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Reinforcement of Research Potentials of the Faculty of Technical Sciences in the Field of Post Silicon Electronics

Final Report Summary - APOSTILLE (Reinforcement of Research Potentials of the Faculty of Technical Sciences in the Field of Post Silicon Electronics)

Executive Summary:

APOSTILLE project is aimed to reinforce the research capacities and capabilities of the Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTS), University of Novi Sad (UNS), Serbia in the field of post silicon electronics – that means in the field of nano and organic/flexible/printed electronics.

The work plan of the project is organized in six work packages as follows: WP1 - Project management; WP2 - Mobility and training; WP3 - Hiring experienced researchers; WP4 - Acquisition of new research equipment; WP5 - Organization of workshops and conferences; WP6 - Dissemination and promotional activities.
APOSTILLE project started 01/07/2010 and from that period up to now the following main results have been achieved.

Work package 1 provided the overall coordination and administration of the Project. During the project span 11 Project Management Board (PMB) meetings has been organized and 3 Steering Committee meetings. All deliverables and reports have been delivered to the European Commission, etc.

Within Work package 2 the following EU partners help us to increase the knowledge base and skills in the field of flexible/organic/printed and nano electronics: (1) Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica e die Sistemi (DIEES), Universita degli studi di Catania, Italy; (2) Institute for Print and Media Technology (pmTUC), Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany; (3) Electronic Ceramics Department, Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), Slovenia; (4) Festo GmbH (FESTO), Austria; (5) Laboratory for Silicon Epitaxial Nanostructures and Spintronics (L-NESS), Milan Polytechnic, Como, Italy; (6) Institute for Sensors and Actuators (ISAS), Vienna University of Technology, Austria; (7) École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. During the project life 8 two-way secondments, 25 short-term stays, 39 conferences attendance, 5 invited talks were performed.

In the framework of WP3, the following incoming/returning experienced researchers were employed: Dr Nikola Jerance (for 33 months), Mr Slobodan Nedic (for 33 months), Dr Mirko Smiljanic (for 22 months) and Dr Veljko Napijalo (for 11 months). Dr Nikola Jerance published 4 journal papers, 7 international conference papers and developed 2 demonstrators. Mr Slobodan Nedic published 4 conference papers and made 2 new successful FP7 projects. Dr Mirko Smiljanic transfered managerial experience to FTS key personnel. Dr Veljko Napijalo published 1 journal paper, 6 conference papers and prepared 2 new FP7 project proposals.

Work package 4 devoted to the purchasing new sophisticated equipment. The following pieces of modern equipment was installed and fully used during the project: Materials deposition ink-jet printer DMP-3000, Nanoindenter G200 and High Performance Computing Cluster HP Blade BL465cG7.

In the framework of the WP5 two workshops (APOSTILLE workshop 1 - Printed electronics: materials, components and applications, April 27-28 2012, Novi Sad, Serbia and APOSTILLE workshop 2 - Printed, flexible and nano-electronics, May 9-11 2013, Novi Sad, Serbia) and four special sessions at the international conferences were organized (International Scientific Conference on INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS IS’11, Novi Sad, Serbia, 14-16 September 2011, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Special session on Printed and Nano electronics during the 16th International symposium on POWER ELECTRONICS, Ee’2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, 26-28 October 2011, Special session on Organic and printed electronics in consumer electronics industry during The IX International symposium on Industrial Electronics (INDEL’2012), Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1-3 November, 2012 and session on „Sensors of the future“, during the Scientific–Professional Symposium INFOTEH 2013, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 20-22 March 2013).

Work package 6 is devoted to the dissemination and promotional activities (creating project web site, designing and publishing flyers and brochures, giving interviews to the press media and TV, creating wide range of promotional materials such as bags, pens, T-shirts, glasses, book notes, posters, etc.).

Project Context and Objectives:

Project context
The main idea (context) of this Project has been to enhance the capacity (human and infrastructural) and to improve research competitiveness and increase visibility of the Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTS), University of Novi Sad (UNS), Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia (SRB) in the field of post silicon electronics (nano and organic/flexible/printed electronics). Thanks to the APOSTILLE project, involved research team from FTS has been able to successfully participate in research activities at EU level and to become a dynamic "innovation engine" capable of sustaining regional and national economic growth and employment.

The market growth predictions and the opportunities generated around organic and large area electronics (or post silicon electronics) have put this field of electronics in the spotlight. Therefore, this Project has been focused to reinforce excellence and strengthen the research potential of the promising research team from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in the field of nano and organic/plastic/printed electronics, which have a number of applications and a wide market in the region and beyond.

APOSTILLE project help us to foster capacities and additionally build capabilities for improving FTS’s involvement in European Research Area, especially through the strategic partnership with 7 EU partnering institutions from Italy, Germany, Slovenia, Austria and Switzerland. APOSTILLE team’s human capacities have been reinforced through recruitment of 4 incoming experienced researchers (two on 33 months, one on 22 months and the last one on 11 months). Very important aspect of this project has been improvement of our equipment infrastructure in the field of nano and printed electronics. This has been additionally increase the attractiveness of our laboratory and the whole Western Balkan region in high technology areas such as flexible/organic or nano electronics.

By exploiting our strengths (existing knowledge base, highly-skilled and motivated staff, existing high quality of research results) and efficiency of implementing the Project’s Action Plan, the Faculty of Technical Sciences became an essential player in future EU research in the field of post silicon electronics, particularly in the fields of organic/flexible/plastic electronics.

Furthermore, the sustainability context of the Project team and FTS has been achieved through a strong engagement of extra RTD players in the APOSTILLE project, such as regional and national authorities (Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development, Regional Agency for Development of Small and Medium Size Enterprises, etc.) and some industry partners.

Project objectives

The following set of the project objectives in the framework of the APOSTILLE project has been identified:

Objective 1:
Increasing the knowledge base, skills and experience of the APOSTILLE Project team in the field of post silicon electronics (nano and organic/flexible/printed electronics).
This was done through two-way secondments and performed short visits of research staff between FTS and EU networking partners: (1) Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica e die Sistemi (DIEES), Universita degli studi di Catania, Italy; (2) Institute for Print and Media Technology (pmTUC), Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany; (3) Electronic Ceramics Department, Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), Slovenia; (4) Festo GmbH (FESTO), Austria; (5) Laboratory for Silicon Epitaxial Nanostructures and Spintronics (L-NESS), Milan Polytechnic, Como, Italy; (6) Institute for Sensors and Actuators (ISAS), Vienna University of Technology, Austria; and (7) École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.

Objective 2:
Reinforcement of the human potential through hiring incoming experienced researchers.
This was done by employment the following experienced researchers: (1) Mirko Smiljanic, Ph.D. (repatriation from Australia), who increased our and managerial skills; (2) Nikola Jerance, Ph.D. (repatriation from U.K.) who increased our expertise and research results in the domain of flexible sensors, software development, demonstrator development, writing scientific papers and intellectual property rights protection; (3) Slobodan Nedic (repatriation from the USA), who increased our expertise in the field of wireless sensor networks and writing successful new project proposals; and (4) Veljko Napijalo, Ph.D. (repatriation from U.K.) who increased our knowledge in high-frequency and microwave frequency flexible electronics.

Objective 3:
Renewal of research equipment as a key enabler of FTS further development in the field of post silicon electronics.
This objective was achieved through purchasing, installation and regular usage of the following state-of the art and capital pieces of equipment: (1) Materials deposition printer for fabrication components of organic/flexible/printed electronics (FUJIFILM Dimatix DMP-3000); (2) an Instrument for characterization of nano components and nano materials (Agilent Nanomanipulator – Nanoindenter G200), and (3) High-performance computer cluster (HP Blade BL465cG7 HPC) for the design, simulation and verification of complex nano and flexible/printed electronic structures.

