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Unlocking potential of the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research for reinforced ERA integration and regional development

Final Report Summary - REFRESH (Unlocking potential of the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research for reinforced ERA integration and regional development)

Executive Summary:
The REGPOT project “Unlocking potential of the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research (IAR&FR) for reinforced ERA integration and regional development” acronym “REFRESH”.

Within the REFRESH project the Institute was strengthening existing cooperation, establishing new contacts and twinning with 14 leading European research centres in three areas of FOOD, BIODIVERSITY and HEALTH with a view of ensuring successful knowledge exchange. The two-way secondments, upgraded scientific equipment, training of the research and management staff resulted in the improvement of the quality of research at IAR&FR and its capacity and capability. This finds its confirmation in the results of the evaluation of Polish research entities announced in September 2013 by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The Institute, despite only 25 years of operation, acquired the highest A+ note and the status of the best research institute in agricultural sciences and one of the best twelve in life sciences. The A+ note was granted for the first time to 37 research units and could only be given to 3% of most prestigious scientific entities in Poland.
Implementation of REFRESH project brought the recruitment of competent professional management staff and the establishment of the Research Support Office (RSO). This was a significant outcome of REFRESH and one that has expanded beyond its initial purpose. Within the relatively short period covered by REFRESH, the presence of the RSO has had a significant influence on the project funding. RSO coordinated the submission of 5 new projects (financed at the national and regional level from the Structural Funds) and two on European level -one FP7 project (acronym TRAFOON) and one H2020 (acronym FUSION NIGHT), which generated additional 4.5 M € to the Institute's budget. Starting from two people, the full list of RSO staff members currently comprises 6 employees, responsible for the management of scientific and non-scientific projects, promotion activities and developing relations with agri-food industry in the region of Warmia and Mazury (Liaison Officer). The RSO is clearly valued by Institute staff and its operation has apparently resulted in an enhanced approval of research project’s applications.

Collaboration induced throughout implementation of Knowledge and Region Development (pol. WIRR) platform with the representatives of the public and private RTD sector in the region of Warmia and Mazury, regional authorities, SMEs, and the general public contributed to a significant improvement in the position of the Institute and its role in socio-economic development of the region. For the first time, and on a permanent basis, the staff of the Institute were recognized by the regional authorities and involved in the work of bodies determining the future shape of politics exercised by the region and for the region.

The decision to run the Institute overall research capacity and capability evaluation by European Commission independent experts and presenting its outcomes to the authorities at different level (national and regional) brought better recognition of the Institute, especially locally. Simultaneously, involvement of the authorities into REFRESH implementation resulted in setting up new links within the region which are of crucial importance for the success of follow-up measures after REFRESH implementation. The above mentioned new dimension of cooperation between the Institute and regional authorities points to achieving one of the REFRESH goals - unlocking potential of the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research for regional development.

To conclude, the REFRESH project proved to be of crucial importance for the Institute and gave rise to the pursuit of desired long-term goals within new EU financial perspective 2014-2020 and Horizon 2020.

Project Context and Objectives:
The Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research (IAR&FR) of the Polish Academy of Sciences supported by the project “Unlocking potential of the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research for reinforced ERA integration and regional development” acronym REFRESH, had the following objectives:
* Better integration of IAR&FR with the European Research Area via strengthening its existing links, establishing new contacts and twinning with leading European research centres in the areas of food, biodiversity and health.
* Improvement in the quality of research at IAR&FR and its capacity and capability due to upgraded scientific equipment, trained research and management staff as well as “brain gain‟.
* Increased contribution to a sustainable regional socio-economic development as well communication to authorities, general public, scientific community and SMEs.
* Building up capacity for the improved success rate of the IAR&FR’s applications in the European Research Cooperation programmes, in the FP7 in particular.

