy and New Technologies

Final Report Summary - RECENT (Research centre for energy and new technologies)

Executive Summary:

REsearch Center for Energy and New Technology (RECENT) project has been executed within the Regional Potential scheme whose aim is to unlock the research potential of less developed and peripheral regions of the EU by improving the research capacities of the highest quality centers.

Sole beneficiary of the project was the Institute of Thermal Technology (ITT) of the Silesian University of Technology (SUT) supported by four partner institutions:
- School of Process Environmental and Material Engineering, University of Leeds, UK;
- Centre of Energy Resources and Consumptions, University of Zaragoza, Spain;
- Department of Energy Engineering University of Florence, Italy;
- VTT – Finland National Research Centre.

The aim of the project was better integration of ITT in the European Research Area. Though research has not been directly supported by the scheme, the backbone of the project was three energy related topics: energy systems, clean combustion and numerical simulations. Organization of several types of meetings, employment of staff, intensive know-how exchange and purchasing of research equipment were the main fields of activities of the project. The list of the most important achievements of the project encompasses:
- Organization of three international conferences each attended by nearly 100 researchers who presented over 220 papers the most important of which have been published in special issues of high impact factor international journals.
- Organization of three workshops for PhD students attended by nearly 80 students primarily from ITT but also from other Polish research institutions. Electronic and printed materials have been prepared for each meeting.
- Organization of three seminars for Polish industry and two for local government on various aspects of energy generation, optimization, environmental aspects and policy attended by more than200 individuals.
- Employing three Assistant Professors and one Associate Professor for the period of project execution. After the project had finished, all have been offered positions at ITT.
- Six one year secondment of junior staff at partner institutions and four one month secondment of partner staff at ITT along with more than 50 short bidirectional missions between ITT and partner institutions
- Purchasing of scientific equipment: rapid and high resolution IR camera and Particle Image Velocimetry system
- Employing two foreign Professors, each for half a year.
- Twelve visits of external experts at ITT who gave seminars and exchange know how with ITT staff
- Presenting 20 papers at important international conferences
- Organization of workshops and individual training for ITT staff in project management, Intellectual Property rights, industrial engagement, writing FP proposals
- Organization of special events aiming at dissemination and presentation of the project

After the first reporting period, the project has been selected as a success story. A summary of the achievements of the project have been published in European Service Network. Employees of ITT were advisers in energy policy to local, central governments and Parliament. The execution of the project enhanced the efficiency of ITT in research fund raising. More than 50 projects financed by the industry and 14 major projects financed by various national funding agencies have been executed. The total budget of these projects reached EUR 3M. Additional grants for enhancing the infrastructure resulted in construction of a new research laboratory and purchasing equipment .Along with the activities on national level nine international projects have been filed. Three of the applications were successful, four are under review.

Project Context and Objectives:

Project context

The thrust of the project was on research capacity building, with the focus on training and networking and aim of better integration of the beneficiary, the Institute of Thermal Technology (ITT) into the ERA. Simultaneously, the links with the local and international industry as well as the local administration have been strengthen, to better serve the needs of the region and the country. Research played an auxiliary, but important role in the project. The philosophy behind the work plan was, that the research work, not directly supported by the project, plays a role of an integrating factor for training, know-how transfer, recruitment and dissemination activities.

The activities of the project were gathered in two groups of work packages:
- Aimed at capacity building by staff training
- Management and dissemination

The first group consisted of three strongly interconnected work packages:
- Economic, first and second law analysis of large energy systems
- Technologies for clean energy generation
- Advanced computer simulation techniques in energy sector

The first package was aimed at analysis of energy related processes on the most general level. Here the selection of the optimal technology, its impact on environment and mutual interactions between units described by coarse models were considered. The second, intermediate, level deals with the development of selected technologies that will play an important role in the future energy technologies in Poland and Europe. The third, most detailed work package concentrates on subtle techniques of simulating technological processes arising at upper levels.

The second group consists of two work packages:
- Dissemination, promotion, development of innovation policy
- Coordination and management

The research-based work packages contained an intensive two direction staff exchange component, organization of seminars, conferences and participation in international conferences. An important constituent of these packages was the cooperation with the industry. Additionally, the first work package aimed at cooperation with the energy and ecology policy makers at local and national level.
The idea behind such a composition of the work plan was that a successful collaboration should be based on concrete, common research interest. Such an approach disclosed the areas of expertise of involved partners, which makes the future joint application for research funding much easier and safer. The transfer of knowledge in the first three work packages between ITT and partner institutions had been nearly symmetric.

Partner institutions, steering committee

Project executed within the REGPOT scheme have only one beneficiary, in the case of the RECENT project this is ITT. Its activities are supported by the partner institutions involved in the project. RECENT project has been executed by ITT in concert with four partners:
- School of Process Environmental and Material Engineering at the University of Leeds
- Centre of Energy Resources and Consumptions, University of Zaragoza
- Department of Energy Engineering at the University of Florence
- VTT – Finland National Research Centre

The supervising body of the project was the Steering Committee. Four of the six members of this body were representatives of partner institutions, the remaining two members came from the Polish industry and local government.

Project Objectives

- Enhance the research capacity of the Institute by:
o recruitment of new researchers and PhD students,
o training staff by secondments, participating in workshops and international conferences,
o commissioning research equipment, and
o applying for international and national projects related to energy, specifically in optimization of large energy systems and processes, low carbon technologies, eco-energy policy at regional, national and European level.
- Implement new management techniques
- Reinforce the links with the industry by acquiring research projects from regional, national and international corporations and SMEs
- Strengthen the links with the strategic partner institutions in the selected research and technology areas by exchanging experience, two way staff exchange, joint organization of scientific events (workshops, conferences) and application for projects
- Increase the presence of ITT in shaping the local and national eco-energy policy
- Contribute to the regional development and employment growth of Upper Silesia region by increasing the competitiveness of the industrial partners and promoting high tech solutions.
- Improve the visibility of the Institute by successful networking with strategic partners and entities not directly involved in this project.

