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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Quantum Interference and electro-PHonon ANOmalies in graphenes

Final Report Summary - QUANTUMPHANOGRAPHENE (Quantum Interference and electro-PHonon ANOmalies in graphenes)

Graphenic systems represent nowadays one of the most important research topics in physics, because of their potential applications in new designed electronic devices.

Fundamental in this regards is the study of their electronic an transport properties.
On the other hand, such properties are themselves determined at a large extend by the strength and nature of the electron-lattice interaction and by the lattice dynamics. Understanding and controlling this issue is thus of highest importance.

The project has addressed an important argument in this field concerning the identification of the microscopic mechanisms controlling the infrared activity of the optical phonons in these materials and their interaction with the electronic excitations.
The objectives of this work have been twofold:
on one hand to proof at a quantitative level how the analysis of the spectral properties of the optical phonon can represent a powerful tool to characterize the multilayer graphene materials, for instance the number of layers, the stacking order, the presence of a bandgap, the intrinsic doping level by the substrate and the controlled doping induced by field effects.
At the same time, the analysis of the phonon anomalies reveals in a direct way the mechanisms ruling the properties of the electron-lattice interaction, giving rise to characteristic Fano asymmetry of the phonon lineshapes.

The project has successfully address this investigation providing a fundamental progress in the field.
Moreover, in the course of the developing of the project, the continuous progresses in the field have triggered on the stage additional topics regarding the physical properties of other two-dimensional materials, like MoS2 and other dichalcogenides, that present similar properties as graphene but with the advantage of being insulating. Due to the high-impact relevance of these new issues in the scientific field, the developing of the project has also included, with a proper timeliness, a careful investigation of the physical properties of these materials in regards to their electronic, screening, superconducting and electro-elastic properties.