- Better integration of IAR&FR with the European Research Area
Within the REFRESH project the Institute worked with 14 leading European research centres establishing new contacts and exchanging the research staff in three main areas:
Food Area
• Institute of Food Research, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, United Kingdom
• UCD School of Agriculture, Food Science & Veterinary Medicine, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
• CSIC – Spanish National Research Council, Madrid, Spain
• Institute of Life Technologies, HES-SO Valais, Sion, Switzerland
• Department of Food Science and Microbiology, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Biodiversity Area
• Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel
• Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
• Institute for Molecular Animal Breeding and Biotechnology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Munich, Germany
• Institute of Veterinary Anatomy, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Health Area
• Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Physiology, University of Turku, Turku, Finland
• School of Life Sciences, Northumbria University, Newcastle, United Kingdom
• INRA – French Institute of Agriculture Research
• School of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
•Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, the Netherlands
Representatives of all the above mentioned institutions were invited to become members of the REFRESH project Advisory Board. During the project realization AB members participated in four meetings to assess the progress made within the project implementation, as well as to monitor its impact and objectives achieved. What is of crucial importance, 10 out of 14 institutions mentioned signed bilateral agreements for wider scientific cooperation with IAR&FR PAS.
Within the period from 2010 to 2014 Institute research staff upgraded their capability through participation in 13 different specialised training courses (instead of 8 initially planned), which allowed to significantly enhance the quality of research performed. Among the training courses organized, 7 of them took place in the Institute (94 researchers) to ensure as wide as possible dissemination of the knowledge, whereas 6 were held abroad (11 researchers).
In addition, 10 new research equipment items acquired within REFRESH allowed to enhance considerably the range and quality of research carried out in the Institute. The equipment is used both by qualified research staff and for training of PhD students. Furthermore, the upgraded infrastructure largely raised research capabilities and visibility of the Institute within the European Research Area.

- Increased contribution to a sustainable regional socio-economic development
The low level of economic development of the Warmia and Mazury Province was an urgent argument for establishing structures capable of knowledge transfer from the sector of research to regional authorities, policymakers, general public and especially to the SME‟s which are the actual job creators. This function was to be served by TransRegioArena (Knowledge Transfer Arena for Regional Socio-Economic Development), subsequently renamed Knowledge and Region Development (pol. WIRR) established within the project in selected areas of food, biodiversity and health. By leading theme-oriented seminars, workshops and discussion events, the IAR&FR fostered interchange with agri-food industry and provided a direct link for the Institute’s science programmes to the commercial sector and vice versa. Institute engaged in a dialogue with both knowledge users, i.e. manufacturers, entrepreneurs and consumers, and knowledge generation funders since many challenges the regional industry is facing can only be addressed by combining expertise from various scientific areas. Bringing together researchers and specialists from different scientific, industrial and administration centres, the IAR&FR actively facilitated a sustainable socio-economic development of Warmia and Mazury.

a) Knowledge and Region Development Workshops
During the project implementation 11 workshops were conducted, dedicated to issues of crucial importance to the regional challenges of food quality and safety, biology of reproduction and health. The workshops attracted more than 600 people from more than 70 institutions. Meetings were advertised in the local media and on the website of the Institute and the REFRESH project. Participants were representatives of: local administration, fish breeders, physicians, dieticians, food producers, animal producers and breeders, veterinarians, SME’s representatives, general public, researchers and students.

b) Communication to authorities, general public, scientific community and SMEs
Collaboration induced throughout implementation of Knowledge and Region Development (WIRR) platform with the representatives of the public and private RTD sector in the Warmia and Mazury region, regional authorities, SMEs, and the general public contributed to a significant improvement in the position of the Institute and its role in development of the region.
For the first time, and on a permanent basis, the staff of the Institute were recognized by the regional authorities and involved in the work of bodies determining the future shape of politics exercised by the region and for the region:
- Marshal's Office, Regional Steering Committee for Regional Innovation Strategy;
- Marshal's Office, Consultancy Group for Smart Specialization Strategy;
- Marshal's Office, member of the network of the Regional System of Services Institutions;
- The City of Olsztyn- Consultancy Group for Olsztyn Development Strategy to 2020;
- Science and Technology Park in Olsztyn, the Scientific Council.
Involvement of the authorities into REFRESH implementation resulted in setting up new links within the region which are of crucial importance for the success of follow-up measures after REFRESH implementation.

