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Content archived on 2024-05-30

Secretariat of the Implementing Geological Disposal Technology Platform

Final Report Summary - SECIGD (Secretariat of the Implementing Geological Disposal Technology Platform)

The SECIGD CSA has established an active Secretariat that serves as a support and information center for the IGD-TP. IGD-TP has published the founding documents of a TP with the project's support and the Secretariat has continued to support the IGD-TP in achieving its objectives. Work leading to the following outcomes was performed:
The Secretariat actively continued its work established during the first period and maintained both public webpage and an intranet for the IGD-TP participants.
The number of participation in the IGD-TP has increased from 8 to a total of 82 participants; the Secretariat has handled 9 new rounds of applications for participation in the IGD-TP. The participation continues to increase (10th application round carried out in early 2012).
The founding documents of a Technology Platform: the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA 2011) and the final draft of the Deployment Plan (DP) for public consultation have been published,
The IGD-TP's four working groups have been established: SRA, Deployment Plan (DP), Interfaces (IWS), and Competence Maintenance, Education & Training (CMET) Working Groups.
The SECIGD project has been responsible with the assistance of the hosting organisations for the organisation of two public Exchange Forums with 68 and 62 participants, six Executive Group meetings, five SECIGD project meetings including one teleconference, ten SRA working group meetings, and eight DP working group meetings including two teleconferences.
The SECIGD project and the IGD-TP's Executive Group members have engaged during the two years about 60 dissemination activities that have had an outreach of over 13000 people and produced three reviewed conference papers about its progress.
The SECIGD project has produced all of its deliverables as defined in the SECIGD project's Description of Work except the final published Deployment Plan (DP), which as a product of the IGD-TP is going to be published in March 2012 after a public consultation. The consultation of the DP was opened during the SECIGD project on 30 December 2011 and closed on 13 February 2012.
The IGD-TP's founding documents (Vision, SRA 2011 and final draft DP and later the final DP) and other public outcomes like the Terms of Reference, SECIGD's published summary reports, Management Guidelines, and the proceedings of the two Exchange Forums have been posted on the IGD-TP's public website for open access by any interested stakeholder.