Final Report Summary - CVM-EM-PALM (Computing the structure and dynamics of protein assemblies in living cells by coupling sub-diffraction fluorescence microscopy with single-particle reconstruction: application to viral capsids)
Objectives and Results.
Our main scientific question is : Can the resolution be pushed even more, to the single-digit nanometer range? In the project, we propose a step towards achieving this by exploiting the fact that every marker molecule is usually detected and localized in many fluorescence switching cycles. If the information of the different detections is combined, a composite position estimate should be obtainable that is much more precise than the constituent single-cycle detections. This implies that resolution in localization-based superresolution microscopy depends not only on the photon number of the individual molecule detection event, but also on its detection multiplicity. This effect is illustrated in Figure 1. In order to combine the multiple position estimates originating from the same molecule, the researcher has developed algorithms for a computational procedure called Resolution Enhancement by Estimate Pooling (REEP) that allows to cluster position estimates in space and time based on the statistical signature of the individually detected molecules. To this aim, methods from technical computing, data mining, stochastic modeling and unsupervised learning have been combined. Particularly, we have found mathematical formulae that describe the spatial and spatio-temporal clustering of molecular position detections. In our image model, the spatial distribution of position estimates of a collection of K molecules at original positions µk is represented by a Gaussian mixture model, that can ’learn’ its clustering distribution via the expectation-maximization algorithm. In turn, to describe the temporal distribution of position estimates we have calculated the probability that a molecule with mean on and off times τ¯on, τ¯of f and the mean number of fluorescence switching cycles M¯ is detected in an image frame at time t.