To ensure a successful unlocking the IAR&FR’s potential a number of REFRESH operational objectives (in the period 2010- 2014) have been implemented:

- Exchange of knowledge and experience with 14 leading research institutions. The plan was implemented with some excess for outgoing researchers - 140,5 person months instead of 137 initially planned, but with minor insufficiency for incoming visits - 61,3 person months instead of 65 planned.
- Recruitment of experienced researchers. 8 scientists including 2 returning Polish nationals were employed to strengthen the research capacity of IAR&FR within the area of food, biodiversity and health. Four of them have been employed by the Institute upon expiration of their work contract within the REFRESH project.
- Upgrading and/or purchase of research equipment. Due to tender procedures and savings made during realization of the project and thanks to the consent of the EC, 10 research equipment items, instead of 5 initially planned, were purchased. Research equipment acquired within REFRESH project significantly contributed to improving the quality of research carried out in the Institute. The equipment is used both by qualified research staff and for training of PhD students.
- Organization of conferences and workshops. In the period 2010-2014 Institute organized 10 international events: 7 conferences and 3 workshops, which in total attracted 1100 participants: general public, regional authorities, researchers and PhD students arriving from more than 37 countries worldwide. The events proved to be very successful taking into account both organizational efforts undertaken and scientific results obtained.
- Institute mobilization - staff training on specialized courses. All together 105 research staff participated in training courses in the field of specialized software and newly purchased equipment operation.
- Reshaping internal structure, promotion and propagation of research achievements via supported participation in 30 conferences/congresses. This objective was not fully realized as a result of internal rules stating that researchers who wish to participate in a conference/congress (with REFRESH support) should either have an oral presentation or chair a session. What is more, many scientists had also other projects (financial resources) enabling them to cover the attendance to the conferences. In total the participation of 19 out of 30 persons planned were supported by the REFRESH project.
- Project promotion activities with a communication platform meeting socio-economic needs of the region. Promotion activities were the key successful activity within REFRESH thanks to a highly motivated young REFRESH employee who joined the Research Support Office for the position of Public Relations Officer. Her knowledge dissemination activities addressed to project target audiences: policy makers, industrial partners, scientists and general public gained wide media coverage and were recognized at the national level – in 2013 she received a national title of the "Science Populariser 2013” of the Polish Press Agency for encouraging contact between scientists and the media.
- External evaluation by independent experts assigned by the European Commission. The decision to run the Institute overall research capacity and capability evaluation by European Commission independent experts and presenting its outcomes to the authorities brought a better recognition of the Institute, especially locally.

Project Results:
REFRESH Project was the Coordination and Support Action within REGPOT initiatives, therefore there are not scientific and technological results, apart from the scientific publications resulting from two-way secondments between IAR&FR and 14 leading European research institutions.
Potential Impact:
Dissemination activities

To increase the visibility of both the Institute and outcomes of the project at regional, national and international level wide-scale dissemination activities have been launched by the Institute. Knowledge regarding the areas of food, health and biology of reproduction generated by IAR&FR scientists during secondments, conferences, workshops and research projects has been disseminated to the stakeholders through various means of communication, depending on the target audience addressed. Personalized promotional materials, such as leaflets, folders, promotional videos and gadgets enabled the addressees to get familiarized with REFRESH objectives, leading to an increase in the awareness about the Institute, its research and achievements. To enhance the public recognition and understanding of research results generated by the Institute and to promote scientific careers among young people the Institute engaged in the organization and participation in various science festivals or open days of both local and national range. With an aim to boost the transfer of Institute’s scientific findings popular science articles of IAR&FR’s research staff have been published in Institute’s newsletter (RE)FRESH-letter, regional press and Poland’s most recognized science platform (Science in Poland, ed. by Polish Press Agency). What is more, Institute’s scientists have been frequently invited in the role of experts to elaborate upon issues of public concern in radio broadcasts. IAR&FR’s radio programmes “Morning Academy of Sciences” and “Summer Academy of Sciences” have been enthusiastically accepted by the public and will be continued upon REFRESH closure. In addition, IAR&FR’s conferences, workshops and science popularization initiatives have gained a wide attention in several TV stations, both of regional and national range. What is more, its research activities were the subject of popular science programmes in Poland’s prime TV station.