Implemented measures
1) Employing additional Polish staff
2) Secondment of Polish staff – post-docs
3) Employment of foreign researchers
4) Short bilateral visits
5) Visits of external experts
6) Secondment of Junior staff from partner institutions to ITT for one month
7) Attending conference
8) Purchasing research equipment
9) Organization of international conferences10) Organization of workshops for PhD students
11) Organization of seminars for the industry and local government
12) Organization of seminar on project management and intellectual rights


The webpage of the project and two issues of a bulletin available in printed and electronic form at the webpage of the project have been produced. Each event organized by ITT both within the project and on other occasions has been preceded by a short review of the RECENT project. The achievements of the project have been mentioned in numerous TV and broadcast interviews, local press and web pages. After the first periodic report, the achievement of the RECENT has been selected as a success story of the REGPOT scheme. Two major events greatly contributed to the dissemination of the project achievements: seminar at the European Parliament 'True Colours of Silesia' promoting the research in the region of Silesia, and a seminar on Horizon2020 with invited speakers: rapporteurs of FP7 and H2020 Prof. J. Buzek and Prof. MdG Carvalho and a special guest Vice minister J. Gulinski, from the Polish Ministry of Research and Higher Education.

Funded Research

The execution of the project enhanced the efficiency of ITT in research fund raising. More than 50 projects financed by the industry and 14 major projects financed by various national funding agencies have been executed. The total budget of these projects reached EUR 3M. Additional grants for enhancing the infrastructure resulted in a construction of a new research laboratory and purchasing an apparatus for dynamic measurement of heat diffusivity. The total infrastructure funding was of the order of EUR 0.6M. Along with the activities on national level, nine international projects have been filed. Three of the applications were successful: an FP7 project where two partners of RECENT project are involved, one project financed by the Norwegian Finance Mechanism executed with SINTEF, one project executed within the Operational Program Regional Trans-border Collaboration between Poland and Czech Republic. Four other international projects are under review.


Employees of ITT have been asked to advise local government on municipal and regional level on energy policy issues. They also served as advisors to central government and Parliament. Special courses curtailed to the needs of specific industrial partners have been given by the ITT staff.

Project Results:

1. Employing additional Polish staff

Prof. Wojciech Stanek has been employed for three years. He defended his DSc (habilitation) in 2009 at Silesian University of Technology. The topic of his research has been directly linked with the thrust of the RECENT project, however, due to financial limitations; he could not be employed at ITT on regular basis. The open position has been announced at the SUT portal, as required by internal law. Prof Stanek was the only candidate for the position. In the course of the project execution, Prof. Stanek developed a new theory of thermoecological analysis and merged it with an approach developed at partner CIRCE center. The result was a series of joint publications. He also applied the extended Life Cycle Analysis to Polish conditions giving an in-depth analysis of the Greenhouse Gases emission associated e.g. with an import of the natural gas form Russia. In cooperation with CIRCE, he maintained the exergo-ecological portal. He became a Subject Editor of the prestigious International Elsevier Energy journal and served as a guest editor to three high impact journals. Within the time of project execution, Prof. Stanek published five journal papers, 22 conference papers and was an editor of an International Conference CPOTE 2012. He attended five conferences, organized an international conference, workshop for the industry and one for PhD students. He also prepared four visits of external experts and two visits of partner staff. After RECENT project came to an end, Prof. Stanek applied for a permanent professorship at ITT. He won the open competition and is now employed at ITT.

Dr Adam Klimanek has been employed for three years. In the course of project execution, Dr Klimanek worked on numerical simulations of coal combustion and gasification in Pulverized Coal and Circulating Fluidized Bed boilers, wet cooling towers, including designs where the flue gases are discharged through the cooling tower coke oven furnace. Dr Klimanek participated in seminars and conferences, visited partner institutions of the RECENT project: VTT both in Jyvaskyla and Espoo. He has also been to Leeds and Florence. In each case, Dr Klimanek gave seminars, initiated numerous discussions with the staff of the visited research centers and took tours on their laboratories. In the home institute, he supervised PhD students and has been involved in the organization of several RECENT and ITT events. Dr Klimanek's PhD thesis took the first place in the national competition of PhD theses dealing with computational mechanics. His dissertation has been selected as a finalist of all Europe competition of PhD thesis in computational mechanics. His thesis has been publish in a high impact factor journal Arch Comput Methods Eng, Dr Klimanek published within the duration of RECENT project 16 contributions among them four journal papers. After the RECENT project came to an end, Dr Klimanek applied for a permanent position at ITT. In an open call, he has won the completion and is now a member of ITT staff.

Dr Zbigniew Bulinski signed a work contract with the RECENT project for nearly three years. In the course of project execution, Dr Bulinski worked on experimental methods of imaging techniques applied to heat and mass flow. Another area of his activities was the computer simulations of multiphase and homogeneous flows. In the first research area, Dr Bulinski worked on three projects: supersonic air flow through an ejector, flotation machine and natural convection. In the second area, the simulations have been carried out for the case of CO2 supercritical flow in an ejector, the second project dealt with simulations of drying process of porous material, air flow in buildings and vertical axis wind turbines. Parallel to this, Dr Bulinski worked on the practical application of Green's function in heat conduction. Dr Bulinski has coached the champion team of SUT students who won the international Greenpower Corporate Challenge, taking first two places in an electrical cars race on the Formula One Silverstone Circuit. He also organized several meetings and built from scratch the PIV lab at ITT. The results of his research have been published in two book chapters, six journal and 25 conference papers. After the RECENT project came to an end, Dr Bulinski applied for a permanent position at ITT. In an open call, he won the competition and is now a member of ITT staff.

Dr Arkadiusz Ryfa signed a work contract for nearly two years. Dr Ryfa's PhD thesis took the first place in the national competition of PhD theses dealing with computational mechanics. His dissertation has been selected for the final of all Europe competition of PhD thesis in computational mechanics. His thesis will be published in a high impact factor journal Arch Comput Methods Eng, In the course of project execution, Dr Ryfa had concentrated on simulation techniques supported by some experimental validations. The thrust of his research was in inverse techniques of retrieving boundary conditions at jet impingement conditions. Another area of research activities was the simulation of small coal fired boilers, where he developed an innovative approach of coupling the water and flue gas side. He did also some work on simulation of large scale pulverized coal boilers. The research resulted in publication of four papers in high impact journals and preparing another one. He also published eight conference papers. Dr Ryfa has been very active in the organization of many events of the RECENT project. His work on popularization of engineering education among high school students deserves special praise. After the RECENT project came to an end, Dr Ryfa applied for a permanent position at ITT. In an open call, he won the competition and is now a member of ITT staff.

