Project description
Organic photonics and other disruptive photonics technologies
The Nanophotonics for Energy Efficiency proposal aims to create a virtual centre of excellence to re-orient and focus nanophotonics research towards the challenges in energy efficient applications. The network will cluster nanophotonic laboratories and research groups in Europe combining their expertise in the development of disruptive approaches to lighting and solar cell technology. The consortium consolidates know-how and resources of 9 different institutions in 6 European countries with complimentary research and development expertise, integrating more than 130 scientists, engineers, technicians and managers in nanophotonics.The project pursues a scientific bottom-up approach to ensure that novel ideas and scientific breakthroughs as well as established proof-of-concepts in academia are promoted along the value chain towards reaching their eventual goal of commercialization. Market and industrial relevance is ensured through the involvement of industry leaders in the Advisory Board. This approach complements the existing top-down, industry-driven projects like e.g. project intends to achieve the overall long-term integration goal by coordinating three main efforts:1.\tRealising a strategy for successful integration: creation of new research clusters and a virtual laboratory network that will lead to the creation of a lasting entity that will exist beyond the duration of this NoE2.\tEstablishing joint research: foster collaborations among the leading groups in nanophotonics for energy efficiency, interchanging knowledge and best practices, and paving the way towards the establishment of common research agendas3.\tSpreading knowledge: education and training specially geared towards young researchers and technicians – both on S&T issues as well as on complementary skills like communication, business, entrepreneurial or IPR skills – and dissemination towards the scientific community, industry, and the public in general
Call for proposal
See other projects for this call
Funding Scheme
NoE - Network of ExcellenceCoordinator
08860 Castelldefels