Final Report Summary - SLINNRM (Social Learning Processes in Natural Resource Management: the Role of Learning, Negotiation and Social Capital for more Sustainable Natural Resource Management)
Thus, the review of the social learning literature involved a sample of 97 publications published after peer-review which were scrutinised against selected analytical items. Namely, we searched for trends in how the concept is used, have analysed methodological choices and interdisciplinary influences. The analysis led to results published in scientific articles and monograph chapters.
Also, the research involved two case studies where we have investigated learning processes and the role of social capital. One is a case of resources managed under a common-pool regime, where we focused on learning interactions and role of social capital. The second case involved the appraisal of learning processes in relation to a participatory process used for the design of a Natura 2000 management plan. Both are located in the North-East of Italy.