2. Secondment of Polish staff – post-docs

Dr Kalina's visited Florence University between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. During his stay, he co-operated with the group of prof. Giampaolo Manfrida. Dr Kalina's main area of interest was the cogeneration plants focused on renewable resources and CO2 emission reduction within the project entitled: 'Analysis and optimization of distributed cogeneration plants integrated with gasification of biomass'. The most important research outcomes of Dr Kalina's stay at UNIFI-DE are mathematical models, computer codes in FORTRAN and Engineering Equation Software as well as seven published research papers. During his stay in Italy Dr Kalina participated in training of ProMax process simulation package, served as a reviewer for ICAE 2011 - International Conference on Applied Energy, Perugia, Italy May 16, 2011 – May 18, 2011 chaired by Prof. Manfrida. Dr Kalina did also participate in ZEROEMISSION ROME 2010 Fair and Conference. His participation was financed by UNIFI-DE. Another outcome of his visit in Florence is that Dr Kalina has collected material for his DSc. dissertation. His DSc thesis is now finished and the defence is foreseen within the next few months.

Dr Wojciech Kostowski spent at Centre of Energy Resources and Consumption (CIRCE), Zaragoza one year starting at September 1, 2011. His research at CIRCE has been devoted to the thermodynamic design and thermoeconomic analysis. In particular, he dealt with hybrid units to generate energy from pressurized natural gas transported in pipelines. He cooperated closely with Dr Sergio Uson of CIRCE, the result of the collaboration are several joint publications and substantial progress in the preparation of the DSc. thesis (Polish – habilitation). In the Polish academic system, the defence of this thesis is a necessary condition for promotion to Associate Professor.

Dr Grzegorz Przybyla spent one year from August 1, 2011 to July 31 2012 in Leeds. The main research area was the investigation of car engines running on biofuels. Dr Przybyla participated in experiments aimed at testing car engines fuelled by a mixture of diesel and biodiesel. Special stress has been given to the investigations of the resulting emissions. His measurements have been carried out on a car in city cycle (not on lab rig). Such equipment is not available at ITT. To have an in-depth picture of this phenomenon, Dr Przybyla's research has been extended towards this, more realistic conditions. During Dr Przybyla's stay in Leeds he co-operated with the group of researchers including prof. G. E. Andrews, Dr H. Li and Ms S. A. Hadavi. The research consisted in experimental tests and computational analyses. The tests were conducted under different traffic conditions such as cold start, congested, free flow and high speed driving, to provide data for the better prediction of the impact of biofuels on urban air quality, and to facilitate decisions about the optimal way to utilize biofuels within the vehicle fleet. The emission measurements included greenhouse gases, speciation of hydrocarbons and NO/NO2 which is of relevance to the potentially growing primary NO2 problem in urban areas. The results of Dr Przybyla's research have been published in 7 journal and conference papers. During his stay in Leeds Dr Przybyla attended also two professional courses. One dealt with Diesel particulates and NOx emissions and during his stay in Leeds while the second was on Engine emission measurement. The fees for the courses have been paid by the University of Leeds.

Dr Banasiak has been seconded to SINTEF-Norway. SINTEF is a Norwegian Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research. Dr Banasiak stay has taken place in the Energy Research Branch of the Foundation in the Department of Energy Efficiency located in Trondheim. During Dr Banasiak's stay in Trondheim he co-operated with the group of researchers led by Dr Petter Neksa, including Dr Armin Hafner and Dr Trond Andresen, on enhancing the knowledge on R744 ejectors in view of their use in refrigeration installations forth improvement of energy efficiency within the framework of the CREATIV project. Dr Banasiak had analyzed different geometries of the ejectors and based on a 1D model and experiments worked on the improvement of the Coefficient of Performance of the refrigerator. He also investigated the non-equilibrium phenomena of phase change in the ejector. Very good agreement between experiments and simulations has been achieved. Within his research program, Dr Banasiak investigated also other possible functionalities of the ejector as e.g. application to heat recuperation. The results of Dr Banasiak's stay in Trondheim have been described in five publications (two journal and there conference papers). During his secondment, Dr Banasiak participated in an international conference on natural refrigerants held in Delft (NL). The stay has been financed by SINTEF. The project strengthened the links between SINTEF Energy Research and the Institute of Thermal Technology. It resulted in a joint project application sent at the end of 2012 to the Polish-Norwegian Research Program financial scheme, for a grant entitled 'Application of an innovative expansion work recovery system with multiple ejectors for energy performance improvement in the R744 refrigeration installations for supermarkets'. This EUR 1M project application has been successful.

Dr Andrzej Sachajdak spent one year at VTT, Technical Research Center of Finland, Jyvaskala: starting at October 1, 2010 and finishing on September 30 2011. His research at VTT has been devoted mainly to the dynamic simulations of oxyfuel fluidized bed boilers and power plants. The thrust of research has been the integration of various units like Air Separation, CO2 absorption and the like into the structure of the entire power plant. A specific feature of Dr Sachajdak's approach was the usage of dynamic rather than steady state approach. During his stay in Finland, Dr Sachajdak did also cooperate with Espoo group of VTT whose interest is in CFD modeling of multiphase flows. The measurable results of Dr Sachajdak's secondments are 7 papers. The intent is to write another joint paper summing up the results of Dr Sachajdak's research carried out at VTT and the follow up research at Gliwice. The follow up of Dr Sachajdak's visit at VTT is the FP7 project O2GEN where ITT is a member of the consortium and Dr Sachajdak is one of the leading researchers.

Dr Jacek Smolka spent at the Department of Energy Engineering, University of Florence one year: starting at October 1, 2011 and finishing the stay on September 30, 2012. During his secondment Dr Smolka collaborated closely with Prof, Giampaolo Manfrida, and his two PhD students and Dr Daniele Fiaschi. The research concentrated on two-phase flows applied to compressed humid air, cooling of photovoltaic panels, organic agent flow in radial turbines and hydrogen combustion. The results of the stay are three papers published in high impact journals and 11 international conference contributions. Dr Smolka has also been involved in research for Italian industry. Important results have been achieved: two patent applications are prepared for submission. Both ITT and DEE UFi declared the willingness to continue and intensify the collaboration both in research and education. Appropriate procedure of signing an agreement has been started.