Promotional materials
1. Website
REFRESH website has been designed to promote the project and to provide project stakeholders with the information concerning the current activities ongoing within REFRESH and IAR&FR. Thanks to this interactive method of promotion and information flow, the participants have been able to get familiarized with the events organized by the Institute, delivered lectures, conferences, workshops, photos from these events and multimedia presentations in a clear, friendly and coherent way.

2. Visual Identification
With an aim to make REFRESH project recognizable, the development of its individual visual identification took place. The color design of REFRESH logo corresponds to the three areas of project focus, i.e. FOOD (blue) HEALTH (red) and BODIVERSITY (green). The logo has been placed on all promotional materials and releases in order to ensure visibility of the ongoing project and coherence of the dissemination policy.

To raise the awareness about the progress made within REFRESH realization the Institute has started publication and dissemination of the (RE)FRESH-LETTER. The bulletin provides reviews of conferences, workshops, outgoing and incoming visits made within the secondment programme, success stories and descriptions of profiles of international partners. What is more, the letter contains important guides associated with the opportunities of applying for funds with EU programmes and other reports of partners. The main channel of newsletter distribution is the Internet, where it is sent in the electronic form to all REFRESH partners and companies cooperating with the Institute. Enthusiastic and complimentary opinions about the publication prompted its dissemination on a wider scale. The letter has been printed and distributed in hard copies during various seminars, conferences and events to all participants interested in the project or the activity of the Institute.

Dates of publication:
I issue- March/April 2011 II issue- July/August 2010 III issue- September/October 2011 IV issue- December 2011/January 2012 V issue- April/May 2012 VI issue- July/August 2012 VII issue – November 2012 VIII issue – March 2013 IX issue – August 2013 X issue – January 2014
The newsletters may be viewed on

4. Give-away promotional materials
To strengthen and facilitate the dissemination activities undertaken within the project REFRESH leaflets and flyers have been elaborated with an aim to provide information on the fundamentals and objectives to be reached within the project. They also contained data about the structure, research profile, scientific aims of IAR&FR, as well as about projects ongoing in the Institute.
REFRESH promotional gadgets, such as pens, notebooks or pendrives, served the purpose of attracting audience at various events and strengthening the awareness of the project.
The leaflets and gadgets were distributed during at conferences, workshops, seminars, science festivals and any events, REFRESH stakeholders participated in or contributed to.
Around 5000 copies of leaflets (in two language versions) and 20 000 gadgets have been distributed during the project implementation.

5. Video releases

The creation and dissemination of unified and personalized promotional materials constituted an important point on the list of project activities, enabling the three target groups to get familiarized with REFRESH objectives and, therefore, leading to an increase in the visibility and awareness about the Institute, its research and achievements. The most significant tools of this initiative have been IAR&FR’s advertising spot broadcast in regional television and a 25-minute long promotional movie about the Institute (in two language versions - Polish and English) disseminated and released during various events organized by the Institute and taken by researchers going on secondments to partnering Institutions. The movie is comprised by three parts, each dedicated to a different group of knowledge users (general public, scientific community and representatives of industry).

• INSTITUTE - LIFE (addressee: general public)
Exploring the research conducted in the Institute that has a crucial role in ensuring the well- being of humans.

• INSTITUTE - SCIENCE (addressee: scientific community)
Presentation of the scientific potential of the Institute and its areas of expertise.

• INSTITUTE - BUSINESS (addressee: industry)
Invitation for the industry and business sector to engage in collaboration with the Institute.