Objective 4:
Knowledge exchange at national, WBC and international level.
This objective was reached through the organization of two workshops (Workshop01 – “Printed electronics: materials, components and applications”, 27-28/04/2012, Novi Sad, Serbia and Workshop02 – “Printed, flexible and nano-electronics”, 9-11/05/2013, Novi Sad, Serbia) and four special sessions at the international conferences (International Scientific Conference on INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS, IS’11, 14-16/09/2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, 16th International symposium on POWER ELECTRONICS, Ee’2011, 26-28/10/2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, IX International symposium on Industrial Electronics, INDEL’2012, 1-3/11/2012, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Scientific–Professional Symposium INFOTEH’2013, 20-22/03/2013, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina).

Objective 5:
Increased visibility (within WBCs, EU and elsewhere) of the FTS excellence and the APOSTILLE Project outcomes through dissemination and promotional activities.
This objective has been achieved through performing the following activities: launching and maintaining a Project web site ( designing and publishing flyers and brochures, giving interviews to the press media and TV, organizing open and info days, organizing seminars, participating at exhibitions and industrial fairs, developing demonstrators, publishing articles in peer reviewed journals, creating three promotional films, organizing meetings with policy makers and stakeholders, creating wide range of promotional materials such as bags, pens, T-shirts, glasses, book notes, posters, etc.).

Project Results:
The main APOSTILLE project results will be described for each work packages in the next subsections.

Work package 1: Project management
The project management work package (WP1) was devoted to the overall coordination and administration of the Project. This included: overall project management; budget management; auditing; Project Management Board (PMB) meetings organization; reports to the Commission; quality assurance; assessment and control; progress report.
Eleven Project management board (PMB) meetings organized during the APOSTILLE project life. The PMB is composed of the Project Coordinator and leader of WP1 (Prof. Goran Stojanovic), five other Work package leaders (Prof. Veljko Malbaša, Ivan Mezei, Prof. Staniša Dautovic, Prof. Ladislav Novak and Prof. Stevan Stankovski, for WP2 to WP6 respectively) and one incoming experienced researcher.

Work package 2: Mobility and training
The overall objective of this work package has been to enable circulation of expertise between the Faculty of Technical Sciences and EU networking partners and to enhance interaction and scientific cooperation between these parties in the field of post silicon electronics (nanoelectronics, organic/printed/flexible electronics).

Three tasks are foreseen within this work package: T2.1 Two-way secondments; T2.2 Short-term training visits and T2.3 Participation at international conferences.

The most important results in the framework of this work package can be summarized as follows:
- 7 secondments were performed in the direction from FTS Serbia to EU networking partners (young researcher Nikola Bednar twice visited ISAS, Austria, and worked on establishment of experimental setup for generation of Ag nano particles; young researchers Predrag Teodorovic and Vuk Vranjkovic visited DIEES, Italy and performed research about materials and circuit topology providing ability to print a chaotic circuit using ink-jet printing technology, Dragana Vasiljevic twice visited L-NESS, Italy and performed deposition of nano graphene layers using EBL technique, and Nataša Samardzic visited EPFL, Switzerland in order to prepare different solutions or inks for printing memristors).
- 1 secondment performed in the direction from our EU networking partners to FTS, Serbia (young researcher from DIEES, Italy, Valentina Gambuzza visited FTS and worked on fabrication and characterization of the memristors components based on TiO2 ink).
- 21 short-term stays performed in the direction from FTS to EU networking partners (8 to ISAS, Austria; 2 to Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany; 5 to DIEES, Catania; 3 to JSI, Slovenia; 1 to L-NESS, Italy; 1 to FESTO, Austria; and 1 to EPFL, Switzerland).
- 5 short-term visits performed in the direction from our EU networking partners to FTS, Serbia (2 from DIEES, Italy; 1 from JSI, Slovenia; 1 from ISAS, Austria; and 1 from FESTO company, Austria).
- Members of APOSTILLE team attended 39 international conferences.
- 6 invited talks was held, in the framework of the APOSTILLE project, at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia (Dr Warren Oliver, President Nanomechanics, Inc., USA, held a very interesting lecture “Exploring Electrical and Mechanical Properties on the Nanometer Scale”, 08/04/2011; Dr Nenad Marjanovic, CSEM, Switzerland, held a lecture “Organic electronics – challenges and opportunities of 21. Century”, 12/10/2011; Prof. Paul Svasta, from Politechnica University, Bucharest, “Electronic Packaging Activities at “Politechnica” University of Bucharest”, 29/05/2012, Dr Veljko Napijalo from UK - “Microwaves electronics components fabricated in LTCC technology”, 15/05/2012; Tatjana Djokic – „Parallel SAT solver based in the Galois System“, 26/01/2013; Dr Jovan Matovic from ISAS, Austria – „Nanomembranes - the overlooked nanostructures“, 01/04/2013.)

For the purpose of the first task, two templates have been designed. The first regarding general information about institutions which send/host researcher(s) on the secondments, including the planned period, planned activities and supervisors.

Not only for the archive of the APOSTILLE project, but also for track record of the young researchers, it is very useful to have certificate about the performed secondments with the list of the performed activities, signed by authorized person or supervisor of the host institution, during the secondments.

The second task within WP2 was devoted to short-term training visits in order to perform interaction, dialogue and exchange of ideas between the APOSTILLE team and EU networking partners. This type of visits is designed to provide: a good overview of research directions, specific knowledge on organization of research and the research institution itself, human resource management, etc.
The third task was designed to provide the APOSTILLE team with the information about latest research achievements in the field of printed/flexible/organic and nano electronics. Attendance on the international conferences/symposium/meetings/workshops is important as a measure to enhance inter-personal and inter-institutional relations and cooperation as well as to make new collaboration contacts.

Work package 3: Hiring experienced researchers
The main objective of this work package is reinforcement of the human potential of the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia through the employment of incoming experienced researchers from abroad.

The only one task is designed within this work package “Hiring three incoming experienced researchers”, with strong scientific and management background. The purpose of this task is not only to reinforce the human potential of FTS, but also to help in training of young researchers and managers within the APOSTILLE team.

The complete legal recruitment procedure was realized, starting with announcement (04/08/2010) of the three job opening positions (in the journal “POSLOVI”) through collecting application forms of interested candidates, writing report on candidates and signing contracts with them. Comprehensive report on incoming experienced researchers recruitment can be found in the Deliverable 3.1: “Incoming experienced researchers recruitment report”.

Two returning researchers Dr Nikola Jerance and Mr. Slobodan Nedic started to work from 01/10/2013 completely in accordance with Annex I, whereas Mirko Smiljanic from 10/10/2010. The incoming experienced researchers are engaged for total salary equal to 3800 EUR per month (including all taxes), according to the planned budget in Annex I of the APOSTILLE project. Dr Nikola Jerance and Mr. Slobodan Nedic have been engaged for 33 months (up to the end of the project) in the framework of the APOSTILLE project.

The experienced researcher Mirko Smiljanic, after 22 months of engagement, decided to come back in Australia, only from family reasons and because of that we announced this position again. Two candidates applied: Dr Veljko Napijalo and Dr Jovan Matovic and we selected Veljko Napijalo bearing in mind that his expertise and working experience in leading international companies match with our needs. Therefore, Dr Veljko Napijalo started to work within the APOSTILLE project from 01/08/2012, for duration of 11 months.

Dr Nikola Jerance – Short CV:
He has outstanding skills and experience in innovation and transferring research ideas, innovation and patents in industry. Nikola Jerance graduated at FTS, Novi Sad in 1996 and worked there for a while within the Group for Electronics. He went to Grenoble, France in 1998, where he did his Master and Ph.D. thesis at Laboratoire d'Electrotechnique de Grenoble, both of them on modeling electrical machines and drives for fault diagnosis. After his Ph.D. in 2003 he joined an applied research company Moving Magnet Technologies in Besançon, France as a research engineer for sensors.
As co-inventor of several new sensor designs as well as being a company expert in sensor technologies, he had to take care of company's patents: writing patents, writing answers to patent offices and follow-up of patents through all stages of the patenting procedure on magnetic sensors.