3. Employment of foreign researchers

Prof. Sobiesiak has been employed at ITT between September 15, 2010 and February 24, 2011. Professor Sobiesiak is the Head of the Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering University of Windsor, Canada. His area of expertise is in low emission combustion with stress on internal combustion engines. The aim of his stay was the transfer of knowledge to ITT academic personnel in IC engines and experimental techniques. During his stay at ITT Prof. Sobiesiak delivered several lectures, advised the ITT staff on PIV systems and wrote two joint papers with Dr Grzegorz Przybyla. Prof. Sobiesiak was also involved in supervising some graduate courses given in English. The courses were given by younger ITT staff, so that the advice of Prof. Sobiesiak was of great value. Prof. Sobiesiak gave seminars at other Institutes of the SUT.

Prof. Krzysztof Ptasinski of the Eindhoven University has spent six month at ITT. The main purpose of the visiting professorship was to share and transfer research experience in several research areas, mainly renewable energy, particularly bioenergy and thermodynamic evaluation of energy systems. These topics are very relevant for the current research developments at the Institute of Thermal Technology in Gliwice. Another purpose of his stay at ITT was to exchange experience regarding the organization of science and education at the Dutch University system. During his stay, Prof. Ptasinski gave four seminars, co-authored two papers with ITT staff, participated in the organization of the CPOTE conference and visited other research institutions.