All videos can be viewed on Institute’s website:

6. Popular-science articles in the press
To promote the REFRESH project and improve Institute’s visibility on both local, national, as well as international level, efforts have been undertaken to present the above mentioned in the press of a different dissemination range. Advertisements of the project, seminars and workshops to be held, appeared in publications directed to residents from Warmia and Mazury, as well as the entire Poland. A considerable success has been noted in the case of an insert added to the local newspaper titled SCIENCE FOR REGION, EUROPE AND THE WORLD, containing popular-science articles written by scientists from IAR&FR. Articles elaborated upon issues of public concern connected with the quality and safety of food, human health and biology of reproduction. The publication has been printed and is still being dissemination on the occasions of various events organized by the Institute.
Dates of publication:
(i) 10/11/2011
(ii) 13/12/2012
(iii) 30/03/2013
(iv) 29/04/2013
(v) 20/05/2013
(vi) 31/10/2013
(vii) 18/06/2014
All inserts may be viewed on

Channels of dissemination
With the aim to facilitate the communication with general public, increase its engagement in the dialogue on the issues that crucially affect health and well-being, as well as to foster the transfer of Institute’s knowledge and expertise to its stakeholders, information about IAR&FR and the REFRESH project activities as well as promotional materials have been disseminated during science festivals, exhibitions, meetings and other events. A continuous making effort was made to ensure that achievements made within REFRESH and, consequently, within the Institute, are presented in an appealing and comprehensible form to all stakeholders. We have focused on raising the awareness of advances in the state of the art knowledge in food research, animal reproduction and human well-being, promoting engagement via issues of significant relevance to the public sector, popularizing science and inspiring next generations of researchers.

1. Science festivals dedicated to general public
Olsztyn Science and Art Days and the European Night of Scientists
Dates: 22/09/2010, 21-31/09/2012, 26/09/2012, 27/09/2013
IAR&FR Open Day
Dates: 21/09/2011, 21/09/2012, 27/09/2013, 10/05/2014
Academy of Young Nobel Prize Winners
Dates: 17/05/2013, 25/05/2012, 18/06/2011
University of Kids
Dates: 08/06/2013, 07/12/2013
Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Centre
Dates: 28/05/2011, 12/05/2012, 15/06/2013, 31/05/2014
Popular science workshops
Dates: June 2014
Chemistry workshops
Dates: 14/01/2014

2. Meetings dedicated to scientific communities, business stakeholders and governmental bodies
Second Warmia and Mazury Economic Panel, Date: 06/12/2010
VI Regional Exhibition of Innovation titled “Transfer of Technology and Innovation”, Date: 15/11/2011
“Connecting Science with Industry” Conference, Date: 24/04/2012
The Week of Innovative Regions WIRE 2012, Date: 04/06/2012
POLAGRA International Trade Fair for Food, Dates: 08/10/2012, 30/01/2014
Boomerang seminars (science to business workshops)
Dates: 19/04/2012, 06/06/2012, 26/06/2012
“B+R in agri-food industry for sustainable development of EU convergence regions” Conference
Date: 21/06/2013
Regional Exhibition of Innovation titled “Innovation in Warmia and Mazury intelligent specializations”
Date: 19/12/2013
WIRR workshops
Dates: 16/06/2011, 08/12/2011, 16/05/2012, 28/05/2012, 16/06/2012, 14/12/2012, 19/04/2013, 08/05/2013, 08/07/2013, 20/03/2013, 20/08/2014

3. Open Lectures
One of the activities aimed at popularization and dissemination of foreground among research community is the organization of open lectures. REFRESH open lectures is a series of oral tutorials conducted by the partners of the project and invited guests. The thematic scope of lectures includes food, biodiversity and health. Lectures have been directed to both scientific staff and Ph.D. students of the Institute, members and students of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, as well as to all stakeholders interested. Invitations to the lectures were always displayed on REFRESH website. During the implementation of REFRESH project ten lectures were realized attracting in total over 250 people.

4. Radio broadcasts
A powerful channel of dissemination, taking into consideration the challenge of addressing simultaneously all three diversified REFRESH target groups, proved to be radio broadcasts elaborated by IAR&FR’s scientists: the Summer and Morning Academy of Sciences. The broadcasts featured research activities conducted in the Institute stressing the potential effect of results achieved on the health and well-being of the society, as well as their beneficial effect for the economic development of the region. Listeners of the broadcasts could take part in contests where they answered the questions connected with the subject discussed in the interviews with Institute’s scientists. Handing on the prizes took place in the Institute, what gave listeners the opportunity to share their opinions on the auditions, suggest some changes or discuss topics directly with Institute’s staff.