Mr Slobodan Nedic – Short CV:
He has outstanding research achievements. Slobodan Nedic has a M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia (1980) and worked at the Pupin Institute, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Telecommunications Division as a Development Engineer. He went to Kawasaki, Japan in 1991, and he worked for NEC Corporation, C&C Central Research Laboratory as a Research Scientist/Assistant Manager. His research focus was on the algorithmic and computer simulation support in designing NEC’s HDSL transceiver prototype as well as R&D work on Digital Audio Broadcasting system. He went to the USA in 1998, worked for USA Development Center (DC), Princeton, NJ. After that he was a consultant for some prestigious companies in the field of electronics, simulation, feasibility evaluation, and measurements or testing. He also worked for SiRF Technology, Inc., Santa Ana, CA and for Boeing, Long Beach, CA (2008). From October 2008 he engaged in self-initiated analytical, development and experimental work in the field of electronics, antennas arrays, radars, etc. His enormous practical industrial experience, management skills and expertise in different standards in electronics will be of huge importance for successful realization of the APOSTILLE project.

Dr Mirko Smiljanic – Short CV:
He has exceptional management and technical skills. He was an assistant professor at the FTS, Serbia up to February 1994. After leaving the country, his first job was in Fujitsu Australia. He was a leader of telecommunication access group. After that he worked in well-known companies such as Motorola (2002-2006) and Sensory Networks (2006-2007), which was followed by a consulting job in development and testing of products for wireless applications, for the Institute for telecommunications research, Cohda Wireless, Australia. He is an experienced manager with over fifteen years of expertise in project management, team leading and technical leading in semiconductor and electronics industries and with an extensive set of skills to offer to the APOSTILLE team.

Dr Veljko Napijalo – Short CV:
Dr. Veljko Napijalo obtained BS, MS and Ph. D. degree from the University of Belgrade in 1987, 1994 and 2010 respectively. In 1987 he joined the Institute of Microwave Technology and Electronics, IMTEL, Belgrade, where he was working on the design of active and passive electronic circuits and development of the automated measurement methods for microwave circuits and systems. For integrated receiver/transmitter used in digital radio he developed active frequency doubler, LNA and power amplifier with driver.
From 2001 to 2009 he was with TDK Electronics Ireland, Dublin, where he was involved in modeling of embedded passive circuits, research and development of active and passive electronic components for 24 GHz applications and advanced electronic packaging methods. Research interest was towards development of novel components using multilayer environment. During 2011 Dr. Napijalo was with Oclaro Technology Ltd., Paignton, Devon, UK, where he was involved in studying and improving microwave aspects of packaging for optical components. In the course of his work Dr. Napijalo acquired a deep knowledge of various linear and nonlinear microwave design tools and has become an advanced user on a range of 2.5D and 3D electromagnetic simulators. Dr. Napijalo authored/coauthored over 30 articles and 2 US patents.

Dr Nikola Jerance – the main results:
- Developed in-house software tool Provod for modeling and simulation of 2D/3D flexible components
- Developed prototype of inductive angular position sensor, fabricated using Dimatix ink-jet printer on flexible Kapton film
- Improvement characteristics of this inductive position sensor, designing and fabricating inductor with step-wise increased height
- Developed rolled capacitive sensors which can be used as sensors of humidity or presence of chemical substances, by detecting the variation of electrical permittivity
- Developed ink-jet printed eddy current presence / distance sensor
- Developed SLALOM demonstrator – an arcade game (exposed on LOPE-C’2013 in Munich, Germany)
- Training of young researchers
- Attended 5 international conferences - making new contacts for future cooperation
- Writing scientific articles for conferences and journals
- 4 articles published in peer reviewed journals and 7 papers presented/published at international conferences

Mr Slobodan Nedic – the main results:
- Prepared successful project proposal: FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN, “Low-cost and energy-efficient LTCC sensor/IR-UWB transceiver solutions for sustainable healthy environment”, SENSEIVER (3.05 MEUR) Þ sustainability; (91.4 out of 100; 84 projects have been financed out of 919 submitted project proposals).
- Prepared successful project proposal (and leader of the team): FP7 ICT - “Enhanced Multicarrier Techniques for Professional Ad-hoc and Cell-based Networks”, EMPhAtiC (2.91 MEUR)
- Prepared and submitted FP7 STREP proposal GORGEOUS, dealing with advanced physical and networking layers concepts for energy-efficient wireless networks (we wait for ESR)
- In the preparation phase a new project proposal within FP7 FET Open – “Full-Duplex Radio”, acronym: FUDURA
- Currently in the process of establishing of a start-up company (UniPhyAir) which would receive support from the Texas Instruments company by providing their signal processing platform and the c-language library
- Work with young researchers, members of the APOSTILLE team
- 4 papers presented/published at international conferences

Dr Mirko Smiljanic – the main results:
- Provided short trainings to the Project coordinator and Work package leaders in order to transfer managerial experience to FTS key personnel
- Some of the APOSTILLE Project Management Board meetings attended
- Provided training courses to young researchers
- Project team skills assessment and planning made
- APOSTILLE team profile created
- Strategic planning and roadmap developed
- Prepared PPT of the APOSTILLE team called “Current Expertise and Strategic Areas of Future Engagement”
- Created strategic document “Project Management Plan for Center of Excellence in Electronics”
- Established contacts with industrial sector (“key players” in the field) with the proposals of future cooperation

Dr Veljko Napijalo – the main results:
- Considered existing ink-jet printing technology at FTS for applications at microwave frequencies
- Designed and fabricated microstrip ring resonator (performed measurement and simulation as well)
- Designed, measured and simulated microstrip band pass filter
- Widen the collaboration with existing and new partnering institutions in the area of high frequencies and microwave frequencies
- Proposed and simulated new multilayer (3D) electronic circuits design
- Attended training courses, workshops, meetings
- Prepared and submitted new project proposal within the FP7 FET - “Handheld Multifunctional Radio System for Guidance of Blind and Visually Impaired People in an Outdoor Environment”, acronym WAVESTICK, (we wait for evaluation results)
- Prepared and submitted new project proposal within the FP7-ERAChairs-PilotCall-2013: "ERA Chair for Advanced Electronic Packaging and Printable High Frequency Components", acronym APPHIGH, (we wait for evaluation results)
- Work with young researchers, members of the APOSTILLE team
- 1 article published in peer reviewed journals and 6 papers presented/published at international conferences

More details and illustration about S&T results of the incoming experienced researchers within the APOSTILLE project can be found in the Deliverable 3.2: “Summary report on activities of recruited experienced researchers”.

Work package 4: Acquisition of new research equipment
The main objective of this work package has been to significantly improve research infrastructure and research capabilities of the Faculty of Technical Sciences, Serbia through acquisition of new research equipment (for fabrication, for characterization and for simulation/verification) in the field of post silicon electronics (nano & flexible/printed electronics).

Three tasks have been foreseen within this work package: T4.1 Legal and public acquisition procedure; T4.2 Purchase of new research equipment; and T4.3 Installation of purchased equipment and short trainings.

Regarding the first task T4.1 the following steps in the legal acquisition procedure were performed:
- Tender documentation from the equipment suppliers collected;
- Criteria for selecting the best offer made;
- The most appropriate offer – based on the price, equipment quality and compatibility, warranty conditions, future maintenance possibilities, installation time, etc. selected.