4. Short bilateral visits

- Prof. A. Nowak and Dr A. Sachajdak at VTT visit lasted from June 3– 6, 2010. The rationale for this visit was twofold, the preparation of one year secondment of Dr Sachajdak at VTT and establishing personal links between the Workpackage 3 coordinator and VTT staff. This in turn resulted in defining the points of joint research interest and finding instructors for the CFD workshop.
- Prof. A. Nowak and Dr J. Smolka stay at the University of Florence took place on May 26 and 27, 2011. The aim of the visit was the preparation of the one-year secondment of Dr Smolka to Florence and investigating the areas of possible collaboration of the Italian team with the CFD group. Here the collaboration with Prof. Bruno Facchini has been a primary goal.
- Prof. Bialecki's visit at VTT took place between March 1 and 3, 2011 and was connected with the development of research links with the CFD group in Otaniemi (Espoo). The Jyvaskyla stay was mainly concentrated on defining areas of joint applications for international projects and staff exchange.
- Dr Werle and Dr Klimanek visit at VTT took place between June 24 and 28, 2011. The rationale for this visit was twofold: Dr Werle's interest was mainly in the experimental part of biomass with special stress on fluidized bed. Dr Klimanek's interest was focused on the simulation portion of VTT research. Two VTT sites were visited: Jyvaskyla where the experimental rigs are located and Otaniemi where the CFD simulations are developed.
- Prof. Szlek and Prof. Bialecki mission at Leeds University took place between June 21 and 23, 2010. The aim of Prof. Szlek's visit at Leeds University was to discuss details of the upcoming conference on low carbon technologies. Prof. Bialecki's visit was mainly aimed at arranging the details of the workshop on promotion of innovation and intellectual rights with the staff of Leeds University.
- Visit of Dr Przybyla at Leeds University took place between Sept. 18 and 25, 2010 and was devoted to the preparation of his one-year secondment at the Leeds University. The time of the visit has been also used for some training in operation of research equipment to be used during Dr Przybyla's secondment at Leeds.
- Prof. Szlek mission at VTT took place between March 1 and 3 2011 and was aimed at getting acquainted with the work of VTT on biomass gasification, specifically in the context of co-firing and fluidized bed processes.
- Dr Kostowski's stay at Zaragoza took place between September 26, and October 8, 2010. The primary aim was to prepare his one year secondment at Zaragoza, besides he worked on a joint publication with Dr Segio Uson Gill and attended a course of thermoeconomics.
- Dr Liszka and Prof. Stanek visit at Zaragoza took place on March 7-12, 2011. Their stay was connected both with organization tasks of RECENT project as well as with the exchange the experience in mathematical modeling of energy systems, exergy analysis, exergy diagnosis, thermoeconomics and resources accounting and problems related to CO2 emissions.
- Dr Liszka visit at VTT on March 1-3, 2011. The aim was to present the system analysis approach developed at ITT by the group around Dr Liszka. The technique turned out to be of interest to VTT Jyvaskyla team and along with the contribution from Dr Sachajdak would be a core of the joint application for the FP7 FlexiBurn continuation project.
- Dr Kostowski's stay at Zaragoza between August 10 and 14, 2011. The primary aim was to gather data and prepare a joint publication and preparing data for a research proposal.
- Prof. Stanek and Prof. Szega visit at Zaragoza on July 9-14, 2012. Their stay was connected both with organization of the CPOTE conference and exchange of know how in mathematical modeling of energy systems, exergy analysis, exergy diagnosis, thermoeconomics and depletion of natural resources.
- Prof. Ryszard Bialecki and Dr Marcin Liszka visit at CIRCE on July 10-12, 2012. The primary goal of the visit was to prepare the twinning agreement between CIRCE and ITT, discuss the models of students and junior staff exchange between both parties and present the Spanish partners the newest results in research associated with oxicombustion at ITT.
- Dr Jacek Kalina visited CIRCE between August 31 and September 9, 2012. He the BERA Research Group (Biomass, Engineering and Resources Assessment) of the CIRCE - Centre of Research for Energy Resources and Consumptions in Zaragoza, Spain. The main goal of the visit was to initialize scientific contacts between ITT and the BERA Group.
- Dr Marcin Liszka spent one week between May 31 and June 7, 2012 at the University of Florence. The main goal of the visit was to discuss with Italian partners on the possible areas of cooperation.
- Prof. Wojciech Stanek, Dr Wieslaw Gazda and Dr Jacek Kalina visited University of Florence between 14 and 19 January 2013. During their stay, a seminar has been organized and the question of joint research in exergy and life cycle analysis discussed in detail. Both parties agreed that a joint application for a research project within the Intelligent Energy scheme should be filed
- Dr Wojciech Kostowski visited CIRCE in the last days of the project implementation namely between 26 and 31 of January 2013. The purpose of the visit was to coordinate the preparation of two joint publications with Dr Sergio Uson from CIRCE. Both researchers discussed the reviewer's comments and prepared the rebuttal. Additionally Dr Kostowski in cooperation with Dr Fondevilla prepared a portion of an application for a Leonardo project aimed at development of European uniform educational platform for vocational education centers.
- Dr Daniele Fiaschi from University of Florence visited ITT between December 3 and 7, 2012. The primary aim of the visit was to initiate a joint research project for future Horizon 2020 EU research program. The project is oriented on small-scale hybrid and combined power generation plants, integrated with biomass gasification.
- Prof Andrzej Szlek coordinator of WP2 and Prof. Ryszard Bialecki coordinator of the project visited CIRCE between October 18 and 21, 2011. This was the first stay of both coordinators in Zaragoza. The aim was to learn about the research conducted at CIRCE and present the fields of current research at ITT in order to define further areas of research collaboration and possible applications for joint projects.
- Dr Adam Klimanek mission at Leeds University took place between September 26 and 28, 2011.The aim of the stay was to exchange experience in modeling fluidized bed gasification and combustion with a group of researchers working on similar subject in the partner institution. Another purpose of the visit was to discuss the possibilities of graduate and PhD students exchange with Leeds. Special stress has been put on lab tour.
- Dr Wecel mission Leeds University took place between September 26 and 28, 2011. The rationale for this mission was the exchange of research experience in the field of computational fluid mechanic, measurements techniques of solid fuels properties, in-flame laser measurement ethnic and simulations of radiative heat transfer and calculations of radiative properties of the optically active gases.
- Dr Przybyla visited Leeds University between 7 and 14 October, 2012. The primary aim of the stay at Leeds was the interpretation of the results of the research conducted during Dr Przybyla's one year stay at the University of Leeds. Parallel to this, the core of the papers summing up the research has been written. The visit gave also an opportunity to discuss about possible joint projects.
- Dr Gabriel Wecel's visit at VTT (Espoo site) took place between 23 and 29 October 2011. The main goal of visit was exchange of research experience in the field computational fluid mechanic in simulations of pulverized coal combustion, calculations of radiative heat transfer and radiative properties of the optically active gases. Dr Wecel gave 4 lectures.
- Dr Adam Klimanek visited CIRCE between February 12 and 15, 2012. The main purpose of the stay was to learn about the techniques used at CIRCE for simulation and validation of fluidized bed combustion and to present own achievements in this area. He met with the numerical modeling group at CIRCE to discuss the experience in multiphase dense flows. During the visit, also a lab tour has been organized. The question of joint applications for international research funding has been raised.
- Dr Andrzej Ksiadz at CIRCE Zaragoza happened parallel to that of Dr Klimanek. The research area of interests to the visitor included various aspects of combustion and alternative energy sources. Main goal of the visit was to exchange research experience and become familiar with research objectives and techniques applied at CIRCE.
- Dr Zbigniew Zmudka visited Leeds University between May 7 and 13, 2012. The aim of the visit was to learn about the research carried out at the Energy Research Institute, University of Leeds in the area of internal combustion engines. Another purpose was to present the research carried out in this area.
- Prof. Andrzej Szlek, Coordinator of WP2 and Prof. Ryszard Bialecki, coordinator of the RECENT project paid a short visit to the Department of Energy of the University of Florence between May 16 and 19, 2012. The aim of this visit was to prepare the twinning agreement between ITT and Sergio Stecco Department of Energy, University of Florence and monitoring the progress of the research, within the one year stay of Dr Jacek Smolka in Florence.
- Prof. Andrzej Szlek, Coordinator of WP2 and Dr Grzegorz Przybyla visited Instituto Motori (IM) in Naples (I) between January 9 and 13, 2013. The purpose of the visit was to create new links of the Institute of Thermal Technology with partners whose expertise cover the construction and exploitation of internal combustion engines.
- Joint visit of Prof. Ryszard Bialecki (WP3) and Dr Liszka (WP1) at CIRCE 10-12 July 2012. The aim was to discuss the simulation techniques used in system approach (Dr Liszka) and CFD (Prof. Bialecki) with partners at CIRCE and discuss the details of collaboration within the forthcoming FP7 project O2GEN coordinated by Prof. Romeo of CIRCE.
- Prof Ryszard Bialecki and Dr Andrzej Sachajdak visited VTT on July 31 and August 1, 2012. The rationale of this visit was twofold, the overview of the collaboration between ITT and VTT and perspectives of the future cooperation in research.
- Dr Sachajdak mission at VTT took place between November 19 and 31, 2012. The aim was to prepare a joint publication summarizing the results obtained during his one-year secondment at VTT and carrying out additional simulations.
- Prof. Ryszard Bialecki and Dr Arkadiusz Ryfa visited the aircraft engine manufacturer Rolls Royce Germany on January 29, 2013. The aim of the mission was to present a novel technique developed by Dr Ryfa in his PhD to the industry. The technique deals with impingement cooling and may be directly implemented for cooling of combustion chambers of gas turbine engines. The representatives of the industry expressed their interest in the technique and invited ITT team to join the CleanSky consortium.
- Prof. Ryszard Bialecki and Dr Arkadiusz Ryfa visited Institute of Aerospace Thermodynamics of Stuttgart University (D). The justification for such a visit was to extend the contacts of ITT top research institution whose research interest is very close to that of ITT. The aim of this mission was to discuss possible collaboration between the Institute of Aerospace Thermodynamics and ITT in the field of inverse problems and jet impingement. The seminar was very fruitful. The first step of the mutual research collaboration was an exchange of experimental data with the aim of publishing a joint paper.
- Dr Duncan Borman of School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds visited ITT between November 18 and 21, 2012. During his intensive stay at ITT Dr Borman presented his research to the relevant staff of ITT and learned about the research carried out at ITT. He exchanged experience in multiphase modeling and experimental techniques based on PIV, used at the host institute. Good perspectives of joint research had been found.

