Final Activity Report Summary - QGNC (Is quantum gravity a noncommutative geometry?)
On the one side, together with the Rome group of Amelino-Camelia and his students, we establish the first steps of a Noether analysis on non-commutative spaces. Here, non-commutative spaces should be intended as spaces whose coordinates no longer commute. We worked on two particular cases, where the commuter is either a constant (we talk about a twist of the commutative space) or another coordinate (Lie algebraic deformation). In three publications we established the first steps towards a Noether analysis on these non-commutative spaces. Namely, we put into evidence conserved currents and charges associated to the symmetry of those non-commutative spaces, specifically rotations, boosts and translations.
The symmetries appear as a deformation of classical Minkovsky space, best expressed in terms of Hopf algebras. As a consequence, we found conserved currents which looks like a deformation of classical currents. Besides writing the explicit forms of these currents, the main result is the observation that these symmetries cannot be considered independently: for instance in the Lie-deformed Minkovski space, one cannot consider a transformation that does not include a translation part. Any symmetry transformation, in order to be mathematically coherent with the deformation, must include a certain amount of translation. This property, that has no classical counterpart, should now be expressed in a more systematic way, for instance in the framework of differential calculus on quantum group.
% On the other side, I continued my work on Connes' approach to non-commutative geometry. Especially I generalized to arbitrary dimensions the result obtained in a precedent work on the metric interpretation of gauge fields within a non-commutative geometry framework. This paper, rather technical, has been submitted to a mathematical review. The computations are long and difficult, illustrating that Connes's distance formula is far from trivial and certainly deserves more attention that it has nowadays. Together with a former student of Rome's group, we undertake the computation of Connes's distance formula on some examples of non-commutative spaces given by deformation of coordinates, namely the Moyal plane. The set of pure states of the corresponding algebra is unknown, so we tackle the case of non-pure states. Very interestingly it turned out that already in the classical case (i.e. the plane R^2) the result was interesting since the spectral distance provided by non-commutative geometry is closely linked to the so-called Monge-Kantorovich metric between probability distribution.
As a conclusion, these two years in Rome led to new and innovating results on noncommutative spaces, and a deeper comprehension of Connes' non-commutative geometry. Several contacts have been established, including R. Longo from the math department of Roma 2 University, Tor Vergata.