For the acquisition of Dimatix ink-jet materials deposition printer and Nanoindenter characterization system, three companies applied for tender public procedure: IBIS INSTRUMENTS, DEX D.O.O and ASSECO SEE. The most appropriate offer was the offer of the company IBIS INSTRUMENTS, Belgrade, Serbia. For the third piece of equipment, High-performance computer cluster, also three companies applied on the public tender procedure concluded on 27/12/2010: NET Computer Engineering, CIS D.O.O. and INFOGRAF GOTI. The most appropriate offer was the offer of the company NET Computer Engineering, Novi Sad, Serbia.

The second task T4.2 was devoted to the purchase of three capital pieces of equipment. These pieces of modern equipment cover our strategic directions towards nano/organic/flexible electronics.

After the purchasing of the equipment, suppliers have been bound, by the contract, to perform installation and basic training for new equipment (third task T4.3 within the WP4). The Dimatix ink-jet printer DMP-3000 was installed on 22/02/2011, and short training was performed on February 23/02/2011. The high-performance computer HP Blade BL465cG7 Cluster was installed and staff trained on 28/02/2011. The Agilent Nanoindenter G200 instrument was installed and staff trained on 02/03/2011.

DMP-3000 has been used for fabrication the following components/structures:
- Flexible capacitive and inductive sensors on Kapton film
- Flexible angular position sensors with two coils on Kapton film
- Electrodes for automated touch-screen verification
- TiO2 structures on PET and Kapton film
- Ink-jet printed memristor (a joint effort between FTS, Serbia, EPFL, Switzerland and DIEES, Italy, exposed at Belgrade Technical Fair 2013)
- Flexible Sierpinski Carpet Fractal Antenna
- Force Sensing Resistor prototypes (exposed at LOPE-C’2013 exhibition)
- Ink-jet printed transformers and an inductive displacement sensor (the subject of the Ph.D. thesis of S. Djuric)
- Printed BaTiO3 active layers (established collaboration with Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad)
- Printed PZT layers (a joint effort with JSI, Slovenia)
- Printed Circuit and Antenna for Demonstrator Tag&Find (exposed at LOPE-C’2013 exhibition)
- RC Circuit for Moisture Sensing of Building Materials (the subject of the Ph.D. thesis of M. Radovanovic)

The Nanoindenter G200 has been used for characterization and testing of the following structures:
- As2(S0.5Se0.5)3
- Cu1(As2(S0.5Se0.5)3)99
- LTCC materials - Heraeus CT700 and Heraeus CT7070 green tapes (in collaboration with ISAS, Austria Vienna)
- Corning 7980
- Pyrex 7740
- Single crystal aluminum sample
- Printed conductive structures on rigid and flexible substrates (published at DoCeis’2013)
- Nickel manganite ceramics (published at Nano’2012)
- Various materials for dentistry (established cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine, Nis)

The HPC cluster HP Blade BL465cG7 has been used for the following activities:
- Running in-house developed program Provod for simulation very complex flexible structures fabricated using Dimatix printer
- Conducting very complex 3D electro-magnetic problems in COMSOL for simulation of inductive and capacitive sensors
- Parallel processing in different areas of our research (solving hard optimization problems, design and verification of novel nanocomputing architectures)
- Caching and Mobility in Hierarchical Streaming CDNs
- Algorithms for Active Noise Control
- Sparse representation of precision matrices used in GMMs
- Other research groups from FTS UNS also have access to this facility (Biosensing group, WMN CDN group, and the group for theoretical electrotechnics)
- Our Ph.D. and Master students also share this computing facility, working in the areas of Parallel and distributed algorithms, as well Multiprocessor and multi-core computing.

Work package 5: Organization of workshops and conferences
The main objective of this work package has been to provide knowledge exchange at regional, European and international level for both APOSTILLE team and invited scientists and representatives from industry and academia as well as to enhance information sharing and facilitate participation in future joint research projects.

The first task within this work package was the organization of the International Scientific Conference on INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS IS’11, organized by the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia (for more details please see,
This conference was held in Novi Sad (Serbia), at the Faculty of Technical Sciences from 14th to 16th of September 2011, with attendance of more than 170 scientists and industrial representatives from 11 countries from EU and worldwide. The proceeding was published from this conference with circulation of 200 copies. The whole IS’11 proceedings contains 105 published papers. The members of the APOSTILLE team presented and published the following papers:
1. Branislav Borovac, Milutin Nikolic, Mirko Rakovic, “Disturbance Compensation of Standing Humanoid Robot - Simulation”, IS’11, pp. 83-89.
2. Branislav Borovac, Milutin Nikolic, Mirko Rakovic, “Disturbance Compensation of Standing Humanoid Robot – Theory”, IS’11, pp. 90-96.
3. Gordana Ostojic, Stevan Stankovski, “Correlation of RFID technology and Ubiquitous Sensor Network” IS’11, pp. 119-125.
4. Stevan Stankovski, Nikola Djukic, Srdjan Tegeltija, Robert Kovac, Igor Baranovski, “Wireless Parking Access Control”, IS’11, pp. 136-139.
5. Vladimir Milosavljevic, Zivorad Mihajlovic, Vladimir Rajs, Milos Zivanov, “Solution of Capacitive Touch Panel for Robust Industrial and Public Usage”, IS’11, pp. 140-144.

The second performed task within this work package was the organization of the special session on Printed and Nano electronics during the 16th International symposium on POWER ELECTRONICS, Ee’2011, (for more details, please see which was held in Novi Sad, from 26th to 28th of October 2011. During this symposium, 102 papers from 19 countries were presented. The book of abstracts has been published, with circulation of 150 copies and proceedings with all full papers were distributed to the all participants in electronic form (USB stick). Six papers have been presented within the special session on Printed and Nano electronics (more details can be found in Deliverable 5.1).

One of the foreseen conferences in the framework of the APOSTILLE project is also the International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, INDEL’2012 organized by Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina every two years, (for more details please see, The 9th International Symposium Industrial Electronics – INDEL 2012 was held in Banja Luka on November, 1-3, 2012. The Symposium was organized by Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Banja Luka with the support of the APOSTILLE project team.
Opening ceremony, plenary and keynote sessions were held at the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska (ANURS), and the remaining part of the Symposium took place at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. The Symposium was opened by the President of the ANURS, academician Rajko Kuzmanovic.
Plenary session was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Banja Luka. On that occasion, a three opening speeches were given. Prof. dr Vančo Litovski spoke about cooperation between the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Banja Luka. The speech about 50 years of electronics in Banja Luka was given by prof. dr Branko Dokic, and prof. dr Predrag Rapajic from the University of Greenwich spoke about cooperation with European universities. Co-chair of the keynote session, at which two keynote speeches were given, was prof. dr Predrag Pejović from the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. Prof. dr Tom J. Kazmierski from the University of Southampton, UK had a notable lecture on the subject of “Energy Harvesting in Electronics: From Low Power to Zero Power”. He gave a review of the academic and industrial state of the art in the energy harvesting technology with specific examples of small scale energy harvester systems which were recently developed and put into commercial practice. Prof. dr Octavio Nieto-Taladriz from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain had an interesting lecture about “Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks – New challenges”. He gave an introduction to the concept of Cognitive Wireless Sensor Network and discussed important characteristics of sensor node and sensor network architectures.
During this symposium 63 papers from 10 countries were presented. The 9th symposium paper authors are coming from: France, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Turkey, Spain, Poland, Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Switzerland and Serbia. All papers have passed through reviewing process by International Program Committee and technical adjustment by the Secretariat. The results show that the authors are familiar with modern trends in industrial electronics. In order to collect all presented papers, the book of abstracts has been published, with circulation 80 copies and proceedings with all full papers have been distributed to all participants after symposium. Apart from the symposium, student competition Hardware & Software H&S 2012 was held at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering/University of Banja Luka, Banja Luka, Bosnia&Herzegovina. For the competition 6 student teams of 5 members from Suceava (Romania), Skopje (Republic of Macedonia), Banja Luka (Bosnia&Herzegovina), Belgrade (Serbia), Nis (Serbia) and Novi Sad (Serbia) were in competition. The jury, consisting of eminent scientists, rewarded the best team. In addition to this a student's competition for the best student paper (seminar paper, diploma work, project of similar) was realized.