5. Visits of external experts

i. The visit of Prof. Janusz Cofala (A) of the International Institute for Applied System Analysis
ii. Prof. Christos Frangopoulos (GR) of the National Technical University of Athens stayed at ITT between 7 and 11 of May 2012.
iii. Prof. Tatyana Morozyuk (D) of the Technical University of Berlin stayed at ITT between 19-22, 2012. Within her visits, she delivered two seminars.
iv. Prof. Bengt Sunden (S) of Lund University visited ITT between October 28 and 31, 2012. Prof Sunden gave a lecture on 'Simulation methods of heat exchangers' addressed to the entire ITT staff.
v. Prof. Josef Jandacka of Zilina University (SK) who stayed at ITT between July 2 and 7 2012. Prof Jandacka participated a.o. in panel discussions on renewable energy sources. He also gave a talk on the limitations of the low temperature Rankine circle.
vi. Prof. Tadeas Ochodek of Ostrava University of Technology (CZ) stayed at ITT between January 14 and 18, 2013.
vii. Prof. Roman Weber of Technical University of Clausthal (D) visited ITT between April 2 and 5, 2012. Prof Weber gave a lecture on deposit formation in steam boilers.
viii. Prof. Antti Oksanen of Tampere University of Technology (FIN) gave a seminar on combustion of the black liquor, a very toxic by product of the paper industry. He a.o. took a lab tour and had discussions with several members of the ITT staff.
ix. Prof. Kemal Hanjalic, Professor at Delft University (NL) and Maire Curie Chair at La Sapieza University Rome Prof Hanjalic visited ITT between October 17 and 22, 2010. He gave four lectures on numerical and physical models of turbulence.
x. Prof. Wojciech Lipinski of the University of Minnesota University (USA) stayed at ITT between June 19-22, 2012. He a.o. gave a seminar on heat radiation entitled 'From Sunlight to fuels and power' and met several members of ITT staff discussing contemporary techniques of modeling heat radiation.
xi. Prof. Anton von Steenhoven of Eindhoven University (NL). His stay at ITT extended from October 14 through 19, 2012. Prof. Steenhoven is an expert in modeling of heat in human's body.
xii. Prof. Helcio Orlande of COPPE Federal University of Brazil at Rio de Janeiro. Prof Orlande is a world known expert in inverse analysis. He spent one week at ITT between November 11 and 16, 2012. He a.o. gave an intensive course in inverse analysis that lasted two days and were very well attended by researchers from all over Poland.

6. Secondment of Junior staff from partner institutions to ITT for one month
i. Dr Sergio Uson Gil, Assistant Professor CIRCE – Centre of Research for Energy Resources and Consumptions, University of Zaragoza, Spain visited ITT between June 29 and July 29 2011.
ii. Dr Andy Ross visited ITT. For logistic reasons his stay has been split into two parts: June 26 – July 7, and August 25, through September 1, 2012.
iii. Dr Kevin Hughes visited ITT between June 19 and July 17, 2011. His main activities concerned consulting ITT researchers in the questions of chemical kinetics, giving seminars on this topic and the problem of reduction of the number of full mechanism of combustion.
iv. Dr Sergio Uson visited ITT for the second time between July 16 and August 14, 2012. During his stay, he a.o. worked with Prof. Stanek and Dr Liszka primarily on various aspects of thermoeconomics as a tool of optimization of industrial processes.

7. Attending conference

RECENT funds have been used to support presentation of several papers at important international conferences dealing with interactions of energy and environment.

i. Dr Ostrowski and Prof. Nowak presented two papers on the IV International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering COUPLED PROBLEMS 2011 held at Kos, June 20-22, 2011.
ii. Prof. Szczygiel presented a paper at Fifth European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics - ECCOMAS 2010 held in Lisbon June 14-17, 2010.
iii. Prof. Nowak presented a paper on 7th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering, Orlando, United States, May 4-10, 2011.
iv. Prof. W. Stanek presented a paper at the Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2010) conference held on June 14 - 17, 2010, in Lausanne, Switzerland.
v. Two papers have been presented at Annual Pittsburgh Coal Conferences in 2011 and 2012 held in Pittsburgh PA, USA.
vi. Two papers have been also presented at ECOS – Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems.
vii. Two contributions of Dr Werle were presented at the VIth Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment System held on September 25-29, 2011 in Croatia.
viii. The paper of Dr Szapajko has been presented at Annual Pittsburgh Coal Conferences in held in Pittsburgh PA, USA.
ix. Two papers of Dr Werle were presented at 11th International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilization in Coimbra (P).
x. Two papers authored by Dr Przybyla and Dr Ksiadz have been presented at 10th Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Symposium in Ubon, Thailand.
xi. One contribution of Prof Nowak have been presented at Coupled Problems 2011 ECCOMAS conference held on Kos Island in June 2011, another paper has been presented by him at the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Science and Engineering ECCOMAS 2012 held in Vienna.
xii. Paper of Dr Ostrowski has been presented on the already mentioned Coupled Problems conference.
xiii. Dr Ryfa presented his contribution at the mentioned above Vienna conference.

