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Contenu archivé le 2024-05-28

MEDUSA, a Meteorological Decision Support System for Aviation

Final Report Summary - MEDUSA (MEDUSA, a Meteorological Decision Support System for Aviation)

1.1. Summary

MEDUSA is a highly interdisciplinary and intersectorial project dedicated to the scientific and technological development of an end-user oriented application in the field of aviation meteorology including a marketing and commercialization strategy. MEDUSA, combining scientific complexity with high requirements on technical robustness, will provide an integrated weather information solution to aviation. Adverse summer weather like thunderstorms and heavy precipitation), and adverse winter weather situations like heavy snow fall, icing and freezing conditions at the airport will be considered. Key for the technical development is the integration of the various meteorological products in a robust, reliable, and real-time operational system with an easy-to-understand visualization to assist end-users in daily decision-making. The project is organized in four phases, (i) test of existing algorithms and forecasting modules and selection of best suited algorithms and modules; (ii) development of joint platform MEDUSA; (iii) implementation and test of MEDUSA at the airports Munich, Frankfurt, and Barcelona including end-users’ feedback to improve the prototype; and (iv) dissemination of the results to the scientific and end-user communities and potential commercialization.

The project has involved the participation of 9 researchers distributed in 10 exchange periods of personnel between DRL and HYDS. Major advancements have been focused in the incorporation into the MEDUSA platform of algorithms related to winter weather conditions (as snow forecast and detection of potential snow areas) and summer weather conditions (several algorithms for thunderstorm detection and rainfall nowcasting, flood forecast, and 6 hour forecast of thunderstorm conditions). The project has involved several campaign periods for the testing of the algorithms. Additionally the MEDUSA platform has been developed with the objective of providing a framework to build an integrated weather information solution to aviation that could be easily adapted to the various potential users. The developed platform includes the elements to incorporate and store the required data, algorithms and their outputs, provide configurable views of results and warnings, as well as tools for the dissemination of information and warnings.
Besides several testing periods in the Munich Airport, a major outcome of the project has been the implementation of the platform in order to perform a real-time demonstration in the area of Catalonia involving local institutions as the Meteorological Service, the Airport Administration and several aviation companies and up to three airports. This demonstration has provided a key context to disseminate and test operationally MEDUSA and also very valuable information towards its potential commercialization.

1.2. Scientific highlight and research/development achievements

The main scientific/development progress during the duration of the project have impacted all the WPs of the project. A summary of the main outcomes is presented in the next sections.

WP1: Integration of algorithms.
Two blocks of R&D activities have been performed:
1. Adaptation of existing summer weather algorithms. Existing DRL and HYDS modules for Cloud tracking (Cb-TRAM), Radar tracking (Rad-TRAM), probabilistic thunderstorm forecast, radar nowcasting (Rad-CAST), flood warning (Flood-Warning) and radar and NWP blending, have been tested and integrated into the MEDUSA platform. The full set of algorithms has been tested over a set of events registered during the execution of the project in the areas of central Europe and the Iberian Peninsula.
2. Development and integration of winter weather algorithms. Two main algorithms have been developed: 1. A potential snow areas algorithm has been develop based on the use of a simplified approach that combines METAR (standard hourly observation), numerical weather prediction models, and stations data. 2. An algorithm for snow and freezing rain developed at DLR (ADWICE) has been adapted and integrated under the idea of a WxFUSION concept (first developed for deep convection). Both algorithms have been tested over several events registered during the project extent.

WP2: Join module development-MEDUSA platform.
The aim of this WP is the development of the MEDUSA platform including the set of required elements (data acquisition, algorithms wrapping, database, warning module, display, etc.). In that sense the main performed tasks have been as follows:
o An iterative process to define the Frontend elements for the whole platform considering the winter and summer weather algorithms and derived products.
o Definition of the backend architecture of the system based in the use of a Framework. That framework provides an architecture, components and tools for developers to build complex web applications faster. The final aim is to speed-up the creation and maintenance of the product and make it more efficient, extensible (scalable) and maintainable. This has been translated into an effortless development of different versions and modifications of the product along the duration of the project.
o Development of the system. The designed architecture has been used to produce the generic backend and frontend elements of the system. Summer and winter weather algorithms have been integrated as well as their related data. Up to three versions of the platform have been develop and tested.

WP3: Implementation, demonstration and assessment of MEDUSA.
The aim of this WP is to provide information about the real-time performance of the system and the user’s suggestions about the pros and cons detected during the test period. In this sense an iterative process has been performed in order to include user’s advice. That process can be summarized as follows:
o Several mock-ups of the platform have been developed to discuss its required capabilities including several aspects (data acquisition, visualization, warnings, etc.) and considering existing requirements detected in previous experiences carried out before by the project partners.
o Several platform semi-functional prototypes have been developed and tested under a semi-operation environment.
o The final platform has been implement with the requirements of the institutions and companies that have participated in the demonstration performed in the Catalonia area.

WP4: Dissemination and Commercialization
Project dissemination has been focused in the interaction with potential users (along the development of the platform), participation in conferences and several workshops related to the demonstration activity. These interactions have allow to define:
o Specific needs of potential customers derived from the direct real-time use of the platform.
o Analyze the potential market opportunities in various potential contexts as small airport operation, low-cost flight companies, specialized regional flight companies and flight companies operating emergency services.
All these actions have provide very useful information in order to evaluate and refine the developed tool in several aspects (usability, required products, specific display requirements, specific dissemination requirements, etc.) that are key aspect for the potential future commercialization.

1.3. Final results and potential impact

MEDUSA represents a joint effort in establishing a coherent and robust meteorological decision support system oriented to provide enhanced information on relevant meteorological conditions to the different end-user groups.
A major result of the project has been the MEDUSA prototype which has been tested operationally under the premise of its ultimate commercialization. MEDUSA is expected to have major impact on small airport operations, with limited access to sophisticated systems, facilitating decision-making, reducing costs, and increasing safety. Moreover small aviation companies and low-cost companies have been identified as clear potential users of the system.
Additionally the Marie Curie IAPP program has provided a successful context to exchange knowledge and technology between the partners, which has increase the capacities and expertise of both. In this context an active use and exchange of background and foreground information and knowledge among partners is currently producing very valuable results.

Contact details:
Project public web site:
E-mail contact:
Coordinator: Hydrometeorological Innovative Solutions S.L. (