According to the work plan of the APOSTILLE project, organization of one special session at the INDEL’2012 was foreseen (and realized).

After careful review, five papers have been accepted for the special session on Organic and printed electronics in consumer electronics industry (more details can be found in Deliverable 5.4).

Conclusions of this symposium: One of the main conclusions of INDEL’2012 is to continue and intensify scientific cooperation between Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Banja Luka, Bosnia &Herzegovina and Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia. This collaboration should be in the domains of education (through visiting professors), R&D (through involvement both sides in new EU funded project proposals, TEMPUS project WBCInno is a good example) and exchange young researchers (currently Aleksandar Pajkanovic from Banja Luka is on PhD study program at FTS, Novi Sad). Additionally, free access for researchers from Banja Luka to the new equipment purchased within APOSTILLE project was agreed. A strategy for renovation of electronic industry in Ex-Yugoslavia region has been proposed.

In addition to 3 special session at international conferences whose organization is planned in APOSTILLE project, we have organized one special session more (within the foreseen budget in Annex I) at the Symposium INFOTEH, Jahorina, Bosnia & Herzegovina.
The aim of the Symposium is to gather the experts, scientists, engineers, researchers and students that deal with information technologies and their application in control, communication, production and electronic systems, power engineering and in other areas of interest for a faster and more successful development of the environment we live in. The Symposium pays special attention to young researchers and students by organising a special students’ session. During this symposium 260 papers from 6 countries were presented. On the INFOTEH2013, held at the mountain Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 20 to 22 of March 2013, is organized a special session devoted to the FP7 project APOSTILLE, called „Sensors of the future“. Six papers were accepted and presented within our special session. This special session attended by about 30 researchers. APOSTILLE project team used this manifestation for further promotion of this FP7 project to attendees and other visitors. In the lobby of the Hotel Bistrica, very near to the reception desk, APOSTILLE project results were exposed including flexible sensors, inductors and developed laboratory prototypes.

The Workshop 1 entitled “Printed electronics: materials, components and applications” was organized within FP7 APOSTILLE project “Reinforcement of Research Potentials of Technical Sciences in the Field of Post Silicon Electronics”, from 27th to 28th of April 2012 in Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia. This workshop was attended by 53 researchers and engineers from the Faculty of Technical Sciences, Serbia and from following institutions:
EU networking partners
- University of Catania (Italy)
- Laboratory for Silicon Epitaxial Nanostructures and Spintronics (Italy)
- Jozef Stefan Institute (Slovenia)
- Institute for Sensors and Actuators (Austria)
- Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
- Festo company (Austria)

WBC regional partners
- Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (Macedonia)
- University of East Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
- University of Banja Luka (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
- University of Podgorica (Montenegro)

Other partners
- Selcuk University (Turkey)
- University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (Switzerland)
- Novacentrix (USA)
- University of Santa Barbara (USA)
- Codeplanet (Serbia)
- Institute of nuclear sciences „Vinca“ (Serbia)
- Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy (Serbia)
- Faculty of Technology (Serbia).

The presentations at this Workshop have been divided in three thematic parts. The first was aimed to present the main achievements of the APOSTILLE project and results in the cooperation with EU networking partners, the second mainly devoted to the nanomaterials and nanoelectronics and within the third part exceptional results in the field of printed electronics were presented.

The Workshop 02 entitled “Printed, flexible and nano electronics” was organized within FP7 APOSTILLE project “Reinforcement of Research Potentials of Technical Sciences in the Field of Post Silicon Electronics”, from 09th to 11th of May 2013 in Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia. 52 researchers attended this Workshop. Apart from researcher from the Faculty of Technical Sciences, researchers and engineers from following institutions attended this event:
EU networking partners:
- University of Catania (Italy)
- Laboratory for Silicon Epitaxial Nanostructures and Spintronics (Italy)
- Jozef Stefan Institute (Slovenia)
- Institute for Sensors and Actuators (Austria)
- Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland)

Other partners:
- Selcuk University (Turkey)
- Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona (Spain)
- Cetemmsa (Spain)
- University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- Cetis d.d. Celje (Slovenia)
- Pulp and Paper Institute, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- Novacentrix (USA)
- Politechnica University of Bucharest (Romania)
- Ferrari Investment Group Limited (Italy)
- Institute of Physics, Belgrade (Serbia)
- Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy (Serbia)
- Faculty of Technology, Novi Sad (Serbia)
- Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad (Serbia)
- Faculty of Medicine, Novi Sad (Serbia)
- Faculty of Medicine, Nis (Serbia)
- Company Comex, Sabas (Serbia).

Presentations at this Workshop have been divided in four thematic parts. The first was aimed to present the main achievements in the cooperation with EU networking partners, the second part was devoted to presentations of other partners in the field, within the third part results of the APOSTILLE team members and Serbian partners were presented and finally forth part was devoted to the Steering Committee meeting and concluding remarks.

More details about Workshop 1 and Workshop 2 (including Agendas, abstracts and collected all PPTs) can be found in corresponding deliverables, Deliverable 5.2 “Printed materials from the Workshop 1” and Deliverable 5.5 “Printed materials from the Workshop 2”.

Work package 6: Dissemination and promotional activities
The main objectives of this work package are to increase the visibility of the APOSTILLE team, to diffuse the Project’s results within the EU and elsewhere as well as to increase the public awareness for the field of nano and organic/flexible/plastic electronics.

Four tasks have been envisaged within this work package: T6.1 Creation and maintenance of the Project web site; T6.2 Releasing news leaflets; T6.3 Organization of local meetings and info-days; and T6.4 Creating promotional videos and posters.

Regarding the first task T6.1 one of the important activities from the very beginning of the Project life has been to design and launch APOSTILLE web site. The creation of a dedicated web site, containing relevant APOSTILLE project information is significant to provide an efficient tool for the Project results broadcasting. The APOSTILLE web site is updated regularly in order to provide latest information to both members and other interested parties (scientists, industrialists, consumers, general public, etc.. Bearing in mind that the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, become a member of the Organic Electronics Association (OE-A), the APOSTILLE web site contains also logo of the OE-A.

The second task T6.2 is designed to inform interested and targeted groups about the APOSTILLE project achievements and reinforced capabilities of the Faculty of Technical Sciences, using selected articles and news printed as leaflets or brochures. Within this task, we prepared and printed starting flayers about the APOSTILLE project, flayers about in-house developed software tool Provod, informative brochures about the three pieces of the modern equipment purchased in the frame of the APOSTILLE project, flayers about the outcomes of the APOSTILLE project. These flyers and brochures were distributed to interested parties during meetings, info-days, workshops and conferences.