Here is the list of papers presented by ITT staff:
- Szczygiel I. Analysis of the selected problems of heat convection, CFD 2010, ECCOMAS Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010
- Z. Bulinski, A.J. Nowak, K. Kasza, L. Matysiak Retrieving of the initial moisture field in porous material based on temperature measurements during drying, 7th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering, Orlando, United States, 2011
- Z. Ostrowski, A.J.H. Frijns, W.D. van Marken Lichtenbelt, B.R.M. Kingma, A.A. van Steenhoven Predicting human blood pressure changes by thermo-physiological simulation IV International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering COUPLED PROBLEMS 2011, Kos, Greece, 2011
- M.K. Ginalski, L.C. Wrobel, D.B. Ingham, A.M. Fic, J. Laszczyk, A.J. Nowak Selected Coupled Thermal Problems in Neonatology and their Computational Modelling, IV International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering COUPLED PROBLEMS 2011, Kos, Greece, 2011 (invited presentation)
- Stanek W., Examples of Application of Exergy Analysis for the Evaluation of Ecological Effects in Thermal Processes. Proceedings of ECOS 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Stanek W., Budnik M.: Exergy diagnosis of coal fired CHP plant with application of neural and regression modeling. Sixth Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, September 25 - 29, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Stanek W., Czarnowska L.: Environmental externalities and their effect on the cost of consumer products, Proceedings of 6th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environmental Systems, Dubrovnik 2011
- Stanek W., Czarnowska L.: 'Environmental externalities and its influence on the thermo-ecological cost.', Proceedings of 6th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environmental Systems, Dubrovnik 2011
- Liszka M., Syrnik M., Optimization of coal-fired power unit location in case of CCS, Proceedings of the 28th International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, September 12-15, 2011 Pittsburgh, USA.
- Liszka M., Szapajko G., Nowak G. Idea for use of ASU waste nitrogen for coal pre-drying within oxy-fuel power unit, Proceedings of the 28th International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, September 12-15, 2011 Pittsburgh, USA.
- Gazda W., Joachim Koziol J.: The estimation of energy efficiency for hybrid refrigeration system. The sixth Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy Water And Environment System, Dubrovnik, 2011, September 25-29
- Uson S, Kostowski W. Integrating an Organic Rankine Cycle into a natural gas expansion plant supplied with a co-generation unit. Proc of the 25th Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Perugia, Italy 28 June 2012
- Kostowski W., Uson S., Piekarczyk W. Thermoeconomic analysis of a Hybrid Energy Generation Unit at a Gas Pressure Reduction Station. Proc. of the 6th SDEWES Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia 2011.
- Kalina J: Thermo-Ecological Evaluation of Biomass Integrated Gasification Gas Turbine Based Cogeneration Technology. Proceedings of ECOS 2012 - the 25th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems June 26-29, 2012, Perugia, Italy
- Stanek W., Czarnowska L. and Kalina J.: Performance analysis of downdraft gasifier - reciprocating engine biomass fired small-scale cogeneration system. Proceedings of ECOS 2012 - the 25th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems June 26-29, 2012, Perugia, Italy
- Werle S., Investigation on the reburning process using sewage sludge-derived syngas for NOx and CO2emission control, VIth Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, September 25-29, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 380-381.
- Werle S., Ksiadz A., Szwedo I., Experimental investigation of flammable properties of municipal sewage sludge, VIth Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, September 25-29, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 451
- Werle S., Wilk R.K. Sewage sludge gasification process: Influence of the main properties of fuel on syngas composition, 11th International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilization, May 9-13, 2012, Coimbra, Portugal, p. 107
- Werle S., Ecological-benefits analysis of using sewage sludge as an alternative fuel in power engineering, 11th International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilization, May 9-13, 2012, Coimbra, Portugal, p. 106
- Liszka M., Szapajko G., Nowak G. Idea for use of ASU waste nitrogen for coal pre-drying within oxy-fuel power unit Proceedings of the 28th International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, September 12-15, 2011
- Ksiadz A., Laboratory study of selected trace elements behaviour during biomass co-combustion with coal, 10th Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Symposium - 10th EMSES, Ubon-ratchathani, Thailand, 5-8.12.2012
- Przybyla G., Szlek A., Ziolkowski L., Effect of Equivalence Ratio on SI Engine Performance Fuelled with Lean Air Gas Mixtures 10th Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Symposium, Ubon ratchathani, Thailand, December 5-8. 2012
- Ginalski M.K. Wrobel L.C. Ingham D.B. Fic A.M. Laszczyk J., Nowak A.J. Selected Coupled Thermal Problems in Neonatology and their Computational Modelling, Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering COUPLED PROBLEMS 2011, M. Papadrakakis, E. Onate and B. Schrefler (eds), CD-ROM ISBN:978-84-87867-59-0, Kos, Greece, 20-22 June 2011

Potential Impact:

1. Better integration of ITT in ERA

This goal has been achieved by the development of the human potential of ITT. The crucial tool within these activities was the networking with the partner institutions. In the course of the project execution, the number of institutions collaborating in the project has been extended. Norwegian research center SITEF, University of Stuttgart, Instituto Motori in Naples and Rolls Royce contributed to the project execution. The networking has been formally confirmed by signing twinning agreements. However, the most important component of networking is the established personal links between the ITT staff and their European counterparts.

The complementary character of the research profiles of the partner institutions and ITT resulted in the best possible scenario of collaboration between research entities i.e. the win-win situation. The bi-directional exchange of know how between ITT and partner institutions produced sustainable links.

All partners have a long record of participation in European, international and national research funding schemes. VTT and CIRCE belong to the leading European players in this field. Similarly, Leeds and Florence are very successful in this area, though their focus is more oriented towards the national research program. Close contacts with these entities did already result in several joint applications for EC and other international projects.

The dual degree agreements and already filed projects will generate an exchange of junior staff between ITT and the partners. The agreed double PhD scheme require by the involved entities to define a research topic, which is of equal interest to both partners. This will contribute to tightening the research links between ITT and the partners.

The students participating in Erasmus exchange program are natural candidates for writing a dual PhD thesis. The already existing MSc students exchange will be continued and intensified.

2. Upgrading the RTD capacity and capability

Several measures aimed at the enhancement of the infrastructure, human potential and the quality of research had been implemented. The applied multi-faceted approach already produced a sustainable effect of upgraded capacity and capability of the Institute.

The dominant role in these activities should be attributed to the intensive training and academic mobility program. Specifically, the secondments and employing new researchers contributed to the success of the capacity building of ITT research personnel. Six one-year fellowships of top junior researchers proved be a very efficient mean of using their research potential. All seconded ITT employees significantly enhanced their track record, published numerous papers, maintained international networking and come much closer to finishing their DSc (habilitation). In the Polish system, defending the habilitation is the necessary condition to apply for a permanent academic position.

The four members of the staff employed by RECENT, produced a similar result. Each member of this group published numerous papers and made a substantial progress in his DSc theses. After the project came to an end, all researchers employed by the RECENT project had successfully applied for a position at ITT. Along with the enhanced networking ability of both groups of researchers, the efficiency of these measures can be attributed to the low administration and teaching load of the researchers. The outcome of these staff training scheme is, that after finishing the RECENT project a very strong group of ten top young researchers has emerged at ITT. Such a strong team produces a critical mass of excellence and contributes greatly to the sustainability of the results of the project. Numerous awards received by these researchers confirm this statement.