(I) Summer Academy of Sciences (July – September 2012) 10 eight-minute long broadcasts

(II) Morning Academy of Sciences (March – June 2013) 25 three-minute long broadcasts

What is more, Institute’s scientists have been frequently invited in the role of experts to elaborate upon issues of public concern in radio broadcasts aired on a regional scale.

5. TV stations

With the objective of ensuring as wide as possible dissemination of REFRESH outcomes The Institute has markedly intensified its cooperation with regional TV. A considerable media coverage was gained by Institutes’ research achievements, conferences, workshops or science festivals, i.e. Institute’s Open Day on 09.05.2014 was broadcast live in the national television as an example of well-run initiative funded by the European Union. What is more, IAR&FR’s scientists have been frequently interviewed in the role of experts on the current issues of public concern. In addition, REFRESH conferences and workshops were given regional TV patronages and summarized in news broadcasts.
A list of TV programmes can be viewed on Institute’s website

6. Press
a) Printed press
Numerous advertisements of the project itself, its objectives and outcomes to be achieved, as well as workshops and seminars being organized have been published in newspapers of regional, national and international range, e.g.:
Regional press – Olsztynska Newspaper - Review on REFRESH Food and Quality Conference; Functional bread products for Warmia and Mazury population Workshops

National press - Rzeczpospolita Newspaper- ”Grants and European Funds” supplement- advertisement of the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn and the REFRESH project.

International press - International Innovation monthly- interview titled “Refreshing Research Potential” with Prof. Mariusz Piskuła and Dr. Tomasz Jeliński, and an article titled “Maintaining positive progress”, encouraging the reader to get familiarized with the functioning of the Institute and the opportunities it gains thanks to realization of the REFRESH project.

These publications have been printed and are continued to be disseminated during events organized by the Institute.

b) Electronic press
One of the most crucial activities when it comes to the dissemination of REFRESH outcomes and research achievements of the Institute, that will be continued upon project closure, is the publication of articles written by IAR&FR’s scientists on a nationally recognized platform dedicated to the most burning challenges contemporary science is tackling – Science in Poland edited by Polish Press Agency.
These articles include e.g.: IAR&FR’s research on cats’ reproduction (i) and on the prohealth qualities of food (ii)

7. Social media
Activities undertaken by the Institute within the REFRESH project have been also widely disseminated through various social media channels. IAR&FR’s promotional videos (described in the section Promotional materials) have been broadcast on world’s popular video-sharing website These together with press releases, media coverages, conferences or workshops announcements, events photo galleries have been regularly shared on Institute’s profile on social platforms and – world’s most powerful internet communication tools.

Results of dissemination activities

Dissemination policy of the Institute with regard to REFRESH outcomes has been nationally recognized by the Science Popularization Committee of the Polish Press Agency, led by the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences – Prof. Michał Kleiber. The Committee awarded REFRESH-employed Science Communicator the title of “Science Popularizer 2013” for exemplary information policy and quality of information provided.

What is more, since January 2014 the Institute has become the national patronage of the Polish Academy of Kids – an organization dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge among school children, hoping to inspire future generations of researchers.

Last but not least, in May 2014 the European Commission recognized the quality of IAR&FR’s knowledge transfer to its stakeholders by granting the Institute subsidies to organize (as one of 4 centres in Poland) this and next year’s Marie Curie European Researchers’ Night in Olsztyn – Europe wide public and media event for the promotion of research careers. This project is to be managed by Research Support Office created within the REFRESH project. What is more, the project will be supported by REFRESH partners and stakeholders from the regional administration (e.g. Olsztyn City Hall, Warmia and Mazury Marshall’s Office) and industrial circles (SME’s working in the agri-food sector). The event will, therefore, not only significantly contribute to facilitating the dissemination of REFRESH outcomes and Institute’s achievements within the areas of food, biodiversity and health on a regional level, but also will strengthen the links between IAR&FR and its stakeholders established during the implementation of REFRESH.

All promotional materials and videos developed during the implementation of REFRESH will continue to be disseminated upon the closure of the project to emphasize its impact on the current state of knowledge generated in the Institute.
