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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Corline Heparin Technology - Enabling Regenerative Medicine


Regenerative Medicine (use of cells and tissue to replace or heal impaired functions in the body, RM) is one of the fastest growing areas in today’s medicine, and has the potential to offer treatment to patients with diseases that are currently untreatable. In many new areas of RM there is however a need to improve the outcome of RM concepts and technologies for it to become a viable option to traditional medicine, or even to motivate the risk of clinical trials and treatments. One of the main problems in several RM areas is that a large portion of the cell and tissue material is lost or made dysfunctional during and shortly after transplantation and that the transplant does not connect to the host tissue as a functional new graft. The specific scientific objective of this project is twofold: 1) to clinically test and prove that Corline Heparin Surfaces (CHS) can be used to protect donated human insulin producing cells that are transplanted to severe cases of Diabetes Type 1 patients, and 2) to broaden the application of the technology and show that the CHS technology can function as a protective and revascularization promoting technology for other Regenerative Medicine areas. The goal is to show CHS’s further applicability to Liver Cell therapy, Xeno transplantation of Islet of Langerhans and to Tissue Engineering In addition to the detailed scientific objective, this project has a specific technological objective. The technological objective of this project is to, in partnerships with the participating SMEs, improve European top grade clinical Regenerative Medicine products by combining them with the CHS technology, transferring the application knowledge and integrating the CHS technology into the partners’ cell and tissue production processes, and to set up a reliable sourcing chain with supply and production of reagents and tissue products to end-user.

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call


EU contribution
€ 84 000,00
Kristinedalsvaegen 48
131 46 NACKA

See on map

Activity type
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Administrative Contact
Mats Wallnér (Mr.)
Total cost
No data

Participants (10)