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Content archived on 2024-05-28

Supersymmetric and model independent bilepton searches at the LHC: an experimental and phenomenological approach

Final Report Summary - SUSYBILEPLHC (Supersymmetric and model independent bilepton searches at the LHC: an experimental and phenomenological approach)

Many interesting processes have been studied in the literature concerning bileptons, but curiously, before our results they were all limited to bilepton production disregarding their decays into electrons and muons. Or results corrected this omission and allowed accurate predictions on the production of bileptons at the LHC, from the perspective of the collider signatures. We studied the most important process for bilepton production at the LHC, which impacts all theoretical and experimental groups working with the possible detection of these particles at the LHC. We also unambiguously established that bileptons might be discovered in the next few years at the Large Hadron Collider.
Our data results had a very significant impact not only for bileptons or for the theory of SUSY, but also for several theories that predict new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. The results put significant constraints on several models that predicted similar final states. In summary, our results were central to the field of particle physics.