Final Report Summary - TDFTBBC (Taking DFT Beyond the Boundaries of Chemistry: Solvation and Charge Transport in Biology)
After careful assessment of current algorithms based on time-dependent density-functional theory (TD-DFT), we realized that an accurate and reproducible method for CT excitations should depart from the TD-DFT scheme. We, therefore, opted for a more direct algorithm based on subsystem-DFT which completely by-passes the problems associated with using TD-DFT.
The developed code was implemented in the Amsterdam Density Functional computer software and has proven:
(1) high scalability wth the system size,
(2) fast computation of the needed quantities, and
(3) high accuracy.
These qualities allow our code to outplay the commonly used TD-DFT-based alternatives both in speed and in accuracy for the calculation of CT-type electronic excitations in molecular systems.
Three high-profile journal articles have been published so far on this method and a third one is expected by end of year.