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Coherent matter-wave interferometry


After working for four years on quantum-optics at the Ècole Normale Supèrieur in Paris and at 'La Sapienza' in Rome, I led together with Prof Walraven a team of researchers on Bose-Einstein condensation in Amsterdam. At FORTH-IESL on Crete, I would like to combine these two fields by realising the first guided matter-wave interferometer.

The laboratory has a strong background in experimental laser-matter interaction and theoretical quantum-optics. The institute has recently decided to expand into experiment al quantum-optics and cold-atom physics, and is providing me with adequate means to realise this project. An excellence grant would help to establish the first experimental quantum-optics group in Greece.

After obtaining the first Bose-Einstein condensate in Greece, the aim of this proposal is to demonstrate the first fully functional prototype of a guided matter-wave interferometer. Bose-Einstein condensates will be split and recombined using Bragg pulses, in between which they will travel in opposite directions in a novel matter-waveguide. The resulting motional state of the atoms will then be a function of the relative phase difference accumulated by the two parts of the condensate.

This can be exploited to measure extremely small accelerations and rotations, well beyond today's possibilities, making the matter-waveguide interferometer a candidate for fundamental measurements such as the Newton's gravitational constant or relativistic frame dragging (Lense-Thirring effect). For the realisation of the interferometer, we will develop a new type of matter-waveguide and a novel ion-optical imaging system.

Ultimately, the interferometer can be fitted onto a single microchip and combined with micro-electric devices -- thus opening it up to real-life applications. Possible uses include covert navigation and measurements of the earth's gravitational field in the search for minerals.

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Vassilika Vouton

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