In addition to this, task T6.2 also include media coverage, including appearance of the APOSTILLE key personnel in the press and television, in order to ensure that results obtained within the Project will be disseminated to the public audience as widely as possible, in an interesting and popular way. The following activities are followed through media coverage:
- National TV station (“RTV Vojvodina”) reported on the APOSTILLE kick-off meeting
- Local magazine (“FTN NOVINE”) published four articles devoted to the project, up to now, (one about the Project generally, one about the incoming researchers, one about the lecture of the expert in the field - prof. Warren C. Oliver, USA and one about the best young researcher at the FTS, member of the APOSTILLE team, Nataša Samardzic).
- An article for diffusing ASPOTILLE activities has been published in the Journal of the University of Catania, Italy.
- National TV station (“RTV Vojvodina”) broadcasted a story (20/12/2011) about the installed equipment within the APOSTILLE project and first fabricated components, including a short interview with the Project Coordinator, prof. Goran Stojanovic. This has been an excellent opportunity for the promotion of the APOSTILLE project, and to increase the public awareness for flexible/printed electronics, bearing in mind that this informative program has a wide audience.
- National TV station (“RTV Vojvodina”) made 8 minutes story about the APOSTILLE project and its main results. This story was a part of the science-popular programme called “Mozaik”. This story broadcasted in the terms: Wednesday, 07/03/2012, in 9:30h and again in Saturday, 10/03/2012 in 12:10h. “RTV Vojvodina” TV station covers population around 2 millions of people.
- An article especially devoted to the APOSTILLE project was published in the International Innovation magazine and delivered on more than 1000 addresses, including the project partners, stakeholders, industrial representatives, etc.
- Daily magazine “Dnevnik” (with circulation 200.000) published (10/05/2013) an article in Serbian about Workshop 2 organized within the APOSTILLE project and also a short interview with the project coordinator Prof. Goran Stojanovic. The title of the article is “FTS is reinforced in the field of flexible and nano electronics.
- A profile of the APOSTILLE team from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia has been published in 5th edition of brochure on Organic and Printed Electronics – Applications, Technologies and Suppliers, published by OE-A in June 2013.

The third task T6.3 is devoted to the organization of different dissemination events, local meetings, info-days, etc. This part is describing different activities performed in order to present APOSTILLE project outcomes to wider community and to attract attention in population from pupils, through students, decision makers, stakeholders, etc.

16-18/11/2011 - The project coordinator, prof. Goran Stojanovic, presented the APOSTILLE project, the possibilities of new installed equipment and research results obtained within the project at the Ninth Students’ Meeting, “Processing and Application of Ceramics”, held at the Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia. More than 50 attendees from six EU countries (Germany, Italy, Romania, Ukraine, UK, France) attended this meeting and it was an excellent opportunity to diffuse information about the APOSTILLE project.

01/03/2012 - In order to disseminate project results and to attract potential students among high school population, presentation of the project activities and results was held in the Secondary School “Mihajlo Pupin” in Novi Sad, with attendance more than 150 pupils.

12/05/2012 - The promotion of the current results in the field of flexible/printed electronics was accomplished by the project Coordinator’s lecture on the Science Festival held, in Novi Sad, Serbia.

11/06/2012 - Meeting with the major of the city of Indjija, Goran Jesic – presentation of the achievements of the APOSTILLE project. The biggest business and technological park is now building in Indjija (Autonomous Province of Vojvodina) and it will be a great chance for cooperation in the near future.

11/07/2012 – Meeting with the Milica Vracaric, CEO of Regional Agency for small and medium enterprises (ALMAMONS) – presentation of the newest developed prototypes within the APOSTILLE project, making plans for participation in the Innovation Cluster of the region of Vojvodina.

14/09/2012 – Prof. Stojanovic (coordinator of the APOSTILLE project) had a meeting with Representatives of Provincial Secretary for Science and Technological Development, Rector and Vice-Rector of University of Novi Sad and Deans of 13 Faculties within the University of Novi Sad. This meeting was held on the Center for Technological Development, Andrevlje near to Novi Sad at Atrium Hall. Dissemination of the APOSTILLE project results was performed by prof. Stojanović during this meeting and promotional materials distributed among the attendees.

28/09/2012 – Workshop “Open FP7 calls for proposals”, held at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. This workshop provided an opportunity to familiarize attendees with the requirements for open calls for proposals in following areas: Environment (including Climate Change), Research for the benefit of SMEs, Nano sciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies, Energy Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES), and Industry Academia Partnerships Pathway (IAPP). Workshop was organized by the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad jointly with the European Enterprise Network ( and the Improved SME Competitiveness and Innovation Project ( It was 38 participants at this Workshop. The Workshop Program was as follows:
12.00 - 12.15 Welcome/opening remarks and promotional film about APOSTILLE project - Prof. Dr. Goran Stojanovic
12.15 - 13.00 Overview of the open FP7 calls for proposals and general requirements - Dr Dejan Ninkovic
13.15 - 14.00 Key steps for success in FP7 project proposal development; Bosko Nektarijevic ICIP
14.00 - 15.00 Analysis of participants project initiatives and open discussion – Dr. Thies Wittig.

28/09/2012 – “Researchers’ night” held in Novi Sad and prof. Stojanovic participated in one of the activities “Coffee with researcher” and during two hours many pupils, students, professors form secondary schools had opportunity to have impressions about all interesting research activities in the field of nanoelectronics and flexible electronics. Promotional materials of APOSTILLE project distributed to attendees of “Coffee with researcher” manifestation.

25/01/2013 – The APOSTILLE project achievement were presented during the info-day entitled “Improving competitiveness of Serbian companies through the transfer of new technologies and innovation support” held at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia. The most important lectures at this event (with 26 attendees) were:
o Rapid development of products and processes – Prof. Vesna Mandic, University of Kragujevac, Serbia
o IPR protection at the companies – Daniela Zlatic Sutic, Office for intellectual property, Republic of Serbia
o Quality control using optical machines – Vladan Lukovic, University of Kragujevac, Serbia
o Virtual production and reverse engineering - Prof. Vesna Mandic, University of Kragujevac, Serbia

11-12/05/2013 - Science Festival, Novi Sad, Serbia, Laboratory for Printed and Nano Electronics was opened for visitors to get acquainted with Dimatix printing machine acquired within APOSTILLE project. This was the opportunity to disseminate project results to the wider audience in Novi Sad.

08/06/2013 - Local meeting summarizing the project results among local researchers was held on Andrevlje, near to Novi Sad. There were 13 researchers participating this event.

12/06/2013 – Faculty of Technical Sciences organizes scientific symposium ETIKUM’2013, devoted to Measurement and testing of the engineering products. Members of the APOSTILLE team Sanja Kojic (PhD student), and Gordana Ostojic (associate professor) presented the following interesting lectures: “Measuring and testing materials in nanotechnology“, “Possibilities of ink-jet printed electronics“, and “Increasing efficiency of the system for dismantling products using identification technologies“. 48 attendees were present during this thematic session.

18/06/2013 - Closing meeting within the APOSTILLE project has been held in Novi Sad. This event was organized in order to summarize APOSTILLE project activities and outcomes and to foresee its prospects. With the intention to stress the significance of the sustainability of the APOSTILLE team the main topics during this event were: innovation transfer, smart specialization strategy, Horizon 2020, etc. It was 27 attendees of this event. The international experts in the field, Stephen J. Taylor, Italy and Prof Dr Eng Stelian Brad, Romania, presented interesting lectures devoted to innovation system and transferring innovation into products as well as smart specialization strategy. National expert Dr Bosko Nektarijevic, provided interesting talk related to the Horizon2020. All of these topics are very important for further development of the APOSTILLE team after the project formal end.
20/06/2013 – Clinical center of Vojvodina and Society for Biochemistry and Molecular biology of Vojvodina organize the International course of 1st category “Science and Society”, giving 7 credits for continual medical education. Prof. Goran Stojanovic, APOSTILLE project coordinator, was invited to deliver lecture entitled “Nanotechnology in modern science and medical research”. It was 19 attendees.

28-29/06/2013 – Seven members of the APOSTILLE team participated at the national meeting devoted to the Current state and prospects of electronic industry in Serbia, held in Petnica near Valjevo, Serbia. This meeting was organized in order to convince stakeholders that Serbia has capacities for big investment in Chip factory from the side of Emirates company Mubdala. It was an excellent opportunity to present the most important results of the APOSTILLE project.

