Final Activity Report Summary - GLUREHIPLA (Physiological basis of learning and memory processes in the brain)
Long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission was first described in 1973. The importance of NMDA receptors for induction of LTP as well as spatial memory was established in the 1980s. The identification of multiple types of NMDA receptor subunits and the increasing awareness that NMDA receptor activation can lead to both increase and decrease of synaptic weights have further refined our understanding since these initial discoveries. However, we still do not understand the precise mechanism whereby activation of NMDA receptors can be responsible for opposite changes in synaptic weights.
Recently, to identify the location of NMDA receptors necessary for induction of spike timing-dependent potentiation and depression, we used intracellular loading of an NMDA receptor blocker (MK-801) during recordings between pairs of synaptically-connected neurons in barrel cortex. We found that, whereas postsynaptic loading of MK-801 blocked induction of spike timing-dependent potentiation, presynaptic MK-801 did not. In contrast, presynaptic loading of MK-801 blocked the induction of spike timing-dependent depression, whereas postsynaptic loading did not. Thus, postsynaptic NMDA receptors are necessary for LTP, whereas presynaptic NMDA receptors appear to be necessary for LTD. This experimental double dissociation supports a model in which induction of LTP requires postsynaptic NMDA receptors, whereas LTD requires presynaptic NMDA receptors. The different sites of NMDA receptors necessary for LTP and LTD may have important consequences for the computational operation of cortical microcircuits and map plasticity.
This result will be published in the journal Nature Neuroscience.