The remaining staff of ITT did also benefit from the training program. Taking part in numerous missions, whose aims have been defined to fit individual needs, attending workshops, conferences and seminars, contact with renowned experts, participation in conferences greatly enhanced everybody's know-how and networking ability.

Another gain that should be mentioned is opening new research directions as bioengineering, aerospace, turbulence etc. This development has emerged mainly due to the program of inviting external experts. The set of twelve top researchers each staying at ITT for a week, resulted in a shortcut to the frontier research in selected areas of modern technology and science.

The quality of management of ITT has been improved not only directly, through participation in workshops and external training program but also due to contacts with the leading academic centers involved in the project.

Upgrading of the research infrastructure played an important role in the strategic concept of the project. The main source of financing the enhancement of the research infrastructure are the cohesion funds, own ITT resources and annual grants awarded by Polish Ministry of Research and Higher Education.

Additional financing within this project served the purpose of complementing the existing infrastructure. However, the rapid access to the unique equipment purchased from the RECENT grant speeded up some research directions, specifically the inverse analysis and validation of CFD results.

The training and upgraded equipment provided within the RECENT project opened to ITT staff new areas of cutting edge research in energy. The know-how acquired in the course of the project execution had greatly improved the ability of ITT to become a valuable member of a FP7 and other international project consortia. The results of the project are nine applications for international project, three of which proved already to be successful, while four are under evaluation. Parallel to the international project, ITT could raise substantial research funds from national and industrial sources.

One of the criteria of selecting partners in RECENT was their experience in participating in Framework Programmes. The reason for such strategy was that progress in energy research requires investment of substantial financial resources. This in turn, can be managed by a large consortium, whose coordination can be efficiently executed only by an experience entity. All partner institutions especially VTT and CIRCE are natural candidates for a coordinator of such consortia. The enhancement of the research potential of ITT along with the links established by joint execution of this project made ITT a valuable member of such research teams.

3. Improved research capacity for increased contribution to regional development

The European dimension, though dominant in the strategic concept of the project, should not overshadow the local component of the project. ITT is a strong research and higher education entity located in Upper Silesia, one of the most industrialized and rapidly developing regions of Poland and Europe. As such, ITT exploits its research potential to contribute to the regional development. Instrumental in these activities is the knowledge and experience existing in other regions of Europe. This knowledge has been acquired by ITT staff in the course of the execution of the project.

To respond to the needs of the region, the research area addressed in RECENT have been focused on various aspects of energy technology. The coal and power generation sector still dominates in Upper Silesia. This branch of the local economy will be a source of economic growth of the region in the nearest decade or so. Specifically, the great number of power plants and the need of a complete reconstruction of this sector is a factor that makes the energy research so attractive to the society. The historically determined heavy pollution of the region makes the reduction of the emission a crucial question. New, clean coal technologies that need to be introduced, with special stress on carbon reduction measures, make the know-how on biomass, CCS and IGSS very valuable. Much stress in the RECENT project has been therefore put on the development of the research in clean coal technologies. Successful application for a FP7 project aimed at new generation of oxycombustion technology is just one of the outcomes of this policy.

It should be stressed that ITT had already established strong links to the local industry. The extension of the research interest to life cycle and system analysis, reduced carbon technologies and advanced simulation had adjusted the research offer of the Institute to the needs of region and the emerging knowledge based economy. The high quality of the research offered to the industrial partners and the existing personal links, have been strengthen as a result of the execution of the project.
Upper Silesia industry is currently undergoing a process of serious remodeling. The presence of the advanced technologies in car and aircraft industry opens a new field of interaction of ITT with its local environment. The simulation package (WP3) of the workplan served the purpose of supporting this sector of economy. The experience of Florence, Leeds and new partners Instituto Motori in Naples, Stuttgart University and Rolls Royce is very valuable in this context.

The project addressed also the question of collaboration with the local government in defining and execution an optimal eco-energy policy. The successes of the seminars devoted to this problem and aimed at the officers of the local government, direct contacts with regional and municipal governments brings ITT closer to the goal of being a serious partner of the energy policy makers.

Spreading excellence, exploiting results, disseminating knowledge

ITT is a strong and experienced R&D unit with very good and long lasting contacts to relevant industry and economy sectors in the region, nationwide and in Europe. As such, the Institute is an ideal candidate to spread excellence, disseminate knowledge and implement the results of the project.

4. Dissemination knowledge and exploiting the results

By their nature, visibility and dissemination are crucial components of projects focusing on research capacity building, networking and developing links with the industry and local government. To attract best young researches and recruit senior staff with significant achievements, much effort have been devoted to shape and publicize the image of ITT as a strong, reliable R&D institution with wide spectrum of competences. Some implemented measures of dissemination are listed below. Similar activities will be continued in the future.

i. Setting up a webpage of the project embedded in the existing web page of the Institute. The webpage of the project has been established at the very start of the project. It has been designed by professional artists and written in Joomla content management system (CMC). It can readily be maintained by users, as the edition of the page can be made directly via internet browser. The address of the page is The web page has been maintained and updated within the entire life cycle of the project. It will not be deleted after the project end. All webpages and posters of conferences, workshops etc. organized within the RECENT project base on same graphical template stressing the common roots of all events.
ii. Issue a bulletin of the project by the end of each reporting period. The bulletin describes the basic facts and achievements of the project.
iii. Publishing a booklet on ITT (two editions). The full electronic version is attached to the report.
iv. Mass media and other means of public communication. Each event organized by ITT both within the project and on other occasions has been preceded by a short review of the RECENT project.
v. Producing gadgets with ITT logo (booklets, bulletins and gadgets to be distributed at various occasions). Various gadgets (ballpoints, flash memories, booklets etc.) have been commissioned. Unified graphical design of various materials has been developed (web page, covers of conference materials, badges for the seminars and meetings etc). Regular information posters and a roll-off poster have been designed and printed.
vi. WATER and HEAT 2012 Fair. ITT participated in the first edition of the WATER&HEAT 2012 specialist trade show focusing on boiler technology, thermal processes and industrial water, held on 5-6 June 2012 in Krakow

Project website:


Prof. Ryszard Bialecki
Institute of Thermal Technology
Silesian University of Technology
phone +48 32 2371222
fax +4832 2372872

Institute of Thermal Technology
Konarskiego 22
44-100 Gliwice