The forth task within this work package was entitled T6.4 Creating promotional videos and posters. In the framework of the APOSTILLE project three promotional videos was made. Promotional movies devoted to the APOSTILLE project in English and Serbian language have been posted on YouTube on this links

In addition to this we have created ApostilleTube channel ( where we plan to upload all interesting materials as a result of this project.

In addition to this a wide range of posters for general promotion of the APOSTILLE project, as well as posters for presentation of our research results was also designed and printed.

Additionally, members of the APOSTILLE project participated at three industrial fairs and exhibitions: LOPE-C’2012, Munich, Germany, 19-21/06/2012; International fair of technique and technical achievements, Belgrade, Serbia, 13-17/05/2013; and LOPE-C’2012, Munich, Germany, 11-13/06/2013.

Potential Impact:
The APOSTILLE project set its ambition to pave the way for the strengthening of strategic international partnership with outstanding institutions elsewhere in Europe and improving research capacities (human and infrastructural) in the field of post silicon electronics.

The APOSTILLE project directly addressed the expected impacts listed in the FP7 Capacities Research Potential Work Programme in the way described as follows.
Better integration of the Faculty of Technical Sciences (research entity in WBC) in the European Research Area as a whole has been established through:
- strong links and strategic partnerships with EU partner institutions (Vienna University of Technology, Milan Polytechnic, University of Catania, Jožef Stefan Institute, Chemnitz University of Technology, FESTO company, EPFL), based on activities such as mobility, networking, sharing of both knowhow and experiences. During the APOSTILLE project life 8 two-way secondments, 25 short-term stays, 39 conferences attendance, 5 invited talks were realized. These activities provided the opportunity to develop even closer and better collaboration between FTS and involved EU partners and it resulted in new bilateral research projects (Italy-Serbia already submitted and two proposals Switzerland-Serbia are in preparation phase) and regular exchanges of personnel. These activities had a positive impact on fostering a multilateral cooperation by supporting R&D projects through the exchange of knowledge and expertise. Furthermore, researchers from Serbia, as a country in the WB region, are able to take advantage of their knowledge gained from this Project for easier access (more partners, better skills, higher competitiveness, etc.) to EU programmes. It strengthened the opportunity for participation of the Project team in thematic priorities within FP7 and 1 new FP7 project (SENSEIVER within FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN call; coordinated by prof. G. Stojanovic) started during this project. Members of the Apostille team participate in the new FP7-ICT project (EMPhAtiC, localy coordinated by S. Nedic). In addition 3 new project proposals are under review (FP7-FET, FP7-ICT and FP7-ERAChairs-PilotCall-2013)
- improved capability for practical and successful management of international scientific projects, following standards in the ERA, gained by training regarding R&D management skills. This facilitates the sustainability of the collaboration within the strategic partnership (with EU and regional partners). According to the Cordis report gained by Balkan Security Network (contact: Steve Quarrie), FTS as an institution has been successfuly participated or coordinated in 17 FP7 projects during the last several years.

Better integration of the Faculty of Technical Sciences in FP7 is one of the main goals in achieving sustainability of our research team. This has been achieved as a consequence of the following Project activities:
- acquisition of the state-of-the-art equipment (Dimatix ink-jet printing machine, Nanoindenter and HPC cluster) made us a more attractive partner in FP7 projects within NMP or ICT thematic priorities.
- acquired knowledge through two-way secondments improved our experience and skills in the field of nano and post silicon electronics. This knowledge is applied at FTS and new equipment is being used at the full extent. This resulted in new published articles in international journals (10 peer reviewed articles are published) which increased our visibility. Some research ideas is converted in useful prototypes, demonstrators and products (e.g. smart bookshelf).
- improved management and marketing skills (through employment of incoming managers and experiences gained through short visits to EU networking partners) as well as acquired knowledge on writing successful project proposals (through visits and close cooperation with our EU partners) increased possibility that the Project team participate in another FP7 projects. As a result there are 2 new FP7 projects and 3 are under review. Partner institutions take an active role in achieving impacts related to their involvement in FP7 projects. Consequently, this has a positive impact on FTS’s sustainability.

The RTD capacity and capability (human potential: new researchers and training of research staff, improvement of research management, scientific equipment) as well as the quality of research in the field of post silicon electronics carried out by the Faculty of Technical Sciences have been upgraded and reinforced by:
- hiring experienced researchers
- two-way secondments and training for FTS’s researcher staff,
- acquisition of new research equipment,
- participating at international scientific conferences.
The recruitment of incoming experienced researchers (Dr. Nikola Jeranče, Mr. Slobodan Nedić, Dr. Mirko Smiljanic, and Dr. Veljko Napijalo) have a “brain-gain” effect and is a driving force for knowledge transfer, quality assurance and research management improvement. These researchers have significant experience in scientific project management, which enhanced our research management skills. The engagement of new experienced researchers increased human potential of the APOSTILLE project team. Enlarging the RTD capacity was gained through acquisition of state-of-the-art scientific equipment. With new equipment FTS is the first institution in the region with fabrication facilities in the field of flexible/printed electronics. Moreover, we are able to perform characterization of electronics circuits at nano scale. Time and memory consuming design, simulation and verification electronic circuits can be conducted at new equipment. Investment into research infrastructure provided more researchers with access to outstanding research facilities, thus contributing to much better quantity, the high-quality and competitive research. The quality of research carried out by FTS has been additionally increased through two-way secondments, which has been a great opportunity for boosting knowledge-base and opening new research directions at the FTS. ?ur aim is that FTS would be an institution which other researchers want to visit (not only from Serbia and the WBCs, but around Europe) and work here because of the research strength and quality, as well as state-of-the-art equipment (currently, there is one researcher from India and several from Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Portugal, Poland, etc. working at FTS). Furthermore, participation at international conferences provided the Project team with information about the latest research results in the field of nano and post silicon electronics.

Accelerate the setting up of sustainable partnerships between the most competitive RTD entities established in the Western Balkan Countries, Member States and Associated Countries whilst boosting regional cooperation contributing to socio-economic needs has been achieved through the following ways:
- involvement of knowledgeable networking parenting organizations from EU Member States (Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Germany) with the aim of setting up sustainable partnerships in the field of nano and organic/flexible electronics. Regular exchanges of research staff between FTS and these EU partners is planned after the APOSTILLE project finished. We will continue existing collaboration in joint publications of some research results in international journals and conferences;
- since new research equipment are sophisticated or are unaffordable for researchers from our partnering institutions from Western Balkan region, an additional objective is also to compile them in use and support further development of the field of post silicon electronics in WBC. These research organizations has been included in the workshops and conferences which was organized within the APOSTILLE project.
- WBC knowledge-base increased through training seminars, short-visits and workshop attendances;
- promotion of high-quality research through the usage of new purchased equipment by our regional partners;
- increased job opportunities at regional level (measures to avoid “brain drain”). It has been achieved through making better career opportunities, better working conditions, access to hi-tech infrastructures at FTS, recruitment of incoming researchers, etc.
- indirectly thanks to the APOSTILLE project 9 new job positions have been already created;
- promoted public awareness on the role and impacts of the science and technology in society.

Impacts in numbers: The APOSTILLE project helped us to become a member of the Organic Electronics Association ( and it is used to promote the results and activities of the Project team to more than outstanding 30 organisations in the field in Europe (and elsewhere). Participation of the Project team in more than 7 collaborative research projects is targeted in the 3 years - post project period (mainly focused on FP7 research proposals, currently 2 projects are already ongoing). More than 50 researchers participated in each workshop organized within APOSTILLE project. Approximately 70-100 scientists and other stakeholders attended each international conference proposed in the Project’s action plan. More than 80 organisations and more than 300 top scientists and other key players in the field of post silicon electronics has been informed about APOSTILLE project and the Project team achievements through the web-site. About 35 researchers from FTS participated in the mobility and training activities. Publicity campaign supported by a diversified dissemination materials and mass media performances were implemented to cover wider research community and other interested audience at local, regional, WBC and EU level.

Five levels of dissemination and/or exploitation of the APOSTILLE project results (local level, regional, national, WBC and European levels) have been designed in order to ensure synergies with local, regional or national policies or programmes. The achieved results for each level are given below.

1. The local level
(a) Institutional. Through the overall progress of the APOSTILLE Project, the Faculty of Technical Sciences and University of Novi Sad have had great benefits. The purchase of new equipment was of huge importance for the FTS, UNS, as the lack of modern equipment for organic/flexible electronics and nanoelectronics hinder the quality of future research activities and results in these dynamic fields. Based on the purchased equipmen, laboratory for nano and printed electronic has been established where local researchers can work. The research capabilities of the organisation are increased with hiring the experienced researchers with a strong scientific and management background. By reinforcing the personnel, human resources of the university are enhanced. The purpose of exchange of know-how and experience activity was to enable our staff to participate in top trans-national teams and reach highest-level standards in research and management, and benefit from know-how and experience sharing. This lead to better R&D, while also having a positive impact on the attractiveness of the FTS and UNS as a partner in FP7 and future Horizon2020 projects.
(b) City of Novi Sad had great benefits from the successful realization of the Project. Organization of workshops and conferences in Novi Sad were good opportunity for researchers from EU and WBC partnering organizations to be hosted in Novi Sad. Through new equipment purchasing better working conditions in the emerging area of post silicon electronics has been created at FTS, UNS and consequently in Novi Sad. Return of Serbian experienced researchers in Novi Sad is a good sign for other researchers to come back in the country. Our intention to form a “post silicon valley” at FTS (Novi Sad), famous in the WB region and elsewhere, is still far from being reality. However, the exploitation of the results of this Project will help getting closer to this vision. Realization of this Project helped in promotion of Novi Sad as a city of great hospitality and kind atmosphere.

2. The regional level
Significant involvement of regional and national authorities ensured high level exploitation of the Project results and the sustainability of the Project team. To increase visibility of the Project outcomes to the wider community and to provide overall positive conditions for the successful realization of the Project and its far-reaching dissemination and effects, the following regional (from the Vojvodina Province) authorities have been included in the Project:
- Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development,
- Regional Agency for Development of Small and Medium Size Enterprises, Alma Mons, Novi Sad.
The representatives from these institutions were involved in the work of the Steering Committee with the aim of offering advice and making sure that APOSTILLE outcomes have as much impact as possible. Involvement of the regional and national authorities was a useful link between the Project team and other key players and stakeholders (SMEs, enterprises, end-users, etc.). This was a mechanism to ensure that prospective end-users had been informed of the APOSTILLE project, especially about the potentials of new purchased equipment and its applications. These institutions helped increasing the visibility of the APOSTILLE project results and the Project team expertise using own contacts in political, business and wider community levels.

3. National level
An important component of dissemination activities of the APOSTILLE project at the national level is strengthening our cooperation with domestic and foreign Small and Medium Enterprises previously gathered around the Cluster and now in the ICT-NET cluster. One of our goals within the Cluster is outsourcing of research activities from SMEs to our research institution. SMEs often do not have enough resources (time, knowledge, facilities) for deeper considerations of problems that go beyond standard engineering implementations of problem solutions in existing technology. Another objective is preparation of joint proposals in the FP7 Capacities theme, “Research for the benefit of SMEs”. In that direction our team cooperated with “La Citadelle inženjering” ( company from Novi Sad and prepared one FP7 project proposal. We have already several year long established contacts with some leading SMEs from Serbia working in the field of post silicon electronics: “ELSYS Eastern Europe”, “HDL Design House” and “Advanced Control Systems”. These activities have been broadened and several new companies (Frobas, Novel-IC, TES Electronic Solutions, etc.) are included in cooperation (so far mainly in the educational sector). It is our expectation that upon end of the Project these cooperating activities will be continued and deepened.
Participation of the Project team at 57th INTERNATIONAL FAIR OF TECHNIQUE AND TECHNICAL ACHIEVEMENTS (UFI), Belgrade, Serbia, also helped disseminating project results at national level since there were around 25000 visitors. Various disseminating activities such as TV interviews, newspaper articles etc. also made visibility of the Project much higher. Based on the know-how and expertise gained through the Project our team is able to participate as a partner within the initiative of Serbian Government to establish cooperation with ATIC, Mubadala Company for United Arab Emirates in order to build integrated circuit manufacturing factory in Serbia.

4. WBC level
To help spread excellence, exploit results and disseminate knowledge throughout the Western Balkan region, cooperation with four partnering organization has been established:
- Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, F.Y.R.O.M.
- University of East Sarajevo, East Sarajevo, Bosnia&Herzegovina,
- University of Banja Luka, Banja Luka, Bosnia&Herzegovina, and
- University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro.
A long-lasting cooperation has been already established with these institutions in the field of electronics within different projects (FP6, EU-SEE-GRID, TEMPUS, etc.). Collaboration with these networking partners has had a positive influence on further integration of the Balkan region into the ERA. Researchers from WBC partnering institutions participated at workshops and conferences organized within the APOSTILLE project and also have had access to newly purchased equipment. International conferences INDEL (organized by the University of Banja Luka) and INFOTEH (organized by the University of East Sarajevo) was a good opportunity for increasing the visibility of FTS excellence and know-how as well as for promoting outcomes of the Project to the wider scientific community in the WBC and to boost WBCs cooperation.

5. The European level
Establishing strategic partnership between FTS and EU networking partner institutions (DIEES - Italy, L-NESS - Italy, ISAS - Austria, FESTO - Austria, JSI - Slovenia, pmTUC – Germany, EPFL - Switzerland) lead to the formation of a new network in the field of nano and organic/flexible/plastic electronics. An important outcome of this Project is the creation of a group of excellent scientists whose skills cover a wide range of necessary competencies, able to lead the innovation and advance the research in these fields. This Project created the necessary conditions for overcoming the fragmentation between some very active and scientifically excellent European research groups, which have not had the opportunity to integrate and synergistically collaborate within the Framework Programmes. This project is the starting point for future excellent international research partnerships that will be maintained well beyond the duration of this Project. There are already two ongoing FP7 projects that have been initiated within the APOSTILLE. Through trans-national two-way secondments between FTS and its EU partners, research staff mobility and training were performed. These activities increase knowledge and experience of FTS research staff (especially early stage researchers) and improved their overall skills (practical, organizational, management, etc.). To spread and disseminate the Project results to the EU and wider research community, scientific papers at international conferences and journals are published (10 peer reviewed articles and 27 conference papers). Through these activities, the interest for the Faculty of Technical Sciences in the research community has been enlarged and consequently brought new research projects and innovative research directions. This resulted in a high quality of the published papers and high level of the citation impact score (the field of nano and post silicon electronics is a really emerging field and achievements in this field especially using new equipment have access to leading journals), which additionally contributed to the respectable position of our staff and established partnership with networking partners. A dedicated article about this Project has been published in magazine International innovation, by Research Media Ltd.

Enhanced professional skills of researchers and the improvement of technical infrastructure/equipment helped ease acceptance of best-practice standards of the ERA at FTS, thanks to the APOSTILLE project. Therefore, activities accomplished within this Project lead to better integration of the Faculty of Technical Sciences in the European Research Area. In that way, Europe expanded its research and industrial standards towards the less developed regions, such as the Balkan region as a whole.

List of Websites:

- APOSTILLE Project web site, , 2010

- APOSTILLE Tube Channel, 2012

Contact details:
Prof. Goran Stojanovic
Faculty of Technical Sciences
Trg Dositeja Obradovica 6
21000 Novi Sad
Tel: +381 21 4852552
Fax: +381 21 4750572